Ailuronyx seychellensis
Seychelles Skin-sloughing Gecko
1985 ROEC 1.1.5 hatched from 4 clutches during 1985.
1986 PPTTa 0.0.1 hatched during 1986.
1986 ROEC 0.0.5 hatched during 1986. 1 egg laid Nov 19, 1985 hatched
Jan 28, 1986, (F-2), 71 day incubation. 1 egg laid Jan 17, 1986,
hatched March 17,1986. (F1),69 day incubation. 1 egg laid Jan 17,
hatched March 18th. (F1), 70 day incubation. 2 eggs hatched on
17 an 20 August respectively, (F1).
The breeding groups are housed in pairs. The Alpha female
on display routinely exhibited egg guarding behavior towards the
male if he moved close to the eggs during the 69-71 day
incubation period. The eggs were laid high on the left corner
of the chamber and were incubated in situ by the staff. On two
separate occasions the female came over while a zoo staff member
was covering newly laid eggs with a plastic cup and bit the
person's left index finger and each time vocalized loudly as she
bit. On one occasion after the eggs had just hatched the female
was observed using her mouth to pull back a portion of the scotch
tape and partially uncover the eggs. The young immediately
crawled to a lower portion of the display chamber. The female
moved inside the plastic cover and leisurely consumed both the
egg shells and remaining liquid. All females in the zoo's
breeding program routinely eat the egg shells of their own eggs
immediately after the eggs have hatched. Each of these females
also has daily access to shaved cuttlebone provided at an
elevated location and which from time to time is also consumed.
1987 OKLO 0.0.2 hatched during 1987.
1987 PPTTa 0.0.3 hatched during 1987.
1988 OKLO 0.1.1 hatched during 1988.
1988 ROEC 0.0.4 hatched during 1988. One hatched Jan 2nd, one April
12th, and two Aug 26th. During 1987 2.3 hatched from three
clutches of eggs. Incubation 59-65 days.
1991 PPPT 1.1.0 hatched during 1991. Males are very aggressive toward
females. They can tear large amounts of skin off during the
breeding. Eggs take 59 to 68 days to hatch. Young are quite
large at hatching. Maturity can take as long as a year and
a half.
Afroedura sp.
1996 PPPTa 0.0.4 hatched during 1996. Clutch one was laid 29 Jan and
hatched 29 Mar. Clutch two was laid 27 Feb 1996.
1997 PPPTa 0.0.10 hatched during 1997.
Afroedura transvaalica
1995 PPPTa 0.0.2 hatched during 1995. Two clutches of fertile single
eggs were laid on 16 Jun and 10 Sep. Additional clutches which
consisted of two eggs, were laid on 23 Jun, 8 Apr, and 13 Jun.
All three clutches were eaten.
Aristelliger praesignis
Aristelliger praesignis praesignis
Cayman Gecko
1981 PPLRb bred during 1981.
Bavayia sp.
1997 PPPTa 0.0.2 hatched during 1997.
Chondrodactylus angulifer
Chondrodactylus angulifer ssp.
Namib Sand Gecko
1985 PPHC 0.0.2 hatched during 1985 from a wild breeding.
1985 PPLRd 0.0.1 hatched in 1985.
1985 ZOOE 0.0.2 hatched during 1985.
1986 FORT 0.0.2 hatched Aug 5,1986.
1986 REPC 0.0.1 hatched during 1986.
1986 WOOW 4.1.0 hatched during 1986.
1986 ZOOE 0.0.29 hatched during 1986.
1987 FORT 0.0.2 hatched during 1987. 1 May 13th & 1 Sept 9th.
1987 PPHC 0.0.1 hatched Dec 12, 1987.
1987 WOOW 0.0.4 hatched during 1987.
1987 ZOOE One breeding group (1.6) is maintained on southern
hemisphere breeding cycle. These are hibernated during UK
summer and commence breeding in the fall. Two other groups
(1.5 and 1.4) which are first generation offspring, are
maintained on northern hemisphere cycle and breed February -
March onwards. Females lay 4 - 5 batches of one or two eggs at
three week intervals. Eggs are laid in dry sand. Incubation
medium "Vermiculite" mixed four parts to one part water
(by weight). Incubation temperature 28 - 30 degrees C. Incubation
period 60 - 85 days depending on temperature. Young should have
access to small box of damp sphagnum moss to help facilitate
sloughing. 0.0.32 hatched during 1987.
1988 DALT 0.0.8 hatched during 1988. 0.0.2 hatched during 1987, and
0.0.2 hatched during 1986.
1988 FORT 0.0.2 hatched Oct. 10, 1988.
1988 ZOOE 0.0.15 hatched during 1988.
1989 DALT 0.0.6 hatched during 1989.
1989 FORT 0.0.4 hatched during 1989. 2 hatched 21 Feb 89, 2 hatched
8 March 89.
1989 REPC 0.0.7 hatched during 1989. 1 hatched in 1986, 2 hatched
in 1988.
1989 ROYS 0.0.1 hatched during 1989.
1989 ZOOE 0.0.14 hatched during 1989. (several clutches).
1990 DALT 0.0.2 hatched during 1990.
1990 FORT 0.0.2 hatched 22 Aug 1990.
1990 SANT 0.0.5 hatched during 1990.
1990 ZOOE 0.0.2 hatched during 1990.
1991 DALT 0.1.7 hatched during 1991.
1991 TOLO 0.0.4 hatched during 1991.
1992 DALT 1.1.6 hatched during 1992.
1992 FORT 0.1.3 hatched during 1992.
1992 PPHC 0.0.1 hatched 21 Aug 1992. (survived 38 days).
1992 SANT 5.2.0 hatched during 1992.
1992 TOLO 0.0.2 hatched during 1992.
1993 PPBL 0.0.1 hatched during 1993.
1993 PPHC 0.0.3 hatched during 1993. Hatched 26 July, 16 Aug, and
10 Sept.
1993 SANT 1.3.0 hatched during 1993.
1993 TOLO 0.0.4 hatched during 1993.
1994 SANT 3.0.1 hatched during 1994.
1994 STAF 0.0.1 hatched during 1994.
1995 PPHC 0.0.1 hatched 17 Aug 1995. (survived 30 days).
1995 PPTGa 0.0.1 hatched during 1995.
1995 TOLO 2.4.2 hatched during 1995.
1996 DALT 0.0.6 hatched during 1996.
1996 PPPTa 0.0.2 hatched during 1996. Clutch one was laid 15 Apr. One
egg infertile, one accidently crushed upon removal. Clutch two
was laid on 8 May, both infertile. Clutch three was laid on
31 May and both hatched 28 & 29 Jul 1996.
1997 DALT 0.0.6 hatched during 1997.
Chondrodactylus angulifer angulifer
Giant Ground Gecko
1981 PPMM bred during 1981.
Coleonyx brevis
Texas Banded Gecko
1986 PPTTa 0.0.1 hatched during 1986.
1987 ABIT 0.0.3 hatched during 1987.
Coleonyx elegans
Coleonyx elegans ssp.
Mexican Banded Gecko
1981 PPTL bred during 1981.
Coleonyx mitratus
Central American Banded Gecko
1986 FORT 0.0.1 hatched June 21,1986.
1987 FORT 0.0.5 hatched June 26 - Oct 25th.
1987 PPTTa 0.0.1 hatched during 1987.
1994 ELPT bred during 1994.
1994 PPAM bred during 1994.
1995 ELPT 0.0.2 hatched during 1995.
1995 PPPTa 0.0.6 hatched during 1995. Two eggs were laid 11 Apr, 1
Jun, 6 Jun, and 14 Jul. Only one clutch failed to hatch.
