Acanthodactylus pardalis
1989 TELI bred during 1989.
Acanthodactylus scutellatus
Acanthodactylus scutellatus ssp.
1989 TELI bred during 1989.
Eremias arguta
1990 PPBL 0.0.2 hatched during 1990.
Lacerta sp.
1994 PPBL 7 hatched during 1994. (listed as L. hilineata media)?
Lacerta agilis
Lacerta agilis ssp.
1986 PPPD 0.0.6 hatched June 1st 1986. Indoor terrarium with
incandescent lamp (spot-light) 40W and fluorescent
lighting 60W. All lamps off at night. Hibernation
(temp. 8-12 degrees C) for three and a half months (mid-Nov to
end of Feb). Light cycle: 10h/day in Nov., 16h/day in June and
July, with lighting duration increasing and/or decreasing
between these extremes of about 1.5 hour per month, with 12h/day
on March 1st and Oct 1st. Temperature in summer: day 25-32
degrees C, night 20-22 degrees C. Copulation between March 6th
and March 20th. Egg laying April 22nd, 9 eggs. Incubation at
27-29 degrees C. One female laid infertile eggs.
1986 TIEG Kept in open air enclosures with bushes and holes to hide,
so no further information can be given concerning copulation,
egg laying and hatching. The ground in the open air enclosures
consists of stones, sand and soil. The animals hibernate between
November and April. 0.0.3 young during 1986.
1989 MARE 0.0.2 hatched during 1989.
1990 MARE 0.0.43 hatched during 1990.
1990 NOVR 0.0.16 hatched during 1990. Two clutches, of 6 and 10.
1990 WILG 0.0.23 hatched during 1990. 15 did not survive.
1991 MARE 0.0.219 hatched during 1991.
1991 WILG 0.0.11 hatched during 1991.
1993 FUNP 0.0.8 hatched during 1993.
1993 MARE 0.0.24 hatched during 1993.
1994 MARE 0.0.142 hatched during 1994.
Lacerta agilis exigua
1990 PPBL 0.0.12 hatched during 1990.
1992 PPBL 0.0.71 hatched during 1992. 50 hatched during 1991, and
12 during 1990.
1993 PPBL 0.0.35 hatched during 1993.
Lacerta armeniaca
1993 FRAG 0.2.0 hatched during 1993.
Lacerta lepida
Lacerta lepida ssp.
Ocellated Lizard
1985 ZOOE 0.0.91 hatched during 1985. One single female laid 10
clutches totaling 101 eggs.
1986 ZOOE 0.0.20 during 1986.
1987 PPHC 0.0.0 hatched during 1987. Female again laid 2 clutches
which failed to hatch. It is hypothesized that the embryos
did not absorb enough calcium and vitamin D3 for their bones
to be strong enough to hatch.
1987 TARA 0.0.4 hatched during 1987.
1987 ZOOE 0.0.48 hatched during 1987.
1988 NATW 0.0.11 hatched during 1988.
1988 PPHC 0.0.16 hatched during 1988. 0.0.15 hatched June 18-21,1988,
female double clutched and 0.0.1 hatched July 15,1988. All
indoors under artificial conditions.
1988 ZOOE 0.0.2 hatched during 1988.
1989 NATW 0.0.2 hatched during 1989.
1989 PPBL 0.0.17 hatched during 1989. 1 (Sept 22), + 1 (Sept 23),
+ 1 (Sept 26), +1 (Sept 27), + 2 (Oct 2), + 6 (Oct 3),
+ 3 (Oct 4), + 2 (Oct 10).
1989 TELI bred during 1989.
1989 ZOOE 0.0.13 hatched during 1989.
1990 NATW 0.0.2 hatched during 1990.
1990 PPBL 0.0.95 hatched during 1990.
1990 ZOOE 0.0.4 hatched during 1990.
1991 PPHC 0.0.25 hatched during 1991. 6 hatched 17 - 20 Jun, 11
hatched 10 - 22 Jul, and 8 hatched 23 - 30 Jul 91.
1992 PPBL 0.0.337 hatched during 1992. 108 hatched during 1991,
and 95 during 1990.
1992 PPHC 0.0.9 hatched 13 - 17 Jun 1992.
1993 PPBL 0.0.170 hatched during 1993.
1993 PPHC 0.0.1 hatched during 1993.
1995 PPBL 0.0.(about)100 hatched during 1995.
1995 TARA 0.0.7 hatched during 1995.
1996 PPBL 0.0.100 + hatched during 1996.
1997 PPBL 0.0.60 hatched during 1997.
Lacerta lepida lepida
Jewelled Lacerta
1991 BARS 0.0.3 hatched during 1991.
1994 PPBL 0.0.200 + hatched during 1994.
1997 ROYS 8.9.1 hatched during 1997. 4 clutches, 46 eggs, average
12 eggs per clutch.
Lacerta lepida pater
Jewelled Lacerta
1990 PPBL 0.0.6 hatched during 1990.
Lacerta pater
1989 PPBL 0.0.11 hatched ? during 1989. 1 (Sept 10), + 3 (Sept 11),
+ 1 (Oct 6), + 1 (Oct 11), + 2 (Oct 20), +1 (Oct 21), + 1 (Oct
29), + 1 (Nov 2). of them 7 are melanistic.
Lacerta schreiberi
Schreiber's Lacerta
1990 PPBL 0.0.6 hatched during 1990.
Lacerta strigata
Lacerta strigata ssp.
Caucasus Emerald Lizard
1989 PPBL 0.0.1 hatched ? 22 Oct 90.
1990 PPBL 0.0.55 hatched during 1990.
1992 PPBL 0.0.318 hatched during 1992. 72 hatched during 1991,
and 55 during 1990.
1993 PPBL 0.0.360 hatched during 1993.
1994 PPBL 0.0.200 + hatched during 1994.
1995 PPBL 0.0.100 hatched during 1995.
1997 PPBL 0.0.50 born during 1997.
Lacerta trilineata
Lacerta trilineata ssp.
Balkan Green Lizard
1985 PPCD 0.0.12 during 1985.
Lacerta unisexualis
1990 PPBL 0.0.2 hatched during 1990.
Lacerta viridis
Lacerta viridis ssp.
Green Lacerta
1986 PPPD 0.0.9 hatched during 1986. All conditions like Lacerta
agilis except fluorescent lighting 80W. Copulation between
March 21st and May 11th. Egg laying (two during the season)
1st egg laying April 29th, 9 eggs. 2nd egg laying May 20th, 11
eggs. Hatching on June 19th and July 15th respectively. Total
of 9 young hatched.
1987 PPEH 0.0.8 hatched during 1987.
1989 WILG 0.0.30 hatched during 1989.
1990 PPBL 0.0.18 hatched during 1990.
1991 PPBL 0.0.71 hatched during 1991.
1991 WILG 0.0.18 born during 1991.
1992 PPBL 0.0.119 hatched during 1992.
1993 PPBL 0.0.76 hatched during 1993.
1994 PPBL 0.0.50 hatched during 1994.
1995 PPBL 0.0.50 hatched during 1995.
1996 PPBL 0.0.12 hatched during 1996.
1997 PPBL 0.0.40 hatched during 1997.
Lacerta vivipara
Viviparous Lizard
1986 ZOOE 0.0.5 during 1986.
1993 FUNP 0.0.4 born during 1993.
1993 SLEC 0.0.3 born during 1993.
Mesalina olivieri
Mesalina olivieri ssp.
