Lampropeltis alterna
Gray-banded Kingsnake
1977 PPEWa 0.0.9 hatched during 1977. Copulation 19 Jun, 4 eggs laid
20 Jul, 4 hatched 25 Sep. Copulation 19 Jun, 5 eggs laid 31 Aug,
0 hatched. Copulation 19 Jul, 5 eggs laid 31 Aug, 5 hatched
27 Oct 1977.
1977 PPWJ 0.0.5 hatched 28 Jul 1977 from 5 eggs laid 12 May.
1977 WOOW 0.0.18 hatched from (3 clutches) 22 eggs laid during 1977.
1978 FORT bred during 1978.
1978 PPEWa 0.0.30 hatched during 1978. Copulation 25 Mar, 8 eggs laid
4 May, 8 hatched. Copulation 29 Mar, 8 eggs laid 3 May, 8
hatched 3 Jul. Copulation 30 Apr, 8 eggs laid 12 Jun, 8
hatched 10 Aug. Copulation 7 May, 5 eggs laid 12 Jun, 2
hatched 10 Aug. 5 eggs laid 7 Jun, 4 hatched 5 Aug 1978.
1978 WOOW 0.0.15 hatched from 23 eggs laid (2 clutches) during 1978.
1979 DALT bred during 1979.
1979 PPEWa 0.0.32 hatched during 1979. Copulation 28 Mar, 9 eggs laid
2 May, only 1 hatched. Copulation 28 Mar, 7 eggs laid 15 May,
7 hatched 14 Jul. Copulation 5 May, 6 eggs laid 14 Jun,
5 hatched. 5 eggs laid 8 Jun, 5 hatched. In 1979 one female
recycled as follows, copulation 12 Mar, 10 eggs laid 5 May,
9 hatched 10 Jul, Copulation 18 May, 5 eggs laid 22 Jun,
5 hatched.
1979 WOOW 0.0.7 hatched during 1979.
1980 BALM 0.0.3 hatched 8 Aug from 8 eggs laid 8 Jun 1980. Three eggs
were damaged thru adhesion to the floor of the cage. Copulation
17 & 26 Apr 1980.
1980 DALT 0.0.31 hatched during 1980.
1980 GLAT bred during 1980. Also bred in prior years.
1980 PPEWa 0.0.12 hatched during 1980. Copulation 9 Apr, 7 eggs laid
May 27, 6 hatched 28 Jun. Copulation 27 May, 6 eggs laid 22
Jun, 6 hatched 16 Aug 1980.
1980 PPGS bred during 1980.
1980 PPRA bred during 1980.
1980 PPWJ 0.0.7 hatched 19 Sep from 7 eggs laid 6 Jul 1980. Female
captive born in 1975.
1981 DALT 0.0.23 hatched during 1981.
1981 PPHT 0.0.18 hatched during 1981.
1981 PPJR 0.0.51 hatched during 1981.
1981 PPRA 0.0.15 hatched during 1981.
1985 BALM 0.0.2 hatched during 1985.
1985 DALT 3.6.4 hatched in 1985.
1985 PPLRd 0.0.1 hatched in 1985 and 2 full term embryos.
1985 PPRW 0.0.4 hatched during 1985.
1985 PPTR 0.0.24 hatched during 1985 from 3 females. Female # 1
double clutched. 14 eggs (6 infertile), 0.0.8 hatched. 2nd
clutch, 8 eggs laid (2 infertile). 0.0.6 hatched. Female # 2,
10 eggs laid, 0.0.9 hatched. 1 pair of not-quite-identical twins
(both females) from one egg. Female # 3, 5 infertile eggs laid.
1985 PPVS Bred during 1985.
1985 TARA 0.0.7 hatched during 1985 from a captive breeding.
1986 DALT 0.0.2 hatched during 1986.
1986 PITP Bred during 1986. Female died while laying eggs, male died
shortly after. 98% hatching rate on eggs laid.
1986 PPEI 0.0.1 hatched during 1986. 1 egg laid July 17th, 1 hatched
Sept 19th.
1986 PPHC 0.0.12 hatched Aug 22-23, 1986.
1986 PPLRd 0.0.13 hatched during 1986, 10 Blair's morph, 3 Alterna
morph. Also 2 babies hatched from a single egg.
1986 PPRA Bred during 1986.
1986 PPTTc 0.0.19 hatched hatched during 1986 from 3 females.
1986 TARA 0.0.2 hatched during 1986.
1986 ZOOE 0.0.3 hatched during 1986.
1987 PPHC 0.0.3 hatched Aug 22nd & 23rd.
1987 PPRA bred during 1987.
1987 TARA 0.0.1 hatched during 1987.
1987 ZOOE 0.0.3 hatched during 1987.
1988 DALT 0.0.2 hatched during 1986.
1988 PPHC 0.0.1 hatched Aug 14,1988.
1988 PPRA bred during 1988.
1988 PPRSc All specimens are placed into hibernation around the middle
of December after having been fed on or as close to Dec 1st
as possible. They remain in hibernation until March 1st.
During hibernation, water is not left in the boxes with the
specimens. Water is given every ten days or so, and specimens
are warmed to about 75 degrees F. at these times. Following
this, they are returned to the hibernating temperature of
65 degrees F. Upon leaving the hibernation cycle, males
and females are kept separated. Females are fed as much as
they will eat, while males are fed only once weekly. This
seems to keep the males more agressive and they breed more
readily. On April 1st males are introduced to females, and
mixed in and out until a copulation has occurred. Specimens
are not allowed to copulate on the aspen bedding they usually
have for a substrate. These small particles of wood have a
tendency to stick to the males hemipenes and can sometimes be
withdrawn after copulation. This can cause abscess and has
proved fatal on several occasions.
Eggs are laid approximately six weeks after copulation,
and ten to twelve days after the gravid female has shed.
Females are separated from males as soon as they are known to
be gravid. A "tupperware" type nest box works well. Eggs are
placed in gallon jars. Incubation temperature is kept at a
constant 80 degrees F. Eggs hatch from 56-72 days. It is
recommended that newly hatched babies are NOT excessively
handled or popped (sexed) until after their first shed
and (optional) their first feeding. By use of a local vet
vet and by x-rays, we found that the spine of newly hatched
babies were a lot like the skull of newborn babies; it takes
takes time for them both to fuse together. This probably
holds true for most baby snakes.
1989 KNOT 0.0.7 hatched during 1989.
1989 PPHC 0.0.2 hatched 27 Aug 89.
1989 PPRA bred during 1989.
1990 PPRA bred during 1990.
1990 ROEC 0.0.4 hatched 27 Jun 90 from eggs laid 26 Apr.
1991 GLAT 0.0.5 hatched during 1991.
1991 PHIP 0.0.1 hatched during 1991.
1991 PPGSc 0.0.17 hatched during 1991. (3 clutches).
1992 PHIP 1.6.0 hatched during 1992.
1992 PPBTa 0.0.5 hatched during 1992 from 1 clutch.
1992 PPHC 0.0.4 hatched 6 Sep 1992.
1992 PPJZ 0.0.4 hatched during 1992, 55 days incubation.
1992 SEDK 0.0.6 hatched during 1992.
1993 PHIP 3.1.0 hatched during 1993.
1993 PPHC 0.0.3 hatched 25 Aug 93.
1993 PPJHd 0.0.11 hatched during 1993. 11 eggs laid 7 June, 8 fertile,
9 eggs laid 10 May, 3 fertile.
1993 PPRA bred during 1993.
1993 ROEC 0.0.1 hatched 5 July 93.
1994 PHIP 0.0.1 hatched during 1994.
1994 PPEP 0.0.1 hatched during 1994 from two clutches laid by two f
1994 PPHC 0.0.8 hatched 24-25 Aug 1994.
1995 PHIP 0.0.1 hatched during 1995.
1995 PPHC 0.0.6 hatched 19 Aug 1995.
1996 PPEP 8.7.0 hatched during 1996 from 17 eggs laid in 2 clutches
by two females.
1996 PPLV bred during 1996.
1996 PPRA 0.0.25 hatched during 1996.
1997 PHIP 0.0.9 hatched during 1997. 6 did not survive.
1997 PPHC 0.0.5 hatched Sep 20, 1997.
1997 PPPCd 0.0.8 hatched during 1997 after 64 days incubation.
1997 ROGR 0.0.4 hatched 28 Aug 1997.
Lampropeltis alterna
Blair's Morph
1981 PPEWa bred during 1981.
1981 PPFS 0.0.5 hatched during 1981.
1981 PPJR 0.0.48 hatched during 1981.
1981 PPTL bred during 1981.
1987 PPTS bred during 1987. 2 females.
1988 PPKT hatched during 1988.
1989 PPBTa bred during 1989. Copulation in April - May, eggs laid
June, hatched late August.
1995 PPLV bred during 1995.
Lampropeltis alterna
Alterna Morph
1981 PPEWa bred during 1981.
1985 PPTLa 0.0.15 hatched during 1985.
1987 PPTS bred during 1987. 2 females.
1988 PPBBc 7 eggs laid on May 25.
1988 PPKT hatched during 1988.
Lampropeltis calligaster
Lampropeltis calligaster ssp.
Prairie Kingsnake
1978 NATW 0.0.2 hatched during 1978, 1 did not survive.
1980 HOUT bred during 1980, normals and albinos.
1993 PPRA bred during 1993. Albino and heterozygous.
Lampropeltis calligaster calligaster
Prairie Kingsnake
1976 PPRBa Young hatched 17 Aug 1976 from a wild caught gravid female.
1981 HOUT bred during 1981, normal and albino.
1981 PPEWa bred during 1981, albino.
1985 PPDI 0.0.2 hatched. 9 eggs were laid May 5th, 2 hatched July
10th, captive bred.. The two that hatched had spinal kinks,
remaining eggs contained 5 dead and 2 severely deformed.
1985 PPHC 0.0.1 hatched during 1985.
1986 PPDI 0.3.0 hatched July 15th. Laid May 5th.
1986 PPDM Bred during 1986.
1986 PPHC 0.0.5 hatched July 7-8, 1986.
1987 PPCS 0.0.14 hatched during 1987. Captive-bred female laid 14
eggs, all hatched.
1987 PPDI bred during 1987.
1987 PPHC 0.0.4 hatched July 11 - 12, 1987.
1988 PPHC 0.0.1 hatched Aug 13,1988.
1989 PPHC 0.0.7 hatched during 1989. 5 hatched 19-20 July 89. 2
hatched 25 July 89.
1989 PPJPc bred during 1989.
1989 PPJZ 0.0.11 hatched during 1989.
1990 PPHC 0.0.7 hatched 5 Aug 90.
1991 PPHC 0.0.2 hatched 4 Aug 91.
Lampropeltis calligaster calligaster
1985 PPVS Bred during 1985.
1986 PPLRd 0.0.1 hatched during 1986.
1986 PPRA Bred during 1986.
1987 PPRA bred during 1987.
1988 PPRA bred during 1988.
1989 PPRA bred during 1989.
1990 PPRA bred during 1990. Also heterozygous.
Lampropeltis calligaster calligaster
Heterozygous For Amelanism
1985 PPVS Bred during 1985.
1987 PPRA bred during 1987.
Lampropeltis calligaster rhombomaculata
Mole Kingsnake
1979 FORT bred during 1979.
1980 FORT 0.0.12 hatched during 1980.
1981 FORT 0.0.10 hatched 17 - 20 Jun from 12 eggs laid 20 Apr 1981.
1985 PPVS Bred during 1985.
1986 PPLRd 0.0.5 hatched during 1986.
1991 PPJRa bred during 1991.
1993 PPJZ 0.0.1 hatched during 1993.
Lampropeltis getula
Lampropeltis getula ssp.
Common Kingsnake
1977 PITP 0.0.8 hatched during 1977, 1 did not survive.
1989 NATW 0.0.1 hatched during 1989.
Lampropeltis getula californiae
California Kingsnake
1977 PPMMa bred during 1977.
1977 WOOW 0.0.3 hatched from 4 eggs laid during 1977.
1978 PPMMa bred during 1978.
1978 SADC 0.0.2 hatched during 1978.
1978 WOOW 0.0.8 hatched from 20 eggs laid in three clutches during
1979 FORT bred during 1979.
1979 HOGU bred during 1979.
1979 LOSC 0.0.5 hatched during 1979.
1979 MILW bred during 1979.
1979 PPEWa 0.0.10 hatched during 1979. Copulation 25 Apr, 5 eggs laid
1 Jun, 5 hatched. Copulation 30 Apr, 5 egs laid 7 Jun, 5
1979 PPMMa bred during 1979.
1979 ROEC 0.0.10 hatched during 1979. Three wild bred females were
gravid when received. 10 eggs laid 21 Jul, 11 eggs laid 28 Jul,
9 eggs laid 31 Jul. Incubated in moist vermiculite, 80 - 85
degrees F., eggs from 21 Jul lost. 10 hatched from the
remaining two clutches.
1979 WOOW 0.0.8 hatched during 1979.
1980 FORT 0.0.11 hatched during 1980.
1980 PPDB 0.0.7 hatched during 1980.
1980 PPEWa 0.0.37 hatched during 1980. Copulation 3 Mar, 5 eggs laid
14 Apr, 3 hatched 18 Jun. Copulation 12 Apr, 8 eggs laid 19 May,
8 hatched 15 Jul. Copulation 19 Apr, 6 eggs laid 29 May, 6
hatched 19 Jul. Copulation 13 Apr, 12 eggs laid 27 May, 11
hatched 20 Jul. Copulation 5 Apr, 9 eggs laid 19 May, 9
hatched 13 Jul 1980.
1980 PPGL 0.0.8 hatched during 1980.
1980 PPJMb 0.0.8 hatched 10 Jun from 9 eggs laid 30 Apr 1980.
1980 PPMMa bred during 1980.
1981 FORT 0.0.7 hatched 5 - 6 Aug from 7 eggs laid 9 Jun 1981.
1981 PPEI 0.0.5 hatched during 1981.
1981 PPEWa bred during 1981, albino.
1981 PPJMb 0.0.17 hatched during 1981.
1981 PPJR 0.0.36 hatched during 1981, 6 albino, and 30 hetero.
1981 PPRA 0.0.12 hatched during 1981.
1981 PPSO 0.0.24 hatched during 1981, 14 albino, 10 hetero.
1981 PPTLa 0.0.2 hatched during 1981.
1981 STLM 0.0.10 hatched during 1981.
1985 PPDI 6 eggs laid June 3rd, 1.5.0 hatched 22-27 August. 7 eggs
laid June 8th and 9th, 3.3.1 hatched August 31st - Sept. 5th.
1985 PPEI 0.0.2 hatched during 1985. 8 eggs laid June 6th, 2 hatched
Aug 4th from a captive breeding.
1985 PPHC 0.0.6 hatched during 1985.
1985 PPJGa 4 eggs laid 7/9/85. 2 were infertile. Incubated in moist
vermiculite at 80 - 85 degrees F. Temperature varied due to
incubator malfunction. 2 hatched 17 Sept. Incubation 70-71 days.
1985 PPKFb 3.3.0 hatched during 1985. One male hatched aberrant,
blotched with saddles, striped, and banded. Parents were caught
in Story Co., Nevada where no history of striping occurs.
1985 PPRGc bred during 1985.
1985 PPRGd 0.0.2 hatched during 1985. 4 eggs laid, 2 hatched 05/23/85.
1985 PPRHc 0.0.15 hatched during 1985 from a captive breeding.
1985 PPSMb 0.0.22 hatched during 1985. 18 month old striped albino
female laid 6 eggs, 1 hatched. 21 normals hatched from
two other females.
1985 PPVS Bred during 1985.
1985 ZOOE 0.0.6 hatched during 1985.
1986 COLO 0.0.6 hatched during 1986.
1986 GRAC 0.0.3 hatched Sept 9,1986, albinos.
1986 LINI 0.0.5 hatched during 1986.
1986 PPBCa Bred during 1986 - albinos.
1986 PPBG 0.0.9 hatched during 1986. Heterozygous male bred with
heterozygous female. 9 eggs laid 5/17. 3 amelanistic and 6
normal hatched July 21 & 22. 1 normal spinal deformes.
1986 PPDI 5.7.0 hatched during 1986. 2.1.0 hatched Aug 30 - Sept 1st.
Laid June 6th.; 3.6.0 hatched Sept 9-13th. Laid June 17th.
1986 PPEI 6.8.14 hatched during 1986. 9 eggs laid June 5th, 9 hetero-
zygous hatched Aug 3-5.; 10 eggs laid June 11th, 9 hatched
Aug 7th.; 5 eggs laid June 16th, 5 heterozygous hatched
Aug 16th.; 6 eggs laid June 20th, 5 albino hatched Aug 20th.
1986 PPHC 0.0.7 hatched during 1986. 6 hatched Aug 14-16th. 1 hatched
1986 PPLKb 0.0.13 banded hatched during 1986. Copulation April 14th,
shed May 6th, 13 eggs laid May 22nd, all hatched July 20-24.
1986 PPLRd 0.0.9 hatched during 1986, striped albinos.
1986 PPSMa 26.26.0 hatched during 1986. 8.5 amelanistic banded, 8.9
amelanistic striped, 5.5 heterozygous striped, and 5.7
yumensis subspecies.
1986 PPTLa Bred (Melanistic - chocolate phase) during 1986.
1986 SADC 0.0.9 hatched during 1986.
1986 TRAS 0.0.6 hatched during 1986, captive bred.
1986 ZOOE 0.0.10 hatched during 1986.
1987 GRAC 0.0.3 hatched Aug 14, 1987.
1987 PPBCa 0.0.28 hatched during 1987. 2 clutches of 13 & 15.
1987 PPBG 0.0.1 hatched during 1987.
1987 PPBTa 0.0.22 hatched during 1987. Several clutches, and many
infertile eggs.
1987 PPDI bred during 1987.
1987 PPHC 0.0.3 hatched Sept 9th.
1987 PPJGa hatched during 1987. 8 eggs laid 6-20. All were fertile but
none hatched due to incubator malfunction.
1987 PPSB 4.4.0 hatched during 1987. Copulation observed from May
19th thru June 9th. Female shed June 27th and laid 8 eggs July
10th. Eggs hatched from Sept 4th - 10th, reflecting an
incubation period ranging from 56 to 63 days, a mean of 59.5
days. All eggs hatched.