1996 ELPT 0.0.2 hatched during 1996. 1 - 14 Apr, 1 - 15 Apr 1996.
1996 PPPTa 0.0.4 hatched during 1996. Cluth one was laid on 2 Mar and
hatched 23 Apr. Clutch two was laid 1 Sep and both hatched
5 Nov 1996.
Coleonyx reticulatus
Reticulated Gecko
1990 FORT 0.0.2 hatched 3 Aug 1990.
1993 FORT 0.0.2 hatched 18 July - 17 Aug 93.
Coleonyx variegatus
Coleonyx variegatus ssp.
Western Banded Gecko
1978 HONH 0.0.2 hatched during 1978.
1978 PPMM 0.0.2 hatched 2 Sep 1978 from 2 eggs laid 8 Aug 1978.
1981 TULO 0.0.25 hatched during 1981. C. v. variegatus X C. v.
1986 PPJZ 0.0.2 hatched during 1986, 45 days incubation.
1988 LINI 0.0.1 hatched during 1988.
1988 ZOOE 0.0.2 hatched during 1988.
1989 LINI 0.0.18 hatched during 1989.
1989 ZOOE 0.0.12 hatched during 1989. (several clutches).
1995 NORNa 0.0.1 hatched during 1995.
1996 NORNa 0.0.4 hatched during 1996.
1997 NORNa 0.0.4 hatched during 1997.
Coleonyx variegatus bogerti
Tucson Banded Gecko
1981 ARIA 0.0.2 hatched during 1981.
1985 PPJBb 0.0.2 hatched during 1985.
1985 RION 0.0.4 hatched during 1985 from a captive breeding.
1986 FORT 0.0.2 hatched Sept 6,1986.
1986 RION 0.0.1 hatched during 1986. 1/2 F2.
1990 ARIA 0.0.1 hatched during 1990.
Coleonyx variegatus sonoriensis
Sonoran Banded Gecko
1978 PPMMa bred during 1978.
1979 PPMMa bred during 1979.
1980 PPMMa bred during 1980.
Coleonyx variegatus variegatus
Desert Banded Gecko
1981 TULO 0.0.14 hatched during 1981.
1987 TULO 0.0.2 hatched during 1987.
1988 PPJZ 2 hatchlings from one clutch, 40 day incubation period.
1988 TULO 0.0.4 hatched during 1988. Second generation.
1989 TULO 0.0.2 hatched during 1989.
1990 TULO 0.0.2 hatched during 1990.
1991 TULO 0.0.6 hatched during 1991.
1992 TULO 0.0.2 hatched during 1992.
1993 PPJZ 0.0.3 hatched during 1993 after 45 days incubation.
Cosymbotus platyurus
1985 PPJBb 0.0.2 hatched during 1985.
1995 PPTGa 0.0.12 hatched during 1995.
Crossobamon eversmanni
Russian Gecko
1986 REPC 0.0.2 hatched during 1986.
1989 REPC 0.0.0 hatched during 1989. 2 hatched in 1986, 4 hatched in
1987, 2 hatched in 1988.
1995 PPPTa 0.0.0 hatched.. One infertile egg was found on surface
of sand on 6 Jul 1995. Egg measured 6 X 9 mm.
Cyrtodactylus ssp.
Bent-toed Gecko - See Gymnodactylus
1991 WIEP 0.0.4 hatched during 1991.
Diplodactylus ciliaris
1997 PPPTa 0.0.14 hatched during 1997.
Diplodactylus conspicillatus
Australian Fat-tailed Gecko
1996 LOWF 0.0.2 hatched 17 Mar 1996.
Diplodactylus spinigerus
Western Spiny-tailed Gecko
1979 HONH 0.0.2 hatched during 1979. 2 eggs laid 1 Oct, one hatched
29 Nov; 2 eggs laid 17 Oct, one hatched 15 Dec 1979.
1980 HONH 0.0.1 hatched during 1980.
Eublepharis macularius
Leopard Gecko
1977 NATW 0.0.22 hatched during 1977.
1977 SEDK bred during 1977.
1977 WOOW 0.0.45 hatched during 1977.
1978 HONH 0.0.7 hatched during 1978.
1978 NATW 0.0.18 hatched during 1978, 0.0.3 did not survive.
1978 PPCV 0.0.2 hatched 16 Aug 1978 from 2 eggs laid 26 Jun.
1978 PPMM 0.0.2 hatched 9 Sep from 2 eggs laid 26 Jul 1978.
1978 SEDK bred during 1978.
1978 WOOW 0.0.39 hatched during 1978.
1979 CRAF 0.0.2 hatched 30 - 31 July from 2 eggs found 20 Jun 1979.
Incubated 82 - 88 degrees F. in vermiculite.
1979 FORT bred during 1979.
1979 HONH 0.0.11 hatched Apr - Sep 1979.
1979 JACF 0.0.2 hatched during 1979.
1979 KNOT 0.0.2 hatched during 1979.
1979 NATW 0.0.8 hatched during 1979, 0.0.3 did not survive.
1979 PPCV 0.0.1 hatched during 1979. 2 eggs laid 11 May, 0 hatched.
2 eggs laid 19 Jun, 0.0.1 hatched 20 Aug 1979. Eggs incubated
30 degrees C. in vermiculite.
1979 PPFS bred during 1979.
1979 PPMM 0.0.10 hatched during 1979. 2 eggs laid 30 Apr, 2 hatched
13 Jun; 2 eggs laid 11 May, 2 hatched 26 Jun & 2 Jul; 2 eggs
laid 12 May, 1 hatched 27 Jun; 2 eggs laid 6 Jun, 1 hatched
11 Jul; Wild bred female laid 2 eggs 14 Jul, 2 hatched
25 Aug; 2 eggs laid 26 Aug, 2 hatched Sep 28 - 29, 1979.
1979 PPRT 0.0.1 hatched after 51 days incubation at 85 degrees F.
from 2 eggs laid 27 Oct 1979.
1979 SEDK 0.0.2 hatched 29 Aug from 2 eggs laid 10 Jun 1979.
Incubation 44 - 69 days at 82 degrees F., length 5 cm., young
began feeding within one week.
1979 WOOW 0.0.34 hatched during 1979.
1980 COLO 0.0.18 hatched during 1980.
1980 FORT 0.0.8 hatched during 1980.
1980 GLAT bred during 1980.
1980 HONH 0.0.40 hatched during 1980.
1980 JACF 0.0.4 hatched during 1980. 2 eggs laid 7 Apr, 2 hatched
2 Jun. 2 eggs laid 21 May, 2 hatched 8 Aug 1980.
1980 KNOT 0.0.9 hatched during 1980. Eggs laid 10 Feb, 1 hatched 15
Apr. Eggs laid 1 Mar, 1 hatched 22 Apr. Eggs laid 20 Mar, 2
hatched 9 May. Eggs laid 2 Apr, 2 hatched 23 May. Eggs laid
24 Apr, 2 hatched 16 Jun. Eggs laid 17 May, 1 hatched 11 Jul.
Eggs laid 31 May, 2 hatched 22 Jul 1980.