1989 TELI bred during 1989.
Ophisops elegans
1989 TELI bred during 1989.
Podarcis hispanica
Wall Lizard
1987 PPPD 0.0.8 hatched during 1987. 3 eggs laid April 4th, all
infertile. 3 eggs laid April 4th, 2 hatched May 14th. 3
eggs laid May 5th, 2 hatched June 20th. 4 eggs laid June 5th,
4 hatched June 24th. A group of 1.4.0 adults were kept
with a variation in the length of lighting from 10 hours per
day progressing to 16. A difference of about 10 degrees C.
between day and night temperatures during the season of
activity. True hibernation at 8-10 degrees C. for 3-5 months,
(mid November - early March).
Podarcis muralis
Common Wall Lizard
1986 TIEG 0.0.3 young during 1986. Kept in open air enclosures with
bushes and holes to hide, so no further information can be given
concerning copulation, egg laying and hatching. The ground in
the open air enclosures consists of stones, sand and soil. The
animals hibernate between November and April.
Delma impar
Striped Legless Lizard
1991 MELA 0.0.2 hatched during 1991.
1992 MELA 0.0.2 from wild-mated female.
Carlia novaeguineae
1993 PPJZ 0.0.7 born during 1993.
Chalcides chalcides
Three-toed Skink
1989 PPFRa bred during 1989.
Chalcides ocellatus
Chalcides ocellatus ssp.
1985 FORT 0.0.6 born on 7 Feb. 1985, 0.0.24 born on 24 Dec. 1985.
1986 FORT 0.0.16 born during 1986. 0.0.5 born May 28th, 0.0.11 born
June 23rd.
1987 TWYE 0.0.3 born during 1987.
1987 ZOOE 0.0.13 born during 1987.
1988 ROBE 0.0.6 hatched during 1988.
1988 ZOOE 0.0.13 hatched during 1988.
1989 CALCa 0.0.1 young in May 1989.
1989 ROBE 0.0.8 born during 1989. ?
1989 ROYN 0.0.7 born during 1989.
1989 TELI bred during 1989.
1990 WIEP 0.0.16 hatched during 1990.
1990 ZOOE 0.0.14 hatched during 1990.
1991 WIEP 0.0.3 hatched during 1991.
1992 WIEP 0.0.24 born during 1992.
1993 FUNP 0.0.3 born during 1993.
1993 MIEP 0.0.9 born during 1993.
1993 MIEPc 0.0.5 born during 1993.
1993 MIEPe 0.0.6 born during 1993, 2 did not survive.
1994 PPAS 0.0.7 born during 1994.
1996 ARBC 0.0.3 hatched during 1996.
Chalcides ocellatus ocellatus
Eyed Skink
1990 ROYN 0.0.4 hatched during 1990.
Chalcides polylepis
Chalcides polylepis ssp.
1990 PPBL 0.0.2 hatched during 1990.
Corucia zebrata
Prehensile-tailed Skink
1977 SADC 0.0.2 born during 1977.
1979 PHIP 0.0.1 born during 1979.
1980 PHIP 0.0.3 born during 1980.
1981 HONH 0.0.1 born during 1981.
1981 HOUT bred during 1981.
1981 LOSC 0.0.1 born during 1981.
1981 PHIP 0.0.5 born during 1981.
1986 FORT 0.0.1 born Feb 9, 1986.
1987 FORT 0.0.1 born Sept 30th.
1987 PPTTa 0.0.2 born during 1987.
1988 CHEEa 0.0.2 born during 1988.
1988 FORT 0.0.1 born Sept. 6, 1988.
1988 HONH 0.0.3 born during 1988.
1988 LOSC 0.0.1 born during 1988.
1988 OKLO 0.0.1 born during 1988.
1989 AUDL 0.0.2 born during 1989.
1989 BUFN 0.0.2 born during 1989 from wild caught females. 1 did
not survive.