1987 PPSR bred during 1987.
1987 PPTR 5.3.0 hatched during 1987. Eggs laid in July.
1987 ZOOE 0.0.10 hatched during 1987.
1988 GRAC 1.1.15 hatched during 1987. 0.0.19 hatched during 1988.
1988 PPBBc 8 eggs laid on May 26.
1988 PPBCa 0.0.22 hatched during 1988.
1988 PPDMe 0.0.51 hatched during 1988. Striped albino, copulation
March 8,1988, 7 eggs laid, 6 hatched; Amelanistic, Copulation
March 3,1988, 5 eggs laid, 5 hatched; Amelanistic, 7 eggs laid
7 hatched; Banded, copulation April 4,1988, 6 eggs laid, 6
hatched; Heterozygous, copulation April 10,1988, 7 eggs laid,
7 hatched; Heterozygous banded, copulation April 16,1988, 9 eggs
laid, 9 hatched; Heterozygous banded, copulation May 20,1988,
3 eggs laid, 3 hatched; Heterozygous, copulation April 22,1988,
3 eggs laid, 3 hatched.
1988 PPGMc Female #l: 4 eggs laid on June 1st, all hatched. Female #2:
7 eggs laid on May 16th, 6 hatched July 28,1988. 5 eggs laid on
July 9th, all bad.
1988 PPJPc bred during 1988.
1988 PPKE bred during 1988.
1988 PPSB 0.0.10 hatched during 1988. Copulation occurred from
April 23rd - May 14th. Female shed June 15th and laid
11 eggs July 2nd. 10 eggs hatched Aug 24 - Sept 8,1988.
One egg opened Sept 10th and a full term dead embryo was
inside. Incubation ranged from 53-58 days. Sex ratio of
young was 7.3. Lengths of young ranged from 13" to 15",
mean of 13 3/4".
1988 SADC 0.0.7 hatched during 1988.
1988 ZOOE 0.0.13 hatched during 1988.
1989 CANE 0.0.14 hatched during 1989.
1989 FORT 0.0.8 hatched 18 July 89.
1989 GRAC 0.0.3 hatched during 1989.
1989 PPBCa bred during 1989.
1989 PPBTa bred during 1989. Copulation during March & June, eggs
laid April - May, hatched June - August. Most females double
1989 PPHC 0.0.7 hatched 3-5 Aug 89.
1989 PPJMh 2.4.0 hatched during 1989. Copulation 20-24 April & 5
May 89. Female last ate 5 May 89 and stayed in warmest part of
cage (85 degrees F.). Prelaying shed 29 May 89. 7 eggs laid
14 June 89, one was infertile. Eggs incubated in moist
vermiculite 78-90 degrees F. Young hatched 13-19 Aug 89.
60-66 days incubation.
1989 PPJPc bred during 1989.
1989 PPPWa bred during 1989.
1989 PPRD bred during 1989.
1989 ZOOE 0.0.4 hatched during 1989.
1990 GRAC 0.0.40 hatched during 1990 (several clutches).
1990 PPRD bred during 1990.
1990 PPRHe bred during 1990.
1990 SADC 0.0.5 hatched during 1990.
1990 ZOOE 0.0.4 hatched during 1990.
1991 ASSI bred during 1991, normal and albino.
1991 BIRA bred during 1991.
1991 NATS 0.0.3 hatched during 1991.
1991 PPFBa 2.8 hatched during 1991. 2.6.0 banded kings hatched from 8
eggs in Aug 91. 0.2.0 albino kings hatched from 4 eggs in
Aug 91.
1991 PPGSc bred during 1991.
1991 PPHC 0.0.15 hatched 29 - 30 Aug 91, twinning occurred in one
1991 PPRC 0.0.5 hatched during 1991. Hibernation 2 Mar - 7 May 91,
8 eggs laid 15 July, 5 hatched 9 Sep 91. Double heterozygous.
1991 PPRD 0.0.26 hatched during 1991. Female # 1 laid 11 eggs 30 May,
10 hatched 21 - 23 Jul 91, one egg bad. Female # 2 laid 8 eggs
8 May, all hatched 28 Jun - 1 Jul 91. 2nd clutch of 8 eggs laid
5 Jul, all hatched 1 - 3 Sep 91.
1991 PPRHe 0.0.50 hatched during 1991. (several clutches).
1992 FORT 3.3.0 hatched during 1992.
1992 PPBTa 0.0.404 est. hatched during 1992. 44 clutches, Albinos,
striped, hetero, yellows, etc.
1992 PPHC 0.0.11 hatched 25 - 26 Aug 1992.
1992 PPJM 5.4.1 hatched during 1992. Hibernation at 65 degrees F.
Oct 91 - Mar 92. Female introduced to male's cage 24 Mar 92,
copulation immediate. Female shed 29 Apr and laid 11 eggs
13 May. 5.4.1 hatched (1 infertile) in 60 days. Incubation
84 degrees F. (14 days post shed, 50 days post copulation).
1992 PPJZ 0.0.21 hatched during 1992, 60 days incubation. 14 were
normal phase, 7 were "yumensis".
1992 PPZJ 0.0.3 hatched Sep 1992.
1993 FORT 0.0.8 hatched 6 - 8 Aug 93.
1993 PPDS 0.0.4 eggs hatched from a clutch of 9 eggs laid 12 June 93.
1993 PPGT 0.0.8 hatched during 1993. Both striped and banded.
1993 PPHC 0.0.7 hatched 22 - 24 Aug 93.
1993 PPJZ 0.0.8 hatched during 1993.
1993 PPMMf 0.0.12 hatched during 1993. 12 eggs laid, 7 hatched. 5
eggs laid, 5 hatched. Incubation 75 degrees F. Incubation was
3 months.
1993 SADC 0.0.8 hatched during 1993.
1994 MEMT 0.0.9 hatched during 1994.
1994 PPBLa 0.0.13 hatched during 1994. 2 clutches of 11 and 6. All
heterozygous for albino.
1994 PPHC 0.0.11 hatched 5-6 Sep 1994.
1994 PPPCd 0.0.6 hatched during 1994. Incubation 63 days.
1994 PPRA bred during 1994. Albino and normals.
1995 PPHC 0.0.6 hatched 28 - 30 Aug 1995.
1995 PPLV bred during 1995.
1996 PPGT 0.0.14 hatched during 1996.
1996 PPLV bred during 1996.
1996 PPRA 0.0.10 hatched during 1996.
1996 RION 0.0.9 hatched during 1996.
1997 PPHC 0.0.9 hatched Sep 13 - 18, 1997.
1997 PPPCd 0.0.7 hatched during 1997 after 58 days incubation.
Lampropeltis getula californiae
1985 PPBCa 0.0.12 hatched during 1985.
1985 PPTLa 0.0.31 hatched during 1985.
1985 PPVS Bred during 1985.
1986 PPRA Bred during 1986.
1986 PPTTc 0.0.15 hatched hatched during 1986.
1987 GRAC 0.0.14 hatched during 1987. 8 Aug 7th, and 6 Oct 6th.
1987 PPDMe 0.0.8 hatched during 1987.
1987 PPJPc 15.11.0 hatched during 1987. 59-64 days.
1987 PPRA bred during 1987.
1988 PPRA bred during 1988.
1988 PPTB 2.2.0 hatched during 1988.
1989 PPRA bred during 1989.
1989 PPTB 0.0.7 hatched during 1989. 7 eggs laid 21 June 89. All
hatched 21 Aug 89.
1990 PPRA bred during 1990.
1993 PPRA bred during 1993.
Lampropeltis getula californiae
Heterozygous For Amelanism
1985 PPBCa 0.0.6 hatched during 1985.
1985 PPRW 0.0.15 hatched during 1985.
1985 PPVS Bred during 1985.
1987 PPDMe 0.0.10 hatched during 1987. 6 heterozygous & 4 albino.
1987 PPJPc 7.11.0 hatched during 1987. 59-64 days.
1987 PPRA bred during 1987.
1993 PPRA bred during 1993.
Lampropeltis getula californiae
1992 PPGT 0.3.0 hatched during 1992.
Lampropeltis getula californiae
1985 PPTR 0.0.21 hatched during 1985 from a single female that
double clutched. First clutch 10 eggs laid, 9 hatched.
Second clutch 12 eggs laid, all hatched.
1992 PPGT 2.1.0 hatched during 1992.
Lampropeltis getula californiae
Amelanistic - Striped
1987 PPDMe 0.0.13 hatched during 1987. clutches of 6 and 7.
1987 PPTS bred during 1987.
1989 PPKE bred during 1989.
Lampropeltis getula californiae
1985 PPTLa 0.0.3 hatched during 1985.
Lampropeltis getula floridana
Florida Kingsnake
1976 TOLO 0.0.3 hatched during 1976.
1977 WOOW 0.0.18 hatched during 1977.
1978 WOOW 0.0.19 hatched from 20 eggs laid.
1979 HOGU bred during 1979.
1980 PPWJ 0.0.12 hatched 28 Aug from 16 eggs laid 20 Jun 1980.
1981 PPEWb 0.0.8 hatched during 1981.
1981 PPWJ 0.0.16 hatched during 1981.
1985 PPEI 0.0.10 hatched during 1985. 10 eggs laid July 15th, 8
hatched Aug 29th from a captive breeding
1986 PPEI 9.3.0 hatched during 1986. 8 eggs laid June 4th, 4 hatched
July 27th.; 10 eggs laid July 18th, 8 hatched Sept 8th.; 3
eggs laid Aug 14th, none hatched.
1987 PPDMe 0.0.23 hatched during 1987. 15 & 8.
1987 PPLKa 0.0.8 hatched during 1987.
1988 PPKE bred during 1988.
1989 SANF 0.0.16 hatched during 1989. A pair is housed in a large
fiberglass unit (4' X 3"). It is designed in a naturalistic
manner, with rocks and leaf litter along with plants and limbs.
They have bred every year since 1984. Copulation was
observed 20 Feb 89. On 11 July 89 17 eggs were laid
in a planter filled with soil. Eggs were placed in a shoe
box with vermiculite and incubated at 84 degrees F. in an
isolette. Between 3 & 7 July 89 l6 eggs hatched,
one was infertile. All young survived.
1989 ZOOP bred during 1989.
1990 DREF bred during 1990.
1990 SANF 0.0.16 hatched during 1990. Copulation 3 Feb, 16 eggs laid
3 Apr. Incubated at 84 degrees F. 25 May 90 all 16 hatched.
They have successfully bred for the last six years.
1991 PPJRa bred during 1991.
1991 ZOOP bred during 1991.
1993 SANF 0.0.9 hatched during 1993. Male and female are housed
together in a 4'x4'x5' high fiberglass unit. Temperature in
room 80 degrees F. Breeding behavior is often observed in and
out of breeding season. 13 May female laid 10 eggs (9 good 1 bad)
in damp sphagnum moss in enclosure. The egg mass was incubated
at 84 degrees F. with the eggs submerged 1/2 way into damp
vermiculite - misted three times a week. Fifty days later
they hatched and were put into separate shoe boxes.
1993 UTIN 0.0.8 hatched during 1993.
1994 SANF 0.0.2 hatched during 1994. 1.1 are housed together in a
4' X 4' X 5' high fiberglass unit with a naturalistic design.
The room is set at 80 degrees F. Breeding behavior is often
observed with this pair both in and out of breeding season.
16 Mar the female laid 14 eggs in damp sphagnum moss in
enclosure. Eggs were incubated at 84 degrees F. in damp
vermiculite - misted 3 times per week. Fifty-six days
incubation, 2 hatched.
1995 LOWF 0.0.10 hatched 11 May 1995.
1995 SANF 0.0.24 hatched during 1995. 13 eggs laid 28 Feb. Eggs
incubated 84 degrees F. in damp vermiculite. 26 - 20 Apr twelve
hatched. 5 May female laid 2nd clutch of 12 eggs, all 12
hatched 21 - 24 Jun 1995.
Lampropeltis getula "brooksi"
Not A Valid Subspecies
1985 PPVS Bred during 1985.
1986 PPRSa 0.0.9 hatched during 1986. 9 eggs laid June 11th, all
1990 PPRO bred during 1990.
Lampropeltis getula "goini"
Not A Valid Subspecies
1981 PPEWa bred during 1981.
1985 PPEI 0.0.9 hatched during 1985. 11 eggs laid June 15th, 9
hatched Aug 15th from a captive breeding.
1986 PPSMa 3.4.0 hatched during 1986. 9 eggs were laid.
1987 PPDMe 0.0.6 hatched during 1987.
1987 PPWL 0.0.35 hatched during 1987. Copulation March 22nd, 14 eggs
laid May 4th, 14 hatched July 5-7th. The same pair copulated
again May 22nd, 11 eggs laid July 17th, 11 hatched Aug 19-21
The same female, without copulating again, laid 10 eggs Aug 19th,
all hatched (date not recorded). All 35 eggs hatched with
perfect healthy young.
1988 PPDMe 0.0.5 hatched during 1988. Copulation March 3,1988, 5
eggs laid, 5 hatched.
1994 PPRA bred during 1994.
1996 PPAWa 0.0.21 hatched during 1996. 23 eggs were laid by a six
year old female on 5 Jun, 21 hatched into "normal" offspring on
30 Jul 1996. Last year had only 16 eggs and all were infertile.
Last year adults were cooled to about 65 degrees F. This
past year adults were cooled to 55 degrees F.
1996 PPRA 0.0.2 hatched during 1996.
Lampropeltis getula getula
Eastern Kingsnake
1981 PPMCa 0.0.8 hatched 27 - 29 Jun from 12 eggs laid 29 Apr 1981.
1985 PPLRd 0.0.33 hatched in 1985 from 3 females.
1986 PPEI 0.0.16 hatched during 1986. 21 eggs laid July 10th, 16
hatched Aug 10th.
1986 PPLRd 0.0.84 hatched during 1986. From 3 females.
1987 PPDMe 0.0.14 hatched during 1987. 1 & 3 from wild caught adults
and 10 hatched from 9 eggs from a captive breeding.
1988 LINI 0.0.2 hatched during 1988.
1988 PPDMe 0.0.36 hatched during 1988. 4 eggs laid, 4 hatched;
Copulation June 12,1988. 13 eggs laid, 13 hatched; Copulation
May 3rd, 9 eggs laid, 9 hatched; Copulation March 26th,
7 eggs laid, 7 hatched; Copulation June 16th, 3 eggs laid,
3 hatched.
1989 NATW 0.0.3 hatched during 1989.
1989 PPRHe bred during 1989.
1990 DREF bred during 1990.
1990 PPRHe bred during 1990.
1991 PPJRa bred during 1991.
1994 PPPCd 0.0.57 hatched during 1994. 23 eggs were in one clutch.
Incubation 51 - 61 days.
1997 PPPCd 0.0.9 hatched during 1997 after 60 days incubation.
Lampropeltis getula holbrooki
Speckled Kingsnake
1979 FORT bred during 1979.
1980 FORT 0.0.8 hatched during 1980.
1980 PPRJ 0.0.14 hatched 15 Aug from 14 eggs laid 2 Jul 1980 by
a wild caught gravid female.
1981 FORT 0.0.10 hatched 13 - 14 Jun from 16 eggs laid 20 Apr 1981.
Albino female, hetero male, 4 albino, 6 hetero hatched.
1981 PPEWb 0.0.8 hatched during 1981.
1985 PPHC 0.0.15 hatched during 1985.
1986 DICM 0.0.5 hatched during 1986.
1986 OKLO 0.0.10 hatched during 1986.
1986 PPHC 0.0.7 hatched Aug 1st.
1986 PPKHa 0.0.13 hatched during 1986. A female laid 13 eggs June 24th
1987 DICM 0.0.10 hatched during 1987.
1987 OKLO 1.1.0 hatched during 1987.
1987 PPHC 0.0.9 hatched Aug 1st - 3rd. 3 did not survive.
1988 OKLO 0.0.30 hatched during 1988.
1988 PPGMc 0.0.9 hatched during 1988. 10 eggs laid April 20th, all
hatched June 18,1988.
1988 PPSB 0.0.8 hatched during 1988. Lone female caught Nov 4,1987,
shed June 4th, laid 8 eggs June 24th. Eggs hatched
Aug 5-10,1988. Incubation ranged from 42-47 days. Sex
ratio of young was 3.5. Lengths of young ranged from 9 1/2"
to 11", mean of 10 1/4". The adult female must have fertilized
the eggs by stored viable sperm, since no male was present.
1989 COTE 0.0.12 hatched during 1989.
1989 OKLO 0.0.16 hatched during 1989.
1989 PPHC 0.0.6 hatched (5 deformed) 10-11 Aug 89.
1990 AUDL 0.0.5 hatched during 1990.
1990 NATS 0.0.5 hatched during 1990.
1990 OKLO 0.0.5 hatched during 1990.
1990 PPHC 0.0.8 hatched 22 - 23 Aug 90.
1991 COTE 0.0.1 hatched during 1991.
1991 PPGSc bred during 1991.
1991 PPHC 0.0.10 hatched 10 - 15 Oct 91, 3 did not survive, 3 were
1991 WESEa 0.0.4 hatched during 1991.
1992 OKLO 0.0.18 hatched during 1992.
1993 OKLO 0.0.20 hatched during 1993.
1993 PPHC 0.0.2 hatched 24 - 25 Aug 93.
1994 PPHC 0.0.1 hatched 11 Sep 1994.
1994 PPRA bred during 1994. Normal and albino.
1995 PPHC 0.0.9 hatched 3 - 5 Sep 1995. Includes 3 deformed, 1 did
not survive.
Lampropeltis getula holbrooki
1986 PPRA Bred during 1986.
1987 FORT 0.0.11 hatched Aug 13th.
1987 PPRA bred during 1987.
1988 PPRA bred during 1988.
1989 PPRA bred during 1989.
1990 PPRA bred during 1990. Also heterozygous.
1993 PPRA bred during 1993.
Lampropeltis getula holbrooki
Heterozygous For Amelanism
1987 PPRA bred during 1987.
1993 PPRA bred during 1993.
Lampropeltis getula nigra
Black Kingsnake
1981 PPEWb 0.0.18 hatched during 1981.
1985 PPBG 0.0.9 hatched during 1985 from a wild bred female.
1985 PPEI 0.0.34 hatched during 1985. 19 hatched 07/15/85 from 20
eggs laid 05/15/85. 15 eggs from a second female 05/18/85 all
hatched 07/16/85. Both were captive bred.
1985 PPJMa 0.0.10 hatched 08/08/85 from a wild caught female.
Incubation 58 days.