1980 LOSC 0.0.3 hatched during 1980.
1980 METF 0.0.2 hatched during 1980.
1980 PHIP 0.0.1 hatched during 1980.
1980 PPJC 0.0.29 hatched during 1980. 35 eggs laid 1 Apr - 26 Jun.
29 hatched 5 Jul - 15 Aug 1980. Average incubation time 62 days.
1980 PPMMa bred during 1980. Have been breeding successfully since
1980 PPRT 0.0.32 hatched during 1980.
1980 RION 0.0.3 bred during 1980.
1980 SADC 0.0.2 hatched during 1980.
1980 TOLO 0.0.19 hatched during 1980.
1980 WOOW 0.0.28 hatched during 1980.
1981 ABIT 0.0.13 hatched during 1981.
1981 ATLG 0.0.12 hatched during 1981.
1981 FORT 0.0.16 hatched between 15 Mar - 9 Aug 1981.
1981 HONH 0.0.34 hatched between 20 Jul and 28 Nov 1981.
1981 HOUT bred during 1981.
1981 KNOT bred during 1981.
1981 LOSC 0.0.4 hatched during 1981.
1981 MEMT 0.0.15 hatched during 1981.
1981 OKLO bred during 1981.
1981 PPDC 0.0.1 hatched during 1981.
1981 PPMCa 0.0.48 hatched 30 Jun - 1 Oct 1981 from 81 eggs laid 17
Apr - 23 Sep 1981. Average incubation time 56 days.
1981 PPMM bred during 1981.
1981 PPRT 0.0.347 hatched during 1981 rom 428 eggs liad. Some
unusual color variations produced.
1981 PPTL bred during 1981.
1981 RION 0.0.4 hatched during 1981.
1981 SADC 0.0.5 hatched during 1981.
1981 SANT 0.0.25 hatched during 1981.
1981 SEDK 0.0.1 hatched during 1981.
1981 SENN bred during 1981.
1981 STLM 0.0.12 hatched during 1981.
1981 TOLO 0.0.61 hatched 15 Mar - 9 Aug from 100 eggs laid 19 Jan -
5 Jul 1981.
1981 TULO 0.0.13 hatched during 1981.
1985 BUFN 0.0.37 hatched during 1985.
1985 JACF 0.0.5 hatched during 1985.
1985 KNOT 0.0.23 hatched during 1985.
1985 METF 0.0.12 hatched during 1985 from a captive breeding.
1985 MINM 0.0.2 hatched during 1985.
1985 OKLO 0.0.4 hatched during 1985 from a captive breeding.
1985 PPBG 0.0.15 hatched during 1985.
1985 PPGCa 0.0.2 hatched during 1985. 6 eggs were laid, 2 hatched,
1 died while hatching, 3 dead in shell. Incubated at
85 degrees F.
1985 PPHC 0.0.7 hatched during 1985 from a captive breeding.
1985 PPJBb 0.0.14 hatched during 1985.
1985 PPJGa 1 egg laid 7/10/85. 0.0.1 hatched 09/13/85 after 64 days.
1985 PPKHa All eggs laid in pairs. 12 eggs were laid 0.0.8 hatched.
1985 PPLRd 0.0.7 hatched in 1985.
1985 PPMK 0.0.1 hatched during 1985.
1985 PPRGc bred during 1985.
1985 PPRHc 70 eggs laid, 50 hatched from several females during 1985.
1985 PPRW 0.0.9 hatched during 1985.
1985 PPTR 0.0.35 hatched during 1985 from six females.
1985 REPC 0.0.9 hatched during 1985.
1985 RION 0.0.2 hatched during 1985 from a captive breeding.
1985 SEDK 2.2.0 hatched during 1985. Clutches on 4/22, 6/4, 6/27,
7/4, 7/16. Eggs incubated at 88 degrees F. averaged 43 days,
those incubated at 84 degrees F. averaged 47 days.
1985 SENN 0.0.1 hatched during 1985.
1985 TARA 0.0.2 hatched during 1985 from a captive breeding.
1985 TOLO 0.0.6 hatched during 1985 from a captive breeding.
1985 TRAS 0.0.2 hatched during 1985 from a captive breeding.
1985 WOOW 0.0.40 hatched during 1985.
1985 ZOOE 0.0.122 hatched during 1985. Two females laid 10 clutches.
Two others laid 9, 3 laid 8, and 2 laid 7 clutches.
1986 BUFN 0.0.29 hatched during 1986. 1 hatched April 26th, 1 April
27th, 2 April 28th, 1 May 5th, 1 May 11th, 1 May 17th, 1 May
25th, 1 May 31st, 1 June 1st, 1 June 4th, 1 June 13th, 1 June
15th, 1 June 28th, 2 July 3rd, 1 July 18th, 1 July 19th, 1 Aug
5th, 1 Aug 7th, 5 Aug 20th, 1 Aug 22nd, and 2 Sept 21st.
1986 COLO 0.0.13 hatched during 1986.
1986 GRAC 0.0.16 hatched during 1986.
1986 KNOT 0.0.19 hatched during 1986.
1986 PAIE Bred during 1986.
1986 PPBG 0.0.35 hatched during 1986 from 59 eggs laid by 8 females.
1986 PPGSa Bred during 1986.
1986 PPHC 0.0.13 hatched during 1986 from 4 females.
1986 PPJZ 0.0.7 hatched during 1986, 38-46 days incubation.
1986 PPKHa 0.0.16 hatched during 1986. 3 females produced a total of
20 eggs of which 16 hatched successfully.
1986 PPLRd 0.0.9 hatched during 1986.
1986 PPMSa Bred during 1986.
1986 PPRK Bred during 1986.
1986 PPTTc Bred during 1986.
1986 REPC 0.0.6 hatched during 1986. 9 hatched during 1985.
1986 ROYS 0.0.33 hatched during 1986.
1986 SEDK 0.0.17 hatched during 1986.
1986 SENN 0.0.12 hatched during 1986, 3 on 7/23, 1 on 7/25, 1 on
7/31, 1 on 8/8, 1 on 8/9, 1 on 8/18, 2 on 9/3 and 2 on
1986 STLM 0.0.3 hatched during 1986.
1986 TARA 0.0.10 hatched during 1986.
1986 TOLO 0.0.6 hatched during 1986.
1986 WOOW 0.1.119 Hatched during 1986. Careful cod liver oil
supplementation (or other strong D3 supplement) seems essential
to successful breeding program.
1986 ZOOE 0.0.56 hatched during 1986.
1987 BUFN 0.0.42 hatched during 1987.
1987 DETM 0.0.3 hatched during 1987.
1987 GRAC 0.0.3 hatched June 1987.
1987 KNOT 0.0.3 hatched during 1987.
1987 LOSC 0.0.7 hatched during 1987. 2 did not survive.
1987 LOUL 0.0.6 hatched during 1987. 2 Sept 9th, 2 Oct 10th, 1 Oct
13th, 1 Oct 14th.
1987 NATW 0.0.12 hatched during 1987.
1987 NOOH 0.0.19 hatched during 1987.
1987 PPABa 0.0.12 hatched during 1987.
1987 PPBG 0.0.45 hatched during 1987.
1987 PPGH 0.0.9 hatched during 1987.
1987 PPHC 0.0.6 one each hatched July 5th, Aug 2nd, Aug 20th, Oct 7th
Oct 11th and Oct 12th. Eggs laid by 2 females.
1987 PPJZ 0.0.6 hatched during 1987. several clutches totaling 9
eggs laid, 6 hatched, 38 - 52 days.