1989 CHEEa 0.0.3 born during 1989.
1989 DALT 0.0.2 born during 1989.
1989 GLAS 0.0.1 born during 1989.
1989 HONH 0.0.1 born December 11, 1989.
1989 HOUT 0.0.1 born during 1989.
1989 LOSC 0.0.2 born during 1989.
1989 PHIP 0.0.2 born during 1989.
1989 PPNH bred during 1989.
1989 PPRHe bred during 1989.
1989 TELI bred during 1989.
1989 TOLO 0.0.1 born during 1989.
1989 WOOW 0.0.1 born during 1989.
1990 AUDL 0.0.1 born during 1990.
1990 LINI 0.0.2 born during 1990.
1990 LOSC 0.0.1 born during 1990.
1990 OKLO 0.0.2 born during 1990.
1990 PHIP 1.0.2 born during 1990.
1990 PPHC 0.0.1 born 18 May 90.
1990 TOLO 0.0.1 born during 1990.
1991 AUDL 0.0.4 born during 1991.
1991 COLO 0.0.1 born during 1991.
1991 DALT 0.0.1 born during 1991.
1991 GLAS 0.0.1 born during 1991.
1991 LOSC 0.0.5 born during 1991 from 4 females.
1991 PHIP 2.0.4 born during 1991.
1991 TOLO 0.0.1 born during 1991.
1991 WILG 0.0.2 born during 1991.
1991 WOOW 0.0.1 born during 1991.
1992 AUDL 0.0.2 born during 1992.
1992 BRIE 0.0.1 born during 1992.
1992 LINI 0.0.1 born during 1992.
1992 NEWN 0.0.1 born during 1992.
1992 OKLO 0.0.1 born during 1992.
1992 PPHC 0.0.1 born 2 Feb 1992.
1992 PPZJ 0.0.3 born Jun - Sept 1992.
1992 SANT 0.0.2 born during 1992.
1992 SENN 0.0.2 born during 1992.
1992 TOLO 0.0.1 born during 1992.
1992 WOOW 0.0.1 born during 1992.
1993 AUDL 0.0.2 born during 1993.
1993 BUFN 0.0.4 born during 1993.
1993 DREF 0.0.1 born 4 March 1993.
1993 FORT 0.0.1 born April 93.
1993 HOUT 0.0.2 born during 1993.
1993 LOSC 0.0.2 born during 1993.
1993 PPHC 0.0.1 born 24 Feb 93.
1993 PPRPb 0.0.2 born 14 Oct 1993.
1993 TOLO 0.0.1 born during 1993.
1993 WOOW 0.0.2 born 24 Sept 1993.
1994 AUDL 0.0.3 born during 1994.
1994 BUFN 0.0.1 born during 1994.
1994 CLEO 0.0.1 born during 1994.
1994 HOGU 0.0.2 born during 1994.
1994 HONH 0.0.2 born during 1994.
1994 HOUT 0.0.1 born during 1994.
1994 LOSC 0.0.2 born durnig 1994. (1 DNS).
1994 OKLO 0.0.1 born during 1994.
1994 PHIP 0.2.2 born during 1994. (0.2 DNS).
1994 PPHC 0.0.1 born 27 Jan 1994.
1994 PPPWa 0.0.2 born during 1994, doing well.
1994 PPRHe 0.0.1 born during 1994.
1994 ROGR 0.0.1 born during 1994.
1994 SABC 0.0.2 born (1 dns) during 1994.
1994 SANT 0.0.2 born during 1994.
1994 TOLO 0.0.1 born during 1994.
1994 WOOW 0.0.2 born during 1994.
1994 ZOOE 0.0.1 born during 1994.
1995 BALM 0.0.2 born 16 Jun 1995.
1995 BUFN 0.0.1 born during 1995.
1995 CLEO 0.0.1 born during 1995.
1995 DETM 0.0.1 born during 1995.
1995 FORT 0.0.4 born during 1995. 2 born 28 Jan, 2 born 16 Dec 1995.
1995 HONH 0.1.1 born during 1995.
1995 LOSC 0.0.1 born during 1995.
1995 PHIP 0.0.4 born during 1994. 2 did not survive.
1995 PPCBb 0.0.1 born during 1995. 1st female observed copulating
14 Dec 1994. Lasted about 45 minutes. Weight 23 Dec 1994 was
817 gr. and 874 gr. on 7 May 95. Gave birth to one very weak
baby that died the next day. Female never recovered and
died 13 Sep. 2nd female copulated 15 Feb, 19 Feb, and 5 Mar.
Gave birth to one healthy baby 29 Oct 1995. Baby and mom
were left with group and are doing fine. Female copulated
again 23 Apr 1996.
1995 PPLV bred during 1995.
1995 PPPWa 0.0.2 born 31 Dec 1996.
1995 ROGR 0.0.1 born 20 Oct 95. Did not survive.
1995 SANT 0.0.1 born during 1995.
1995 WILG 0.0.2 born during 1995.
1995 WOOW 0.0.1 born during 1995.
1996 BIRA 0.0.2 born during 1996.
1996 BUFN 0.0.1 born during 1996.
1996 DETM 0.0.1 born during 1996.
1996 FORT 0.0.2 born 19 Nov 1996.
1996 HENN 0.0.2 born during 1996.
1996 HOGU 0.0.3 born during 1996.
1996 KNOT 0.0.1 born during 1996.
1996 NEWN 0.0.1 born during 1996.
1996 PHIP 4.1.3 born during 1996.
1996 RIVS 0.0.1 born during 1996.
1996 ROGR 0.0.3 born during 1996. 1 - 19 Dec, 2 - 19 Dec 1996.
1996 ROYS 0.0.1 born during 1996.
1996 STAF 0.0.1 born during 1996.
1996 STLM 0.0.2 born during 1996.
1996 WILG 0.0.1 born during 1996.
1997 BALM 0.0.1 born 28 Nov, 1997.
1997 CLEO 0.0.2 born during 1997.
1997 DENC 0.0.2 born during 1997.
1997 DETM 0.0.1 born during 1997.
1997 HENN 0.0.3 born during 1997.
1997 HONH 0.0.2 born live in the exhibit housing a male and two
females. The first was discovered shortly after birth on 25 Nov.
It weighed 144.6 gr., was 170 cm TL, and 34 cm SVL. The second
was found 19 Dec from the second female. It was 106.4 grams,
29.8 cm TL, and 14 cm SVL. Both infants survived and were
raised in the exhibit with the adults.
1997 KNOT 0.0.2 born during 1997.
1997 MILW 0.0.1 born during 1997.
1997 PHIP 0.0.4 born during 1997.
1997 ROYS 0.0.3 born during 1997. 3 single babies born.
1997 STLM 0.0.1 born during 1997.
1997 WILG 0.0.2 born during 1997.
1997 WOOW 0.0.2 born during 1997.
1998 AUDL bred during 1998.
Ctenotus lancelini
1995 PERA 1.6.0 hatched during 1995.
Cyclodina aenea
Copper Skink
1994 NEZN 0.0.3 born during 1994.
1995 NEZN 0.0.5 born during 1995.
Cyclodina ornata
Ornate Skink
1993 NEZN 0.0.2 born during 1993.
Egernia cunninghami
Egernia cunninghami ssp.
Cunningham's Skink
1978 PPMMa bred during 1978.
1979 PPMMa bred during 1979.
1979 SADC 0.0.2 born during 1979.
1980 PPMMa bred during 1980.
1987 SADC 0.0.4 born during 1987.
1988 INDI 0.0.1 born July 20,1988.
1989 PPSMf 0.0.2 born 26 Jan 89. Copulation not observed.
1994 AUCN 0.0.2 born during 1994.
1996 HONH 0.0.3 hatched during 1996.
1997 HONH 0.0.3 born 28 - 29 May 1997. Newly born babies noticed in
the exhibit around noon resting near the dam. Two infertile slugs
were also found. Mating behavior observed 14 Feb 1997.
Egernia cunninghami kreffti
Krefft's Skink
1981 PPRB bred during 1981.
Egernia depressa
Pygmy Spiny-tailed Skink
1995 PERA 0.0.4 born during 1995.
Egernia frerei
Major Skink
1985 ROYA 0.0.5 young. Second generation and from two females.
Mating not observed and young born on display, removed for rearin
1991 PPJGc 0.0.2 born during 1991.
Egernia hosmeri
Hosmer's Skink
1985 ROYA No agression from parents and other animals in exhibit so
young raised on display.
1986 MELA 0.0.3 young born 104 days after last observed copulation.
Female removed to off-limit tank 30 days before birth.
1987 MELA 0.0.4 born during 1987. 1 young born January 23rd. (10.5 g
weight, 74mm snout-vent length and 117mm total) and 3 young
born to same parents on 24th December (averaged 8.4g weight,
67mm snout-vent length and 115mm total length).
1989 MELA 0.0.3 born during 1989.
1990 MELA 0.0.9 born from 3 females 11 - 16 Dec 1990 (litters of 4,
3, and 2). Young ranged from 8.6 to 12.4 gm, 69 -77mm SVL and
113 - 127mm total length.
1991 MELA 0.0.6 born during 1991.
1992 MELA 0.0.3 born during 1992.
1994 ROYAa 0.0.4 born during 1994.
1995 ROYA 0.0.3 hatched during 1995.
Egernia kingi
King's Skink
1991 SADC 0.0.10 born during 1991.
1992 SADC 0.0.10 born during 1992.
Egernia major
Major Skink
1985 TARA 0.0.5 born 21st Feb.
1986 TARA 0.0.5 during 1986.
Egernia stokesi
Gidgee Skink
1988 HONH 0.0.1 born during 1988.
1989 PPSRd 0.0.2 born during 1989.
1990 PPSRd 0.0.2 born during 1990.
1994 SADC 1.0.2 born during 1994.
Egernia striata
Elliptical-eye Skink
1996 PPESa 0.0.1 born during 1996.
1998 PPESa 0.0.4 born during 1998.
Egernia striolata
Tree Skink
1985 ZOOE 0.0.13 in 1985.
1986 ZOOE 0.0.11 during 1986.
1987 ZOOE 0.0.13 born during 1987.
1991 PPSRd 0.0.3 born during 1991.
1993 PPSRd 0.0.2 born during 1993.
Eugongylus albofasciatus
Solomon Islands Ground Skink
1994 PHIP 0.0.5 hatched during 1994. (0.0.1 DNS).
1995 PHIP 1.0.7 hatched during 1995.
1995 PPKA 0.0.9 hatched during 1995.
1996 PHIP 0.0.6 hatched during 1996.
1996 PPKA 0.0.3 hatched during 1996.
1997 PHIP 0.0.2 hatched during 1997.
Eumeces fasciatus
Five-lined Skink
1978 PPRJ 0.0.41 hatched 20 Jul 1978 from a clutch of 54 eggs which
were dug up around an old chicken farm.