1985 PPKFb 14 eggs laid in June. 0.0.15 August 1985. One egg
contained two live fully formed hatchlings. These died approx.
two weeks after birth.
1986 PPEI 10.16.0 hatched during 1986. 11 eggs laid May 31st, 10
hatched July 27th.; 16 eggs laid June 10th, 15 hatched
July 27-28.; 2 eggs laid July 16th, 1 hatched Sept 8 th.
1987 PPJMa 0.0.10 hatched during 1987. Wild caught female deposited 10
eggs May 2nd, All 10 hatched July 5th.
1987 PPLKa 0.0.6 hatched during 1987.
1988 PPDMe 0.0.7 hatched during 1988. Copulation March 26,1988,
10 eggs laid, only 7 hatched.
1991 PPFBa 2.2 hatched from 5 eggs in Sep 91.
Lampropeltis getula nigrita
Desert Black Kingsnake
1980 OKLO bred during 1980.
1980 PPJC 0.0.5 hatched 11 Sep from 10 eggs laid 3 Jul 1980.
1981 OKLO bred during 1981.
1981 PPJR 0.0.18 hatched during 1981.
1981 PPMCa 0.0.11 hatched during 1981. Female # 1. 8 eggs laid 16 Jul,
5 hatched 6 Sep, 1 hatched 7 Sep, 2 infertile. Female # 2 laid
10 eggs 19 Jul, 4 hatched 25 Sep 1981, 6 infertile.
1985 OKLO 0.0.14 hatched during 1985 from a captive breeding.
1985 PPHC 0.0.12 hatched during 1985.
1985 PPVS Bred during 1985.
1986 ARIA 0.0.7 hatched Sept 22-26,1985.
1986 PPBG 10 eggs laid May 16 th. 3 fertile, none hatched.
1986 PPHC 0.0.11 hatched July 26-27, 1986.
1987 PPBCa 0.0.3 hatched during 1987.
1987 PPHC 0.0.6 hatched Aug 3rd.
1988 PPHC 0.0.3 hatched Aug 6,1988.
1988 PPRA bred during 1988.
1989 ARIA 0.0.12 hatched during 1989. 6 hatched 26-27 Aug 89, 6
hatched 24 June 89.
1989 PPBCa bred during 1989.
1989 PPRA bred during 1989.
1990 PPHC 0.0.4 hatched 25 Aug 90.
1990 PPRA bred during 1990.
1990 PPRHe bred during 1990.
1991 HOGU 0.0.5 hatched during 1991.
1992 LINI 0.0.5 hatched during 1992.
1992 PPBTa 0.0.4 hatched during 1992.
1993 LINI 0.0.5 hatched during 1993.
1993 PPHC 0.0.2 hatched 2 Sept 93.
1993 PPRA bred during 1993.
1994 HOGU 0.0.7 hatched during 1994.
1994 PPRA bred during 1994.
1996 PPRA 0.0.10 hatched during 1996.
1997 PPHC 0.0.4 hatched Sep 13, 1997.
Lampropeltis getula splendida
Desert Kingsnake
1981 PPEWa 0.0.8 hatched during 1981.
1985 PPEI 0.0.8 hatched during 1985 from a captive breeding. 8 eggs
laid June 9th, 8 hatched Aug 8th.
1986 PPDI 2.3.0 hatched Aug 14-18th from 8 eggs laid May 18th by two
1986 PPEI 0.0.7 hatched during 1986. 7 eggs laid May 31st, 7 hatched
July 26-27.
1987 PPBTa 0.0.2 hatched during 1987.
1987 PPDI bred during 1987.
1989 PPBTa bred during 1989. Copulation during March & June, eggs
laid April - May, hatched June - August. Most females double
1989 PPJMh 4.3.0 hatched during 1989. Hibernated adults from November
to early March at 62-68 degrees F. in a dark room. Copulation
6-7 & 23 April. Shed 17 May and laid 12 eggs 29 May. Within
three weeks, 5 eggs turned dark and collapsed. All were
fertile. Hatching 31 July - 4 Aug 89. Moist vermiculite
at 78-90 degrees F. was used. Hatching 63-67 days.
1991 PPGSc 0.0.1 hatched during 1991, from a clutch of 6.
1992 PPBTa 0.0.53 hatched during 1992 from 5 clutches.
1992 PPJM 6.5.0 hatched during 1992. Adults hibernated 1 Nov 91 -
14 Mar 92. Average temperature 62 -65 degrees F. Copulation
21 Mar & 10 Apr 92. Female shed 19 Apr and laid 11 eggs
7 Jun 92. (19 days past shed, 58 days after copulation).
6.5.0 hatched 4 Aug 92 after incubating 58 days at
84 degrees F.
1997 PPPCd 0.0.15 hatched during 1997. Two clutches 8 and 7, hatched
after 59 days incubation.
Lampropeltis getula sticticeps
Outer Banks Kingsnake
1985 PPTK Hibernation 02/01/85 - 03/13/85 with 6 hours of 60 watt
incandescent light a day for 6 weeks at 60 degrees F. 1st clutch:
copulation May 25th, 7 hours observed. 12 eggs laid June 25th.
Incubated at 82 degrees F. at about 80 % humidity. 0.0.12
hatched July 28 - 31. 2nd clutch: Copulation 25 July, observed
for 5 1/2 hrs. 7 eggs laid 16 Aug. Incubated at 82 degrees F.
at about 80% humidity. 0.0.7 hatched 26 - 13 Oct 85. Female
bred same male for both clutches.
1988 PPPLa 0.0.3 hatched during 1988. 4 eggs laid, 3 hatched.
Lampropeltis getula getula x L. g. floridana
Hybrid Or Intergrade
1981 OKLO bred during 1981.
Lampropeltis getula splendida X L. g. holbrooki
Hybrid Or Intergrade
1980 FORT bred during 1980. Albino.
1981 PPGC 0.0.44 hatched during 1981.
Lampropeltis mexicana
Lampropeltis mexicana ssp.
1981 DALT bred during 1981.
1988 DALT 4.2.0 hatched during 1988, and 0.0.1 hatched during 1987.
Lampropeltis mexicana greeri
Greer's Kingsnake
1980 PPEWa 0.0.11 bred during 1980. Copulation 17 Mar, 6 eggs laid
25 Apr, 6 hatched 18 Jun. Female recycled, copulation 10 May,
5 eggs laid 11 Jun, 5 hatched 4 Aug. Copulation 29 Apr, 4 eggs
laid 22 May, none hatched.
1980 PPRA 0.0.9 hatched durign 1980. 5 eggs laid 1 May, 5 hatched
6 Jul. 4 eggs laid 13 May, 4 hatched 15 Jul 1980.
1981 FORT 0.0.4 hatched 13 Jul from 5 eggs laid 10 May 1981.
1981 PPEWa bred during 1981.
1981 PPJR 0.0.34 hatched during 1981.
1981 PPRA 0.0.24 hatched during 1981.
1981 PPTL bred during 1981.
1985 PPEI 0.0.2 hatched during 1985. 5 eggs laid May 26th, 1 hatched
July 29th. 2nd female, laid 3 eggs June 5th, 1 hatched Aug 4th
from captive breedings.
1986 FORT 0.0.2 hatched August 26, 1986.
1986 PPLRd 0.0.2 hatched during 1986.
1986 PPRA Bred during 1986.
1986 PPTTc 0.0.8 hatched hatched during 1986.
1987 PPDMe 0.0.1 hatched during 1987.
1987 PPRA bred during 1987.
1988 PPDMe 0.0.1 hatched during 1988.
1988 PPKT bred during 1988.
1988 PPRA bred during 1988.
1989 PPRA bred during 1989.
1990 PPRA bred during 1990.
1990 PPSB 1.0.0 hatched during 1990. Copulation occurred 22 Apr.
Female shed 17 May, laid 6 eggs 30 May. One egg hatched 31 Jul.
Incubation 62 days, Total length 10".
1991 PPGSc 1.0.0 hatched from 2 clutches totaling 9 eggs.
1992 FORT 1.1.0 hatched during 1992.
1992 PPHC 0.0.1 hatched 15 Oct 1992.
1993 PPRA bred during 1993.
1994 PPRA bred during 1994.
1995 FORT 0.0.5 hatched 24 Jul 1995.
1996 PPRA 0.0.10 hatched during 1996.
Lampropeltis mexicana mexicana
Mexican Kingsnake
1981 PPEWa bred during 1981.
1981 PPJR 0.0.24 hatched during 1981.
1985 OKLO 0.0.9 hatched during 1985 from a captive breeding.
1985 PPVS Bred during 1985.
1986 OKLO 0.0.2 hatched during 1986.
1986 PPHC 0.0.3 hatched July 29, 1986.
1986 PPSB 0.0.1 hatched Aug 22, 1986.
1987 OKLO 7.3.0 hatched during 1987.
1987 PPRA bred during 1987.
1987 PPSB 0.0.2 hatched during 1987. Copulation observed from April
19th - May 14th. No pre-egg laying shed. Female laid 16 eggs June
4th & 5th. 2 eggs hatched, 55 - 57 days, others infertile.
1988 OKLO 2.3.6 hatched during 1988.
1988 PPRA bred during 1988.
1988 PPSB 1.0.0 hatched during 1988. Copulation occurred from April 6
- May 8th. Female shed June 2nd and laid 15 eggs June 6-13.
1.0.0 hatched Aug 6,1988. Other 14 eggs were infertile.
Youngster measured 10".
1989 KNOT 0.0.5 hatched during 1989.
1989 PPRA bred during 1989.
1990 KNOT 0.0.17 hatched during 1990.
1990 PPRA bred during 1990.
1991 KNOT 0.0.19 hatched during 1991.
1992 COLO 0.0.6 hatched during 1992.
1992 KNOT 0.0.19 hatched during 1992.
1993 KNOT 0.0.14 hatched during 1993.
1993 PPRA bred during 1993.
1993 STAF 0.0.12 hatched during 1993.
1994 KNOT 0.0.5 hatched during 1994.
1994 PPRA bred during 1994.
1995 COLO 0.0.3 hatched during 1995.
1995 KNOT 0.0.5 hatched during 1995.
1996 KNOT 0.0.14 hatched during 1996.
Lampropeltis mexicana thayeri
Thayer's Kingsnake
1981 PPEWa bred during 1981.
1981 PPJR 0.0.11 hatched during 1981.
1985 PPTLa 0.0.1 hatched during 1985.
1986 FORT 0.0.5 hatched August 10, 1986.
1986 OKLO 0.0.8 hatched during 1986.
1986 PPHC 0.0.7 hatched Sept 7th.
1986 PPRA Bred during 1986.
1987 FORT 0.0.4 hatched Sept 2nd & 3rd.
1987 OKLO 4.6.0 hatched during 1987.
1987 PPHC 0.0.17 hatched during 1987. 2 hatched Aug 21st., 1 did not
survive. 3 hatched Oct 13th, double clutch.
1987 PPRA bred during 1987.
1988 OKLO 0.0.3 hatched during 1988.
1988 PPKT bred during 1988.
1988 PPRA bred during 1988.
1989 PPHC 0.0.5 hatched 12-14 Sept 89.
1989 PPRA bred during 1989.
1990 KNOT 0.0.6 hatched during 1990.
1990 PPRA bred during 1990.
1991 KNOT 0.0.4 hatched during 1991.
1991 PPHC 0.0.7 hatched 27 - 28 Aug 91.
1993 KNOT 0.0.11 hatched during 1993.
1993 PPJHd 0.0.3 hatched during 1993. 5 eggs laid 10 May, 3
1993 PPRA bred during 1993.
1994 PPHC 0.0.5 hatched 4 Nov 1994.
1994 PPRA bred during 1994.
1995 KNOT 0.0.6 hatched during 1995.
1995 PPHC 0.0.4 hatched 26 - 28 Sep 1995.
1995 PPLV bred during 1995.
1996 PPRA 0.0.25 hatched during 1996.
1997 PPHC 0.0.8 hatched Sep 24 - 26, 1997.
Lampropeltis mexicana thayeri
1988 PPHC 0.0.8 hatched Aug 21-23,1988.
Lampropeltis mexicana mexicana x L. m. thayeri
Hybrid Or Intergrade
1985 OKLO 0.0.6 hatched during 1985 from a captive breeding.
Lampropeltis pyromelana
Lampropeltis pyromelana ssp.
Sonoran Mountain Kingsnake
1981 PPEWa bred during 1981.
1981 PPWJ bred during 1981.
1985 DALT 1.1.2 hatched in 1985.
1986 PPRA Bred during 1986.
1987 PPRA bred during 1987.
1988 PPRA bred during 1988.
1993 PPRA bred during 1993.
Lampropeltis pyromelana infralabialis
Utah Mountain Kingsnake
1985 PPVS Bred during 1985.
Lampropeltis pyromelana knoblochi
Chihuahua Mountain Kingsnake
1996 PPRA 0.0.6 hatched during 1996.
Lampropeltis pyromelana pyromelana
Arizona Mountain Kingsnake
1981 FORT 0.0.3 hatched 9 & 10 Jul form 4 eggs laid 12 & 14 May 1981.
1981 PPRA 0.0.5 hatched during 1981.
1985 NEWN 0.0.3 hatched during 1985.
1985 PPHC 0.0.9 hatched during 1985.
1985 TULO 0.0.1 hatched during 1985.
1985 ZOOE 0.0.4 hatched during 1985.
1986 PPHC 0.0.8 hatched July 24-28, 1986.
1986 TULO 0.0.6 hatched during 1986.
1986 ZOOE 0.0.2 hatched during 1986.
1987 PPHC 0.0.8 hatched July 24 & 25.
1987 TULO 0.0.4 hatched during 1987.
1987 ZOOE 0.0.2 hatched during 1987.
1988 PPHC 0.0.10 hatched July 25-26,1988.
1988 TULO 0.0.4 hatched during 1988.
1989 ARIA 0.0.2 hatched during 1989.
1989 PPHC 0.0.4 hatched 29-30 July 89.
1989 PPRA bred during 1989.
1989 TULO 0.0.1 hatched during 1989.
1990 ARIA 0.0.1 hatched during 1990.
1990 PPHC 0.0.10 hatched 20 Aug 90.
1990 PPRA bred during 1990.
1991 PPHC 0.0.12 hatched during 1991, twinning occurred in one egg.
1992 PPBTa 2 hatched during 1992 from 1 clutch of 3 eggs.
1993 PPHC 0.0.9 hatched 3 - 4 Aug 93.
1994 PPHC 0.0.11 hatched 21-22 Aug 1994.
1994 PPRA bred during 1994.
1995 PPHC 0.0.9 hatched 8 - 9 Aug 1995.
1995 TULO 0.0.3 hatched during 1995.
1996 PPRA 0.0.10 hatched during 1996.
1997 PPHC 0.0.10 hatched Aug 11 - 12, 1997.
Lampropeltis pyromelana woodini
Huachuca Mountain Kingsnake
1981 DALT 0.0.4 hatched during 1981.
1985 NEWN 0.5.3 hatched during 1985.
1985 PPHC 0.0.4 hatched during 1985.
1985 PPLRd 0.0.2 hatched in 1985.
1986 PPHC 0.0.4 hatched July 30-31, 1986.
1986 PPLRd 0.0.3 hatched during 1986.
1986 PPSB 0.1.0 hatched Aug 12, 1986.
1988 PPHC 0.0.5 hatched August 3,1988.
1988 PPKT bred during 1988.
1989 PPHC 0.0.4 hatched 4 Aug 89.
1989 PPRA bred during 1989.
1990 PPHC 0.0.6 hatched 10 Aug 90.
1991 PPGSc 0.0.6 hatched from 2 clutches.
1991 PPHC 0.0.5 hatched 15 Aug 91.
1992 PPHC 0.0.5 hatched 20 Aug 1992.
1994 PPHC 0.0.7 hatched 6 Aug 1994.
1994 PPRA bred during 1994.
1995 PPHC 0.0.6 hatched 4 - 6 Aug 1995.
1997 ABIT 1.1.0 hatched during 1997.
1997 PPHC 0.0.7 hatched Aug 11, 1997.
1997 PPPCd 0.0.5 hatched during 1997 after 62 days incubation.
Lampropeltis pyromelana pyromelana X woodini
Hybrid Or Intergrade
1989 MEMT 1.3.0 hatched during 1989.
Lampropeltis ruthveni
Mexican Kingsnake
1981 PPJR 0.0.13 hatched during 1981.
1981 PPTL bred during 1981.
1985 PPEI 0.0.3 hatched during 1985. 4 eggs laid May 29th, 3 hatched
July 29th, from a captive breeding.
1986 PPRA Bred during 1986.
1987 PPRA bred during 1987.
1988 PPDMe 0.0.4 hatched during 1988. Copulation March 27,1988,
5 eggs laid, 4 hatched.
1988 PPRA bred during 1988.
1988 SEDK 1.0.1 hatched during 1988. Donated clutch.
1989 PPRA bred during 1989.
1990 KNOT 0.0.6 hatched during 1990.
1990 PPGH bred during 1990.
1990 PPRA bred during 1990.
1991 KNOT 0.0.1 hatched during 1991.
1993 PPJHd 0.0.6 hatched during 1993. 6 eggs laid 1 June, all hatched.
1994 PPRA bred during 1994.
1995 BALM 0.0.10 hatched during 1995. 6 hatched 16 - 19 Jul,
4 hatched 29 Jul - 2 Aug 1995.
1996 BALM 0.0.6 hatched during 1996. 3 - 3 Oct, 1 - 4 Oct, 1 - 5
Oct, and 1 - 6 Oct 1996.
Lampropeltis triangulum
Lampropeltis triangulum ssp.