1987 PPLP 0.0.27 hatched during 1987. 46 eggs laid (several clutches)
10 were infertile, 9 died in egg. Eggs were laid in hide boxes
1/2 filled with damp sphagmum moss. They were transferred, upon
discovery, to butter dishes 1/2 filled with vermiculite, and
placed in incubator at a temperature of 82 - 85 degrees F.
Vermiculite was mixed with water at a 1:1 ratio by weight.
The incubator is a styrofoam chest containing a gallon jar of
water with an aquarium heater in it. All hatchlings were strong
& healthy. Cause of death in those embryos which died before
hatching is unknown.
1987 ROYS 0.0.64 hatched during 1987.
1987 SEDK 1.1.10 hatched during 1987.
1987 TARA 0.0.4 hatched during 1987.
1987 TRAS 0.0.3 hatched during 1987.
1987 TWYE 0.0.18 hatched during 1987.
1987 WOOW 0.0.50 hatched during 1987.
1987 ZOOE 0.0.73 hatched during 1987.
1988 ATLG bred during 1988.
1988 BUFN 0.0.30 hatched thru July 1988.
1988 CANE 0.0.12 hatched during 1988.
1988 CHEEa 0.0.43 hatched during 1988.
1988 GRAC 0.0.3 hatched during 1987. 0.0.30 hatched during 1988.
1988 LOSC 0.0.7 hatched during 1988.
1988 NATW 6.8.5 hatched during 1988.
1988 PAIE bred during 1988.
1988 PPBG 0.0.33 hatched during 1988.
1988 PPGFb 0.0.20 hatched during 1988.
1988 PPGH bred during 1988.
1988 PPHC 0.0.13 hatched during 1988. Eggs from 3 females.
1988 PPJZ 78 eggs were laid from 10 females in various clutches. 13
hatchlings resulted. 12 went full term and died and 53 eggs
were infertile.
1988 PPLP 0.0.14 hatched during 1988.
1988 ROYS 0.0.40 hatched during 1988.
1988 SEDK 2.4.16 hatched during 1988.
1988 TRAS 0.0.2 hatched during 1988.
1988 WHIE 0.0.5 hatched during 1988.
1988 WOOW 0.0.55 hatched during 1988.
1988 ZOOE 0.0.9 hatched during 1988.
1989 BUFN 0.0.19 hatched during 1989.
1989 CHEEa 0.0.3 hatched during 1989.
1989 CHII 0.0.7 hatched during 1989.
1989 DICM 0.0.1 hatched during 1989.
1989 GLAT 0.0.1 hatched during 1989.
1989 GRAC 0.0.3 hatched during 1989.
1989 JACF 0.0.2 hatched during 1989.
1989 KNOT 0.0.12 hatched during 1989.
1989 LINI 0.0.21 hatched during 1989.
1989 MEMT 0.9.0 hatched during 1989.
1989 MOSR 0.0.4 hatched during 1989.
1989 NATW 0.0.7 hatched during 1989.
1989 NOOH 0.0.22 hatched during 1989.
1989 PPGFa 0.0.4 hatched during 1989. 8 eggs currently incubating.
1989 PPGFb 0.0.18 hatched during 1989. (several females).
1989 PPHC 0.0.10 hatched during 1989 from 3 females.
1989 PPJZ 0.0.18 hatched during 1989. Several females, 38-56 days
1989 PPLP 0.0.15 hatched during 1989. Adults were put together
1 Jan 89 after being separated for six months. Egg laying and
hatchings were as follows: 2 eggs laid 25 Feb - fertile, but
incubator failure killed them; 2 eggs laid 13 March - 1
infertile, one hatched 1 May; 2 eggs laid 26 March - both
hatched 19 May; 2 eggs laid 11 April - both hatched 4 June;
2 eggs laid 24 April - 1 infertile, one hatched 2 July but
it was badly deformed; 2 eggs laid 13 May - both hatched
7 July; 2 eggs laid 31 May - both hatched 26-28 July; 2
eggs laid 17 June - 1 infertile, 1 hatched 6 Aug; 2 eggs
laid 8 July - both hatched 26-27 Aug; 2 eggs laid 30
July - both hatched 20-22 Sept 89. The eggs laid 30 July
were a little strange looking. Neither one really looked
good but I left them alone. I was surprised when a normal-
sized healthy baby hatched from the best-looking of the
2 eggs. When the second egg hatched two days later I was very
surprised. The second egg had swelled only very slightly
and was quite discolored. The hatchling was only about 1/2
the normal size, but appeared robust and healthy. It began
to eat immediately, competed well with its siblings and
within 60 days had not only grown to a normal hatchling
size and weight but had nearly caught up with its
sibling's growth.
1989 PPPWa bred during 1989.
1989 PPTG 0.0.2 hatched during 1989, did not survive.
1989 ROYN 0.0.9 hatched during 1989.
1989 TELI bred during 1989.
1989 TOLO 0.0.6 hatched during 1989.
1989 TRAS 0.0.2 hatched during 1989.
1989 TWYE 0.0.34 hatched during 1989.
1989 UENJ 0.0.6 hatched during 1989.
1989 WHIE 0.0.12 hatched during 1989.
1989 WOOW 0.0.54 hatched during 1989. Several females.
1989 ZOOE 0.0.5 hatched during 1989.
1989 ZURS bred during 1989.
1990 BUFN 0.0.38 hatched during 1990. 0.0.1 each on 21, 26, 27 May,
9, 16, & 20 Jun, 0.0.2 each on 4, 9, & 30 May, 12 June, 8, &
20 Aug, 0.0.3 each on 1, 5, & 20 Jul, 5, 20 Sept, and 0.0.5
On 15 Jun 90.
1990 CHII 0.0.10 hatched during 1990.
1990 GLAT bred during 1990.
1990 GRAC 0.0.1 hatched during 1990.
1990 KNOT 0.0.6 hatched during 1990.
1990 LINI 0.0.3 hatched during 1990.
1990 LOSC 0.0.2 hatched during 1990.
1990 MOSR 0.0.4 hatched during 1990.
1990 MUNG 0.0.11 hatched during 1990.
1990 NATW 0.0.1 hatched during 1990.
1990 NOOH 0.0.22 hatched during 1990, 2 did not survive.
1990 PAIE 0.0.1 hatched during 1990.
1990 PPAWa 0.0.13 hatched during 1990. 21 eggs laid 9 May - 24 Jul
by 4 females. All adults were captive born, females 1 to 1 1/2
yrs., males 6 - 7 months old. 13 eggs hatched in 50 - 58 days
at 78 - 85 degrees F. Adults and young fed waxworms and
crickets dusted with Vitalife vitamins. Lights 12 hrs. day,
12 hrs. night. Eggs were incubated in moist sphagnum or
vermiculite-sand mix.
1990 PPBL 0.0.65 hatched during 1990.
1990 PPGCa 0.0.2 hatched during 1990.
1990 PPGH bred during 1990.
1990 PPHC 0.0.3 hatched during 1990. 1 on 24 Aug & 2 on 17 Sep 90.
1990 PPLP 0.0.9 hatched during 1990. Laid 26 Feb, hatched 16 Apr.
Laid 26 Feb, infertile. Laid 16 Mar, hatched 5 May. Laid
29 Mar, hatched 15 May. Laid 29 Mar, hatched 17 May. Laid
15 Apr hatched 4 Jun. Laid 15 Apr, died in egg. Laid
29 Apr, hatched 20 Jun. Laid 29 Apr hatched 21 Jun.
Laid 15 May, hatched 8 Jul. Laid 15 May, hatched 8 Jul.
