Heloderma horridum
Heloderma horridum ssp.
Mexican Beaded Lizard
1979 METF 0.0.1 hatched during 1979.
1985 FORT 0.0.1 hatched 13 Jan 1985, did not survive.
1986 DETM 0.0.8 hatched during 1986. Copulation June 1985, 13 eggs
laid ?, 8 hatched Jan 15-29,1986.
1987 TULO 0.0.1 hatched during 1987.
1988 DETM 0.0.6 hatched during 1988. Copulation Jun 23,1987. 7 eggs
laid Aug 26th, all infertile.; 13 eggs laid Aug 13,1987. 0.0.6
hatched Jan 27 - Feb 11,1988.
1989 PPRA bred during 1989.
1994 PPRA bred during 1994.
Heloderma horridum exasperatum
Rio Fuerte Beaded Lizard
1995 FORT 0.0.2 hatched 27 Feb and 5 Mar 1995.
1995 SEDK 0.0.7 hatched during 1995.
1996 FORT 0.0.3 hatched 29 Jan 1996.
Heloderma horridum horridum
Mexican Beaded Lizard
1971 STLM bred during 1971.
1980 KNOT 0.0.1 hatched 26 Feb 1980 from eggs laid 1 Oct 1979.
Copulation 5 Aug 1979. Baby did not survive.
1987 DETM 0.0.6 hatched during 1987.
1990 FORT 0.0.7 hatched 6 - 15 Feb 1990.
1990 GLAT bred during 1990.
1991 DETM 0.0.7 hatched during 1991.
1991 TOLO 0.0.6 hatched during 1991.
1992 FORT 0.0.1 hatched during 1992.
1992 TOLO 0.0.2 hatched during 1992.
1992 TULO 0.0.8 hatched during 1992.
1993 PPRA Eggs in 93 still incubating early 94.
1993 SADC 0.0.2 hatched during 1993.
1994 BIRA 0.0.2 hatched during 1994.
1994 SANT 0.0.3 hatched during 1994.
1994 TULO 0.0.10 hatched during 1994.
1995 SANT 0.0.2 hatched during 1995.
1995 TULO 0.0.6 hatched during 1995.
1996 BIRA 0.0.3 hatched 13 Feb 1996.
1996 ELPT 0.0.1 hatched 21 Feb 1996.
1996 FORT 0.0.4 hatched during 1996. 1 - 25 Feb, 1 - 27 Feb, 1 - 28
Feb, and 1 - 29 Feb 1996.
1996 SADC 0.0.7 hatched during 1996.
1996 TULO 0.0.13 hatched during 1996.
Heloderma suspectum
Heloderma suspectum ssp.
Gila Monster
1976 WILI bred during 1976.
1981 PHIP 0.0.2 hatched during 1981.
1986 TRAS 0.0.1 hatched during 1986.
1986 ZOOE 0.0.1 hatched during 1986.
1987 PPRA bred during 1987. Female was wild-caught about 1970 (or
before). She has been producing viable offspring, on and off
since 1974. Most eggs laid 8, least eggs laid 5.
1987 SEDK 0.0.2 hatched during 1987.
1988 POIW 0.0.4 hatched during 1988. Female received gravid on
June 9th. Laid 5 eggs July 14th. 4 hatched Nov 12-17 & 19,1988.
Incubated vermiculite 1:1 water at 85 degrees F.
1988 PPRA bred during 1988.
1988 TRAS 0.0.1 hatched during 1988.
1989 GLAS 0.0.4 hatched during 1989.
1989 POIW 0.0.3 hatched during 1989. 1 did not survive. Following a
hibernation period of approximately four months our female
bred and laid five eggs on 18 June. They were incubated in
a 1:1 mixture of vermiculite and water kept at an average
temperature of 85 degrees F. Two eggs were removed due to
deteriorating conditions. The three remaining hatched on
24,27, & 31 Oct 89. The second of the three died within
hours of hatching.
1989 PPRA bred during 1989.
1990 BUFN 0.0.3 hatched 14 Sept 90.
1990 POIW 0.0.6 hatched during 1990. Following a hibernation period
of approximately four months our female Gila Monster was bred
and she laid seven eggs on 14 Jun. They were incubated in a
1:1 mixture of vermiculite and water kept at an average
temperature of 85 degrees F. One egg was infertile and
removed. The remaining six hatched between 18 and 27 of
Oct. They are all doing well.
1991 ZOOP bred during 1991.
1992 LOUK 0.0.5 hatched during 1992.
1993 SACC 0.0.3 hatched 19 Mar 1993.
1994 LOUK 0.0.1 hatched during 1994.
1997 CHII 0.0.1 hatched during 1997.
1997 SADC 0.0.1 hatched during 1997.
Heloderma suspectum cinctum
Banded Gila Monster
1989 SADC 0.0.1 hatched during 1989.
1990 SADC 0.0.1 hatched during 1990.
1991 SADC 0.0.7 hatched during 1991.
1993 WOOW 0.0.1 hatched during 1993.
1994 SEDK 0.0.4 hatched during 1994.
1994 WOOW 0.0.6 hatched during 1994.
1995 STLM 0.0.1 hatched during 1995.
1996 SADC 0.0.6 hatched during 1996.
Heloderma suspectum suspectum
Reticulate Gila Monster
1978 WILI bred during 1978.
1979 PHIP 0.0.3 hatched during 1979.
1979 PPSC 0.0.4 hatched during 1979.
1979 WOOW bred during 1979.
1980 ATLG 0.0.3 hatched during 1979.
1980 OKLO bred during 1980.
1981 MEMT 0.0.1 hatched during 1981.
1985 OKLO 0.0.3 hatched during 1985 from a captive breeding.
1985 PPTLa 0.0.3 hatched during 1985. Second consecutive year.
1986 ARIA 0.0.2 hatched Nov 13-15,1986.
1986 OKLO 0.0.1 hatched during 1986.
1986 PPTLa 0.0.5 hatched during 1986. Bred for third consecutive year.
12 babies produced from 15 eggs. 100% hatch in 1986 (5 for 5).
1988 PPRSc The Heloderma breeding project we began three years ago has
been very successful. Production has been 29, 34, & 57 in 1986,
1987, & 1988 respectively. H. s. cinctum have laid eggs on two
separate occasions, but we did not get to them in time. No
copulations have occurred in H. horridum to date. There
are two methods we have used to reproduce Heloderms; one
outdoors and one indoors. The outdoor method is by far
the more successful of the two. Specimens are left outdoors
year round, although their enclosure is covered from November
to March. We feel that copulation, or a large part of it,
takes place during hibernation. Eggs are laid around the
first part of June. When we have been successful with the
indoor method, eggs are laid much later, usually mid July
or early August. Also, the indoor specimens seem to breed
on alternate years; i.e. they will breed one year, and not
the next one or two. We suspect success to be from either
the natural U.V. or, the group hibernation and winter
Once it is determined females are gravid, they gain a great
amount of weight, they are brought inside (if out) and kept
alone until the eggs are laid. They will frequently turn
around after laying eggs, and eat every one of them. This
accounts for the lack of success in H. s. cinctum; freshly
eaten eggs (shells) have been found, but no good eggs to
date on this subspecies. Eggs are incubated in all glass
10 gallon aquariums in damp vermiculite. Incubation
temperature is maintained at 85 degrees F. and hatch from
74 - 102 days. This wide range of hatching times we are not
able to explain !! Note; if too many Heloderm eggs are
placed in one aquarium, they will die from a lack of
oxygen at about 4 - 6 weeks. The number recommended per
container is no more than four(4). Hatchlings are about
4" - 6" (often a little larger), and will literally eat
anything that moves which they are able to catch. They are
also somewhat ill-tempered when they hatch until handled
a bit. We have had three captive hatched females breed at
three years of age even though they were physically large
enough at two years.