1987 PPJZ 0.0.6 hatched during 1987. 6 eggs laid, 6 hatched, 45 days.
1988 PPSB 0.0.7 hatched during 1988. Wild bred female was caught
June 16th. Laid 10 eggs June 23-25. Hatched 1 July 18th,
3 July 19th, 1 July 20th, and 1 July 23,1988. 3 eggs did
not hatch. Length of incubation 25-29 days.
1991 LOWF 0.0.6 born during 1991.
Eumeces inexpectatus
Southeastern Five-lined Skink
1991 PPTSb bred during 1991.
Eumeces laticeps
Broadhead Skink
1981 SANT 0.0.6 hatched during 1981.
1987 PPJZ 0.0.11 hatched during 1987. 13 eggs laid, 11 hatched,
46 days.
1992 PPBL 0.0.23 hatched during 1992, and 23 during 1991.
1995 RIVS 0.0.1 hatched during 1995.
Eumeces obsoletus
Great Plains Skink
1980 WOOW 0.0.7 hatched during 1980.
1987 PPCS 0.0.3 hatched during 1987. 5 eggs laid 3 hatched.
Eumeces taeniolatus
1986 RIGR Bred during 1986.
Lampropholis delicata
Rainbow Skink
1978 HONH 0.0.3 hatched/born during 1978.
1980 HONH 0.0.3 hatched/born during 1980.
1994 NEZN 0.0.8 born during 1994.
Leiolopisma chilronoton
Green Skink
1995 NEZN 0.0.8 hatched during 1995.
Leiolopisma delicata
Australian Skink
1985 JERE 0.0.26 hatched in 1985.
1986 JERE 0.0.7 hatched during 1986, 1 did not survive.
1987 PENE 0.0.21 hatched during 1987. 13 eggs laid March 30th, 1
shriveled, 12 incubated, 11 hatched May 15 - 21st. 10 eggs
laid May 20th, 10 hatched July 5 - 8th, 2 did not survive.
1987 RION 0.0.6 bred during 1986.
1988 PENE 0.0.2 born during 1988.
1990 JERE 0.0.5 hatched during 1990.
1990 PENE 0.0.4 hatched 19 June 90 after 69 days incubation at 28
degrees C. from a clutch of 12 eggs.
1990 RION 0.0.1 hatched during 1990.
1991 JERE 0.0.7 hatched during 1991.
1991 RION 0.0.5 hatched during 1991.
Leiolopisma inconspicuum
1995 NEZN 0.0.3 hatched during 1995.
Leiolopisma infrapunctatum
Speckled Ground Skink
1995 NEZN 0.0.9 hatched during 1995.
Leiolopisma lineocellatum
Green Spotted Skink
1995 NEZN 0.0.2 hatched during 1995.
Leiolopisma maccanni
1993 NEZN 0.0.5 born during 1993.
Leiolopisma microlepis
1993 NEZN 0.0.10 born during 1993.
1994 NEZN 0.0.3 born during 1994.
1995 NEZN 0.0.4 hatched during 1995.
Leiolopisma moco
Moko Skink
1994 NEZN 0.0.5 born during 1994.
1995 NEZN 0.0.19 hatched during 1995.
Leiolopisma nigriplantare
Leiolopisma nigriplantare polychroma
Common Skink
1993 NEZN 0.0.22 born during 1993.
1995 NEZN 0.0.lots hatched during 1995.
Leiolopisma otagense
Leiolopisma otagense ssp.
Otago Skink
1995 NEZN 0.0.9 hatched during 1995.
Leiolopisma otagense (f. otagense)
Otago Skink
1993 NEZN 0.0.3 born during 1993.
1994 NEZN 0.0.12 born during 1994.
Leiolopisma otagense (f. waimatense)
Scree Skink
1993 NEZN 0.0.2 born during 1993.
1994 NEZN 0.0.9 born during 1994.
1995 NEZN 0.0.3 hatched during 1995.
Leiolopisma smithi
Shore Skink
1993 AUCN 0.0.2 born during 1993.
1993 NEZN 0.0.7 born during 1993.
1995 NEZN 0.0.12 hatched during 1995.
Leiolopisma telfairi
Round Island Skink
1990 RION 0.0.1 hatched during 1990.
1991 RION 0.0.5 hatched during 1991.
Mabuya sp.
1986 STLM 0.0.3 during 1986.
1992 ABIT 0.0.1 born/hatched during 1992.
Mabuya capensis
Cape Skink
1990 NATS 0.0.7 hatched during 1990.
1993 PORS 0.0.7 born/hatched (this species does both) during 1993.
Mabuya longicaudata
1987 PPKWb 0.0.8 hatched during 1987. Adults took about 8 months to
settle down, 9 months before they were observed eating. 10 eggs
laid during March, 1 damaged, 1 infertile. 0.0.8 hatched after
after 30 - 32 days at 26 - 32 degrees C.
Mabuya multifasciata
Brown-sided Skink
1992 WIEP 0.0.4 born during 1992.
Mabuya maculilabris
Speckled Lipped Skink
1997 ABIT 0.0.9 hatched during 1997.
Mabuya quinquetaeniata
Five-lined Skink
1987 TWYE 0.0.2 hatched during 1987.
1990 WIEP 0.0.15 bred during 1990.
1990 ZOOE 0.0.4 bred during 1990.
1991 WIEP 0.0.10 hatched during 1991.
Mabuya striata
Mabuya striata ssp.
Striped Skink
1993 PORS 0.0.4 born during 1993.
Mabuya vittata
Egyptian Lined Skink
1989 TELI bred during 1989.
Riopa fernandi
African Fire Skink
1995 PPKA 0.0.12 hatched during 1995.
1996 PPDDa 0.0.2 hatched during 1996.
1996 PPKA 1.0.4 hatched during 1996.
1996 WILG 0.0.4 hatched during 1996.
1997 METO 0.0.4 hatched during 1997.
1997 SADC 0.0.1 hatched during 1997.
1997 WILG 0.0.1 hatched during 1997.
Sphenomorphus quoyi
Golden Skink
1985 TARA 0.0.16 young during 1985 hatched during 1985.
1986 TARA 0.0.7 during 1986.
1986 ZOOE 0.0.4 during 1986.
1987 TARA 0.0.5 born during 1987.
1987 ZOOE 0.0.7 born during 1987.
1988 ZOOE 0.0.2 born during 1988.
Tiliqua sp.