Laid 8 Jun, infertile.
1990 PPPWa bred during 1990.
1990 PPRD bred during 1990.
1990 RION 0.0.23 hatched during 1990.
1990 ROYN 0.0.7 hatched during 1990.
1990 SEDK 4.9.0 hatched during 1990.
1990 SENJ 0.0.22 hatched during 1990. Egg laying (2 per clutch) from
Mar - May. Hatching Apr - Jul. Incubation 25 - 32 degrees
C., humidity 80 - 90%.
1990 STLM 0.0.4 hatched during 1990.
1990 TOLO 0.0.5 hatched during 1990.
1990 WOOW 0.0.25 hatched during 1990.
1990 ZOOE 0.0.2 hatched during 1990.
1991 ARIA 0.0.2 hatched during 1991.
1991 ATLG 0.0.3 hatched during 1991.
1991 BALM 0.0.1 hatched during 1991.
1991 BARS 0.0.4 hatched during 1991.
1991 CALA 0.0.3 hatched during 1991.
1991 CANE 0.0.18 hatched during 1991.
1991 CHEEa 0.0.87 hatched during 1991.
1991 CHII 0.0.2 hatched during 1991.
1991 INDI 0.8.0 hatched during 1991.
1991 KNOT 0.0.38 hatched during 1991.
1991 LINI 0.0.5 hatched during 1991.
1991 PPAWa 0.0.19 hatched from 29 eggs laid between 29 March and
23 Sept 91.
1991 PPGFb 0.0.16 hatched during 1991.
1991 PPHC 0.0.12 hatched from clutches laid 30 Mar - 22 Jul, only
3 survived more than eight days.
1991 PPJGc 0.0.3 hatched during 1991.
1991 PPMK 0.0.5 hatched during 1991. 17 & 27 Jul, and 30 Aug.
1991 PPPWa bred during 1991.
1991 PPRD 0.0.53 hatched during 1991. Bred during 1991.
Removed male from females 4 Jan 91. Placed male back with six
females 29 Jan 91. Females laid 84 eggs from 1 Mar to 8 Sep 91.
53 eggs hatched, 31 males, 22 females. Average incubation
period was 47 days.
1991 PPRGc 0.0.7 hatched during 1991.
1991 RION 0.0.20 hatched during 1991.
1991 ROYN 0.0.14 hatched during 1991.
1991 SEDK 0.0.8 hatched during 1991.
1991 STLM 0.0.4 hatched during 1991.
1991 TOLO 0.0.3 hatched during 1991.
1991 WELE 0.0.4 hatched during 1991.
1991 WHIE 0.0.9 hatched during 1991.
1991 WIEP 0.0.10 hatched during 1991.
1991 WOOW 0.0.17 hatched during 1991.
1992 ARIA 0.0.5 hatched during 1992.
1992 ATLG 0.0.19 hatched during 1992.
1992 BALM 0.0.4 hatched during 1992.
1992 CHEEa 0.0.51 hatched during 1992.
1992 CHII 0.0.2 hatched during 1992.
1992 INDI 0.0.9 hatched during 1992.
1992 KNOT 0.0.12 hatched during 1992.
1992 LINI 0.0.9 hatched during 1992.
1992 MIEP 0.0.2 hatched during 1992.
1992 PPAWa 0.0.20 hatched during 1992.
1992 PPBL 0.0.1072 hatched during 1992. 142 hatched during 1991,
and 65 during 1990.
1992 PPBTa 0.0.150 est. hatched during 1992.
1992 PPHC 0.0.1 hatched 31 Oct 1992.
1992 PPJZ 0.0.35 hatched during 1992, 38 - 60 days incubation.
1992 PPPWa bred during 1992.
1992 PPRPb bred during 1992.
1992 PPZJ 2.8.0 hatched Jun - Sep 1992.
1992 RION 0.0.10 hatched during 1992.
1992 ROYN 0.0.2 hatched during 1992.
1992 TOLO 0.0.3 hatched during 1992.
1992 UENJ 0.0.2 hatched during 1992.
1992 WIEP 0.0.7 hatched during 1992.
1992 WOOW 0.0.17 hatched during 1992.
1992 ZURS 0.0.12 hatched during 1992.
1993 ATLG 0.0.4 hatched during 1993, 0.0.4 did not survive.
1993 BIRA bred during 1993.
1993 CHEEa 0.0.116 hatched during 1993.
1993 FRAG 0.0.31 hatched during 1993.
1993 HOGU 0.0.4 hatched during 1993.
1993 KNOT 0.0.10 hatched during 1993.
1993 LITA 0.0.1 hatched during 1993.
1993 MIEPb 0.0.3 hatched during 1993, 1 did not survive.
1993 NATW 0.1.9 hatched during 1993.
1993 PORS 0.0.7 hatched during 1993.
1993 PPAWa 0.0.13 hatched during 1993 from 27 eggs laid.
1993 PPBL 0.0.129 hatched during 1993.
1993 PPGFb 0.0.33 hatched during 1993.
1993 PPGH 0.0.100 hatched during 1993.
1993 PPHC 0.0.4 hatched during 1993.
1993 PPJZ 0.0.15 hatched during 1993 after 36 - 52 days incubation.
1993 PPMRb 0.0.38 hatched during 1993.
1993 PPPWa bred during 1993.
1993 PPRRc 0.0.8 hatched during 1993. One female has bred each year
for the past five years.
1993 ROYN 0.0.1 hatched during 1993.
1993 TOLO 0.0.2 hatched during 1993.
1993 WELE 0.0.3 hatched during 1993.
1993 WHIE 0.0.8 hatched during 1993.
1993 WIEP 0.0.40 hatched during 1993.
1993 ZURS 0.0.13 hatched during 1993.
1994 CALA 0.0.1 hatched during 1994.
1994 DALT 0.0.5 hatched during 1995.
1994 HOGU 0.0.2 hatched during 1994.
1994 KNOT 0.0.2 hatched during 1994.
1994 MIEP 0.0.2 hatched during 1994.
1994 PPBL 0.0.16 hatched during 1994.
1994 PPHC 0.0.6 hatched during 1994.
1994 PPPWa 0.0.14 hatched during 1994.
1994 PPRW 0.0.35 hatched during 1994.
1994 STAF 0.0.6 hatched during 1994.
1995 CITV 0.0.2 hatched during 1995.
1995 KIEU 0.0.2 hatched during 1995.
1995 KNOT 0.0.6 hatched during 1995.
1995 PPBL 0.0.58 hatched during 1995.
1995 PPHC 0.0.2 hatched during 1995. One 15 Jul, the other 11 Oct
1995 PPKA 0.0.39 hatched during 1995.
1995 PPLV bred during 1995.
1995 PPPWa bred during 1995.
1995 PPTGa 0.0.368 hatched during 1995.
1995 RION 0.0.7 hatched during 1995.
1995 ROGR 0.0.4 hatched during 1995. 31 Mar, 1 Apr, 7 May, and
8 May 1995.
1995 WOOW 0.0.5 hatched during 1995.
1996 ATLG 0.0.1 hatched 3 Jul 1996.
1996 CHIC 0.0.1 hatched during 1996.
1996 CHII 0.0.1 hatched during 1996.
1996 CITV bred during 1996.
1996 KNOT 0.0.2 hatched during 1996.
1996 MIEP 0.0.8 hatched during 1996.
1996 PPAWa 0.0.6 hatched from a total of 25 eggs laid. Several eggs
were dry when collected (egg laying chamber had dried out).