1989 MEMT 0.0.2 hatched during 1989.
1989 OKLO 0.0.10 hatched during 1989.
1989 PPME bred during 1989.
1989 WOOW 0.0.2 hatched during 1989.
1989 ZOOE 0.0.2 hatched during 1989.
1990 OKLO 0.0.8 hatched during 1990.
1990 PPBE 0.0.1 hatched during 1990.
1991 DALT 0.1.3 hatched during 1991.
1991 GLAS 0.0.6 hatched during 1991.
1991 OKLO 0.0.2 hatched during 1991.
1991 WOOW 0.0.2 hatched during 1991.
1992 DALT 0.0.5 hatched during 1992.
1992 POIW 0.0.1 hatched during 1992, did not survive.
1992 PPBE 0.0.2 hatched during 1992.
1992 WOOW 0.0.19 hatched during 1992, 0.0.1 did not survive.
1993 OKLO 0.0.4 hatched during 1993.
1993 POIW 0.0.3 hatched during 1993.
1993 SADC 0.0.5 hatched during 1993.
1993 WOOW 0.0.11 hatched during 1993.
1994 HOGU 0.0.2 hatched during 1994.
1994 OKLO 0.0.3 hatched during 1994.
1994 POIW 0.0.10 hatched during 1994.
1994 PPBE 0.0.2 hatched during 1994.
1994 WOOW 0.0.8 hatched during 1994.
1995 OKLO 0.0.2 hatched during 1995.
1995 SEDK 0.0.1 hatched during 1995.
1996 FORT 0.0.12 hatched 26 Nov 1996
1996 OKLO 0.0.2 hatched during 1996.
Anolis sp.
1986 SENJ 0.0.3 hatched during 1986.
Anolis biporcatus
Anolis biporcatus ssp.
Central American Green Anole
1993 NATM 0.0.3 hatched during 1993.
1994 NATM 0.0.7 hatched during 1994.
1995 NATM 0.0.7 hatched during 1995.
Anolis carolinensis
Anolis carolinensis ssp.
Green Anole
1978 NATW 0.0.3 hatched during 1978.
1981 METO 0.0.4 hatched during 1981.
1985 METO 0.0.3 hatched during 1985.
1986 PPGCd 0.0.1 hatched 1986. 1 egg removed from eggbound female
after she died on July 2, 1986. Hatched on Aug 7th.
Incubated vermiculite 83 degrees F. 1 egg laid Aug 14th
found dead in shell Sept 6th.
1986 PPPD 0.0.21 hatched during 1986. Indoor terrarium with heating
by incandescent (spot-lamp) 40W, and fluorescent lights 60W.
All lamps off during the night. Temperature - in winter
from January 1st to February 28th - night 20 degrees C. day
22-24 degrees C. in other seasons day 25-28 degrees C. with a
hot spot at about 33 degrees C. night 22-25 degrees C. the
heating lamp is off during the winter (2 months). Light cycle
10h/day in Dec., Jan., and Feb. with all lamps off 1 day out
of 3. 16h/day in June and July. Copulation March 28th to Aug
28th. Egg laying from April 23rd to Sept 3rd. Total of 46 eggs
from five females. One of the females laid infertile eggs. One
born in 1985 did not lay many eggs. Hatching from June 4th, to
November 10th.
1987 PPPD 0.0.9 hatched during 1987. 1.2.0 adults. 14 eggs laid, 9
1988 CHEE 0.0.1 hatched during 1988.
1988 METO 0.0.4 hatched during 1988.
1993 PPPWb 0.0.2 hatched during 1993.
1994 PPJBe 0.0.8 hatched during 1994. 10 eggs laid, 9 hatched, 8
Anolis carolinensis carolinensis
American Green Anole
1985 PPCD 0.0.7 hatched during 1985.
1988 CALA 0.0.0 hatched during 1988. 0.0.1 hatched during 1987.
Found hatchling in exhibit.
1989 TULO 0.1.0 hatched during 1989.
1990 LOWF 0.0.1 hatched during 1990.
Anolis cuvieri
Puerto Rican Anole
1985 BUFN 0.0.12 hatched during 1985.
Anolis cybotes
Largehead Anole
1986 PPGCd 0.0.1 hatchling found in vivarium with adults on Oct 10,
1986. Date laid unknown. Incubation time unknown. Temperature
about 80 - 82 degrees F.
Anolis equestris
Anolis equestris ssp.
Knight Anole
1978 NATW 0.0.3 hatched during 1978.
1980 OKLO bred during 1980.
1985 PPCD 0.0.4 hatched during 1985.
1986 NATW 0.0.3 hatched during 1986.
1986 PPCD 0.0.24 hatched during 1986. 24 hatched from June 5th -
Nov 15th. Adults kept on plants in the house. Two eggs
laid every 2 weeks at base of plants.
1987 PPCD 0.0.6 hatched during 1987. 2 Oct 18th, 2 Nov 25th, 2
Dec 29th.
1989 CENN 1.0.2 hatched during 1989.
1990 WILG 0.0.5 hatched during 1990. 2 did not survive.
1991 CENN 0.0.3 hatched during 1991.
1991 WILG 0.0.4 hatched during 1991.
1992 BRIE 0.0.2 hatched during 1992.
1993 SADC 0.0.3 hatched during 1993.
1995 WILG 0.0.1 hatched during 1995.
1996 WILG 0.0.2 hatched during 1992.
1997 WILG 0.0.1 hatched during 1997.
Anolis equestris equestris
Knight Anole
1980 SANT 0.0.2 hatched during 1980.
1981 PPLRb bred during 1981.
1981 SANT 0.0.2 hatched during 1981.
1988 CHEEa 0.0.1 hatched during 1988.
Anolis garmani
Anolis garmani ssp.
Jamaican Giant Anole
1987 FORT 0.0.5 hatched June 14th - Sept 9th.
1990 LOUK bred during 1990.
1990 PPBL 0.0.2 hatched during 1990.
1990 SANT 0.0.4 hatched during 1990.
1991 LOUK 0.0.2 hatched during 1991.
1991 LOWF 0.0.1 hatched during 1991.
1992 RION 0.0.1 hatched during 1992.
1995 PPJKb 0.0.25 hatched during 1995.
Anolis grahami
Jamaican Anole
1992 LOUK 0.0.1 hatched during 1992.
1992 RION 0.0.1 hatched during 1992.
Anolis humilis
1990 NATM 0.0.2 hatched during 1990.
1993 NATM 0.0.5 hatched during 1993.
Anolis oxylophus
Aquatic Anole
1990 NATM 0.0.3 hatched during 1990.
1991 NATM 0.0.11 hatched during 1991.
1994 NATM 0.0.42 hatched during 1994.
1995 NATM 0.0.16 hatched during 1995.
Anolis richardi
1985 ZOOE 0.0.2 hatched during 1985.
1986 ZOOE 0.0.3 hatched during 1986.
Anolis roquet
Anolis roquet zebrilus
1986 OKLO 0.0.6 hatched during 1986.
Anolis sagrei
Anolis sagrei ssp.