1997 ROYS 0.0.21 born during 1997.
Tiliqua gerrardi
Pink-tongued Skink
1989 ROYN 0.0.19 born during 1989.
1989 ROYS 0.0.17 born during 1989.
1990 ROYS 0.0.33 born during 1990.
1993 PPKA 10.9.0 born 5 May 1993.
1995 PPKA 0.0.46 born during 1995. Four females.
1996 KNOT 0.0.2 born during 1996.
1997 PPKA 0.0.22 born during 1997
Tiliqua gigas
New Guinea Blue-tongued Skink
1981 HOUT bred during 1981.
1986 ROYS 0.0.11 born during 1986.
1987 KNOT 0.0.10 born during 1987.
1987 ROYS 0.0.2 born during 1987.
1987 TWYE 0.0.4 born during 1987.
1988 ROYS 0.0.9 born during 1988.
1989 KNOT 0.0.10 born during 1989.
1989 OKLO 0.0.3 born during 1989.
1989 PPPWa bred during 1989.
1989 ROYS 0.0.1 born during 1989.
1990 BRIE bred during 1990.
1990 KNOT 0.0.23 born during 1990.
1990 ROYS 0.0.6 born during 1990.
1991 KNOT 0.0.23 born during 1991.
1991 ROYS 0.0.13 born during 1991.
1992 BRIE 1.2.9 born during 1992.
1992 KNOT 0.0.21 born during 1992.
1992 POIW 0.0.7 born during 1992.
1992 ROYS 0.0.4 born during 1992.
1993 BIRA 0.0.8 born during 1993.
1993 BRIE 0.0.12 born during 1993.
1993 POIW 0.0.10 born during 1993.
1994 ROYS 0.0.13 born during 1994.
1996 HENN 0.0.3 born during 1996.
1996 ROYS 0.0.11 born during 1996.
1997 HENN 0.0.4 born during 1997.
1997 ROYS 0.0.4 born during 1997.
Tiliqua nigrolutea
Blotched Blue-tongued Skink
1988 DALT 0.0.9 born during 1987. wild bred female.
1989 DALT 0.0.9 born during 1989.
1992 FORT 0.0.2 born during 1992.
1993 FORT 0.0.2 born 22 June 93.
Tiliqua occipitalis
Western Blue-tongue Skink
1989 PERA 0.0.1 born during 1989.
Tiliqua rugosus
Tiliqua rugosus ssp.
Shingleback Skink
1986 PPRHd 0.0.3 born during 1986 from two females.
1987 FORT 0.0.2 born April 11th.
1988 LOSC 0.0.1 born during 1988.
1989 PERA 0.0.2 hatched during 1989.
1989 TIEG 0.0.2 born during 1989. Born Sept. 19 & 20, 1989. They
were separated and fed with insects and pap. Both developed
1990 DALT 1.1.0 born during 1990.
1993 DALT 0.0.1 born during 1993.
1994 AUDL 0.0.1 born during 1994.
Tiliqua scincoides
Tiliqua scincoides ssp.
Blue-tongued Skink
1977 SADC 0.0.19 born during 1977.
1979 METF 0.0.2 born during 1979.
1986 TARA 0.0.1 born during 1986.
1990 POIW 0.0.23 born during 1990. 14 born 7 Apr 90, 9 born to
another female 12 Apr 90, 20 survived.
1994 PPKA 0.0.3 born during 1994.
1995 PPKA 0.0.3 born during 1995.
1995 PPKSa 1.1.9 born Dec 1995.
1998 PPRLc 0.0.2 born during 1997 along with 2 slugs.
Tiliqua scincoides ssp.
New Guinea - Irian Jaya Blue-tongue
1993 PPJZ 0.0.7 born during 1993.
1993 PPKA 0.0.7 born 5 Dec 1993.
Tiliqua scincoides intermedia
Northern Blue-tongued Skink
1977 HONH 0.0.8 born during 1977.
1978 HONH 0.0.9 born during 1979, 1 did not survive.
1979 HONH 0.0.9 born during 1979.
1981 HONH 0.0.8 born during 1981.
1988 HONH 0.0.11 born during 1987.
1989 HONH 0.0.3 born during July 1989.
1990 HONH 0.0.12 born during 1990.
1991 HONH 0.2.10 born during 1991.
1991 SADC 0.0.5 born during 1991.
1992 HONH 0.0.18 born during 1992.
1992 PPJZ 0.0.23 born during 1992. Female gave birth to 12 babies
in May. Same female gave birth to 12 young in May 1991. Another
female gave birth to 11 young 7 Jun 1992.
1992 SADC 0.0.3 born during 1992.
1993 HONH 0.0.10 born during 1993.
1993 PPJZ 0.0.44 born during 1993 from 4 females.
1994 PPLV 0.0.12 born 12 Sep from copulation 27 Apr 1994.
1996 SADC 0.0.7 born during 1996.
1997 PPESa 0.0.7 born during 1997.
1997 SADC 0.0.2 born during 1997.
Tiliqua scincoides scincoides
Eastern Blue-tongued Skink
1979 HONH 0.0.12 born during 1979, 4 did not survive.
1980 HONH 0.0.8 born during 1980.
1981 PPTL bred during 1981.
1985 SEDK 0.0.5 hatched during 1985. Birth on 5/11 after 124 day
gestation. Female parent given access to thermal gradient.
1989 TIEG 2 stillborn young August 28, 1989.
1991 WOOW 0.0.3 born during 1991.
1992 WOOW 0.0.3 born during 1992.
1993 WOOW 0.0.3 born during 1993.
Tropidophorus sp.
1994 PPKA 0.0.1 born (DNS).
Tropidophorus grayi
Philippine Keeled Skink
1989 SANT 0.0.3 hatched during 1989.
Tribolonotus gracilis
Crocodile Skink
1994 SADC 1.0.1 born during 1994.
1996 DALT 1.0.1 hatched during 1996.
1996 FORT 0.0.1 hatched 11 Feb 1996.
1996 SADC 0.0.1 hatched during 1996.
1997 DALT 0.0.7 hatched during 1997.
1997 FORT 0.0.1 during 1997.
1997 RIVS 0.0.1 hatched during 1997.
1997 SADC 1.0.4 hatched during 1997.
1997 STLM 0.0.2 hatched during 1997.
Tribolonotus novaeguinea
Crocodile Skink
1994 DALT 0.0.1 hatched during 1994.
1996 OKLO 0.0.2 hatched during 1996.
Ameiva ameiva
Ameiva ameiva ssp.
Blue Ameiva
1979 NEWN 0.0.14 hatched during 1979.
1980 NEWN 0.0.5 hatched during 1980.
1987 NATW 3.0.7 hatched during 1987.
1988 NATW 0.0.1 hatched during 1988.
Ameiva chrysolaema
1993 FRAG 0.0.3 hatched during 1993.
Cnemidophorus murinus
Cnemidophorus murinus ssp.