1996 PPAZ 0.0.1000 hatched during 1996.
1996 PPBL 0.0.31 hatched during 1996.
1996 PPDDa 0.0.12 hatched during 1996.
1996 PPLV bred during 1996.
1996 PPPTa 0.0.2 hatched during 1996.
1996 PPPWa bred during 1996.
1996 ROYNa 0.0.3 hatched during 1996.
1996 STAF 0.0.2 hatched during 1996.
1996 WOOW 0.0.6 hatched during 1996.
1997 ATLG 0.0.1 hatched during 1997.
1997 CHEEa 0.0.58 hatched during 1997.
1997 HENN 0.0.1 hatched during 1997.
1997 KNOT 0.0.1 hatched during 1997.
1997 OTON 0.0.2 hatched during 1997.
1997 PPAZ 0.0.1,016 hatched during 1997.
1997 PPDDa 0.0.15 hatched from Jul to Nov 1997.
1997 PPHC 0.0.13 hatched during 1997.
1997 PPPTa 0.0.7 hatched during 1997.
1997 PPRLc 0.0.12 hatched during 1997 from 14 eggs laid. 2 did not
1997 WOOW 0.0.16 hatched during 1997.
Garthia gaudichaudi
1990 CHII 0.0.6 hatched during 1990.
Gehyra augusticaudatus
1981 PPMM bred during 1981.
Gehyra mutilata
Stump-toed Gecko
1978 HONH 0.0.4 hatched during 1978.
1980 HONH 0.0.1 hatched during 1980.
Gekko gecko
Tokay Gecko
1979 CHII 0.0.6+ hatched during 1979, multiple generations.
1979 DALT bred during 1979.
1979 FORT bred during 1979.
1979 HOGU bred during 1979.
1979 LINI 0.0.2 hatched during 1979.
1979 PHIP 0.0.1 hatched during 1979.
1979 PPMM bred during 1979.
1979 TOLO 0.0.1 hatched during 1979.
1979 WOOW 0.0.3 hatched during 1979, 10 eggs laid in 5 clutches.
1980 CHII 0.0.6 hatched during 1980. Multiple generations.
1980 DALT 0.0.6 hatched during 1980.
1980 FORT 0.0.3 hatched during 1980.
1980 GLAT bred during 1980.
1980 HONH 0.0.5 hatched Sep - Oct 1980.
1980 PHIP 0.0.4 hatched during 1980.
1980 SENN 0.0.3 hatched during 1980.
1980 TOLO 0.0.7 hatched during 1980.
1981 DETM bred during 1981.
1981 HONH 0.0.4 hatched during 1981.
1981 KANM 0.0.5 hatched during 1981.
1981 PPMM bred during 1981.
1981 ROEC 0.0.2 hatched during 1981. 2 eggs laid 10 Aug, hatched 13
1981. Incubated 84 degrees F.
1981 SENN bred during 1981.
1981 TOLO 0.0.11 hatched during 1981.
1985 CHII 0.0.6 + hatched during 1985 from a captive breeding.
1985 NEWN 0.0.2 hatched during 1985.
1985 PPJBb 0.0.5 hatched during 1985.
1985 SEDK 0.0.1 hatched during 1985. Clutch on 6/30. Hatched after
84 day incubation at 84 degrees F.
1985 TOLO 0.0.4 hatched during 1985 from a captive breeding.
1986 JIHC 0.0.4 hatched during 1986.
1986 LITA O.O.4 hatched during 1986.
1986 PPJZ 0.0.13 hatched during 1986, 77-134 days incubation.
1986 SEDK 0.0.2 hatched during 1986.
1986 STLM 0.0.2 hatched during 1986.
1986 TOLO 0.0.4 hatched during 1986.
1987 CHII 0.0.6 + hatched during 1987.
1987 DETM 0.0.1 hatched during 1987.
1987 GRES 0.0.1 hatched during 1987.
1987 PPEGc 0.0.1 hatched during 1987. Adult pair in 20 gallon aquarium
May 1st. 3 clutches of 2 eggs July 9th, Nov 12th, and Dec 16th.
eggs laid on glass, on a cardboard hidebox, and on a wooden hide
box. 1 hatched December 11th after 155 days incubation. Hatch-
ling 10 cm long.
1987 PPJZ 0.0.12 hatched during 1987. several clutches totaling 23
eggs laid, 12 hatched, 100 - 128 days.
1987 SENN 0.0.1 hatched during 1987.
1987 WOOW 0.0.1 hatched during 1987.
1987 ZOOE 0.0.1 hatched during 1987.
1988 CALA 0.0.1 hatched during 1988.
1988 CHEEa 0.0.13 hatched during 1988.
1988 COTE 0.0.2 hatched during 1988.
1988 DETM 0.0.3 hatched during 1988.
1988 PPEGc 0.0.4 hatched during 1988. July 22nd 1 hatched from clutch
of Dec 16th, 219 days incubation. Sept 19th one egg from May 5th
hatched, Sept 23rd other May 5th egg hatched. Oct 17th one egg
hatched from June 17th clutch, 122 days. Eggs incubated at 76
degrees F.
1988 PPJZ 19 hatchlings from 22 eggs. Incubation period ranged from
98 to 204 days. Eggs were incubated in situ on aquarium
glass at room temperature. Many eggs "overwintered," as
the majority (14) hatched at periods over 158 days. All but
2 hatchlings were from one adult female.
1988 PPRGc 0.0.2 hatched during 1988. From egg-laying to hatching 77
days at 28 degrees C.
1988 ZOOE 0.0.2 hatched during 1988.
1989 CENN 0.0.8 hatched during 1989.
1989 CHEEa 0.0.24 hatched during 1989.
1989 DETM 0.0.1 hatched during Oct., 1989.
1989 NEWN 0.0.1 hatched during 1989.
1989 PPEGc 0.0.3 hatched during 1989. 1 hatched 12 May 89 from egg
laid 28 Sept 88. 2 eggs laid 2 June 89, 1 hatched 28 Sept,
other infertile. 2 eggs laid 17 July 89, 1 hatched 17 Dec 89.
1989 PPJZ 0.0.22 hatched during 1989. Several females, 110-219 days
1989 REPC 0.0.8 hatched during 1989. 2 hatched in 1987.
1989 ROYN 0.0.8 hatched during 1989.
1989 SACC 0.0.1 hatched during 1989.
1990 CENN 0.0.1 hatched during 1990.
1990 CHII 0.0.1 hatched during 1990.
1990 LITA 0.0.1 hatched during 1990.
1990 NATW 0.0.3 hatched during 1990.
1990 PPGD 0.0.1 hatched Dec 1990.
1990 ROYN 0.0.2 hatched during 1990.
1990 SENJ 0.0.4 hatched during 1990. 2 eggs laid 28 Sep 89,
hatched 2 - 3 Mar 90. Incubation 187 days at 28 - 31 degrees
C., 25% humidity. 2 eggs laid 16 Jun 90, hatched 20 Oct 90.
Incubation 126 days.