Brown Anole
1978 NATW 0.0.2 hatched during 1978, did not survive.
Anolis sagrei ordinatus
Bahaman Brown Anole
1986 PPGCd 0.0.1 hatched. 1 egg laid June 26, 1986. Hatched July 17,
1986. Incubated in vermiculite at 83 degrees F. 21 days.
Hatchling tiny and difficult to feed.
Anolis smallwoodi
Anolis smallwoodi ssp.
Oriente Knight Anole
1993 FORT 0.0.9 hatched 28 July - 20 Dec 93.
1994 FORT 0.0.7 hatched 4 Jan - 24 Nov 1994.
1995 FORT 0.0.7 hatched 22 Apr and 22 Nov 1995.
1996 FORT 0.0.17 hatched during 1996. 1 - 25 Jan, 1 - 6 Feb, 1 - 30
Mar, 1 - 12 Apr, 1 - 16 May, 2 - 29 May, 1 - 10 Sep, 1 - 19
Sep, 1 - 26 Sep, 2 - 26 Sep, 1 - 21 Oct, 1 - 6 Nov, 1 - 13 Nov,
1 - 1 Dec, and 1 - 11 Dec 1996.
1997 FORT 0.0.8 hatched during 1997.
Basiliscus basiliscus
Brown Basilisk
1979 WOOW 0.0.14 hatched during 1979.
1980 WOOW 0.0.3 hatched during 1980.
1981 FORT 0.0.3 hatched 1 Jun 1981.
1986 SENJ 0.0.4 hatched during 1986.
1987 NATM 0.0.2 hatched during 1987.
1988 PAIE bred during 1988.
1989 CHEEa 0.0.6 hatched during 1989.
1989 PPBL 0.0.137 hatched during 1989. About 20 in March + 2
(1 July), + 3 (2 July), + 2 (3 July), + 2 (5 July), + 1 (10 Aug),
+ 1 (12 Aug), + 1 (26 Aug), +6 (28 Aug), + 1 (29 Aug), + 2
(30 Aug), + 5 (31 Aug), + 1 (1 Sept), + 1 (27 Sept),
+ 1 (30 Sept), + 5 (1 Oct), +2 (2 Oct), + 1 (3 Oct),
+ 3 (4 Oct), + 1 (5 Oct), + 1 (6 Oct), + 2 (7 Oct),
+ 4 (8 Oct), + 1 (9 Oct), + 5 (10 Oct), + 10 (12 Oct),
+5 (13 Oct), + 1 (27 Oct), + 1 (28 Oct), + 4 (29 Oct),
+ 3 (2 Nov), + 3 (4 Nov), + 2 (6 Nov), + 12 (8 Nov),
+ 3 (9 Nov), + 3 (9 Nov), + 1 (11 Nov), + 2 (13 Nov),
+ 2 (15 Nov), + 1 (16 Nov), + 2 (2 Dec), + 5 (5 Dec),
+ 1 (6 Dec), + 2 (8 Dec).
1990 PPBL 0.0.73 hatched during 1990.
1990 VANB bred during 1990.
1991 CHEEa 0.0.53 hatched during 1991.
1991 ROGR 1.1. hatched during 1991.
1992 CALA 0.0.13 hatched during 1992.
1992 CHEEa 0.0.95 hatched during 1992.
1992 PPBL 0.0.266 hatched during 1992. 438 hatched during 1991,
and 73 hatched during 1990.
1993 CHEEa 0.0.127 hatched during 1993.
1993 PPBL 0.0.33 hatched during 1993.
1994 PPBL 0.0.6 hatched during 1994.
Basiliscus galeritus
Red-headed Basilisk
1992 PPBL 0.0.23 hatched during 1992, and 0.0.31 hatched during
1994 PPBL 0.0.22 hatched during 1994.
1995 PPBL 0.0.20 hatched during 1995.
1996 PPBL 0.0.35 hatched during 1996.
Basiliscus plumifrons
Green Crested Basilisk
1980 SEDK bred during 1980.
1981 CINO bred during 1981.
1981 SEDK 0.0.45 hatched during 1981.
1985 BUFN 0.0.6 hatched during 1985.
1985 DALT 0.0.16 hatched in 1985.
1985 FORT bred during 1985.
1985 JERE 0.0.31 hatched in 1985.
1985 NATW 0.0.2 hatched during 1985 from a captive breeding.
1985 NEWN 0.0.1 hatched during 1985.
1985 RHUG 0.0.17 hatched during 1985.
1985 TULO 0.0.33 hatched during 1985.
1985 ZOOE 0.0.21 hatched during 1985.
1986 FORT bred during 1986.
1986 JERE 0.0.33 hatched during 1986, 7 did not survive.
1986 METO 0.0.11 hatched during 1986.
1986 ROYS 0.0.19 hatched during 1986.
1986 TULO 0.0.29 hatched during 1986.
1986 ZOOE 0.0.16 hatched during 1986.
1987 DETM 0.0.14 hatched during 1987.
1987 JERE 0.0.1 hatched during 1987.
1987 METO 2.3.0 hatched during 1987. Eggs laid Jan 31st., hatched
April 4th. thru 9th.
1987 OKLO 0.0.7 hatched during 1987.
1987 ROYS 0.0.44 hatched during 1987.
1987 SEDK 0.0.2 hatched during 1987.
1987 TULO 0.0.51 hatched during 1987.
1988 ROYS 0.0.51 hatched during 1988.
1988 SEDK 0.0.9 hatched during 1988.
1988 TULO 0.0.20 hatched during 1988.
1988 ZOOE 0.0.3 hatched during 1988.
1989 JERE 0.0.16 hatched during 1989. 2 did not survive.
1989 MELA 0.0.5 hatched during 1989. 5 young hatched in the adult's
exhibit on 25 October 1989, 54 days after the eggs were laid.
The eggs could not be found, but incubated in soil-filled
pockets at 27-30 degrees C. At emergence, the young averaged
2.3g weight, 44mm SVL and 149mm total length.