1979 DALT bred during 1979.
1980 DALT bred during 1980.
1981 DALT 0.0.34 hatched during 1981.
1981 HOUT bred during 1981.
1981 PPDB 0.0.4 hatched during 1981.
1988 PPRSc bred during 1988. Not a lot is known about these
milksnakes. They are found approx 12 miles north of
Gainesville, Texas near Moss Lake. This is close to the
Red River near the Texas - Oklahoma border. They grow to
about 30" and seem to have the color and pattern of a
amaura/gentilis cross. Their hatchlings are very large
for this normally small Milksnake, easily able to feed on
pink mice at hatching. Where they occur, they are readily
found in large numbers. I have yet to encounter an adult
wild caught specimen that would not readily feed on fuzzy
1993 PPRA bred during 1993.
1996 PPRA 0.0.12 "Lake Chapala Milksnakes" hatched during 1996.
Lampropeltis triangulum abnorma
Guatemalan Milksnake
1988 PPRA bred during 1988.
1989 PPRA bred during 1989.
Lampropeltis triangulum amaura
Louisiana Milksnake
1981 PPWJ 0.0.13 hatched during 1981.
1987 FORT 0.0.1 hatched July 23rd.
1987 PPSMe 0.0.4 hatched during 1987. 4 laid, 4 hatched.
Lampropeltis triangulum andesiana
Andean Milksnake
1988 DALT 5.3.0 hatched during 1988, and 0.0.16 hatched during 1987.
1989 DALT 0.0.14 hatched during 1989.
1991 ATLG 0.0.3 hatched during 1991.
1992 ATLG 0.0.1 hatched during 1992.
1994 ATLG 0.0.15 hatched during 1994.
1995 ATLG 0.0.9 hatched during 1995.
1995 KNOT 0.0.8 hatched during 1995.
1996 ATLG 0.0.1 hatched 1 Jan 1996.
1997 SADC 0.0.25 hatched during 1997.
Lampropeltis triangulum annulata
Mexican Milksnake
1978 PPSF 0.0.2 hatched 17 July from 5 eggs laid 25 May 1978.
Copulation 4 Apr 1978.
1979 PPEWa 0.0.13 hatched during 1979. Copulation 19 May, 4 eggs laid
20 Jun, 4 hatched. 5 eggs laid 2 Jun, 5 hatched 29 Jul. One
female recycled as follows, copulation again, 7 eggs laid 18
Jun, 4 hatched.
1979 PPSF 0.0.13 hatched during 1979. Copulation 9 and 11 Mar, 9
eggs laid 14 Apr, 8 hatched 9 - 13 Jun. Copulation 21 May, 5
eggs laid 22 Jun, 5 hatched 14 - 18 Aug 1979.
1980 DALT 0.0.4 hatched during 1980.
1980 GLAT bred during 1980. Also bred prior to 1980.
1980 PPEWa 0.0.6 hatched 18 Jun from 6 eggs laid 25 Apr 1980.
Copulation 19 Mar 1980.
1980 PPGL 0.0.11 hatched during 1980.
1980 PPSF bred during 1980.
1980 PPSO 0.0.4 hatched during 1980.
1981 PPEWa bred during 1981.
1981 PPRA 0.0.12 hatched during 1981.
1981 PPSO 0.0.7 hatched during 1981.
1985 PPEI 0.0.1 hatched during 1985 from a captive breeding. 4 eggs
laid May 29th, 1 hatched July 25th.
1985 PPHC female double clutched.
1985 PPSMb 4.4.0 hatched during 1985.
1985 TARA 0.0.7 hatched during 1985 from a captive breeding.
1985 ZOOE 0.0.3 hatched during 1985.
1986 PPEI 0.0.4 hatched during 1986. 4 eggs laid May 26th, 4 hatched
July 23rd.
1986 PPHC 0.0.7 hatched July 7-8, 1986.
1986 PPRA Bred during 1986.
1986 PPSMa 6.7.0 hatched during 1986.
1986 TARA 0.0.6 hatched during 1986.
1987 PPDMe 0.0.5 hatched during 1987.
1987 PPHC 0.0.13 hatched during 1987. 11 hatched July 16th & 17th, 2
hatched Sept 24th. double clutch.
1987 PPRA bred during 1987.
1987 TARA 0.0.10 hatched during 1987.
1988 PPDMe 0.0.8 hatched during 1988. 2 clutches of 3 and 5 eggs.
1988 PPHC 0.0.12 hatched July 12-13,1988.
1988 PPKT bred during 1988.
1988 PPRA bred during 1988.
1989 PPHC 0.0.12 hatched during 1989. 10 hatched 20-21 July 89,
female double clutched. 2 hatched 3-4 Oct 89.
1989 PPRA bred during 1989.
1990 LITA 0.0.4 hatched during 1990.
1990 PPHC 0.0.13 hatched during 1990. 10 hatched 23-24 Jul. Double
clutch, 3 hatched 26 - 28 Sep 90.
1990 PPRA bred during 1990.
1990 STAB bred during 1990.
1991 ASSI bred during 1991.
1991 GLAT 0.0.11 hatched during 1991.
1991 LITA 0.0.1 hatched during 1991.
1991 PPHC 0.0.11 hatched 29 - 31 Jul 91.
1992 PPES 0.0.3 hatched from 4 eggs laid during 1992.
1992 PPHC 0.0.7 hatched 30 Jul - 1 Aug 1992.
1993 PPHC 0.0.15 hatched during 1993. 12 eggs hatched 19 - 22 July
and the same female double-clutched with 3 eggs hatching 27 -
28 Sept.
1993 PPRA bred during 1993.
1994 PPHC 0.0.8 hatched 8-9 Nov 1994.
1994 PPRA bred during 1994.
1995 LITA 0.0.9 hatched during 1995.
1995 PPHC 0.0.8 hatched 24 - 25 Jul 1995.
1996 PPRA 0.0.8 hatched during 1996.
1997 PPHC 0.0.9 hatched Aug 1 - 3, 1997.
Lampropeltis triangulum arcifera
Jalisco Milksnake
1979 DALT bred during 1979.
1980 DALT 0.0.3 hatched during 1980.
1981 DALT 0.0.4 hatched during 1981.
1981 LOSC 0.0.4 hatched during 1981.
1981 PPEWa bred during 1981.
1985 DALT 0.0.6 hatched in 1985.
1986 FORT 0.0.4 hatched August 10, 1986.
1987 FORT 0.0.10 hatched July 19th.
1987 PPJPc 12.14.0 hatched during 1987, 71 days incubation.
1988 PPJPc bred during 1988. Hibernated Oct 15 - Jan 15.
Incubated eggs at 78 degrees F.
1989 LITA 3.5.0 hatched during 1989.
1989 PPJPc bred during 1989.
1990 PPRA bred during 1990.
1993 PPRA bred during 1993.
1994 PPRA bred during 1994.
1996 PPRA 0.0.12 hatched during 1996.
1997 PPPCd 0.0.7 hatched during 1997 after 63 days incubation.
Lampropeltis triangulum campbelli
Pueblan Milksnake
1985 DALT 0.1.8 hatched in 1985.
1985 PPAZ 0.5.0 hatched during 1985.
1985 PPSMb 0.0.8 hatched, 4 full term dead in eggs, from two females,
diring 1985.
1986 DALT 0.0.8 hatched during 1986.
1986 FORT 0.0.13 hatched July 8-9, 1986.
1986 PPAZ Bred during 1986.
1986 PPLRd 0.0.6 hatched during 1986.
1986 PPRA Bred during 1986.
1986 PPSMa 8.10.0 hatched during 1986.
1987 DETM 0.0.4 hatched during 1987.
1987 FORT 0.0.14 hatched during 1987. 3 June 24th & 11 Aug 14th.
1987 KNOT 0.0.6 hatched during 1987.
1987 PPRA bred during 1987.
1987 PPWL bred during 1987.
1988 DALT 0.0.8 hatched during 1986.
1988 DETM 0.0.10 hatched during 1988. 8 eggs laid May 10th, 7 hatched
July 5-6,1988.; 4 eggs laid July 10th, 3 hatched Sept 27,1988.
1988 FORT 0.0.5 hatched Sept 4-5,1988.
1988 PPRA bred during 1988. Triple clutched.
1989 HOUT 0.0.4 hatched during 1989.
1989 MEMT 3.1.0 hatched during 1989.
1989 PPHC 0.0.7 hatched 22 Oct 89.
1989 PPRA bred during 1989.
1989 WOOW 5.6.13 hatched during 1989.
1990 FORT 0.0.11 hatched 27 - 29 Jul 1990.
1990 KNOT 0.0.5 hatched during 1990.
1990 PPHC 0.0.8 hatched 5 Nov 90.
1990 PPRA bred during 1990.
1990 SANT 1.0.3 hatched during 1990.
1990 WOOW 0.0.2 hatched during 1990.
1991 ASSI bred during 1991.
1991 FORT 0.0.9 hatched 13 - 14 Nov 91.
1991 KNOT 0.0.11 hatched during 1991.
1991 PPGSc 0.0.4 hatched during 1991.
1991 WOOW 1.3.6 hatched during 1991.
1992 KNOT 0.0.2 hatched during 1992.
1992 PPBTa 0.0.31 hatched during 1992 from 6 clutches.
1992 PPHC 0.0.7 hatched 14 - 17 Nov 1992.
1992 PPTSb 0.0.2 hatched 1 Dec from 4 eggs laid 27 Aug 1992.
1992 RIVS 0.0.1 hatched during 1992.
1992 SANT 0.0.10 hatched during 1992.
1993 PPJHd 0.0.1 hatched during 1993. 7 eggs laid 15 April, 1
1993 PPRA bred during 1993.
1993 PPTSb 0.0.6 hatched 7 Oct 93 from 6 eggs laid 28 July 93.
1993 RIVS 6.4.0 hatched during 1993.
1994 PPRA bred during 1994.
1994 PPTSb 0.0.6 hatched during 1994. 6 eggs laid 25 June. Incubated
in sphagnum moss at 82 degrees F. All hatched 25 Aug 1994.
1994 RIVS 4.7.0 hatched during 1994.
1995 PPJGa bred during 1995.
1995 RIVS 1.7 hatched during 1995.
1995 WILG 0.0.2 hatched during 1995.
1996 KNOT 0.0.1 hatched during 1996.
1996 OKLO 0.0.18 hatched during 1996.
1996 PPAZ 0.0.7 hatched during 1996.
1996 PPRA 0.0.100 hatched during 1996.
1996 RIVS 0.0.1 hatched during 1996.
1996 WILG 0.0.3 hatched during 1996.
1997 KNOT 2.1.0 hatched during 1997.
1997 MINM 0.0.20 hatched during 1997.
1997 PPPCd 0.0.7 hatched during 1997 after 59 days incubation.
Lampropeltis triangulum celaenops
New Mexico Milksnake
1981 RION 0.0.1 hatched during 1981, wild bred female.
1987 PPMWa 0.0.5 hatched during 1987. 6 eggs laid April 24th, 5
hatched July 4th. Incubated 79.5 degrees F. Adults were
captive bred.
1989 PPMWa 0.0.6 hatched during 1989. 6 eggs laid 6 June 89, 6
hatched 8 July 89.
1989 PPRA bred during 1989.
1990 PPRA bred during 1990.
1993 PPRA bred during 1993.
1994 PPRA bred during 1994.
1996 PPRA 0.0.2 hatched during 1996.
1996 RION 0.0.4 hatched during 1996.
1997 RION 0.0.4 hatched during 1997. f1.
Lampropeltis triangulum dixoni
Queretaran Kingsnake
1997 PPPCd 0.0.6 hatched during 1997 after 58 days incubation.
Lampropeltis triangulum elapsoides
Scarlet Kingsnake
1979 FORT bred during 1979.
1980 FORT 0.0.3 hatched during 1980.
1980 PHIP 0.0.1 hatched during 1980.
1981 PPWJ 0.0.10 hatched during 1981.
1985 PPSP 0.0.3 hatched during 1985. 3 eggs laid 6/2, eggs hatched
1986 DETM 0.0.4 hatched March 15-17,1986.
1986 PPSP 0.0.8 hatched during 1986. 4 eggs laid July 3rd, 4 hatched
Aug 18th, 4 eggs laid July 4th, 4 hatched Aug 20th.
1989 RIVS 0.0.5 hatched 30 June 89.
1991 KNOT 0.0.6 hatched during 1991.
1991 PPJRa bred during 1991.
1991 RIVS 0.0.7 hatched during 1991.
1992 KNOT 0.0.3 hatched during 1992.
1992 RIVS 1.5.0 hatched during 1992.
1993 KNOT 0.0.9 hatched during 1993.
1993 RIVS 4.5.0 hatched during 1993.
1994 BUSF 0.0.7 hatched during 1994.
1994 KNOT 0.0.4 hatched during 1994.
1994 RIVS 5.2.0 hatched during 1994.
1995 RIVS 0.0.7 hatched during 1995.
1996 KNOT 0.0.5 hatched during 1996.
1996 RIVS 2.3.0 hatched during 1996.
Lampropeltis triangulum gaigeae
Black Milksnake
1992 SANT 6.5.0 hatched during 1992.
1994 SANT 2.7 hatched during 1994.
1995 SANT 1.1.7 hatched during 1995.
1996 PPAZ 4.6.0 hatched during 1996.
1997 KNOT 4.5.0 hatched during 1997.
Lampropeltis triangulum gentilis
Central Plains Milksnake
1994 PPPCd 0.0.6 hatched during 1994. Incubation 60 days.
1997 PPPCd 0.0.5 hatched during 1997 after 48 days incubation.
Lampropeltis triangulum hondurensis
Honduran Milksnake
1980 FORT 0.0.9 hatched Aug 1980.
1980 PPEWa 0.0.1 hatched ? Oct from 4 eggs laid Aug 1980.
1980 PPRA 0.0.6 hatched during 1980.
1981 FORT 0.0.15 hatched during 1981. Female # 1 laid 8 eggs 22 May,
all hatched 26 Jul. Female # 2 laid 7 eggs 2 Jun, 7 hatched
7 - 10 Aug 1981.
1981 HOUT bred during 1981.
1981 PPRA 0.0.11 hatched during 1981.
1981 ROEC 0.0.3 hatched during 1981. Copulation in Apr, 3 huge eggs
(80 - 90 mm) laid 22 May, all hatched 23 Jul 1981.
1981 SANT 0.0.3 hatched during 1981.
1985 DALT 8.6.0 hatched in 1985.
1985 OKLO 0.0.22 hatched during 1985, captive bred.
1985 PPSMb 3.3.0 hatched during 1985. 6 eggs laid 6/20.
6 hatched 8/16/85, 3.1 tangerine phase, 0.2 tricolor phase.
Both parents tangerine phase.
1985 PPTLa 0.0.10 hatched during 1985.
1985 PPVS Bred during 1985.
1986 CITV 0.0.5 hatched during 1986. Copulation June 5 & 6. 5 eggs
laid July 4th, all 5 hatched Sept 15-17/86. Incubated at
27-29 degrees C.
1986 DALT 0.0.6 hatched during 1986.
1986 JACF 0.0.2 hatched during 1986.
1986 KNOT 4.4.0 hatched during 1986.
1986 OKLO 0.0.13 hatched during 1986.
1986 PPHC 0.0.3 hatched Aug 22-23, 1986.
1986 PPRA Bred during 1986.
1986 PPRO 0.0.6 hatched during 1986. Two clutches.
1986 PPSB 0.0.7 hatched during 1986. Copulation May 29/86. Pre-
laying shed July 11th, 7 eggs laid July 23rd. Eggs ranged
in length from 2 1/2" to 3", the average being 2 3/4".
Eggs hatched Sept 21 - 25. Young included 2.0.0 tangerine,
2.2.0 intermediate, and 0.1.0 red. Lengths of young ranged from
14" to 16", mean 15 1/2". Same pair as above bred in 1985.
Female shed July 11th and then laid 8 eggs July 19th. Eggs
hatched Sept 16 - 18. Young included 1.2.0 tangerine, and 4.1.0
red. Lengths of young ranged from 12" to 15 1/2", mean 13 1/2".
1986 PPSMa 2.5.0 hatched during 1986.
1986 ZOOE 0.0.3 hatched during 1986.
1987 FORT 0.0.4 hatched during 1987.
1987 OKLO 10.12.0 hatched during 1987.
1987 PPDMe 0.0.5 hatched during 1987.
1987 PPRA bred during 1987.
1987 PPRO 2.3.0 hatched during 1987.
1987 PPSB 3.3.0 hatched during 1987. Copulation May 11th - June 9th.
Female shed June 27th and laid 7 eggs July 10th. 6 eggs hatched
Sept 6 - 17th, (58-69 days).
1987 PPWL 0.0.11 hatched during 1987. Copulation April 30th and May 4
th. 5 eggs laid June 19th, 5 hatched Aug 26th. Same pair
copulated again July 19th, 6 eggs laid Nov 3-6, 1987.
This is the only instance I've had of a 2nd clutch being larger
than the first.
1987 ZOOE 0.0.3 hatched during 1987.
1988 CHEEa 0.0.2 hatched during 1988.
1988 DALT 0.0.6 hatched during 1988, and 0.0.6 hatched during 1987.
1988 GLAT 0.0.7 hatched during 1988.
1988 JACF 0.0.8 hatched during 1988.
1988 MOSR 0.0.8 hatched during 1988.
1988 PPDMe 0.0.5 hatched during 1988. 2 eggs laid, 2 hatched; 3 eggs
laid, 3 hatched.
1988 PPHC 0.0.5 hatched during 1988. 0.0.2 hatched Sept 9,1988 and
0.0.3 hatched Sept 15,1988.
1988 PPRA bred during 1988.
1988 PPSB 2.0.0 hatched during 1988. Copulation occurred April 28
- May 25th. Female shed June 19th, laid 6 eggs July 6th.
Eggs hatched Aug 29 - Sept 2,1988. 3 eggs were lost due to
an incubator malfunction. One egg was opened Sept 9th and
a full term dead embryo was inside. Incubation ranged from
54-58 days. Of the 2.0 that hatched, one was red phase and
one tangerine. Lengths of young were 13" and 13 1/4".
1988 ROYS 0.0.3 hatched during 1988.
1988 ZOOE 0.0.3 hatched during 1988.
1989 GLAT 0.0.9 hatched during 1989.
1989 JACF 0.0.8 hatched during 1989.
1989 OKLO 8.3.0 hatched during 1989.
1989 PPHC 0.0.4 hatched 29-30 Aug 89.
1989 PPRA bred during 1989.
1989 ROYS 0.0.16 hatched during 1989.
1989 ZOOE 0.0.2 hatched during 1989.
1990 GLAT bred during 1990.
1990 JACF 0.0.9 hatched during 1990.
1990 MELA 0.0.1 hatched during 1990.
1990 OKLO 5.4.1 hatched during 1990.
1990 PPHC 0.0.13 hatched during 1990. 7 hatched 14 - 16 Sep., and 6
hatched 16 Nov 90. Female double clutched.