1997 ROYN 0.0.5 hatched during 1997.
Cnemidophorus sexlineatus
Cnemidophorus sexlineatus sexlineatus
Six-lined Racerunner
1985 PPJMa 0.0.5 eggs hatched 09/01/85 from a wild caught female.
Incubation 63 days.
Cnemidophorus tigris
Cnemidophorus tigris gracilis
Southern Whiptail
1992 ARIA 0.0.2 hatched during 1992.
1997 NORNa 1.0.0 born during 1997.
Cnemidophorus tigris tigris
Great Basin Whiptail
1986 METO 0.0.1 during 1986.
Cnemidophorus uniparens
Desert Grassland Whiptail
1992 ARIA 0.0.1 hatched during 1992.
1995 NORNa 0.7.4 hatched during 1995.
1996 NORNa 0.37.0 hatched during 1996.
1997 NORNa 0.86.0 born during 1997.
Cnemidophorus vanzoi
Maria Island Lizard
1986 SADC 0.0.2 during 1986.
1987 SADC 0.0.3 hatched during 1987.
1989 JERE 0.0.8 hatched during 1989. 3 did not survive.
1990 JERE 0.0.5 hatched during 1990. 1 did not survive.
1991 JERE 0.0.16 hatched during 1991.
1993 JERE 0.0.1 hatched during 1993.
Tupinambis teguixin
Common Tegu
1978 NATW 0.0.1 hatched during 1978.
1980 METF 0.0.3 hatched during 1980.
1985 SEDK 0.0.1 hatched during 1985. Clutches on 8/13, 12/29 (same
female). Gestation period for one clutch 45 days.
One egg hatched after 138 days at 88 degrees F.
1986 SEDK 0.0.8 hatched during 1986.
1992 PPBL 0.0.7 hatched during 1992.
1994 PPBL 0.0.26 hatched during 1994.
1995 PPBL 0.0.56 hatched during 1995.
1997 PPBL 0.0.103 hatched during 1997.
Varanus sp.
1997 PPFRb V. pilbara X V. glauerti 28 Oct 5 eggs laid, 4 fertile.
V. gouldi X V. flavirufus 30 Oct 10 eggs laid, 7 fertile, 3rd
Varanus acanthurus
Varanus acanthurus ssp.
Spiny-tailed Monitor
1981 PPBE 0.0.2 hatched during 1981.
1985 METF 0.0.4 hatched during 1985 from a captive breeding.
1993 FRAG 0.0.6 hatched during 1993.
1993 PPBE 0.0.12 hatched during 1993.
1994 PPBE 0.0.2 hatched during 1994.
1997 PPFRb 0.0.lots hatched during 1997.
24 Dec Red acanthurus bred. 5 - 10 Jan 2 more regular acan. and
3 reds have bred.11 Jan 9 eggs laid, 6 fertile, no observed
breeding. 10 eggs laid, all fertile. Bred 23 Dec. 13 Jan 11
fertile eggs, bred 24 Dec. 19 Jan # 1 sandy Red, 9 fertile
eggs laid, bred 2 Jan. 22 Jan Dave's Red, 5 fertile eggs, '
bred 7 Jan. 22 Jan second breeding for original female. 23
Jan Red type, small brown, breeding. 24 Jan Red 95 #8, 9
fertile eggs, NOB. 25 Jan, 18 eggs laid, only 3 fertile,
bred to late. 26 Jan female A breeding for 2nd clutch.
2 - 3 Feb Snub nose breeding. 3 Feb Female (E) 13 eggs, 11
fertile. 11 Feb 18 eggs laid, female breeding again. 11 Feb
Original 9 eggs laid, 8 fertile. 11 Feb Red original, 8 fertile
eggs laid. 12 Feb Red, 6 fertile eggs, 95 #8 B. 15 Feb Red
barback, 8 fertile eggs laid. 17 Feb 9 eggs laid, 1 fertile,
2nd clutch. 30 Feb Yellow, 9 eggs laid, 5 fertile, Bred 3 Jan
first clutch. 25 Feb Red Cage 7, laid 9 fertile eggs. 26 Feb
Red Sandy, 9 fertile eggs laid. 4 Mar Red, 7 eggs laid,
5 fertile, in with Dave's. 4 Mar Two yellows breeding. 5 Mar
14 eggs laid, 12 fertile, bred 11 Feb. 7 Mar 11 eggs laid,
10 fertile. 11 Mar Yellow, 10 fertile eggs. 20 Mar Red, 7
fertile eggs laid. 21 Mar Red, 4 fertile eggs laid. 26 Mar
Red, 9 fertile eggs laid. 3 Apr Snub nose yellow, 7 eggs laid,
5 fertile. 3 Apr Yellow unknown, 4 eggs found buried, all
bad. 8 Apr Red, 8 eggs, 5 fertile, Dave's. 12 Apr 11 eggs laid,
10 fertile. 27 Apr, 8 infertile eggs. 17 May Snub nose, 10
ferile eggs. 16 May Red, 6 fertile eggs laid. 10 Jun, 6 infertile
eggs laid. 3 Jul Yellow, 14 eggs laid, 2 fertile, 4th clutch.
9 Jul Red, 7 fertile eggs laid around cage, 2nd clutch. 27 Jul
Red, 7 eggs, 2 eaten, all fertile. 3 Aug Yellow, 10 eggs laid,
2 eaten by ants. 6 Aug Red, 9 fertile eggs. 6 Aug Yellow, 6
eggs laid, 2 fertile. 15 Aug Red, 18 fertile large eggs, (11
last clutch). 23 Aug Dave's, 7 bad eggs. 21 Sep Red, 10
fertile eggs. 22 Sep Red, 12 fertile eggs. 21 Oct Red, 6 fertile
eggs laid. 22 Dec Yellow, 8 fertile eggs laid. 23 Dec Yellow, 7
fertile eggs laid. 29 Dec Red - tan, 9 eggs laid, 8 fertile.
Varanus acanthurus acanthurus
Spiny-tailed Monitor
1992 ROYN 0.0.5 hatched during 1992.
1993 ROYN 0.0.1 hatched during 1993.
1996 ROYNa 0.0.2 hatched during 1996.
Varanus bengalensis
Varanus bengalensis ssp.
Bengal Monitor
1975 PPWA Bred successfully during 1975. Fist time for me, first time
but eaten by large males while I was out of town).
1980 HONH 0.0.1 hatched 8 Apr 1980 from 15 eggs laid 7 Aug 1979.
Incubation period was 252 days.
1986 BRIE Six eggs laid Sept 16th, still incubating.
Varanus dumerili
Dumeril's Monitor
1988 BUFN 0.0.5 hatched May 5-12,1988.
1994 BIRA 0.0.1 hatched during 1994.
1995 ATLG 0.0.16 hatched during 1995, 1 did not survive.
1995 BUFN 0.0.5 hatched during 1995. One each hatched on 21, 25, &
28 Apr, and 1 & 5 May 1995.
Varanus exanthematicus
Varanus exanthematicus ssp.