1989 TULO 0.0.25 hatched during 1989.
1989 ZOOE 0.0.23 hatched during 1989.
1990 CENN 4.1.3 hatched during 1990.
1990 LOUK bred during 1990.
1990 PPBL 0.0.123 hatched during 1990.
1990 SEDK 0.0.1 hatched during 1990.
1990 ZOOE 0.0.1 hatched during 1990.
1991 BRIE 0.0.16 hatched during 1991.
1991 CENN 0.0.6 hatched during 1991.
1991 KREG 0.0.4 hatched during 1991.
1991 LOUK 0.0.10 hatched during 1991.
1991 MELA 0.0.14 hatched during 1991.
1991 ROYS 0.0.4 hatched during 1991.
1991 SEDK 0.0.14 hatched during 1991.
1991 TULO 0.0.13 hatched during 1991.
1992 BRIE 0.0.10 hatched during 1992.
1992 CHEEa 0.0.9 hatched during 1992.
1992 CLEO 0.0.4 hatched during 1992.
1992 COLO 0.0.29 hatched during 1992.
1992 LOUK 0.0.14 hatched during 1992.
1992 PPBL 0.0.509 hatched during 1992. 119 hatched during 1991,
and 123 hatched during 1990.
1992 TULO 0.0.18 hatched during 1992.
1993 BRIE 0.0.7 hatched during 1993.
1993 CHEEa 0.0.126 hatched during 1993.
1993 CLEO 0.0.6 hatched during 1993.
1993 COLO 0.0.4 hatched during 1993.
1993 ELPT Bred during 1993.
1993 FORT 0.0.13 hatched 1 - 4 Aug 93.
1993 FRAG 0.0.41 hatched during 1993.
1993 HOGU 0.0.20 hatched during 1983. 2 clutches.
1993 JERE 0.0.8 hatched during 1993, 0.0.6 did not survive.
1993 METO 0.0.1 hatched during 1993.
1993 PPBL 0.0.459 hatched during 1993.
1993 ROYS 0.0.10 hatched during 1993.
1993 TOLO 0.0.3 hatched during 1993.
1993 TULO 0.0.21 hatched during 1993.
1993 ZOOE 0.0.6 hatched during 1993.
1994 HOGU 0.0.13 hatched during 1994.
1994 JERE 0.0.9 hatched during 1994.
1994 PPBL 0.0.273 hatched during 1994.
1994 TARA 0.0.4 hatched during 1994.
1994 TOLO 2.0.10 hatched during 1994.
1994 TULO 0.0.10 hatched during 1994.
1994 ZOOE 0.0.4 hatched during 1994.
1995 PPBL 0.0.207 hatched during 1995.
1995 SEDK 0.0.12 hatched during 1995.
1995 TOLO 2.3.13 hatched during 1995.
1995 TULO 0.0.12 hatched during 1995.
1996 JERE 2.3.1 hatched during 1996.
1996 MILW 0.0.5 hatched during 1996.
1996 PPBL 0.0.108 hatched during 1996.
1996 TOLO 2.0.7 hactched during 1996.
1997 DALT 0.0.23 hatched during 1997.
1997 HENN 0.0.2 hatched during 1997.
1997 PPBL 0.0.60 hatched during 1997.
1998 HENN 0.0.8 hatched during 1998.
Basiliscus vittatus
Brown Basilisk
1979 LINI 0.0.12 hatched during 1979.
1979 MILW bred during 1979.
1980 LINI 0.0.14 hatched during 1980.
1981 LINI 0.0.81 hatched during 1981.
1981 OKLO bred during 1981.
1985 ZOOE 0.0.3 hatched during 1985.
1986 LINI 0.0.2 hatched during 1986.
1986 PPGCd 0.0.5 hatched April 5, 1986 from 6 eggs laid Feb 9, 1986.
56 day incubation. Moist vermiculite at 82 degrees F.
Hatchlings are active and grow fast.
1988 ZOOE 0.0.6 hatched during 1988.
1989 LINI 0.0.13 hatched during 1989.
1990 WILG 0.0.21 hatched during 1990. 1 did not survive.
1991 WILG 0.0.52 bred during 1991.
1995 WILG 0.0.5 hatched during 1995.
1996 WILG 0.0.22 hatched during 1996.
1997 WILG 0.0.11 hatched during 1997.
Brachylophus fasciatus
Fiji Island Banded Iguana
1980 KNOT 0.0.1 hatched 4 Mar from eggs laid 20 Apr. Did not
1981 SADC 0.0.1 hatched during 1981.
1985 TARA 0.2.0 hatched 9th and 10th of April 1985.
1986 TARA 2.4.0 hatched during 1986, 1.0.0 died.
1987 TARA 2.1.0 hatched during 1987.
1989 SADC 0.0.9 hatched during 1989.
1990 MELA 2.1.0 hatched during 1990. 6 eggs laid 16 Jan 1990 and
incubated at 30 degrees C. 1 fertile, 1 infertile, 1 slit and
died, and 3 hatched after 105 - 107 days. Hatchlings averaged
6.6 gm, 59mm SVL and 210mm total length.
1990 SADC 2.2.14 hatched during 1990.
1991 DALT 0.0.1 hatched during 1991.
1991 ROYN 0.0.1 hatched during 1991.
1991 SADC 0.0.11 hatched during 1991.
1992 DALT 0.0.1 hatched during 1992.
1992 ROYN 3.0.0 hatched during 1992.
1992 SADC 7.10.0 hatched during 1992.
1993 SADC 6.2.0 hatched during 1993.
1994 ROYN 0.1 hatched during 1994.
1994 SADC 6.1.0 hatched during 1994.
1994 SANT 3.1 hatched during 1994.
1995 DENC 0.2.1 hatched during 1995.
1995 TARA 1.0.0 hatched during 1995.
1996 SADC 2.3.0 hatched during 1996.
1997 SADC 3.0.3 hatched during 1997.
Brachylophus vitiensis
Fiji Island Crested Iguana
1985 TARA 0.0.1 hatched August 18th from a captive breeding.
1987 TARA 0.0.5 hatched during 1987.
1994 TARA 0.0.4 hatched during 1994.
1995 TARA 0.0.6 hatched during 1995.
Callisaurus draconoides
Callisaurus draconoides ssp.
1996 ARIA 0.0.3 hatched during 1996.
Chamaeleolis chamaeleonides
Cuban Crested Anole
1992 FORT 0.1.5 hatched during 1992.
1993 FORT 0.0.23 hatched 10 Feb - 10 Oct 93.
1996 FORT 0.0.3 hatched during 1996. 1 - 24 Mar, 1 - 25 Mar,
and 1 - 30 Mar 1996.
1997 FORT 0.0.6 hatched during 1997.
Cophosaurus texanus
Cophosaurus texanus ssp
Greater Earless Lizard
1990 PPBL 0.0.20 hatched during 1990.
Corytophanes cristatus
Casque-headed Iguana
1980 KNOT 0.0.2 hatched 25 Nov 1980 from eggs laid 6 Aug. Copulation
18 Feb. Babies did not survive.
1991 NATM 0.0.3 hatched during 1991.
1991 WILG 0.0.3 hatched during 1991.
1993 NATM 0.0.2 hatched during 1993.
1995 WILG 0.0.6 hatched during 1995.
Crotaphytus collaris
Crotaphytus collaris ssp.