1990 PPJCd 0.0.3 hatched during 1990 from 3 eggs laid.
1990 PPRA bred during 1990.
1990 PPRO bred during 1990.
1990 ROYS 0.0.4 hatched during 1990.
1991 ATLG 1.2.3 hatched during 1991.
1991 CHEEa 0.0.4 hatched during 1991.
1991 FORT 0.0.8 hatched 17 - 21 Sep 91.
1991 GLAT 0.0.7 hatched during 1991.
1991 PPGSc 0.0.7 hatched from a clutch of 7 eggs in 1991.
1991 PPGT 0.0.2 hatched during 1991.
1991 PPHC 0.0.7 hatched 23 Oct 91.
1991 ROYS 0.0.4 hatched during 1991.
1992 BALM 0.0.7 hatched during 1992.
1992 COLO 0.0.4 hatched during 1992.
1992 COTE 0.0.5 hatched during 1992.
1992 FORT 3.0.0 hatched during 1992.
1992 PPES 0.0.5 hatched from 5 eggs laid during 1992.
1992 PPGT 0.1.0 hatched during 1992.
1992 PPHC 0.0.8 hatched 1 - 3 Nov 1992.
1992 PPTSb 0.0.4 hatched 26 Nov - 2 Dec from 7 eggs laid
17 Aug 1992.
1993 BALM 0.0.4 hatched 10 - 11 Nov 1993.
1993 PPGT 0.0.3 hatched during 1993.
1993 PPHC 0.0.12 hatched during 1993. 4 hatched 3 - 4 Sept, 8
hatched 27 - 28 Sept 93.
1993 PPJHd 0.0.16 hatched during 1993. Clutch laid 16 June, 8 fertile,
5 June, 8 fertile, all hatched.
1993 PPRA bred during 1993.
1993 PPTSb 0.0.2 hatched 31 Oct 93 from 8 eggs laid 24 Aug 93.
Incubator overheated.
1994 BUSF 0.0.10 hatched during 1994.
1994 PPGT 0.0.4 hatched during 1994.
1994 PPHC 0.0.14 hatched during 1994. 0.0.6 hatched 7 Sep, and
0.0.8 hatched 3-6 Oct 1994.
1994 PPRA bred during 1994.
1994 PPTSb 0.0.7 hatched during 1994. 7 eggs laid 10 July. Incubated
on spaghnum moss at 82 degrees F. All hatched.
1995 BALM 0.0.27 hatched during 1995. 11 hatched 9 - 12 Aug,
6 hatched 20 - 22 Aug, 10 hatched 8 - 9 Oct 1995.
1995 PPEP 4.0.0 hatched from 5 eggs laid duing 1995.
1995 PPHC 0.0.19 hatched during 1995. Eight on 20 Sep, 11 on 3 - 7
Oct 1995.
1995 PPLV bred during 1995.
1996 BALM 0.0.7 hatched during 1996. 4 - 2 Aug, 2 - 3 Aug, and 1 -
4 Aug 1996.
1996 DREF 0.0.6 hatched 24 Aug 1996.
1996 PPAZ 0.0.9 hatched during 1996.
1996 PPGT 0.0.4 hatched during 1996.
1996 PPLV bred during 1996.
1996 PPRA 0.0.10 hatched during 1996.
1997 BALM 0.0.4 hatched 28 Aug 1997.
1997 CHEEa 0.0.3 hatched during 1997.
Lampropeltis triangulum multistriata
Pale Milksnake
1997 PPPCd 0.0.3 hatched during 1997 after 59 days incubation.
Lampropeltis triangulum nelsoni
Nelson's Milksnake
1974 FORT bred during 1974.
1976 FORT bred during 1976.
1977 FORT bred during 1977.
1977 SADC 0.0.3 hatched during 1977.
1979 FORT bred during 1979.
1980 FORT 0.0.7 hatched during 1980.
1980 SANT 0.0.9 hatched during 1980.
1981 SADC 0.0.7 hatched during 1981.
1986 PPRA Bred during 1986.
1986 PPTTc 0.0.17 hatched hatched during 1986, one female double
1987 PPRA bred during 1987.
1988 PPRA bred during 1988.
1989 PPRA bred during 1989.
1990 PPRA bred during 1990.
1992 PPBTa 0.0.38 hatched during 1992 from 4 clutches.
1993 PPRA bred during 1993.
1994 PPRA bred during 1994.
Lampropeltis triangulum polyzona
Central American Milksnake
1981 DALT 0.0.1 hatched during 1981.
1981 HOUT bred during 1981.
1981 LOSC 0.0.3 hatched during 1981.
1987 LOSC 0.0.4 hatched during 1987.
1987 PPRA bred during 1987.
1987 PPSB 3.2.0 hatched during 1987. Copulation with 2 females May 27
- June 22nd. Female # 2 shed July 13th and laid 2 eggs July 23rd.
Because of her reluctance to lay any more eggs, female # 2 was
administered Oxytocin July 29th thru July 31st. One more egg was
laid Aug 1st. She was again given Oxytocin Aug 2,3,12,13.14 and
15 but no more eggs were laid. She died Aug 19th with 4 eggs
still impacted in her. The three eggs she did lay were all
Female # 1 shed July 18th and laid 6 eggs July 28th. 5 eggs
hatched Sept 19 - 24, incubation 54 - 59 days.
1988 LOSC 0.0.1 hatched during 1988.
1988 PPSB 0.0.4 hatched during 1988. Copulation occurred From May 14
- June 17th. Female shed July 14th, laid 4 eggs July 29th.
Eggs hatched from Sept 27 - Oct 3.1988. Incubation ranged
from 60-66 days. Young included 2.1 red phase and 1.0
tangerine phase. Lengths of young ranged from 14 1/2" to
15 1/2", mean of 15".
1989 LOSC 0.0.4 hatched during 1989.
1990 PPSB 4.2.0 hatched during 1990. Copulation occurred on 7, 22,
and 29 May. Female shed 4 Jul, laid 8 eggs 16 Jul. Six eggs
hatched 10 - 26 Sep 90. Incubation ranged from 56 - 72 days.
Lengths of hatchlings ranged from 13" to 15", mean of 14".
1991 ASSI bred during 1991.
1992 COLO 0.0.4 hatched during 1992.
1993 COLO 0.0.2 hatched during 1993.
Lampropeltis triangulum sinaloae
Sinaloan Milksnake
1977 WOOW 0.0.7 hatched during 1977 from 7 eggs laid.
1978 PPEWa 0.0.10 hatched during 1978. Copulation 14 Jun, 4 eggs
laid 12 Jul, 4 hatched 8 Sep. Copulation 14 Jun, 6 eggs laid 22 J
ul, 6 hatched 18 Sep 1978.
1978 PPSF 0.0.2 hatched 28 Feb from 3 eggs laid 13 Apr. Copulation
28 Feb 1978.
1978 WOOW 0.0.6 hatched from 6 eggs laid during 1978.
1979 DALT bred during 1979.
1979 PPEWa 0.0.7 hatched during 1979. 5 eggs laid 25 Jun, 1 hatched
26 Aug. 9 eggs laid 28 Jun, 6 hatched 20 Aug 1979.
1979 PPFS 0.0.17 hatched during 1979.
1979 WOOW 0.0.8 hatched during 1979.
1980 PPEWa 0.0.18 hatched during 1980. Copulation 27 May, 7 eggs laid
22 Jun, 7 hatched 20 Aug. Copulation 2 Jun, 11 eggs laid 12
Jul, 11 hatched 14 Sep 1980.
1980 PPFS 0.0.19 hatched during 1980.
1980 PPGL 0.0.8 hatched during 1980.
1980 PPMMa bred during 1980.
1980 PPSO 0.0.9 hatched during 1980.
1981 PPGL 0.0.11 hatched during 1981.
1981 PPGS 0.0.25 hatched during 1981.
1981 PPJR 0.0.45 hatched during 1981.
1981 PPRA 0.0.21 hatched during 1981.
1981 PPTL bred during 1981.
1985 KNOT 0.0.5 hatched during 1985.
1985 NATW 0.0.17 hatched during 1985, captive bred.
1985 PPEI 0.0.7 hatched during 1985. 1st female 7 eggs laid July 4th,
4 hatched. 2nd female 4 eggs laid June 22nd, 3 hatched.
Captive bred.
1985 PPHC 0.0.16 hatched during 1985, from 3 females.
1985 PPSMb 1.3.0 hatched during 1985.
1985 PPSR 4.3.0 hatched in 1985.
1985 SEDK 5.6.0 hatched during 1985. Gestation 44 days. Incubation
65 days. Hatched at Dallas zoo.
1985 TARA 0.0.5 hatched during 1985 from a captive breeding.
1985 ZOOE 0.0.8 hatched during 1985.
1986 FORT 0.0.11 hatched Aug 26, 1986.
1986 JERE 0.0.4 hatched during 1986, 2 did not survive.
1986 NATW 0.0.8 hatched during 1986.
1986 NEWN 0.1.7 hatched during 1986.
1986 PPDI 0.0.7 hatched Oct 21st from 8 eggs laid July 27th. Female
double clutched.
1986 PPEI 0.0.9 hatched during 1986.
1986 PPHC 0.0.32 hatched during 1986. 11 hatched Aug 29-31. 10
hatched Aug 24-26. 11 hatched Aug 25-27.
1986 PPLKb 11.8.0 hatched during 1986. Shed July 2nd, 8 eggs laid July
9th, all hatched Sept 5th. Shed June 26th, 11 eggs laid
July 2nd, All hatched June 5th.
1986 PPLRd 0.0.20 hatched during 1986. Female double clutched with
12 and 8 eggs.
1986 PPRA Bred during 1986.
1986 PPSMa 4.3.0 hatched during 1986.
1986 TARA 0.0.6 hatched during 1986.
1986 ZOOE 0.0.7 hatched during 1986.
1987 ARIA 0.0.3 hatched during 1987.
1987 GRAC 0.0.16 hatched during 1987. 9 hatched Aug 18th and 6
hatched Oct 30, 1987.
1987 KNOT 0.1 hatched during 1987.
1987 NATW 0.0.10 hatched during 1987.
1987 PPBCa 0.0.2 hatched during 1987.
1987 PPDI bred during 1987.
1987 PPDMe 0.0.5 hatched during 1987.
1987 PPHC 0.0.20 hatched during 1987. 7 Aug 25th & 26th, 12 Aug 28th
& 29th, and 1 Sept 8th.
1987 PPLKa 0.0.6 hatched during 1987. 10 laid, 6 hatched.
1987 PPRA bred during 1987.
1987 PPSR bred during 1987.
1987 ZOOE 0.0.15 hatched during 1987.
1988 DALT 0.0.7 hatched during 1987.
1988 GRAC 1.6.7 hatched during 1987. 0.0.9 hatched during 1988.
1988 PPBCa 0.0.10 hatched during 1988.
1988 PPDMe 0.0.18 hatched during 1988. 2 clutches of 10 and 8.
1988 PPHC 0.0.14 hatched during 1988. 0.0.5 hatched Sept 1-2,1988 and
0.0.9 hatched Sept 6-9,1988. Two were deformed.
1988 PPRA bred during 1988.
1988 PPTB 1.2.0 hatched during 1988.
1988 SADC 0.0.1 hatched during 1988.
1988 ZOOE 0.0.4 hatched during 1988.
1989 ARIA 0.0.12 hatched during 1989. 6 hatched 21 July 89. 6
hatched 21 Sept 89.
1989 GRAC 0.0.1 hatched during 1989. Copulation 6 May, laying
22 July, hatched 14 Sept 89.
1989 KNOT 0.0.7 hatched during 1989.
1989 PPBTa bred during 1989. Copulation April - May, eggs in June,
hatched during August.
1989 PPHC 0.0.19 hatched during 1989. 10 hatched 9-10 Sept 89. 9
hatched 12-14 Sept 89.
1989 PPRA bred during 1989.
1989 PPTB 0.0.8 hatched during 1989. Copulation 29 June, 8 eggs
laid 13 Aug, all hatched 15 Oct 89.
1989 SADC 0.0.4 hatched during 1989.
1990 GRAC 0.0.6 hatched during 1990.
1990 KNOT 0.0.7 hatched during 1990.
1990 LINI 0.0.2 hatched during 1990.
1990 MOSR 0.0.3 hatched during 1990.
1990 PPGD 4.1.0 hatched Sep 1990.
1990 PPHC 0.0.14 hatched during 1990. 9 hatched 10 - 14 Sep., and 5
hatched 14 - 16 Sep 90.
1990 PPRA bred during 1990.
1990 PPRD bred during 1990.
1990 ROYS 0.0.7 hatched during 1990.
1990 ZOOR bred during 1990.
1991 COTE 4.1.0 hatched during 1991.
1991 PPHC 0.0.14 hatched during 1991. 6 hatched 15 - 17 Sep 91, and
8 hatched 16 - 17 Sep 91.
1991 ROYS 0.0.11 hatched during 1991.
1992 COTE 1.1.2 hatched during 1992.
1992 LINI 0.0.2 hatched during 1992.
1992 PPBTa 0.0.41 hatched during 1992 from 5 clutches.
1992 PPHC 0.0.16 hatched during 1992. 10 on 12 - 14 Sep, and 6
on 28 Sep 1992.
1992 PPZJ 0.0.4 hatched Oct 1992.
1992 ROYS 0.0.16 hatched during 1992.
1993 PPHC 0.0.15 hatched during 1993. 10 hatched 1 - 2 Sept and
5 hatched 7 - 8 Sept 93.
1993 PPJHd 0.0.10 hatched during 1993. 10 eggs laid 1 July, all
1993 PPRA bred during 1993.
1993 ROYS 0.0.6 hatched during 1993.
1993 STAF 0.0.3 hatched during 1993.
1993 ZOOE 0.0.1 hatched during 1993.
1994 PPHC 0.0.9 hatched 20-21 Sep 1994.
1994 PPRA bred during 1994.
1994 ROYS 0.0.10 hatched during 1994.
1994 SADC 0.0.17 hatched during 1994.
1994 ZOOE 0.0.7 hatched during 1994.
1995 PPHC 0.0.8 hatched 12 Sep 1995.
1996 PPEK 0.0.1 hatched from a clutch of five eggs in 1996.
1996 PPRA 0.0.20 hatched during 1996.
1996 ROYS 0.0.14 hatched during 1996.
1996 SADC 0.0.13 hatched during 1996.
1997 ROYS 0.0.19 hatched during 1997. 2 clutches, 19 eggs, Average
9.5 eggs per clutch.
1997 SADC 0.0.9 hatched during 1997.
1997 SADCa 1.2.0 hatched during 1997.
Lampropeltis triangulum stuarti
Stuart's Milksnake
1991 LOSC 3.1.0 hatched during 1991. Second generation.
1992 ROGR 3.4.0 hatched during 1992.
1993 LOSC 0.0.3 hatched during 1993.
1993 ROGR 4.2.0 hatched 2 - 3 Oct 93.
1994 LOSC 0.0.4 hatched during 1994. (1 DNS).
1994 ROGR 3.5.0 hatched during 1994.
1995 DENC 2.3.0 hatched during 1995.
1997 PPHC 0.0.7 hatched Dec 18 - 19, 1997.
1997 ROGR 0.0.13 hatched 14-17 Oct 1997.
Lampropeltis triangulum syspila
Red Milksnake
1978 PPSF 0.0.2 hatched 3 Jun, from 3 eggs laid 13 Apr 1978.
Copulation 28 Feb 1978.
1980 FORT 0.0.4 hatched during 1980.
1980 PPSF bred during 1980.
1980 RION 0.0.8 hatched during 1980.
1981 FORT 0.0.4 hatched 19 - 20 Apr from 6 eggs laid 7 Mar 1981.
Lampropeltis triangulum taylori
Utah Milksnake
1995 PPHC 0.2 hatched 23 Jul 1995.
Lampropeltis triangulum "temporalis"
Intergrade Or Hybrid
1997 PPPCd 0.0.8 hatched during 1997 after 61 days incubation.
Lampropeltis triangulum triangulum
Eastern Milksnake
1979 MILW bred during 1979.
1981 PPJMa 0.0.5 hatched during 1981 from a wild caught gravid female.
1981 SENN bred during 1981.
1985 PPHC 0.0.8 hatched during 1985.
1985 PPKFb 11 eggs laid in June. None hatched.
1985 PPLRd 0.0.51 hatched in 1985 from 5 females.
1986 PPHC 0.0.13 hatched June 12-14, 1986.
1986 PPJZ 0.0.10 hatched during 1986, 60 days incubation.
1986 PPMSa Bred during 1986.
1987 PPAWa 0.0.11 hatched during 1987. Adult trio hibernated Sept. -
Feb. at 65 degrees F. 7 infertile eggs laid May 15th and 11
fertile eggs were laid May 18th all by the same female. The
later hatched June 24th & 25th. Incubation temperature approx.
80 degrees F. 1 young died (kinked spine), 7 released, and 3
were assist-fed until pink mice were accepted mid-Sept.
1987 PPHC 0.0.1 hatched June 17, 1987.
1988 PPAWa 0.0.0 hatched during 1988. No copulation observed from trio
(hibernated 5 months @ 60 - 65 degrees F.) 1st female laid 4
eggs May 14th, 3 were yellow and small. 2nd female laid 6 eggs
May 12th, 2 were brownish. May 24th collapse of eggs due
to possible overheating (100 degrees F.).
1988 PPBBc 11 eggs laid on June 16.
1991 SADC 0.0.7 hatched during 1991.
1992 ATLG 4.5.2 hatched during 1992.
1992 PPGCa 0.0.6 hatched 14 Aug from 6 eggs laid 8 Jul 92 by a
wild caught gravid female.
1993 ATLG 2.4.1 hatched during 1993, 0.1.1 did not survive.
1995 KNOT 0.0.4 hatched during 1995.
1995 PPHC 0.0.9 hatched 13 Aug 1995.
1997 PPHC 0.0.2 hatched 22 Jul 1997. Several eggs cannabalized.
Lampropeltis triangulum syspila x gentilis
1996 PPKSc Two females bred in 1996.
Lampropeltis zonata
Lampropeltis zonata ssp.
California Mountain Kingsnake
1977 WOOW 0.0.4 hatched during 1977.
1978 WOOW 0.0.5 hatched during 1978.
1980 PPEWa 0.0.5 hatched 20 Jul from 8 eggs laid 22 May 1980.
Lampropeltis zonata multicincta
Sierra Mountain Kingsnake
1989 ROEC 0.0.5 hatched Sept. 22, 1989.
1991 ROEC 0.0.14 hatched during 1991. Alpha female laid 8 eggs
20 May, 7 were fertile and hatched 17 - 22 Jul. Beta female laid
6 eggs 31 May, 6 fertile, 4 hatched 25 - 28 Jul 91.