1991 CENN 0.0.2 hatched during 1991.
1991 CHEEa 0.0.4 hatched during 1991.
1991 CHII 0.0.7 hatched during 1991.
1991 DETM 0.0.6 hatched during 1991.
1991 LITA 0.0.3 hatched during 1991.
1991 PAIE 0.0.1 hatched during 1991.
1991 ZOOE 0.0.1 hatched during 1991.
1992 CHEEa 2.0.2 hatched during 1992.
1992 CHII 0.0.12 hatched during 1992.
1992 PPJZ 0.0.2 hatched during 1992, 107 - 155 days incubation.
1993 BALM 0.0.2 hatched during 1993. 0.0.1 29 July, and 0.0.1
9 Sept 93.
1993 CHEEa 0.0.4 hatched during 1993.
1993 CHII 4.4.0 hatched during 1993.
1993 ELPT Bred during 1993.
1993 HOUT 0.0.4 hatched during 1993.
1993 METO 0.0.2 hatched during 1993.
1993 PPJZ 0.0.3 hatched during 1993 after 100 - 165 days incubation.
1994 CALA 0.0.9 hatched during 1994. 2 DNS.
1994 ELPT bred during 1994.
1994 HOUT 0.0.1 hatched during 1994.
1994 PPTMa 0.0.2 hatched during 1994.
1994 TOPK 0.0.2 hatched during 1994.
1995 BALM 0.0.3 hatched during 1995. 2 hatched 4 - 5 Sep,
1 hatched 27 Oct 1995.
1995 CALA 0.0.1 hatched during 1995.
1995 KIEU 0.0.2 hatched during 1995.
1995 LITA 0.0.2 hatched during 1995.
1995 LOWF 0.0.2 hatched 12 - 14 Aug 1995.
1995 WILG 0.0.2 hatched during 1995.
1996 BALM 0.0.2 hatched 16 Mar 1996.
1996 CHIC 0.0.2 hatched during 1996.
1996 CHII bred during 1996.
1996 KREG 0.0.7 hatched during 1996.
1996 LOWF 0.0.1 hatched 17 Jan 1996.
1997 CHEEa 0.0.5 hatched during 1997.
1997 HENN 0.0.6 hatched during 1997.
Gekko japonicus
Japanese Gecko
1985 PPRGc bred during 1985.
1986 PPRGc Bred during 1986.
1988 PPRGc 0.0.2 hatched during 1988.
Gekko monarchus
1981 PPMM bred during 1981.
1985 PPJBb 0.0.4 hatched during 1985.
1986 PPJZ 0.0.1 hatched during 1986, 52 days incubation.
Gekko petricollis
1985 PPJZ 0.0.2 hatched 11/19-20/85.
1986 PPJZ 0.0.39 hatched during 1986, 48-77 days incubation. 0.0.4
hatched during 1985.
1987 PPJZ 0.0.25 hatched during 1987. several clutches totaling 35
eggs laid, 25 hatched, 48 - 77 days.
1988 PPJZ 15 hatchlings from 20 eggs laid. Incubation period ranged
from 46 days to 140 days.
1989 PPJZ 0.0.5 hatched during 1989. 50-100 days incubation.
1992 PPJZ 0.0.1 hatched during 1992. Two other eggs were laid but
were cannibalized by the female. The same female is still
producing eggs since 1985.
1993 PPJZ 0.0.1 hatched during 1993 after 60 days incubation.
Gekko smithi
1989 REPC 0.0.2 hatched during 1989.
Gekko stentor
Green-eyed Gecko
1989 MEMT 0.0.3 hatched during 1989.
1990 PPHC 0.0.1 hatched 5 Mar 90.
1991 TOLO 0.0.2 hatched during 1991.
1993 TOLO 0.0.1 hatched during 1993.
Gekko vittatus
1992 NEWN 0.0.1 hatched during 1992.
1992 PPJZ 0.0.2 hatched in 1992, 60 - 75 days incubation.
1993 PPJZ 0.0.1 hatched during 1993 after 68 days of incubation.
1993 STAF 0.0.6 hatched during 1993.
1994 STAF 0.0.1 hatched during 1994.
1996 WILG 0.0.1 hatched during 1996.
1997 WILG 0.0.5 hatched during 1997.
Geckolepis petiti
Madagascar Dwarf Fish-scale Gecko
1993 PPPTa bred during 1993. One egg laid, failed to hatch.
Geckolepis typica
Grandidier's Gecko
1997 PPPTa 0.0.15 hatched during 1997.
Geckonia sp.
1992 FORT 0.0.4 hatched during 1992.
Geckonia chazaliae
Moroccan Helmeted Gecko
1991 FORT 0.0.5 hatched during 1991. 1 hatched 28 Mar, 2 hatched
3-4 Apr, 1 hatched 18 Apr, and 1 hatched 20 May 91.
1994 FORT 0.0.3 hatched 13 May - 23 Aug 1994.
Gonatodes albogularis
Gonatodes albogularis ssp.
1989 HOUT 0.0.3 hatched during 1989.
1990 NATW 0.0.1 hatched during 1990.
1991 NATW 0.0.1 hatched during 1991.
1995 WILG 3.3 hatched during 1995.
Gonatodes albogularis albogularis
Yellow-headed Gecko
1986 PPGCd 1 egg laid on Aug 27, 1986 and was accidentally broken.
Gonatodes albogularis fuscus
Yellow-headed Gecko
1980 PPMM 0.0.1 hatched 2 Jan 1980 from 2 eggs laid 28 Oct 1979.
1987 PPABa 0.0.8 hatched during 1987.
Goniurosaurus sp.
1997 PPPTa 0.0.14 hatched during 1997.
Goniurosaurus lichtenfelderi
Goniurosaurus lichtenfelderi ssp
Lichtenfelder's Gecko
1997 DALT 0.0.3 hatched during 1996.
Goniurosaurus lichtenfelderi hainanensis
Chinese Leopard Gecko
1997 DALT 0.0.13 hatched during 1997.
Gymnodactylus amictopholis
1987 HEBI bred during 1987.
1992 WIEP 0.0.3 hatched during 1992.
Gymnodactylus caspius
1986 RIGR Bred during 1986.
Gymnodactylus fedtschenkoi
Russian Bent-toed Gecko
1986 RIGR Bred during 1986.
1987 PPJU 0.0.20 hatched during 1987. Usually 2 eggs are laid per
clutch. Eggs average 12.7mm x 10.1mm, hatchlings average 50mm
to 58mm. During the summer the adults are kept at 25 - 35
degrees C. during the day, with a 10 degree drop at night. During
the winter 20 to 25 degrees C., with a 10 degree drop at night.
Also during the winter adults experience a 2 - 3 week hibernation
at 10 degrees C. Copulation begins in March with eggs being laid
after 14 to 20 days, with additional eggs being laid without
further copulation. Eggs are incubated in dry sand at 28 to 30
degrees C with a 6 - 8 degree drop at night. Humidity 30 to 50%.
Eggs hatch after 60 - 70 days. Young are raised together and are
fed Grillus bimaculatus and spiders (Linyphiidae). The females
and young eat sand for their need of lime. It is carried to
constipation and death. Sand was replaced with crushed calcareous
stone and constipation was prevented. The following young have
been produced: 1980 = 2, 1981 = 6, 1982 = 8, 1983 = 11, 1984 = 8,
1985 = 23, 1984 = 34, and 1987 = 20.
1989 REPC 0.0.1 hatched during 1989. 16 hatched in 1987, 6
hatched in 1988.