Collared Lizard
1979 HONH 0.0.2 hatched 28 May 1979.
1989 ARIA 0.0.3 hatched 10 Sept 89.
1989 CANE 0.0.7 hatched during 1989.
1989 PPRD bred during 1989. Wild bred female.
1989 ROYN 0.0.1 hatched during 1989.
Crotaphytus collaris baileyi
Western Collared Lizard
1987 ARIA 0.0.5 hatched during 1987.
1990 ARIA 0.0.20 hatched during 1990.
1992 ARIA 0.0.21 hatched during 1992.
1993 ARIA 0.0.27 hatched during 1993.
Crotaphytus collaris collaris
Eastern Collared Lizard
1985 RHUG 0.0.4 hatched during 1985.
1986 PPGCd 7 eggs laid May 13th. 6 went bad May 16th. (to dry). The
last one began shrivelling and was opened on June 6, 1986.
Dead in shell, nearly fully developed. Vermiculite 83 degrees F.
Crotaphytus insularis
Crotaphytus insularis ssp.
Black-collared Lizard
1993 HOUT 0.0.3 hatched during 1993.
Ctenosaura similis
Ctenosaura similis ssp.
1985 SMIP 0.0.21 hatched during 1985.
1991 CHEEa 0.0.3 hatched during 1991.
Cyclura cychlura
Cyclura cychlura cychlura
Andros Island Rock Iguana
1986 ARDB 1 clutch - 19 eggs laid June 15th. Incubated initially in
vermiculite, switched to sand because of fruit fly infestation
and mold. Plastic containers. None hatched.
1987 ARDB 0.0.0 hatched during 1987. female laid clutch of 19 eggs.
None hatched due to mold and larval infestation.
Cyclura cychlura inornata
Allen's Cay Rock Iguana
1986 ARDB 1 clutch - 8 eggs laid July 10th. 4 incubated in sand, 3 in
vermiculite (3/4:1), 1 left in pen. Because of mold problems
7 eggs reset in dry sand. Plastic box, egg left in pen infested
with larvae and ants. No sign of fertility. 1 clutch - 8 eggs
laid July 18th. 1 broken, incubated in dry sand, plastic box.
1 clutch 3 eggs laid July 30th. Incubated dry sand, plastic box.
We have had no hatchlings to date, but have had problems with
mold growth even in "dry" sand. Containers are sealed and have no
air holes. These are then stored in a large styrofoam ice chest.
A female (not included in inventory) died gravid May 29th. She
contained 13 partially developed eggs which showed no signs of
1987 ARDB 0.0.0 hatched during 1987. three separate females laid
clutches of 8, 8, and 3 eggs. All were infertile except one from
clutch # 1. Almost fully developed, dead in egg.
Cyclura cornuta
Cyclura cornuta ssp.
1985 TARA 0.0.28 hatched during 1985 from a captive breeding.
1987 TARA 0.0.23 hatched during 1987.
1987 ZOOE 0.0.8 hatched during 1987.
1990 GLAT bred during 1990.
1991 CHEEa 0.0.3 hatched during 1991.
1992 NATW 1.1.3 hatched during 1992.
1993 CHEEa 0.0.2 hatched during 1993.
1993 DREF 0.0.16 hatched during 1993. Copulation during July. 4 Aug
13 eggs laid, 14 Aug 18 eggs laid. Set-up on perlite at 88
degrees F. and 85% humidity. 0.0.3 hatched 22 - 28 Oct from the
4 Aug clutch. 0.0.13 hatched 4 - 16 Nov from the 14 Aug clutch.
1993 NATS 0.0.1 hatched during 1993.
1994 NATS 0.0.10 hatched during 1994.
Cyclura cornuta cornuta
Rhinoceros Iguana
1980 GLAT bred during 1980. Reproduced more than one year prior to
1985 JERE 0.0.1 hatched in 1985.
1986 PPDFb 16 eggs laid, incubated at 30 degrees C., none hatched.
1987 PPGMb 0.0.7 hatched during 1987.
1988 LOUK 0.0.8 hatched during 1988.
1988 PPDBf 0.0.0 hatched during 1988. 9 eggs laid July 24th. All
infertile except 2. Incubated at 86 degrees F. Almost
fully developed, dead in egg.
1988 PPGMb 0.0.7 hatched during 1988.
1989 PPDBf 0.0.9 hatched during 1989.
1989 PPGLb 0.0.6 hatched during 1989. Eggs laid 10 Aug 89. Incubated
at 88-89 degrees F. All 6 hatched 22 Oct 89, 72 days after
being laid.
1989 PPGMb 0.0.7 hatched during 1989.
1990 PPDBf bred during 1990.
1991 GLAT 0.0.9 hatched during 1991.
1992 INDI 0.0.6 hatched during 1992. Four clutches of eggs were
laid: 11 on 24 Jun, 15 on 24 Jun, 7 on 25 Jul, and 15 on
5 Oct 1992. Of these 53 , 29 were fertile and 20 went full
term but failed to hatch. They were incubated at 85 -
88 degrees F. with high humidity in 1:1 vermiculite,
and water. A fifth female was seen digging on 11 Aug.
Between 12 - 14 Nov six hatchlings were found in and
around the exhibit. The nest was found on 14 Nov and
contained 7 shells and 3 eggs (2 infertile and 1 with a
dead embryo.
1993 INDI 0.0.7 hatched during 1993. One clutch of 12 eggs was laid
22 July. One embryo died early in incubation and 4 contained
full-term dead embryos. The remaining 7 eggs hatched after 88 -
89 days incubation period. These were incubated at 85 degrees F.
and high humidity on damp sand.
1994 INDI 0.0.11 hatched during 1994. 11 eggs were laid 19 Aug 94.
All hatched after 78 - 88 days at 86 degrees F. in damp
1995 ROYN 1.0.22 hatched during 1995.
Cyclura nubila
Cyclura nubila caymanensis
Cayman Island Iguana
1987 PPGMb 0.0.5 hatched during 1987.
1988 PPGMb 0.0.11 hatched during 1988.
1989 PPGMb 0.0.9 hatched during 1989.
Cyclura nubila lewisi
1987 PPGMb 0.0.21 hatched during 1987. Five of the young are second
generation from a brother/sister pair hatched in Oct 1984 by Tom
Crutchfield. Fertile eggs at 2 yrs, 7 mo, 13 days of age.
1988 PPGMb 0.0.9 hatched during 1988.
1989 PPGMb 0.0.35 hatched during 1989.
1990 PPDBf bred during 1990.
1990 SADC 0.0.2 hatched during 1990.
1992 SADC 0.0.1 hatched during 1992.
1995 INDI 0.0.1 hatched during 1995. A clutch of 7 eggs was laid
14 May. 1 hatched after a 88 day incubation at 85 degrees F.
in medium humidity on vermiculite.
1996 INDI 0.0.12 hatched during 1996. A clutch of 5 eggs was laid
7 May. All five hatched after 95 - 102 days incubation. A second
female laid 9 eggs 19 May. 7 hatched after 93 - 100 days
incubation. 2 eggs were infertile. Both clutches were
incubated at 85 degrees F. with medium humidity on damp
Cyclura nubila nubila
1985 INDI 9 eggs laid 05/04/85. All infertile
1987 INDI 0.0.2 hatched during 1987. 5 year old F 1 offspring laid 3
eggs May 1st, two of which were laid in a pre-dug nest. The
third was laid on top of the sand, which molded and died,
although it was fertile. Two good eggs hatched July 21st - 24th.