1997 PPPCd 0.0.6 hatched during 1997 after 58 days incubation.
Lampropeltis zonata multifasciata
Coast Mountain Kingsnake
1986 PPBG 0.0.8 hatched during 1986. 9 eggs laid June 24th, 8
hatched Aug 19th.
Lampropeltis zonata parvirubra
San Bernardino Mountain Kingsnake
1980 DALT 0.0.2 hatched during 1980.
1981 DALT 0.0.4 hatched during 1981.
1985 DALT 1.1.2 hatched in 1985.
Lampropeltis zonata pulchra
San Diego Mountain Kingsnake
1979 DALT bred during 1979.
1981 PPRA 0.0.4 hatched during 1981.
1981 PPWJ 0.0.9 hatched during 1981.
1987 SADC 0.0.2 hatched during 1987.
1989 SADC 0.0.5 hatched during 1989.
Lamprophis aurora
Aurora House Snake
1986 JOHS Bred during 1986.
1987 TRAS 0.0.7 hatched during 1987. Wild bred female.
1988 TRAS 0.0.10 hatched during 1988. Wild bred female.
Lamprophis fuliginosus
Lamprophis fuliginosus ssp.
House Snake
1977 NATW 0.0.6 born during 1977.
1985 GRAC 0.0.2 born Sept 30th.
1985 SACC 0.0.10 born during 1985, captive bred.
1985 TRAS 0.0.13 born during 1985 from a wild breeding.
1986 JOHS Bred during 1986.
1986 PPBG 0.0.5 hatched during 1986. 5 eggs laid July 6th. All 5
hatched Sept 5th. 6 eggs laid Oct 1st. None hatched.
1986 PPDI 6.9.0 hatched during 1986. 3.3.0 hatched Feb 10-11th from
12 eggs laid Dec 11th 85.; 3.6.0 hatched Sept 12-14th from
eggs laid June 21st.
1986 PPJZ 0.0.4 hatched during 1986, 70-72 days incubation.
1986 SACC 0.0.4 hatched during 1986.
1986 TRAS 0.0.28 born during 1986 from both wild and captive
1987 GRAC 0.0.3 born during 1987. 1 April 9th, and 2 Aug 9th.
1987 PPBG 0.0.10 hatched during 1987.
1987 PPDI bred during 1987.
1987 TRAS 0.0.15 hatched during 1987.
1988 GRAC 0.0.2 hatched during 1987. 0.0.5 hatched during 1988.
1988 PPBG 0.0.16 hatched during 1988.
1988 PPGMc Female #l: 16 eggs laid on May 14, 6 eggs on May 29, 11
eggs on July 1. Female #2: 13 eggs laid on May 10, 11
eggs on July l. Female #3: 8 eggs laid on Jun. 17. A total
of 60 hatched of the 65 eggs.
1988 PPJZ 5 hatchlings, hatched Dec 29th after a 60 day incubation
period. 3 clutches were laid by 3 females, numbering 9,8,
and 6 eggs. The 5 hatchlings came from the female which
laid 8 eggs. The females who laid the other two clutches died
shortly after laying eggs.
1988 PPKHa 0.0.4 hatched during 1988. Copulation June 16, 1988. Nov 8,
1988 4 eggs laid. Incubated 26 - 28 degrees C. on damp peat. 4
hatched Jan 2-5, 1989. Young measure approx 20 cms.
1988 TRAS 0.0.36 hatched during 1988.
1989 PPJZ 0.0.5 hatched during 1989. 65 days incubation.
1989 PPKHa 0.0.13 hatched during 1989. An adult pair, wild caught
as juveniles in 1985-86, first reproduced in 1988-89.
Copulation 16 Sept 88, 4 eggs laid 16 Nov 88. Gestation of 53
days. 4 hatched 2-5 Jan 89 after 56-59 days incubation.
18 Jan 89 the same female laid a clutch of 4 more eggs.
No further copulations since 16 Sept 88. This clutch was
laid 125-126 days after copulation. (53 days since
deposition of first clutch). 4 hatched 13-16 March 89,
incubation 54-56 days. On 16 March 89 the same female
deposited a 3rd clutch, still no copulations since Sept 88.
Deposition taking place 182 days after copulation. (56
days since laying of 2nd clutch). This clutch comprised of
5 eggs all hatched 63-65 days 17-19 May 89.
The same pair of snakes copulated in Sept/Oct 89, the
female producing 3 very long (7cm.) eggs in late November
89. 2 were infertile. The fertile egg was fully developed
but died full term.
1989 TRAS 0.0.32 born during 1989.
1990 GRAC 0.0.6 born during 1990.
1990 NATS 0.0.22 born during 1990.
1990 TRAS 0.0.17 born during 1990.
1991 NATS 0.0.18 born during 1991.
1993 MIEPb 0.0.8 hatched during 1993.
1993 MIEPe 0.0.4 hatched during 1993, 2 did not survive.
1993 PORS 0.0.12 hatched during 1993.
1993 SLAP 0.0.8 hatched during 1993.
1993 WIEP 0.0.10 hatched during 1993.
1994 MIEP 0.0.21 hatched during 1994.
1994 NATS 0.0.13 hatched during 1994.
Lamprophis fuliginosus fuliginosus
Brown House Snake
1987 PPJZ 0.0.4 hatched during 1987. 6 eggs laid, 4 hatched, 65 days.
Lamprophis inornatus
Olive House Snake
1986 TRAS 0.0.6 born during 1986 from a wild breeding.
1993 PORS 0.0.8 hatched during 1993.
Langaha nasuta
Madagascar Leaf-nosed Snake
1997 DALT 0.0.5 hatched during 1997.
Leptodeira bakeri
Arubian Cat-eyed Snake
1993 TOLO 0.0.5 hatched during 1993.
Leptodeira maculata
1988 LABM A wild-caught female laid 13 eggs on Nov 15th, and weighed
75g after oviposition. Weights and lengths of the eggs were:
2.34-22.4, 2.42-24.4, 2.32-23.4, 2.26-2l.2, 2.09-22,
2.39-22.3, 2.29-22.5, 2.34-22.7, 2.23-22, 2.32-22.7, 2.47-22.3,
1.95-19.l, and 2.28-2l.7, (g-mm).
Leioheterodon madagascariensis
Madagascar Giant Hognose Snake
1971 FORT bred during 1971.
1979 PHIP 0.0.9 hatched during 1979.
1980 COLO 0.0.3 hatched during 1980.
1980 PHIP 0.0.5 hatched during 1980.
1981 COLO 0.0.12 hatched during 1981.
1981 PHIP 0.0.1 hatched during 1981.
1986 COLO 0.0.16 hatched during 1986.
1987 FORT 0.0.6 hatched during 1987.
1988 FORT 0.0.1 hatched July 12,1988.
1991 COLO 0.0.6 hatched during 1991.
1991 LOSC 0.7.2 hatched during 1991. Second generation.
1992 COLO 0.0.4 hatched during 1992.
1993 COLO 0.0.11 hatched during 1993.
1995 COLO 0.0.13 hatched during 1995.
Lycodonomorphus rufulus
Brown Water Snake
1985 TRAS 0.0.8 in 1985, wild bred.
1988 TRAS 0.0.7 hatched during 1988. Wild bred female.
Lycophidion capense
Lycophidion capense capense
Cape Wolf Snake
1987 MANS 0.0.6 hatched during 1987. Gravid wild-caught female laid 6
eggs Nov 29th (Southern hemisphere). The eggs were incubated on
damp vermiculite at 27 degrees C. and all 6 hatched after an
incubation period of 54 days.
Madagascarophis colubrinus
1979 FORT bred during 1979.
1995 COLO 0.0.3 born/hatched during 1995.
Malpolon moilensis
1989 TELI bred during 1989.
Malpolon monspessulanus
Malpolon monspessulanus ssp.
1989 TELI bred during 1989.
Malpolon monspessulanus insigitus
1990 MOSR 0.0.5 hatched from a wild bred female.
Masticophis bilineatus
Masticophis bilineatus bilineatus
Sonoran Whipsnake
1981 ARIA 0.0.4 hatched during 1981.
Masticophis flagellum
Masticophis flagellum ssp.
1981 LINI 0.0.11 hatched during 1981.
1997 ARIA 0.0.1 hatched during 1997.
Masticophis flagellum piceus
Red Coachwhip
1981 PHOA 0.0.12 hatched during 1981.
1990 RIVS 0.0.6 hatched during 1990.
Masticophis lateralis
Masticophis lateralis lateralis
California Striped Racer
1980 ROEC 0.0.6 hatched 8 Aug from 8 eggs laid 6 Jun 1980 by a wild
caught gravid female.
Natrix maura
Viperine Snake
1986 PPPD 0.0.4 hatched during 1986. All conditions like Lacerta
agilis. Copulation between March 1st and 30th. Egg-laying
May 2nd, 5 eggs laid, one infertile. 4 hatched June 19th.
1987 BITS bred during 1987.
Natrix natrix
Natrix natrix ssp.
Grass Snake
1985 PPPG 0.0.92 born during 1985.
1986 RIGR Bred during 1986.
1989 NOVR 0.0.12 hatched during 1989.
1992 ZURS 0.0.165 born during 1992.
Natrix natrix helvetica
Barred Grass Snake
1994 WESEa 0.0.30 hatched during 1994. Two wild laid clutches were
brought in by the public. Hatched and released.
Natrix natrix natrix
Grass Snake
1993 MIEP 0.0.48 born during 1993.
1993 MIEPe 0.0.6 born during 1993, 3 did not survive.
Natrix tesselata
Dice Snake
1986 RIGR Bred during 1986.
1989 TELI bred during 1989.
1990 PPRDa 0.0.20 hatched during 1990. Older female copulated 7 Apr.
14 eggs laid 1 Jul, 14 hatched but date unknown. Younger
female laid 14 eggs Apr, 6 hatched. She was not bred again
but laid a second clutch of 7 infertile eggs six weeks
after the first clutch.
Nerodia erythrogaster
Nerodia erythrogaster ssp.
Plainbelly Water Snake
1993 FORT 0.0.1 born 7 Oct 93.
Nerodia erythrogaster erythrogaster
Redbelly Water Snake
1980 CITV 0.0.25 young born 6 Sep from a wild bred female.
1995 RIVS 0.0.1 hatched during 1995.
Nerodia erythrogaster flavigaster
Yellowbelly Water Snake
1993 MONA 0.0.6 born during 1993.
Nerodia erythrogaster neglecta
Copperbelly Water Snake
1976 TOLO 0.0.19 born during 1976 from a wild caught gravid female.
Nerodia fasciata
Nerodia fasciata ssp.
Southern Water Snake
1991 LOWF 0.0.2 born during 1991.
Nerodia fasciata fasciata
Banded Watersnake
1988 CANE 0.0.20 born during 1988.
Nerodia fasciata pictiventris
Florida Water Snake
1979 LINI 0.0.24 born during 1979.
1988 PPPD Adults maintained as described in entry for N. rhombifera.
Copulation was observed on March 20th. 15 babies were born
on Aug 2,1988. Mean total length 22 cm. Sex ratio 8.7.
Nerodia rhombifera
Nerodia rhombifera ssp.
Diamondback Water Snake
1987 PPPD 0.0.58 born during 1987. 1.2.0 adults. First female, 26
young born June 28th, mean total length 280mm. 2nd female, 32
young born (one stillborn) July 4th, mean total length 280mm.
Adults kept with progressive light from 10 hours to 16. Winter
season 18 - 20 degrees C. in darkness for two months (December/
January). One month before winter season lighting intensity
reduced by half, 10/hr. day. Male and female separated during
winter season.
1988 PPPD 1.2 adults maintained separately, in darkness, from Dec 1
- Feb 15th, at 12-14 degrees C. Temperature slowly
decreased one month or so before wintering season.
Following hibernation, day length increased from 10h to l6h,
progressively. Lighting intensity is reduced by half and
length of day reduced to 10h by Nov 1st. Copulation was
observed several times March 15 - April 10th. Female #l gave
birth to l8 living and one stillborn baby on July 3.1988. Sex
ratio 9.9. Mean total length 28cm. Female #2 gave birth
to 23 living and 2 stillborn babies on July 9,1988. Sex ratio
13.10, mean total length 29cm. The females had been kept
since 1983.
1989 OKLO 0.0.1 born during 1989.
1996 CHIC 0.0.12 born during 1996.
1996 CHII 0.0.12 born during 1996.
Nerodia rhombifera rhombifera
Diamondback Water Snake
1985 PPKFb 27 born August 29th from a wild breeding.
1986 PPPD 0.0.9 born during 1986. Conditions for the females like
Sistrurus miliarus barbouri. The two females were kept
without a male from Oct 1983 to July 1986, as this
species was seldom available in France. One of the females
laid non-fertilized eggs in 1984, 1985 and 1986. The other
female, 1.30m long, laid 14 non-fertilized eggs and 9 healthy
young about 250mm long, on June 23rd 1986. All young fed
readily on small fish.
1989 PPPD 14.10.0 born during 1989. Copulation seen between 24 March
and 5 April, at least four times. 24 (14.10) young born on
12 July; mean total length: 265mm, mean weight: 7,4g.
all young fed on small fish. Conditions thought to be of
importance for this reproduction: wintering at 12-14 degrees
C. in darkness from mid-November to the end of February,
male and female separated; and progressive variation of
the length of lighting from 10h/day to 16h/day during the
activity period.
Nerodia sipedon
Nerodia sipedon ssp.
Northern Water Snake
1981 KANM 0.0.41 born during 1981.
1981 TOLO 0.0.17 born during 1981.
1997 MILW 0.0.1 born during 1997.
Nerodia sipedon pleuralis
Midland Water Snake
1992 RIVS 0.0.1 born during 1992.
1993 RIVS 0.0.12 born during 1993.
Nerodia sipedon sipedon
Northern Water Snake
1981 TOLO 0.0.17 born during 1981.
1988 MILW 0.0.1 born during 1988.
1996 CLEO 0.0.26 born during 1996.
1996 MILW 0.0.20 born during 1996.
Nerodia taxispilota
Brown Water snake
1986 PITP Bred during 1986.
Opheodrys aestivus
Rough Green Snake
1978 WOOW 0.0.2 hatched from 4 eggs laid during 1978.
1981 ROEC 0.0.4 hatched 17 Jul form 4 eggs laid 6 Jun 1981 from
a wild caught gravid female. Eggs incubated at 84 degrees F.
1991 LOSC 0.0.4 hatched during 1991 from a wild bred female.
1991 PHIP 0.0.4 hatched during 1991.
Oxybelis sp.
Vine Snake
1986 GRAC 0.0.2 hatched Nov 8,1986.
1990 PHIP 2.3.2 hatched during 1990.
Oxybelis aeneus
Mexican Vine Snake
1987 LABM 0.0.2 hatched during 1987. 4 eggs laid July 22nd by a
wild caught female. Incubation temperature 28 - 30 degrees C.
0.0.2 hatched September 19th.
Oxybelis brevirostris
1995 NATM 0.0.4 hatched during 1995.
Oxybelis fulgidus
Green Vine Snake
1987 DETM 0.0.3 hatched during 1987, wild bred.
1992 OKLO 0.0.2 hatched during 1992.
1995 DENC 0.0.2 hatched during 1995.
Psammodromus algirus
1989 PPBL 3 (Aug 28), +1 (Aug 29), +1 (Aug 30). I count more now,
at least 8, so I must have forgotten to make notes.
1990 PPBL 0.0.115 hatched during 1990.
1992 PPBL 0.0.41 hatched during 1992. 63 hatched during 1991,
and 115 during 1990.
Philothamnus semivariegatus
Philothamnus semivariegatus ssp.
Green Bush Snake
1985 TRAS 0.0.4 in 1985, wild bred.
1994 NATS 0.0.3 hatched during 1994.
Pituophis catenifer
Pituophis catenifer ssp.
Gopher Snake
1987 PPDLc 2.4.0 hatched during 1987. Wild caught female laid 8 eggs.
Incubated peat moss & damp newspaper, fungus developed on eggs
and was held off by cleaning with cotton-tipped swabs.
1989 GRAC 0.0.2 hatched during 1989.
1989 PPBB 0.0.28 hatched during 1989.
1991 BARS 0.0.7 hatched during 1991.
Pituophis catenifer affinis
Sonoran Gopher Snake
1979 HOGU bred during 1979.
1980 PPSO 0.0.13 hatched during 1980.
1980 ROEC 0.0.10 hatched 31 Aug from 10 eggs laid 5 Jul 1980.
Copulation 5 May after hibernation in captivity.
1981 ARIA 0.0.11 hatched during 1981.
1981 PHOA 0.0.24 hatched during 1981. 3 albino, 13 hetero, and 8
1981 PPJR 0.0.28 hatched during 1981, 20 albino, 8 hetero.
1986 PPBCa Bred during 1986 - albinos.
1986 PPBG 0.0.1 hatched during 1986. Amelanistic male, heterozygous
female. 6 eggs laid July 5th. 0.1.0 heterozygous hatched
Sept 7th.
1987 AUDL 0.0.4 hatched during 1987.
1987 PPDI bred during 1987.
1989 PPBTa bred during 1989. Copulation during April. Eggs in June,
23 hatched.
1990 ARIA 0.0.9 hatched during 1990.
1992 PPBTa 0.0.71 hatched during 1992 from 6 clutches. Normals,
heterozyogus, albinos, etc.
1993 PPJZ 0.0.7 hatched during 1993.
1994 PPBLa 0.0.10 hatched during 1994. 7 albino, 3 hetero, from 10
1995 NORNa 0.0.12 hatched during 1995.
Pituophis catenifer affinis
1986 PPRO 0.0.9 hatched during 1986.
1988 PPBCa 0.0.8 hatched during 1988.
1988 PPWM 0.0.21 hatched during 1988. 1.2 adults hibernated at 55
degrees F. No copulation observed. Two clutches of 9 and 11
were laid. 0.0.7 and 0.0.10 hatched after 60 days. Incubation
in vermiculite at 84 degrees F. One female double clutched
with 6 eggs six weeks after her first clutch. 0.0.4 hatched.
1989 PPWM 0.0.9 hatched during 1989.
1994 PPSSa 3.1.16 hatched during 1994. Albino, hetrozygous, double
heterozygous, Albino x heterozygous, etc.