Savanna Monitor
1995 PHOA 0.0.2 hatched 26 Dec 1995.
Varanus exanthematicus albigularis
Bosc's Monitor
1987 MANS 0.0.23 hatched during 1987. A captive group of 3.2.0 adults
is kept in a large outdoor enclosure with shallow pond and logs.
They are fed ad libitum every two weeks on mice and day old
chicks. No copulation was observed but an obviously gravid female
was removed. On Nov 23rd she laid 24 eggs. 23 young hatched after
an incubation period of 110 - 116 days at 27 degrees C. on damp
vermiculite. The young are thriving on pieces of mice and
commercial pet foods. They are much more placid of nature than
the young Varanus niloticus that we hatched over the same period.
1993 PORS 0.0.36 hatched during 1993.
1994 HONH 0.0.8 hatched during 1994.
1995 HONH 0.0.18 hatched during 1995.
1996 HOGU 0.0.2 hatched during 1996.
1996 HONH 0.0.9 hatched during 1996.
1997 HONH 0.0.9 hatched 23 - 29 Apr 1997 from a clutch of 16 eggs
laid 19 Nov 1996. Eggs incubated in Perlite with variable
humidity. Range 156 - 161 days incubation.
Average weight 33.8 grams, average total length 22.8 mm.,
average SVL 11.2 mm.
Varanus exanthematicus exanthematicus
Savanna Monitor
1994 ZOOE 0.0.2 hatched during 1994.
Varanus flavescens
Yellow Monitor
1997 PPFRb Bred during 1997.
25 Feb 3 fertile eggs, went bad 3 days later. 6 Apr 7 fertile
eggs laid. 12 Mar 6 fertile eggs laid. 16 May 8 eggs laid, 7
fertile. 9 Jun 9 fertile eggs laid. 19 Aug 6 fertile eggs laid.
Varanus gilleni
Gillen's Pygmy Monitor
1993 PPBE 0.0.4 hatched during 1993.
1995 PPBE 0.0.3 hatched during 1995.
1995 ROYA 0.0.4 hatched during 1995.
7 Mar 4 fertile eggs laid.
Varanus glauerti
Long-tailed Rock Monitor
1997 PPFRb Bred during 1997.
25 Jan breeding. 11 Feb 7 fertile eggs laid. 3 - 4 Mar breeding.
21 Mar 8 fertile eggs laid, bred 4 Mar. 29 Apr 10 fertile eggs
laid. 11 Sep 3 eggs laid. 8 Oct 11 fertile eggs laid. 14 Oct
5 eggs laid, 3 fertile. 11 Nov 8 fertile eggs laid. 12 Nov
6 fertile eggs laid. 13 Nov 7 fertile eggs laid. 28 Nov 7
infertile eggs laid. 5 Dec 7 eggs laid, 5 fertile. 12 Dec
6 fertile eggs laid.
Varanus gouldi
Varanus gouldi ssp.
Gould's Monitor
1988 DALT 0.0.2 hatched during 1987.
1992 DALT 0.0.9 hatched during 1992.
1993 DALT 0.0.13 hatched during 1993.
1994 DALT 0.0.1 hatched during 1994.
Varanus griseus
Varanus griseus ssp.
1989 TELI bred during 1989.
Varanus kingorum
1997 PPFRb Bred during 1997.
21 Jan 2 infertile eggs. 15 Feb 2 eggs, 1 fertile, found dried
up in inclosure. 19 Jun 2 infertile eggs. 21 Jun 3 fertile eggs.
9 Jul 3 eggs laid, 2 fertile, 2nd clutch. 15 Jul 3 fertile
eggs, 2nd female. 19 Aug 2 infertile eggs, tan second clutch.
16 Oct 2nd clutch hatched. 26 Oct 3 fertile eggs laid, tan
long tail. 27 Nov 3 fertile eggs laid. 11 Dec young one, 2
infertile eggs. 21 Dec 2 infertile eggs, tan long tail. And
out of order here - 21 Sep eggs laid 21 Jun hatched.
Varanus komodoensis
Komodo Dragon / Ora
1992 NATW 2.0.15 hatched during 1992. 2.0.2 did not survive.
1993 NATW 0.0.17 hatched during 1993.
Varanus mertensi
Merten's Water Monitor
1988 PPBE 0.0.6 hatched during 1988.
1989 PPBE 0.0.4 hatched during 1989.
1990 PPBE 0.0.6 hatched during 1990.
1991 PPBE 0.0.7 hatched during 1991.
1992 PPBE 0.0.6 hatched during 1992.
1993 PPBE 0.0.15 hatched during 1993.
1994 PPBE 0.0.25 hatched during 1994. Three were F2.
Varanus niloticus
Varanus niloticus ssp.
Nile Monitor
1987 TRAS 0.0.33 hatched during 1987. Wild caught gravid female.
1989 TRAS 0.0.2 hatched during 1989. Wild bred female.
Varanus olivaceus
Gray's Monitor Lizard
1993 DALT 1.0.0 hatched during 1993.
Varanus prasinus
Varanus prasinus beccari
Black Tree Monitor
1991 FORT 0.0.2 hatched 21 - 24 Jun 91.
1991 OKLO 0.0.4 hatched during 1991.
1991 PPBE 0.0.5 hatched during 1991.
1992 PPBE 0.0.1 hatched during 1992.
1993 DALT 0.0.1 hatched during 1993.
1996 NEWN 0.0.3 hatched during 1996.
1997 DALT 0.0.1 hatched during 1997.
Varanus prasinus kordensis
New Guinea Green Tree Monitor
1991 PPMK 0.0.6 hatched during 1991. Two females laid 7 eggs 18 June
and 27 June 91. 6 hatched 4 Dec 91.
1991 RIVS 0.0.1 hatched during 1991.
1995 RIVS 0.0.1 hatched during 1995.
Varanus prasinus prasinus
New Guinea Green Tree Monitor
1993 FORT 0.0.4 hatched 27 April - 22 May 93.
1997 FORT 0.0.3 hatched during 1997.
Varanus rudicollis
Rough-necked Monitor
1988 FORT 0.0.1 died full-term before hatching.
Varanus salvadori
Crocodile Monitor
1991 GLAT 0.0.1 hatched during 1991.
1997 FORT 0.0.6 hatched during 1997.
Varanus salvator
Varanus salvator ssp.
Water Monitor
1985 FORT 0.0.7 hatched 18-31 May 1985.
1989 GLAT 1.0.0 hatched during 1989.
1994 SEDK 0.0.1 hatched during 1994.
1995 PERA 0.1.0 hatched during 1995.
1997 METO 0.0.4 hatched during 1997.
Varanus salvator cumingi
Water Monitor
1992 COLO 0.0.1 hatched during 1992.
1993 COLO 0.0.1 hatched during 1993.
Varanus salvator salvator
Malayan Water Monitor
1980 SANT 0.0.5 hatched during 1980.
1988 GLAT 0.0.6 hatched during 1988.
1989 GLAT 3.0.0 hatched during 1989.
1992 SEDK 0.0.4 hatched during 1992.
1995 SEDK 0.0.1 hatched during 1995.
Varanus scalaris
Australian Spotted Tree Monitor
1987 PPBE 0.0.3 hatched during 1989.
1989 PPBE 0.0.3 hatched during 1989.
1994 PPBE 0.0.7 hatched during 1994.
1995 PPBE 0.0.14 hatched during 1995. Two clutches of 7.
Varanus storri
Storr's Dwarf Monitor
1981 PPRB bred during 1981.
1983 PPBE 0.0.5 hatched during 1983.
1987 ABIT 1.0.0 hatched during 1987.
1991 FORT 0.0.1 hatched 25 Jul 91.
1992 PPBE 0.0.2 hatched during 1992.
1993 PPBE 0.0.4 hatched during 1993.
1994 PPBE 0.0.4 hatched during 1994.
1995 PPBE 0.0.4 hatched during 1995.
1997 PPFRb Bred during 1997
17 Mar 9 fertile eggs laid. 20 Mar 7 fertile eggs laid. 17 May
6 fertile eggs laid.