Copulation was not observed and eggs were incubated in moist
sand at 88 degrees F. This is unique in that it took place in an
indoor enclosure.
1987 PPGMb 0.0.22 hatched during 1987.
1988 PPGMb 0.0.5 hatched during 1988.
1989 PPDBf 0.0.2 hatched during 1989.
1989 PPGMb 0.0.17 hatched during 1989.
1990 PPDBf bred during 1990.
1993 INDI 0.0.11 hatched during 1993. Clutch laid 3 June on exhibit,
however the nest chamber could not be located. After 79 days on
21 Aug eleven hatchlings were found.
Cyclura ricordi
Ricord's Iguana
1991 INDI 0.0.8 hatched during 1992. 15 eggs laid 10 June. They
were incubated at 86 degrees F. in vermiculite (1.5:1 by
weight). 8 hatched 106 - 124 days incubation. 2 eggs infertile,
5 eggs fertile but died in egg.
1992 INDI 0.0.1 hatched during 1992. A clutch of 13 eggs was laid
4 Jun. They were incubated at approx. 85 degrees F. and high
humidity in 1:1 vermiculite and water. After 83 days incubation
the first egg hatched. Seven full-term individuals died
in the shell and 5 fertile eggs did not hatch. On 11 Jul
another female laid 13 infertile eggs. On 19 July she laid
another 3 infertile eggs.
1995 INDI 0.0.2 hatched during 1995. A clutch of 14 eggs was laid
on 3 Apr. 9 eggs were fertile, 4 infertile, 1 undetermined.
Eggs were incubated at 85 degrees F. in medium humidity on
damp vermiculite. After 111 days incubation the first of 2
eggs hatched. Another egg contained a 2 cm dead embryo
and the remaining 3 contained dead full term embryos.
Dipsosaurus dorsalis
Dipsosaurus dorsalis ssp.
Desert Iguana
1981 BUFN 0.0.7 hatched during 1981.
1981 DALT Dallas received the AAZPA first breeding certificate for
this species.
1990 PPBL 0.0.3 hatched during 1990.
1992 INDI 0.0.10 hatched during 1992. One clutch of 5 eggs was
laid 21 Apr. The eggs were incubated at 87 degrees F. with
high humidity on a damp sand substrate. All eggs hatched in 74-
76 days. Another female appeared to have laid eggs
15 Apr on exhibit. 27 Jun five hatchlings were discovered
on exhibit after 73 days incubation.
1992 PPBL 0.0.0 hatched during 1992, but 10 did during 1991, and
3 during 1990.
1995 INDI 0.0.1 hatched during 1995. found on exhibit 3 Sep from
a clutch suspected to have been laid on 16 Jun 1995.
1996 INDI 0.0.3 hatched on exhibit. 1 - 14 Jul, 1 - 20 Jul, and
1 - 7 Sep 1996.
Dipsosaurus dorsalis dorsalis
Desert Iguana
1985 BUFN 0.0.4 hatched during 1985.
1986 ARIA 0.0.8 hatched during 1985. 3 July 30, 1985, 5 Sept 18,1985.
1986 BUFN 0.0.3 hatched May 24, 1986.
1990 ARIA 0.0.5 hatched during 1990.
1990 BUFN 0.0.2 hatched 21 Aug 90.
1990 RIVS 0.0.1 hatched during 1990.
1992 ARIA 0.0.5 hatched during 1992.
1992 BUFN 0.0.1 hatched during 1992.
1993 ARIA 0.0.3 hatched during 1993.
1993 RIVS 0.0.6 hatched during 1993.
1994 ARIA 0.0.7 hatched during 1994.
1996 BUFN 0.0.1 hatched during 1996.
1996 RIVS 0.0.4 hatched during 1996.
1997 ARIA 0.0.3 hatched during 1997.
Iguana sp.
1985 INDI Female laid 40 eggs 07/20/85 in nest. Incubated in moist
sand at 88 degrees F. 0.0.5 hatched 10/1-5/85.
Iguana iguana
Green Iguana
1971 STLM bred during 1971.
1975 HONH 0.0.3 hatched during 1975.
1978 HONH 0.0.4 hatched during 1978.
1979 JACF 0.0.12 hatched during 1979.
1980 DENC 0.0.48 hatched 10 Oct 1980 from eggs laid 17 Jul.
1981 HONH 0.0.15 hatched 21-26 Jun 1981. Captive hatched female laid
52 eggs 4 Apr. Eggs were incubated in vermiculite at 84 degrees
F. with a 3 degree temperature fluxuation.
1981 TOPK 0.0.9 hatched during 1981.
1985 PPLRd 36 infertile eggs laid 12/26/85. Copulation observed
1985 SMIP 0.0.1600 hatched during 1985. Multiple females.
1985 TARA 0.0.10 hatched during 1985 from a captive breeding.
1986 SMIP 0.0.2500 hatched during 1986. Copulations start in Oct 86,
end Jan 15th, 1987. Egg laying started Jan 22nd and ended on
March 21st with 290 clutches. Incubation in 1986 (90 + clutches),
2,500 eggs in 7% and 13% substrate moisture (oven dried at
100 degrees C.). Incubation substrate: 3 parts washed beach
sand, one part peat moss. Hatching success was lower at 18%
substrate moisture, and high at the lower moisture levels.
Temperature of 29 degrees C. and 30.5 degrees C. during
incubation yielded high and equal hatching success, 27.4
degrees C. yielded low hatching success. Social stress appears
to affect hatchability of eggs.
1988 PHOA 0.0.8 hatched during 1988.
1988 SADC 0.0.1 hatched during 1988.
1989 SADC 0.0.1 hatched during 1989.
1989 SINS 0.0.30 hatched 26 May 89.
1989 SMIP In Panama. Several hundred specimens all raised in
captivity and released for repopulation purposes. 350 - 450
seven month old juveniles released annually since January 1986
in forest patches in rural areas. Survivorship of 7 month
olds to 2 years of age: 75%. Two year olds to three year
olds 90% survivorship.
In Costa Rica we are breeding fourth generation in captivity
without loss in fertility. Re-introduced iguanas in Panama
are reproducing successfully; body size - clutch size
relationship is similar to that of naturally grown iguanas.
Females use natural nest sites, formerly used by wild green
1990 DREF bred during 1990.
1991 CHEEa 0.0.4 hatched during 1991.
1991 GLAS 0.0.7 hatched during 1991.
1991 GLAT 0.0.1 hatched during 1991.
1991 SADC 0.0.34 hatched during 1991.
1992 UENJ 0.0.2 hatched during 1992.
1995 PPKEb 0.0.3 hatched during 1995.
1996 TOLO 0.0.1 hatched during 1996.
Laemanctus longipes
Laemanctus longipes ssp.
1981 FORT 0.0.2 hatched 7 May from 2 eggs laid 17 Mar 1981.
1992 BUFN 0.0.4 hatched during 1992.
1993 BUFN 0.0.4 hatched during 1993.
Laemanctus longipes longipes
Cone-headed Iguana
1989 TOLO 0.0.4 hatched during 1989.
1993 NATM 0.0.4 hatched during 1993.
1995 NATM 0.0.4 hatched during 1995.
Laemanctus serratus
Casque-headed Lizard
1993 FRAG 0.0.63 hatched during 1993.
Leiocephalus carinatus
Leiocephalus carinatus ssp.