Pituophis catenifer affinis
Heterozygous For Amelanism
1993 PPRA bred during 1993.
Pituophis catenifer annectens
San Diego Gopher Snake
1977 SADC 0.0.10 hatched during 1977.
1981 PPJR 0.0.37 hatched during 1981. 17 albino, 20 hetero.
1986 PPBB Bred heterozygous during 1986.
1986 PPSMa 4.7.0 hatched during 1986. 1.2 amelanistic, 3.5
1987 PPDI bred during 1987.
1988 PPJPc bred during 1988.
1990 NATS 0.0.10 hatched during 1990.
1990 PPRO bred during 1990.
1991 NATS 0.0.8 hatched during 1991.
1993 PPRA bred during 1993.
1994 PPRA bred during 1994. Albino and heterozyogous.
1996 PPRA 0.0.6 heterozygous hatched during 1996.
Pituophis catenifer annectens
1986 PPRA Bred during 1986.
1987 PPRA bred during 1987.
1988 PPRA bred during 1988.
1989 PPRA bred during 1989.
1990 PPRA bred during 1990. Also heterozygous.
Pituophis catenifer annectens
Heterozygous For Amelanism
1987 PPRA bred during 1987.
Pituophis catenifer catenifer
Pacific Gopher Snake
1977 WOOW 0.0.11 hatched from 15 eggs (2 clutches) laid in 1977.
1978 WOOW 0.0.5 hatched from 15 eggs (2 clutches) in 1978.
1981 ROEC 0.0.3 hatched 17 Jul from 6 eggs laid 22 May 1981.
1985 SACC 0.0.2 hatched during 1985 from a captive breeding.
1986 PPRGc Bred during 1986.
1986 PPRO 0.0.2 hatched during 1986.
1986 SACC 0.0.8 hatched during 1986.
1989 PPJPc bred during 1989.
Pituophis catenifer deserticola
Great Basin Gopher Snake
1981 PPPH 0.0.5 hatched 21 Aug from 5 eggs laid 3 Jul 1981 from
a wild bred Wyoming female.
1985 PPDI 4 eggs laid 16 May, 0.4.0 hatched 28-31 July. 7 eggs laid
17 May, 3.4.0 hatched 25-28 July. 4 eggs laid 5 June, 2.2.0
hatched 17-18 Aug. 5 eggs laid 25 May, 0.4.1 hatched 2-3 August.
1987 PPDI bred during 1987.
Pituophis catenifer pumilis
Santa Cruz Gopher Snake
1985 PPVS Bred during 1985.
Pituophis catenifer sayi
1961 PPPH 0.0.11 hatched 23 Sep from 21 eggs laid 21 Jul 1961 by a
wild caught gravid female. Eggs were incubated at room temp.
in damp, unsterile sand. All were fertile, only 11 hatched.
1962 PPPH 0.0.6 hatched 5 - 7 Aug from 19 eggs laid 28 May 1962.
Copulation 29 Mar.
1963 PPPH 0.0.4 hatched 27 Jul - 2 Aug from 15 eggs laid 26 May 1963.
Copulation 2 Apr. Eggs incubated in damp cotton batting. 6
fertile, 9 infertile. One egg contained dead twins.
1964 PPPH 0.0.4 hatched 30 - 31 Jul from 15 eggs laid 25 May 1964.
Pair housed together year round.
1973 PPPH 0.0.15 hatched 23 Aug from 15 eggs laid 12 May 1973 from
a wild caught gravid female.
1974 PPPH 0.0.2 hatched 19 Aug from 14 eggs laid 24 Jun 1974. 4
eggs were infertile.
1976 PPPH 0.0.10 hatched 23 Aug from 11 fertile eggs laid 1 Jul 1976.
Pair hibernated 4 Dec 1974 - 22 Mar 1975 at 10 degrees C.
1976 TOLO 0.0.6 hatched during 1976.
1977 PPPH 0.0.23 hatched during 1977. Copulation 7 May, 10 eggs
laid 7 Jun, 5 hatched 29 Jul - 3 Aug. Copulation 1 May, 23
eggs laid 26 May, 18 hatched 21 Jul 1977.
1977 PPRBa 0.0.2 hatched 29 - 30 1977 from a wild bred female.
1978 PPPH 0.0.4 hatched 23 Aug form 9 eggs laid 3 Jun 1978.
1979 FORT bred during 1979.
1979 MILW bred during 1979.
1979 PPPH 0.0.16 hatched during 1979. 11 eggs laid 10 Jul, 10
hatched 1 - 2 Aep. Copulation 8 May, 9 eggs laid 22 Jun,
6 hatched 17 - 19 Aug 1979.
1979 TOLO 0.0.6 hatched during 1979.
1980 PPBD 0.0.14 hatched 7 Aug from 16 eggs laid mid Jun 1980.
1980 PPPH 0.0.7 hatched 28 - 29 Sep from 7 eggs laid 9 Aug 1980.
1981 PPBD 0.0.8 hatched 22 - 23 Jul 1981 from a wild bred female.
1981 PPPH 0.0.1 hatched during 1981.
1985 PPBB 1st female and male both captive hatched. Copulation 25
April. 6 eggs deposited 5 June, 5 were fertile. 1.2.0 hatched
7 Aug, 2 others died before hatching. Incubation time 55 days.
2nd female, captive born copulated with above male 10 April. 13
eggs laid 5 June of which 10 were fertile. Fungus attacked 6
eggs. 1.3.0 hatched 7-9 June 85. 3rd female copulated with the
above male 13 April. 10 eggs laid 13 June of which 9 were
fertile. 6.3.0 hatched 8-10 Aug after 56 - 58 days. All eggs
were incubated in vermiculite & water at 80 - 83 degrees F.
1986 ABIT 2.2.0 hatched during 1986.
1986 PPBB Bred during 1986.
1986 PPRK Bred during 1986. Eggs laid May 20th, hatched July 29 -
Aug 1st. 70 to 74 days incubation at 78 degrees F.
1987 ABIT 0.0.9 hatched during 1987.
1987 BALM 0.0.8 hatched during 1987.
1987 PPCS 0.0.24 hatched during 1987. Wild-bred female laid 14 eggs,
all hatched. Captive-bred female laid 10 eggs, all hatched.
1988 ABIT 0.0.10 hatched during 1988.
1988 MILW 0.0.1 hatched during 1988.
1988 PPSB 6.4.0 hatched during 1988. Caught pair copulating in
the wild May 12th. Female shed June 6th. Laid 10 eggs
June 26th. Eggs hatched Aug 13-23,1988. Incubation ranged
from 48-58 days. Sex ratio of young were 6.4. Lengths
of young ranged from 15 1/2" to 17", mean of 16".
1989 OKLO 0.0.15 hatched during 1989.
1989 PPBB 0.0.42 hatched during 1989. (several females)
1989 PPJZ 0.0.9 hatched during 1989 from a wild caught gravid female.
70 days incubation.
1989 REPS 0.0.19 hatched during 1989.
1990 ABIT 0.0.6 hatched during 1990.
1990 MOSR 0.0.4 hatched during 1990.
1990 OKLO 0.0.17 hatched during 1990.
1990 PPSB 4.5.0 hatched during 1990. Copulation occurred on 4 May.
Female shed 1 Jun. 9 eggs laid 12 Jun. Nine hatched 1 - 11
Aug 90. Incubation 50 - 60 days. Lengths of hatchlings ranged
from 17 1/2" to 20", mean of 18 1/2".
1991 ABIT 0.0.8 hatched during 1991.
1991 OKLO 8.5.0 hatched during 1991.
1992 PPJAb 0.0.13 hatched during 1992. Copulation twice during May.
15 eggs laid 27 Jun, incubated at room temp (72 degrees F.)
in moist vermiculite and moss and covered with damp paper towels.
0.0.13 hatched 24 Sep 1992.
1992 PPSSa 16.21.0 hatched from 3 clutches from wild caught gravid
females. Eggs incubated at 83 F. hatched at 54 days, 92.5%
hatch rate. All adults and young released.
1993 OKLO 0.0.14 hatched during 1993.
1993 REPS 0.0.22 hatched during 1993. 0.0.14 hatched 25 Aug from
eggs laid 14 July, 0.0.8 hatched 5 Sept from eggs laid
16 July 1993.
1994 PPBLa 0.0.6 hatched during 1994. 5 albino, 1 hetero.
Pituophis catenifer annectens x Elaphe guttata guttata
Hybrid Or Intergrade
1985 PPDI This is actually (P. m. a. X E. g. g.) X E. g. g. Male
hybred introduced 16 Feb. Seen copulating 25 March from 1900 -
1935 hrs., and on 31 March from2100 - 2200 hrs. On April 5
blood was noticed at site where mating had occurred. Female last
fed 7 March, gray 22 April and shed 27 - 29 April. Laid 18 3ggs
9-10 May, 3 of which were infertile. Incubated in vermiculite at
29 degrees C. 7.7.1 hatched 31 July - 2 August.
1986 PPDI After the first cross these listings become difficult to
inventory. This breeding was (Pituophis m. annectens X Elaphe
g. guttata) X P. m. deserticola. 1.1.0 hatched Aug 17th from
eggs laid May 30th.
Pituophis catenifer deserticola x P. m. affinis
Hybrid Or Intergrade
1986 PPGCc 0.0.2 hatched during 1986. Bred a wild caught pure
deserticola to an albino affinis. 8 eggs laid, 2 albinos
Pituophis melanoleucus
Pituophis melanoleucus lodingi
Black Pine Snake
1980 JACM 0.0.9 hatched 24 & 26 Aug from 10 eggs laid 25 Jun 1980.
Copulation 26 May 1980. 1 did not survive.
1981 JACM 0.0.6 hatched during 1981.
1985 FORT 0.0.7 hatched 8 August 1985.
1985 OKLO 0.0.4 hatched during 1985 from a captive breeding.
1985 PPAZ 3.1.0 hatched during 1985.
1985 PPHC 0.0.10 hatched during 1985.
1985 PPSR 16.12.0 hatched in 1985.
1985 PPTLa 0.0.17 hatched during 1985.
1986 KNOT 0.0.2 hatched during 1986.
1986 OKLO 0.0.10 hatched during 1986.
1986 PPAZ Bred during 1986.
1986 PPHC 0.0.7 hatched Sept 15-17, 1986.
1986 PPRO 0.0.6 hatched during 1986.
1987 OKLO 3.6.0 hatched during 1987.
1987 PPDMe 0.0.6 hatched during 1987.
1987 PPHC 0.0.6 hatched Sept 12th.
1987 PPSR bred during 1987.
1988 BUFN 0.0.1 hatched Aug 22,1988.
1988 FORT 0.0.1 hatched Jul. 26, 1988,.
1988 OKLO 0.0.13 hatched during 1988.
1988 PPHC 0.0.5 hatched Sept 18-19,1988.
1989 BUFN 2.2.0 hatched 26 August 89.
1989 FORT 0.0.4 hatched 5 Aug 89.
1989 OKLO 10.11.0 hatched during 1989.
1990 FORT 0.0.1 hatched 3 Aug 1990.
1990 OKLO 6.6.0 hatched during 1990.
1990 PPHC 0.0.4 hatched 11 - 15 Oct 90.
1991 FORT 0.0.4 hatched 18 - 19 Jul 91.
1991 OKLO 3.4.1 hatched during 1991.
1991 PPGSc 0.0.3 hatched from a clutch of 5 eggs in 1991.
1992 BUFN 0.0.2 hatched during 1992.
1992 COLO 0.0.5 hatched during 1992.
1992 OKLO 4.3.0 hatched during 1992.
1992 PPBTa 0.0.19 hatched during 1992 from 4 clutches.
1993 FORT 0.0.7 hatched 27 - 30 July 93.
1993 OKLO 0.0.3 hatched during 1993.
1995 COLO 0.0.5 hatched during 1995.
1995 DENC 1.3.0 hatched during 1995.
1997 DENC 0.0.7 hatched during 1997.
Pituophis melanoleucus melanoleucus
Northern Pine Snake
1979 PPRJ 0.0.6 hatched 1 - 4 Sep from 7 eggs laid 2 - 3 Jul 1979
from a wild bred female.
1981 STAN 0.0.15 hatched during 1981.
1985 PPBB Copulation observed between a captive hatched 1982 male and
and a captive hatched female, both with origins to Burlington
County, New Jersey. On 2 Apr seven eggs were laid. 9 Jun eight
(3.5.0) hatched 7 - 10 Aug 85. (one egg produced 15" twins !).
Average length of hatchlings, 20". Total incubation time 59 -
62 days. Another 1983 captive born male, and a 1983 captive
born female copulated in March. 12 eggs were laid 17 May. 12
(4.8.0) hatched 19 - 21 Jul 85. 63 - 65 days incubation.
1985 PPPG 0.0.4 hatched during 1985.
1986 PPBB Bred during 1986.
1986 PPJMa 0.0.5 hatched during 1986. Copulation in March, 1 infertile
egg layed May 8th, 5 fertile laid May 15th. All hatched July
1986 PPRK Bred during 1986. Eggs laid May 19th, hatched July 24 -
28th. 66 to 70 days incubation at 78 degrees F.
1986 PPRO 0.0.6 hatched during 1986.
1986 ZOOE 0.0.10 hatched during 1986.
1987 PPDMe 0.0.3 hatched during 1987.
1987 PPJMa 0.0.8 hatched during 1987. Bred March 87, deposited 9
eggs April 28th, 8 hatched June 29-30.
1987 ZOOE 0.0.3 hatched during 1987.
1989 LOSC 1.1.0 hatched during 1989.
1989 PPBB 0.0.59 hatched during 1989. (several females).
1989 RIVS 0.0.7 hatched 25 July 89.
1989 STAN 3.1.0 hatched 18 May 89.
1989 TOLO 0.0.7 hatched during 1989.
1990 RIVS 2.3.8 hatched during 1990.
1990 STAN 0.0.5 hatched during 1990.
1990 TOLO 0.0.17 hatched during 1990. Two clutches, 8 & 9 eggs.
1991 RIVS 12.9.0 hatched during 1991.
1991 TOLO 2.1.5 hatched during 1991.
1992 RIVS 7.18.0 hatched during 1992.
1993 NATW 2.0.0 hatched during 1993.
1993 RIVS 15.11.0 hatched during 1993.
1993 TENT 0.0.5 hatched during 1993.
1993 ZOOE 0.0.3 hatched during 1993.
1994 RIVS 6.10.0 hatched during 1994.
1996 PHIP 0.1.0 hatched during 1996.
1996 RIVS 5.2.3 hatched during 1996.
1997 DUDE 0.0.3 hatched during 1997.
Pituophis melanoleucus mugitus
Florida Pine Snake
1977 CENF 0.0.5 hatched 25 Sep - 1 Oct from eggs laid 28 jul 1977.
1979 ATLG 0.0.14 hatched during 1979.
1980 ATLG 0.0.5 hatched during 1980.
1985 JACF 0.0.8 hatched (Aug 29 - Sept 1st.) during 1985.
1987 PPDMe 0.0.4 hatched during 1987.
1987 PPSR bred during 1987.
1988 CENF bred during 1988.
1988 JACF 0.0.11 hatched during 1988.
1989 CENF 0.0.5 hatched during 1989. 6 eggs laid 10 July 89, 1
infertile, 5 hatched 29 Sept 89.
1989 JACF 0.0.5 hatched during 1989.
1990 CENF 0.0.3 hatched 15 Sep 90.
1990 JACF 0.0.1 hatched during 1990.
1991 CENF 0.0.6 hatched during 1991 from 2 females. 2 hatched
12 Sep. and 4 hatched 20 Sep. 91.
1991 COLO 0.0.2 hatched during 1991.
1991 PPJRa bred during 1991.
1992 CENF 0.0.2 hatched 15 - 18 Oct 92.
1993 COLO 2.1.1 hatched during 1993.
1995 COLO 0.0.6 hatched during 1995.
1995 JACF 2.0.1 hatched 29 - 30 Aug 1995.
Pituophis melanoleucus ruthveni
Louisiana Pine Snake
1987 ELLT 0.0.1 hatched during 1987.
1987 PPSR bred during 1987.
1991 FORT 0.0.3 hatched during 1991.
1992 FORT 4.0.0 hatched during 1992.
1993 FORT 0.0.6 hatched 28 - 31 Aug 93.
1993 SANT 3.4.0 hatched during 1993.
1994 FORT 0.0.9 hatched during 1994. 4 hatched 30 Aug, 5 hatched
3-5 Sep 1994.
1994 MEMT 1.1.0 hatched during 1994.
1994 SANT 6.3.1 hatched during 1994.
1995 FORT 0.0.4 hatched during 1995. 3 hatched 23 Aug, 1 hatched
27 Aug 1995.
1995 ROGR 0.0.1 hatched 7 Sept 1995.
1995 SANT 3.6 hatched during 1995.
1996 BIRA 0.0.16 hatched during 1996. 7 hatched 13 Sep, 9 hatched
4 Sep 1996.
1997 FORT 0.0.3 hatched during 1997.
1998 AUDL bred during 1998.
Psammophis crucifer
Cross-marked Grass Snake
1986 MANS 0.0.5 hatched during 1986.
Psammophis phillipsi
Olive Grass Snake
1987 MANS 0.0.2 hatched during 1987. A group of 2.2.0 adults have
been kept in a cage 1.2 x 0.5m for the past two years. One female
suspected to be gravid was removed, although no copulation
was observed. Eggs were laid Nov 17th, (Southern hemisphere).
2 of the eggs hatched after an incubation period of 66 days
at 27 degrees C. on damp vermiculite. One was badly deformed
and was put down.
Psammophis sibilans
Psammophis sibilans brevirostris
Short-snouted Grass Snake
1986 TRAS 0.0.10 during 1986 from a wild bred female.
1987 MANS 0.0.3 hatched during 1987. A wild-caught gravid female lai
9 eggs Nov 26th (Southern hemisphere). The eggs were incubated
at 27 degrees C. on damp vermiculite. 3 hatched after 61 days.
1988 TRAS 0.0.8 hatched during 1988. Wild bred female.
Psammophylax rhombeatus
Psammophylax rhombeatus ssp.
1985 TRAS 0.0.14 from wild bred female & 0.0.1 from a captive bred
female during 85.