Varanus timorensis
Varanus timorensis ssp.
Timor Monitor
1980 RION 0.0.3 hatched during 1980.
1983 PPBE 0.0.4 hatched during 1983.
1984 PPBE 0.0.1 hatched during 1984.
1990 PPBE 0.0.5 hatched during 1990.
1991 PPBE 0.0.2 hatched during 1991.
Varanus tristis
Varanus tristis orientalis
Freckled Monitor
1988 PPBE 0.0.12 hatched during 1988.
1989 PPBE 0.0.11 hatched during 1989.
1989 WILG 0.0.5 hatched during 1989.
1991 PPBE 0.0.14 hatched during 1991.
1993 PPBE 0.0.3 hatched during 1993. Another record for 1993 said
7 hatchlings - this may have been confused with 1992.
1994 PPBE 0.0.4 hatched during 1994.
1995 PPBE 0.0.21 hatched during 1995.
1995 WILG 0.0.1 hatched during 1995.
1997 PPFRb bred during 1997.
31 Dec 96 Female # 3 breeding. 10 Jan Large female laid 3 large
fertile eggs. 17 Jan Female # 3 laid 5 fertile eggs, bred 31 Dec
& 1 Jan. 16 Jan Don's female 7 eggs, 4 fertile. 25 Jan Original
Female laid 7 fertile eggs. 28 Jan 7 fertile eggs, 2nd clutch.
8 Feb Female A laid 5 fertile eggs. 19 Feb 9 eggs laid, 3
fertile. 6 Mar 9 eggs laid, 7 fertile. 7 Mar Don's Female 7
egg laid, 2 fertile. 16 Mar 7 fertile eggs. 16 Mar 7 fertile
eggs laid. 9 Apr 6 eggs laid, 5 fertile. 9 Apr 7 eggs laid, 6
fertile. 5 Aug 16 eggs laid, 15 fertile.
Varanus tristis tristis
Freckeld Monitor
1997 PPFRb Bred during 1997.
28 Mar 11 fertile eggs laid. 5 Apr 10 fertile eggs laid. 28
Apr 5 fertile eggs laid. 8 May 11 fertile eggs laid. 1 Aug 8
fertile eggs laid. 2 Sep 9 fertile eggs laid. 5 Oct 9 fertile
eggs laid. 8 Nov 8 eggs laid, 7 good. 12 Dec 9 fertile eggs
Varanus varius
Lace Monitor
1987 TARA 0.0.13 hatched during 1987.
1994 TARA 0.0.7 hatched during 1994.
1995 ROYN 0.0.5 hatched during 1995.
1995 TARA 0.0.1 hatched during 1995.
1997 ROYN 0.0.1 hatched during 1997.
Lepidophyma flavimaculatum
Lepidophyma flavimaculatum ssp.
Middle American Night Lizard
1981 FORT 0.0.3 born 21 Jul 1981.
1986 FORT 0.0.1 born Jan 21. 1986.
1987 FORT 0.0.1 born Aug 10th.
1990 FORT 0.0.6 born during Jun 1990.
1991 FORT 0.0.25 born 25 Jun 91.
1993 FORT 0.0.3 born 16 - 28 June 93.
1994 FORT 0.0.4 born 1 Jun 1994.
1995 FORT 0.0.6 born 5 - 15 Jun 1995.
Lepidophyma flavimaculatum obscurum
Costa Rican Night Lizard
1981 SANT 0.0.1 born during 1981.
Xantusia henshawi
Xantusia henshawi ssp.
Granite Night Lizard
1986 SADC 0.0.2 born during 1986.
Xantusia riversiana
Island Night Lizard
1980 LOSC 0.0.1 hatched during 1980.
Shinisaurus crocodilurus
Chinese Crocodile Lizard
1986 SADC 0.0.18 born during 1986.
1987 SADC 0.0.13 born during 1987.
1988 DALT 0.0.1 born during 1986.
1988 FORT 0.0.6 born Nov 3,1988 (0.0.3 stillborn).
1988 SADC 0.0.15 born during 1988.
1989 DALT 0.0.3 born during 1989.
1989 FORT 3 live, 1 stillborn, 10-11 Jan 89, one survived.
1989 MOSR 0.0.4 live & 2 stillborn.
1989 PPFSb 0.0.12 born during 1989. More than one female.
1989 PPNH bred during 1989.
1989 PPRHe bred during 1989.
1989 ROYN 0.0.6 born during 1989.
1989 SADC 0.0.36 born during 1989.
1989 UENJ 0.0.4 born during 1989.
1990 DALT 0.0.1 born during 1990.
1990 PHIP 1.0.1 born during 1990.
1990 PPRHe bred during 1990.
1990 SADC 0.0.17 born during 1990.
1991 AUDL 0.0.6 born during 1991.
1991 DALT 0.0.2 born during 1991.
1991 REPS 0.0.7 born Oct 91.
1991 ROYN 0.0.9 born during 1991.
1991 SADC 0.0.26 born during 1991.
1992 AUDL 0.0.5 born during 1992.
1992 BALM 0.0.4 born during 1992.
1992 DALT 0.0.2 born during 1992.
1992 SADC 0.0.10 born during 1992.
1992 SEDK 0.0.1 born during 1992.
1993 PHIP 0.0.6 born during 1993.
1993 SADC 0.0.8 born during 1993.
1994 DETM 0.0.4 born during 1994.
1994 PPBL 0.0.6 born during 1994.
1994 SADC 0.0.5 born during 1994.
1995 PPBL 0.0.8 born during 1995.
1995 PPKA 0.0.2 born during 1995.
1995 WOOW 0.0.5 infertile ova during 1995.
1996 DALT 0.0.1 born during 1996.
1996 DETM 0.0.3 born during 1996.
1996 PHIP 3.1.4 born during 1996.
1996 WOOW 0.0.9 born during 1996.
1997 BALM 0.0.4 born 29 Nov 1997.
1997 DETM 0.0.2 born during 1997.
1997 PHIP 0.0.1 born during 1997.
1997 PPKA 0.0.7 born during 1997.
1997 SACC 0.0.1 born during 1997.
1997 SADC 1.0.1 born during 1997.
1997 WOOW 0.0.6 born during 1997.
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Copyright © 1996, 1997, 1998,1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003 Frank Slavens