1981 PPLRb bred during 1981.
1989 PPBL 0.0.17 hatched during 1989. 4 (7 Aug), + 1 (11 Sept), + 2
(17 Sept), + 1 (18 Sept), + 1 (22 Sept), + 1 (10 Oct), + 1
(21 Oct), + 2 (22 Oct), + 2 (28 Oct), + 1 (29 Oct), & 1 (2 Nov).
1990 PPBL 0.0.36 hatched during 1990.
1992 PPBL 0.0.77 hatched during 1992. 62 hatched during 1991,
and 36 hatched during 1990.
1993 PPBL 0.0.1 hatched during 1993.
Liolaemus multiformis
1986 BRIE Bred during 1986.
Liolaemus nigromaculatus
Liolaemus nigromaculatus kulamndi
1990 PPBL 0.0.4 hatched during 1990.
Oplurus sp.
Madagascar Iguana
1993 ROYN 0.0.1 hatched during 1993.
1997 WILG 0.0.3 hatched during 1997.
Oplurus cuvieri
Oplurus cuvieri ssp.
1991 JERE 0.0.2 hatched during 1991.
1993 JERE 0.0.4 hatched during 1993.
1994 JERE 0.0.7 hatched during 1994.
1994 ROYN 0.0.1 hatched during 1994.
1995 ROYN 0.0.4 hatched during 1995.
1996 DETM 0.0.2 hatched during 1996.
Petrosaurus thalassinus
Petrosaurus thalassinus ssp.
Baja Blue Rock Lizard
1993 FRAG 0.0.24 hatched during 1993.
1995 PPBL 0.0.11 hatched during 1995.
1996 PPBL 0.0.3 hatched during 1996.
Phrynosoma cornutum
Texas Horned Toad
1991 OKLO 0.0.34 hatched during 1991.
Phrynosoma douglassi
Phrynosoma douglassi hernandesi
Mountain Short-horned Lizard
1977 PPRJ 0.0.33 born 7 - 26 Jul 1977 from a wild caught gravid
Sauromalus hispidus
Black Chuckwalla
1977 FORT bred during 1977.
1979 FORT bred during 1979.
1986 ARIA 0.0.19 hatched during 1986. 9 hatched Sept 13-15,1986. 10
of 18 eggs laid hatched Sept 22-23,1986. 23 of 26 eggs laid
hatched Sept 27-30,1985.
1997 ARIA 0.0.2 hatched during 1997.
Sauromalus obesus
Sauromalus obesus ssp.
1977 HONH 0.0.2 hatched during 1977.
1985 FORT 0.0.1 hatched 6 Oct. 1985.
1985 METO 0.0.11 hatched during 1985.
1986 DALT 0.0.1 hatched during 1986.
1986 METO 0.0.3 hatched during 1986.
1987 METO 0.0.1 hatched during 1987. Eggs laid June 10th, hatched
Sept 25th.
1988 DALT 0.0.1 hatched during 1988, 0.0.1 hatched during 1987, and
0.0.1 hatched during 1986.
1988 ZOOE 0.0.7 hatched during 1988.
1989 DALT 0.0.5 hatched during 1989.
1990 DALT 0.0.3 hatched during 1990.
1991 ROYN 0.0.4 hatched during 1991.
1992 DALT 0.0.2 hatched during 1992.
1992 ROYN 0.0.4 hatched during 1992.
1993 BRIE 0.0.8 hatched during 1993.
1993 ROYN 0.0.14 hatched during 1993.
1994 ROYN 0.0.7 hatched during 1994.
1995 PPJLj 0.0.4 hatched during 1995. Female #1 laid six eggs on 26
Jun, 4 eggs hatched between 93 and 95 days at 85 degrees F.
Female # 2 laid 5 eggs 4 Aug, all went bad.
1996 ROYNa 0.0.3 hatched during 1996.
1997 DALT 0.0.5 hatched during 1997.
Sauromalus obesus obesus
Western Chuckwalla
1977 HONH 0.0.2 hatched during 1977.
1981 ARIA 0.0.4 hatched during 1981.
1986 ARIA 0.0.11 hatched during 1985. 4 hatched Sept 13-15, 1985. 7
hatched Sept 13-24, 1985.
1986 LIVC 0.0.5 hatched during 1986.
1987 ARIA 0.0.3 hatched during 1987.
1989 ARIA 0.0.6 hatched 10-11 Sept 89.
1991 RIVS 0.0.3 hatched during 1991.
1992 RIVS 0.0.1 hatched during 1992.
1993 RIVS 0.0.5 hatched during 1993.
1994 ELPT bred during 1994.
1995 ELPT 0.0.5 hatched during 1995.
1995 RIVS 0.0.1 hatched during 1995.
1996 METO 0.0.5 hatched during 1996.
1996 RIVS 2.1.9 hatched during 1996.
1997 METO 0.0.1 hatched during 1997.
1997 RIVS 0.0.1 hatched during 1997.
Sauromalus obesus tumidus
Arizona Chuckwalla
1986 ARIA 0.0.10 hatched Sept 9-12, 1986. 0.0.2 hatched Aug 28-29,
1987 ARIA 0.0.13 hatched during 1987.
1989 ARIA 0.0.10 hatched during 1989. 0.0.9 hatched 31 Aug 89.
0.0.1 hatched 13 Sept 89.
1990 ARIA 0.0.11 hatched during 1990.
1991 ARIA 0.0.3 hatched during 1991.
1992 ARIA 0.0.24 hatched during 1992.
1993 ARIA 0.0.12 hatched during 1993.
1997 RIVS 0.0.1 hatched during 1997.
Sauromalus varius
San Esteban Island Chuckwalla
1981 ARIA 0.0.3 hatched during 1981.
1986 ARIA 0.0.2 hatched Sept 10-13,1986.
1987 ARIA 0.0.68 hatched during 1987.
1989 ARIA 0.0.5 hatched during 1989.
1991 ARIA 0.0.7 hatched during 1991.
1992 ARIA 0.0.54 hatched during 1992, some representing a new
1993 ARIA 0.0.2 hatched during 1993.
1997 ARIA 1.0.9 hatched during 1997.
Sceloporus sp.
Spiny Lizard
1992 ARIA 0.0.1 hatched during 1992.
Sceloporus clarki
Sceloporus clarki ssp.
Clark's Spiny Lizard
1994 ARIA 0.0.11 hatched during 1994.
1995 NORNa 0.0.3 hatched during 1995.
Sceloporus clarki clarki
Sonoran Spiny Lizard
1986 ARIA 0.0.2 hatched July 22, 1985.
1990 ARIA 0.0.4 hatched during 1990.
Sceloporus cyanogenys
1981 STLM 0.0.16 hatched during 1981.
1990 PPBL 0.0.16 hatched during 1990.
1992 PPBL 0.0.48 hatched during 1992. 30 hatched during 1991,
and 16 during 1990.