1986 TRAS 0.0.13 during 1986 from a wild bred female.
Psammophylax rhombeatus rhombeatus
Spotted Skaapstekker
1988 TRAS 0.0.2 hatched during 1988.
1993 PORS 0.0.12 hatched during 1993.
Pseudaspis cana
Mole Snake
1985 TRAS 0.0.38 hatched during 1985 from a captive breeding.
1986 TRAS 0.0.29 hatched during 1986 from captive breedings.
1989 TRAS 0.0.35 born during 1989.
Pseudoboa neuweidi
Central American Black-headed Snake
1992 PPPBb 0.0.5 hatched during 1992 from a wild caught female. 6
eggs laid 7 Jul. Female captured in May. Eggs incubated at 28 -
30 degrees C. in wet gravel. 5 hatched 17 Sep 1992.
Rhabdophis tigrina
Japanese Keelback Snake
1986 MOSR 0.0.10 hatched during 1986.
1989 UENJ 0.0.1 hatched (born ?) during 1989.
1992 PPGB 0.0.12 hatched during 1992. Four clutches of eggs were
laid by a female recently received from Japan. The eggs were
incubated in damp, sterile sand (1:1 sand to water) at 26 - 27
degrees C. Two of the clutches did not look good when laid
and went bad. The other two were plump, ivory, and thin-
lozenge-shaped. The clutch laid on 13 July hatched 26
Aug, all 7 hatched. The clutch laid 6 Jul hatched 16 -
18 Aug 1992. 5 hatched but 1 was physically deformed and died.
Rhamphiophis oxyrhynchus
Rhamphiophis oxyrhynchus ssp.
Rufous-beaked Snake
1977 NATW 0.0.5 hatched during 1977.
1978 NATW 0.0.6 hatched during 1978.
1979 NATW 0.0.1 hatched during 1979.
1980 NATW 0.0.7 hatched during 1980.
1981 NATW 0.0.8 hatched during 1981.
1985 NATW 0.0.3 hatched during 1985 from a captive breeding.
1986 NATW 0.0.10 hatched during 1986.
1987 NATW 0.0.14 hatched during 1987.
1991 NATW 0.0.2 hatched during 1991.
Rhinocheilus lecontei
Rhinocheilus lecontei lecontei
Western Longnose Snake
1979 FORT bred during 1979.
1991 ARIA 0.0.4 hatched during 1991.
1992 ARIA 0.0.1 hatched during 1992.
Rhinocheilus lecontei tessellatus
Texas Longnose Snake
1979 FORT bred during 1979.
Sonora semiannulata
Ground Snake
1990 ARIA 0.0.1 hatched during 1990.
Spalerosophis diadema
Spalerosophis diadema ssp.
Diadem Snake
1989 TELI bred during 1989.
Spalerosophis diadema atriceps
1988 PPRG 0.0.1 hatched during 1988. Six eggs laid Sept 16,1988.
0.0.1 hatched Jan 2, 1989 after 109 days at 82 degrees F.
1990 RION 0.0.2 hatched during 1990.
1993 OKLO 0.0.9 hatched during 1993.
1994 OKLO 1.0.9 hatched during 1994.
Spalerosophis diadema cliffordi
Diadem Snake
1988 PPKT hatched during 1988.
Spalerosophis diadema diadema
Diadem Snake
1985 RION 0.0.5 young during 1985.
1986 RION 0.0.4 hatched during 1986.
1990 RION 0.0.2 hatched during 1990.
Spilotes pullatus
Spilotes pullatus ssp.
Tiger Ratsnake
1987 CHII 0.0.4 hatched during 1987.
1990 GLAT bred during 1990.
Spilotes pullatus mexicanus
Mexican Tiger Snake
1980 GLAT bred during 1980.
1980 METF 0.0.11 hatched during 1980.
Storeria dekayi
Storeria dekayi ssp.
Brown Snake
1986 PITP Bred during 1986.
Storeria dekayi wrightorum
Midland Brown Snake
1981 ATLG 0.0.15 hatched during 1981. Wild bred.
1988 PPSB 0.0.18 born during 1988. Wild bred female caught May 24th
gave live birth to 18 young on July 27,1988.
Telescopus semiannulatus
Telescopus semiannulatus ssp.
1985 TRAS 0.0.13 in 1985, wild bred.
1987 TRAS 0.0.12 hatched during 1987.
1988 TRAS 0.1.0 hatched during 1988.
1994 OKLO 0.0.4 hatched during 1994.
1997 SADC 0.0.6 hatched during 1997.
Telescopus semiannulatus semiannulatus
African Tiger Snake
1980 KNOT 0.0.1 hatched 17 Feb 1980 from eggs laid 23 Dec 1979 from
a wild bred female.
1989 TRAS 0.0.13 hatched during 1989.
Thamnophis sp.
Garter Or Ribbon Snake
1987 CHEE 0.0.24 born during 1987. 18 did not survive.
Thamnophis brachystoma
Shorthead Garter Snake
1986 PITP Bred during 1986.
Thamnophis butleri
Butler's Garter Snake
1990 PPGB 1.1.0 born 6 Sep.
1992 PPGB 0.0.3 born during 1992. Litter # 92-LB1206B Adults
hibernated together 3 Dec - 29 Mar, separated for weighing
and measuring, then paired again from 1 - 6 Apr. 3 born/1 alive
on 26 Jun 1992.
1994 PPGB 0.0.62 born during 1994. Fifteen pairs were placed together
15 - 17 Mar. Five copulations were observed, 4 of these
resulted in births; 3 litters resulted from copulations that
were not observed. A total of 62 neonates from 7 litters
were born between 18 Jun and 13 Jul 1994. The litter size
range was 5 to 13 and the sex ratio was 25.37.00. Two of
the females that gave birth in 1994 entered the lab as
wild caught gravid females in 1986.
Thamnophis cyrtopsis
Thamnophis cyrtopsis ssp.
Blackneck Garter Snake
1989 ARIA 0.0.8 born during 1989.
1995 ARIA 0.0.3 born 8 Jun 1995.
Thamnophis elegans
Thamnophis elegans ssp.
Western Terrestrial Garter Snake
1992 PPPFa 0.0.0 born during 1992 but an adult female was captured
on 11 May 1983. This snake was about 12" total length and was
estimated at about two years old. It was housed with other
garter snakes for the first year, but has been housed alone
in a ten gallon aquarium since then. In spite of its
solitary existence it gave birth to 2 young in 1987 and
again to a single young in 1990.
Thamnophis melanogaster
Garter Snake
1986 PPEGb A captive female gave birth to 13 young July 13/86. The
babies were used to feed a hungry Micrurus. 1 young still
1988 PPGB 0.0.18 born during 1988. 0.0.1 born Aug 6,1988. 0.0.7 live
and 2 dead Aug 6,1988. 0.0.7 live and 2 dead Aug 6,1988.
1989 PPGB Adults and 1985 lab-born young were cooled to 10 degrees
C. for three months in a "deli-cooler" with only one death and
a successful breeding season. Females were introduced into
the male's cage. After two to eight hours the females were
checked for the presence of a sperm plug. Some copulations
were identified by the presence of sperm plugs and/or
blood and a thick mucous on the mat or floor of the cage.
(1st) female copulated 11 April, produced a litter of 10
on 30 July. (2nd) female copulated 11 April, produced
a litter of 8 on 5 Aug, 5 were melanistic. (3rd) female
copulated 11 April, produced a litter of 9 on 6 Aug.
(4th) female copulated 11 April, produced a litter of 12
on 13 Aug. (5th) female copulated 11 April, produced a
litter of 12 on 13 Aug. (5th) female copulated on 11 April,
produced a litter of 8 on 3 Aug. (6th) female
copulated 11 April, produced a litter of 9 on 12 Aug.
(7th) female copulated 11 April, produced a litter of
9 on 10 Aug. (8th) female copulated 17 April, produced
a litter of 9 on 10 Aug. (9th) female copulated on 18 April,
produced a litter of 4 dead on 3 Aug. (10th) female
was paired with 7 males, no evidence of copulation, a
litter of 8 was born on 3 Aug. (11th) female copulated on
20 April, produced a litter of 7 on 13 Aug 89.
1990 PPGB 9.20 born during 1990 from 5 females. 1.5 born 25 Aug,
1.3 born 24 Aug, 1.6 born 18 Aug, 4.1 born 18 Aug, and 2.5
born 18 Aug.
1991 PPGB 0.0.2 born 8 Jul 91, 1 did not survive.
1992 PPGB 0.0.33 born during 1992. Hibernation from 3 Dec - 16 Mar
at 10 - 12 degrees C. Litter # 92-LB3007A 6 born/4 alive 27 Jun,
Copulation 17 Mar. Female born here in 1986;
Litter # 92-LB3008C Copulation 17 Mar, 7 born/6 alive on
25 Jun 1992. Both parents lab bred in 1986; Litter #
92-LB3011A Copulation 17 Mar, 10 born/10 alive on 5 Jul
1992; Litter # 92-LB3011C Copulation 17 Mar, 11 born/10
alive on 30 Jun 1992; Litter # 92-LB3022A Copulation 18
Mar, 4 born/3 alive on 2 Jul 1992.
1993 PPGB 29.49.0 born during 1993. 10 litters were born between
11 June and 6 July 1993; of 11 pairs, 8 copulations observed
(2 pairs that were not seen to copulate gave birth and a
third pair passed yolks) on 18 - 19 March 1993.; 3 of the
mothers and one of the fathers were from lab-bred litters
(1989 - 1990); litter size ranged from 5 - 15 and the
sex ratio was 29.49.0. Adults were cooled to 10 - 12
degrees C. from 1 Dec 92 - 17 March 1993.
Thamnophis marcianus
Thamnophis marcianus ssp.
Checkered Garter Snake
1985 ELLT 0.0.9 hatched during 1985.
1988 COTE 0.0.33 born during 1988.
1991 COTE 0.0.37 born during 1991.
1991 PPGB 6.9.0 born alive 8 Jul 91.
1993 PPBMa 0.0.7 born during 1993.
Thamnophis marcianus marcianus
Checkered Garter Snake
1986 ABIT 0.0.4 born during 1986.
1987 ABIT 0.0.5 born during 1987.
1988 ABIT 0.0.7 born during 1988.
Thamnophis proximus
Thamnophis proximus orarius
Gulf Coast Ribbon Snake
1989 AUDL 0.0.10 born during 1989.
1991 AUDL 0.0.13 born during 1991.
Thamnophis radix
Thamnophis radix ssp.
Plains Garter Snake
1979 PPJD 0.0.61 born during 1979. 0.0.42 born 20 Jul from a wild
caught female, 2 were dead, 1 was deformed. 2nd gravid female
gave birth to 19 young on 26 Jul 1979.
1979 PPPH 0.0.8 born 26 Jul. Hibernated 46 degrees F. from 23 Dec -
21 Apr, copulation 21 - 24 Apr, 8 born, (one stillborn) 26
Jul 1979. Last meal by female 20 Jul 1979.
1980 PPPH 0.0.7 born 13 Jul 1980. Adults were hibernated between 46 &
58 degrees F. from 31 Dec - 28 Mar 1980.
1980 SEDK 0.0.32 born 18 Feb 1980. 5 stillborn, albino male.
1981 PPPH 0.0.19 born during 1981.
1991 PPGB 20.20.0 born during 1991. 1st female, 7.8.0 born alive
17 Jun 91. 2nd female, 13.12 born alive, 1 dead 6 Jul 91. Pairs
were hibernated together.
1995 PPTGa 0.0.20 born during 1995.
Thamnophis radix haydeni
Western Plains Garter Snake
1980 SEDK bred during 1980.
1988 CALA 0.0.38 born during 1988.
Thamnophis rufipunctatus
Narrowhead Garter Snake
1981 PHOA 0.0.1 born during 1981.
Thamnophis sauritus
Thamnophis sauritus sauritus
Eastern Ribbon Snake
1987 PPJBc 0.0.12 still born young Aug 22nd - Sept 6th. from a
wild-caught gravid female.
Thamnophis sirtalis
Thamnophis sirtalis ssp.
Common Garter Snake
1979 LINI 0.0.8 born during 1979.
1980 LINI 0.0.12 born during 1980.
1981 LINI 0.0.16 born during 1981.
1981 TOLO 0.0.1 born during 1981.
1986 STLM 0.0.3 born during 1986.
1988 PPGB 0.0.18 born during 1988. 0.0.18 live, and 20 dead July
1989 PPFRa bred during 1989.
1989 ROYN 0.0.30 born during 1989.
1991 PPGT 0.0.9 born during 1991.
1993 PPGT 0.0.13 born during 1993.
1994 PPGT 0.0.13 born during 1994.
Thamnophis sirtalis concinnus
Red-spotted Garter Snake
1985 PPBTa 0.0.36 born during 1985. 15 on 06/19/85, 12 on 06/24 and 9
on 07/03/85. Copulation 02/15 - 05/01.
1987 PPBTa 0.0.60 born during 1987. 3 females, copulation in March.
Average of 20 young each born during late May and early June.
1989 PPBTa bred during 1989. 3.5 adults. Copulation during March -
May. 10 to 23 young born, per female, during July.
Thamnophis sirtalis fitchi
Valley Garter Snake
1980 ROEC 0.0.9 bornd during 1980. 2 litters born from copulations
on 11 & 13 Apr. 9 live and 13 stillborn on 21 - 27 Aug 1980.
Thamnophis sirtalis parietalis
Red-sided Garter Snake
1979 PPJD 0.0.15 born 16 Jul 1979 from a wild caught gravid female.
All fed on earthworms by 25 Jul 1979.
1988 PAIE 0.0.2 born during 1988.
1989 PAIE 0.0.15 born during 1989.
Thamnophis sirtalis similis
Bluestripe Garter Snake
1991 LOWF 0.0.1 born during 1991.
1994 MEMT 0.0.16 born during 1994.
Thamnophis sirtalis sirtalis
Eastern Garter Snake
1977 PITP 0.0.16 born 20 Jul 1977.
1978 PITP 0.0.30 born 12 Jul 1978.
1979 PITP 0.0.10 born Jul 1979.
1980 CITV 0.0.8 born 2 & 3 Jul 1980.
1980 PPBM bred during 1980.
1980 PPML 0.0.17 born during 1980. 11 born in Jul and 6 born in Sep.
1980 PPRJ 0.0.21 born 14 Jul 1980 from a wild bred female. 1 did not
1980 PPWW 0.0.22 born 1 Aug 1980 rom a wild caught gravid female.
1981 TOLO 0.0.1 born during 1981.
1986 PITP Bred during 1986.
1989 TOLO 0.0.8 born during 1989.
1991 AUDL 0.0.12 born during 1991.
1991 LOWF 0.1.1 born during 1991.
1993 PPGB 26.16.0 born during 1993. 5 litters were born between
25 May and 3 June 1993; all were paired 30 March - 1 April
but only one copulation was observed. 4 of the mothers were
born in the lab 1989 - 1990; litter size ranged from 5 - 12
and the sex ratio was 26.16.0; two of the neonates are
melanistic. Adults were cooled to 5 degrees C. from 1 Dec -
29 March 1993.
Thamnophis sirtalis tetrataenia
San Francisco Garter Snake
1985 DALT 0.0.16 hatched in 1985.
1985 FORT 0.0.12 born 1 June 1985.
1986 DALT 0.0.13 born during 1986.
1986 FORT 0.0.52 born during 1986. 17 born May 28th, 35 born May 29th
1986 JERE 0.0.3 born during 1986.
1987 JERE 0.0.88 born during 1987. 53 did not survive.
1987 SADC 0.0.11 born during 1987.
1988 DALT 0.0.13 born during 1986.
1988 JERE 0.0.10 born during 1988.
1988 PHOA 0.0.14 born during 1988.
1988 SADC 0.0.16 born during 1988.
1988 SEDK 4.6.1 born during 1988.
1989 JERE 0.0.8 born during 1989. 6 did not survive.
1989 MEMT 0.0.23 born during 1989.
1989 SADC 0.0.33 born during 1989.
1990 PAIE 0.0.11 born during 1990.
1990 ROYN 0.0.1 born during 1990.
1990 ROYS 0.0.1 born during 1990.
1992 FOLN 0.0.2 born during 1992, 1 did not survive.
1993 MIEPb 0.0.65 born during 1993, 31 did not survive.
1993 ROGR 0.0.2 born 27 July 93.
1993 SAFC 0.0.1 born during 1993.
1994 MIEP 0.0.49 born during 1994. (17 DNS).
1994 ROGR 0.0.1 born during 1994. DNS.
1994 SANF 0.0.1 born 15 Jul. Two females have been housed together
since Apr 1991. Since that time 3 young were born in 1992, and
this one in 1995. We are unable to tell which female gave birth.
1995 ROGR 0.0.2 born 19 May 1995. 1 did not survive.
1995 ROYN 2.3.6 born during 1995.
1996 JERE 0.0.1 born during 1996.
1996 MIEP 0.0.28 born during 1996.
1996 ROYNa 0.0.10 born during 1996.
1997 ROGR 0.0.1 born 22 Jul 1997.
1997 SAFC 0.0.4 born during 1997.
Thelotornis capensis
Thelotornis capensis ssp.
1987 TRAS 0.0.1 hatched during 1987. Wild caught female.
1995 RIVS 7.6.0 hatched during 1995.
1996 RIVS 4.3.0 hatched during 1996.
1997 STLM 0.0.7 hatched during 1997. ssp. oatesii
Thelotornis capensis capensis
Bird Snake
1986 MANS 0.0.11 hatched during 1986.
Trimorphodon biscutatus
Trimorphodon biscutatus biscutatus
Lyre Snake
1978 BALM 0.0.2 hatched 21 - 22 Jun 1978. Copulation 29 Dec 1977,
9 eggs laid (4 infertile) 21 Feb, 2 eggs full term but died.
1980 BALM bred during 1980.
Trimorphodon biscutatus lambda
Sonoran Lyre Snake
1986 ARIA 2.0.0 hatched Dec 6-8, 1985.
1987 PPMWa 0.0.3 hatched during 1987. 6 eggs laid May 29th, 3
hatched Aug 8th. Incubated 79.5 degrees F.
1989 PPMWa 0.0.9 hatched during 1989. 10 eggs laid 30 May 89. 9
hatched 13 Aug 89.
Trimorphodon biscutatus vandenburghi
California Lyre Snake
1971 PPJMb bred during 1971.
1974 PPJMb bred during 1974.
1975 PPJMb bred during 1975.
1976 PPJMb bred during 1976.
1977 PPJMb bred during 1977.
1978 PPJMb bred during 1978.
1979 PPJMb bred during 1979.
Virginia valeriae
Virginia valeriae ssp.
Smooth Earth Snake
1991 PPJRa bred during 1991.
1992 ATLG 0.0.4 hatched during 1992, did not survive.
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