1994 PPRGc 0.0.11 born 28 Feb. Copulation was not observed. 2 were
stillborn and a third died without being able to break out
of the birth membrane.
1995 PPBL 0.0.12 hatched during 1995.
Sceloporus jarrovi
Sceloporus jarrovi ssp.
Yarrow's Spiny Lizard
1979 DALT bred during 1979.
1980 PPRJ 0.0.10 born 10 Jun 1980 from a wild caught gravid female.
1981 DALT 0.0.6 born during 1981.
1981 PHOA 0.0.13 born during 1981.
1986 UTIN 0.0.16 born during 1986.
1989 RIVS 0.0.5 born May 22, 1989.
1997 ARIA 0.0.1 hatched during 1997.
Sceloporus magister
Sceloporus magister ssp.
Desert Spiny Lizard
1977 HONH 0.0.17 hatched during 1977.
1980 TULO bred during 1980.
1981 TULO 0.0.2 hatched during 1981.
1985 SEDK 0.0.2 hatched on 03/30/85. These eggs were laid in an open
t. Courtship 2/16.
1985 TULO 0.0.5 hatched during 1985.
1986 TULO 0.0.10 hatched during 1986.
1987 TULO 0.0.17 hatched during 1987.
1988 TULO 0.0.4 hatched during 1988.
1988 ZOOE 0.0.4 hatched during 1988.
1989 TULO 0.0.14 hatched during 1989.
1990 CENN 0.0.2 hatched during 1990.
1990 TULO 0.0.20 hatched during 1990.
1991 HONH 0.0.2 hatched during 1991.
1991 TULO 0.0.6 hatched during 1991.
1992 HONH 0.0.2 bred during 1992.
1992 PPBL 0.0.9 hatched during 1992.
1993 FRAG 2.0.0 hatched during 1993.
1993 HONH 0.0.2 hatched during 1993.
1993 PPBL 0.0.26 hatched during 1993.
1994 HONH 0.0.3 hatched during 1994.
1994 PPBL 0.0.21 hatched during 1994.
1995 HONH 0.0.5 hatched during 1995.
1995 PPBL 0.0.22 hatched during 1995.
1996 ARIA 0.0.2 hatched during 1996.
Sceloporus magister bimaculosus
Twin-spotted Spiny Lizard
1990 ARIA 0.0.4 hatched during 1990.
1991 INDI 0.0.2 hatchlings found Aug 1 in a mixed species exhibit.
1992 ARIA 0.0.4 hatched during 1992.
Sceloporus magister magister
Desert Spiny Lizard
1977 HONH 0.0.17 born during 1977.
1997 ARIA 0.0.3 hatched during 1997.
Sceloporus malachiticus
Spiny Lizard
1980 FORT 0.0.9 born during 1980. Wild bred.
1980 KNOT 0.0.4 born 10 Apr 1980. 2 did not survive. Wild bred.
1987 METO 0.0.9 born Nov 16,1987.
1987 SENN 0.0.3 offspring during 1987.
Sceloporus occidentalis
Sceloporus occidentalis ssp.
Western Fence Lizard
1989 PPBL 0.0.24 during 1989. 10 (Sept 4), + 5 (Sept 5),
+ 3 (Sept 11), + 4 (Sept 16), + 2 (Sept 23).
1990 PPBL 0.0.34 hatched during 1990.
1992 PPBL 0.0.43 hatched during 1992. 78 hatched during 1991,
and 34 during 1990.
1994 PPBL 0.0.22 hatched during 1994.
Sceloporus orcutti
Granite Spiny Lizard
1976 SEDK bred during 1976.
1979 DALT bred during 1979.
1979 SEDK 0.0.11 hatched during 1979. Young found 8 Sep 1979.
hatchlings fed on small crickets.
1980 DALT 0.0.6 hatched during 1980.
1980 SEDK bred during 1980.
1981 DALT 0.0.35 hatched during 1981. Dallas received the AAZPA
first captive breeding certificate for this species.
1985 METO 0.0.16 in 1985.
1985 SEDK 0.0.3 hatched 06/19/85. These eggs laid in an open public
exhibit, courtship in February-March.
1986 METO 0.0.17 hatched during 1986.
1987 METO 0.0.3 hatched during 1987.
1988 METO 0.1.0 hatched during 1988.
1989 PPBL 0.0.11 hatched during 1989. 3 (Oct 8), + 3 (Oct 10),
+ 5 (Oct 11).
1989 ROYS 0.0.4 hatched during 1989.
1990 CENN 0.0.3 hatched during 1990.
1990 PPBL 0.0.22 hatched during 1990.
1990 RIVS 0.0.15 hatched during 1990.
1990 ROYS 0.0.9 hatched during 1990.
1991 RIVS bred during 1991.
1992 PPBL 0.0.10 hatched during 1992. 32 hatched during 1991, and
22 hatched during 1990.
1993 PPBL 0.0.41 hatched during 1993.
1994 HONH 0.0.34 hatched during 1994.
1995 HONH 0.0.11 hatched during 1995.
1995 PPBL 0.0.20 hatched during 1995.
1996 METO 0.0.5 hatched during 1996.
1996 PPBL 0.0.23 hatched during 1996.
Sceloporus poinsetti
Sceloporus poinsetti ssp.
Crevice Spiny Lizard
1979 HONH 0.0.7 born 20 Apr 1979.
1990 INDI 0.0.11 born 13 Feb 90 from wild caught parents which
arrived 17 Nov 89.
1991 WIEP 0.0.10 born during 1991.
Sceloporus serrifer
Sceloporus serrifer cyanogenys
Blue Spiny Lizard
1989 FORT 0.0.17 born 13 May 89.
Sceloporus undulatus
Sceloporus undulatus ssp.
Eastern Fence Lizard
1987 PPJZ 0.0.6 hatched during 1987. 6 eggs laid, 6 hatched, 40 days.
Sceloporus undulatus undulatus
Southern Fence Lizard
1991 LOWF 0.0.6 hatched during 1991.
Sceloporus virgatus
Striped Plateau Lizard
1992 PPGCa 0.0.10 hatched 14 Aug from 10 eggs laid 13 Jul 92 by
a wild caught gravid female.
Uranoscodon superciliosa
Mop-headed Iguana
1985 FORT 0.0.6 hatched in 1985. 0.0.1 30 June, 0.0.1 3 July, and
0.0.4 10 September.
1986 FORT 0.0.9 hatched Aug 18,1986.
Urosaurus ornatus
Urosaurus ornatus ssp.
Tree Lizard
1990 PPBL 0.0.2 hatched during 1990.
1992 PPGCa 0.0.8 hatched 14 Aug from 10 eggs laid 14 Jul and 1
egg laid 14 Jul 92 from wild caught gravid females.
Uta palmeri
1991 ARIA 0.0.2 hatched during 1991.
1994 ARIA 1.1.1 hatched during 1994.
1995 ARIA 0.0.3 born 30 Sep 1995.
Uta stansburiana
Uta stansburiana ssp.
Side-blotched Lizard
1979 DALT bred during 1979.
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Copyright © 1996, 1997, 1998,1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003 Frank Slavens