1993 PPPTa 0.0.3 hatched during 1993. 2 eggs laid 17 June and 1 egg
laid 2 July. 0.0.3 hatched after 59 - 63 days.
Gymnodactylus kotschyi
Gymnodactylus kotschyi ssp.
1987 PPJU 0.0.1 hatched during 1987. Adults are kept in groups of
2.3.0. During the summer temperatures are 20 - 30 degrees C.
during the day with a 10 degree drop at night. Hibernation
from December to the beginning of March at 10 degrees C.
Copulation early April. After 14 days females lay eggs
(usually 2) in warm hiding places. Incubation temperature
28 - 32 degrees C., humidity 30 to 50% in dry sand. Eggs
hatch in 60 to 65 days. Females laid eggs all through the
season (4 times with 2 eggs each). Eggs average 10.3mm x
8.2mm. Young average 33.5mm. 2 hatched during 1986 and 1
during 1987.
1987 PPJZ 0.0.1 hatched during 1987. 1 laid, 1 hatched, 60 days.
1988 PPBW 0.0.5 hatched during 1988.
Gymnodactylus louisadensis
1995 AUSAa 0.0.5 hatched from several clutches of eggs during 1995.
Gymnodactylus pelagicus
Bent-toed Gecko
1987 PPABa 0.0.1 hatched during 1987, wild bred.
Gymnodactylus pulchellus
Malayan Bent-toed Gecko
1988 SADC 0.0.1 hatched during 1988.
Hemidactylus sp.
1970 ABIT bred during 1979.
1993 NATM 0.0.5 hatched during 1993.
Hemidactylus brooki
Hemidactylus brooki ssp.
1978 PPMM 0.0.1 hatched 30 Apr from 1 egg laid 3 Jan 1978.
1979 PPMM 0.0.2 hatched 11 - 14 Nov from 2 eggs laid 22 Sep 1979.
1980 PPMM bred during 1980.
Hemidactylus brooki angulatus
1981 PPMM bred during 1981.
1985 PPJBb 0.0.7 hatched during 1985.
Hemidactylus flaviviridis
1993 MIEPe 0.0.3 hatched during 1993, 1 did not survive.
Hemidactylus frenatus
Asian House Gecko
1977 HONH 0.0.4 hatched during 1977.
1978 HONH 0.0.8 hatched during 1978.
1978 PPMM 0.0.4 hatched during 1978. 2 eggs laid 17 Jul, 2 hatched
1 & 2 Sep; 2 eggs laid 22 Aug, 2 hatched 30 Sep 1978.
1979 HONH 0.0.7 hatched during 1979.
1979 PPMM 0.0.5 hatched during 1979. 2 eggs laid 21 May, 2 hatched
25 - 27 Jun; Wild caught female laid 2 eggs 8 Aug, 1 hatched
15 Sep; 2 eggs laid 17 Sep, 2 hatched 17 - 19 Oct 1979.
1980 HONH 0.0.2 hatched during 1980.
1980 PPMM bred during 1980.
1986 PPCD 0.0.5 hatched during 1986.
1986 PPGCd 2 eggs laid March 2, 1986. Turned bad April 18th. Incubated
in vermiculite at 82 degrees F.
1986 PPJZ 0.0.1 hatched during 1986, 46 days incubation.
1996 ARBC 0.0.2 hatched during 1996.
Hemidactylus garnoti
Indo-pacific Gecko
1978 HONH 0.0.2 hatched during 1978.
1979 PPMM 0.0.2 hatched 26 Mar from 2 eggs laid 11 Feb 1979.
1980 PPMM bred during 1980.
1981 PPMM bred during 1981.
1985 PPJBb 0.0.2 hatched during 1985.
1989 PPBL 0.0.14 hatched during 1989. About 5 in March + 1 (30 Sept),
+ 2 (9 Oct), + 2 (16 Oct), + 1 (22 Oct), + 1 (23 Oct), + 1
(2 Nov), + 1 (3 Nov).
1990 PPBL 0.0.17 hatched during 1990.
Hemidactylus mabouia
Tropical Gecko
1988 PPJZ 1 egg laid, failed to hatch, full term but dead.
Hemidactylus turcicus
Hemidactylus turcicus ssp.
1979 FORT bred during 1979.
1979 JACF 0.0.2 hatched during 1979.
1980 RION 0.0.2 hatched during 1980.
1981 RION 0.0.6 hatched during 1981.
1986 PPRGc Bred during 1986.
1987 PPABa 0.0.6 hatched during 1987.
1987 PPJZ 0.0.28 hatched during 1987. several clutches totaling 36
eggs laid, 28 hatched, 49 - 86 days.
1989 TELI bred during 1989.
1992 PPJZ 0.0.2 hatched in Nov from eggs laid in Oct.
Hemidactylus turcicus turcicus
Turkish Gecko
1975 PPJL bred during 1975.
1976 PPJL bred during 1976.
1977 PPJL bred during 1977.
1978 PPJL bred during 1978.
1979 PPJL bred during 1979.
1980 JACF 0.0.2 hatched during 1980.
1980 PPJL bred during 1980.
Hemiphyllodactylus typus
1978 HONH 0.0.1 hatched during 1978.
1979 PPMM 0.0.1 hatched 11 Jul from 2 eggs laid 11 May 1979.
1985 PPJBb 0.0.3 hatched during 1985.
Hemitheconyx caudicinctus
African Fat-tailed Gecko
1979 WOOW 0.0.6 hatched during 1979. 21 eggs laid in 11 clutches.
1980 COLO 0.0.9 hatched during 1980.
1980 DALT 0.0.2 hatched during 1980.
1980 KNOT 0.0.3 hatched during 1980. Eggs laid 20 Dec 1979, 1
hatched 28 Feb. Eggs laid 21 Feb, 1 hatched 28 Apr. Eggs laid
21 Feb, 1 hatched 29 Apr 1980.
1980 PPJC 0.0.2 hatched during 1980. 2 eggs laid 21 Apr, infertile.
2 eggs laid 22 Jun, 2 hatched 11 Sep 1980.
1980 SANT 0.0.8 hatched during 1980.
1980 WOOW 0.0.2 hatched during 1980.
1981 COLO 0.0.5 hatched during 1981.
1981 DALT 0.0.2 hatched during 1981.
1981 HONH 0.0.4 hatched during 1981.
1981 MEMT 0.0.2 hatched during 1981.
1981 SANT 0.0.2 hatched during 1981.
1985 FORT 0.0.9 hatched in 1985.
1985 PPRGc bred during 1985.
1985 WOOW 0.0.1 hatched during 1985.
1985 ZOOE 0.0.12 hatched during 1985.
1986 BUFN 0.0.1 hatched June 15,1986.
1986 COLO 0.0.2 hatched during 1986.
1986 FORT 0.0.5 hatched during 1986. 2 hatched June 4th, 2 hatched
June 17th, 1 hatched July 16th.
1986 ZOOE 0.0.19 hatched during 1986.
1987 ABIT 0.0.2 hatched during 1987.
1987 BUFN 0.0.7 hatched during 1987.
1987 FORT 0.0.4 hatched April 22nd - May 20th.
1987 GRES 0.0.2 hatched during 1987.
1987 ZOOE 0.0.15 hatched during 1987. Hatchling Hemitheconyx are in
our experience far more delicate than hatchling Eublepharis
and a major problem with them is incomplete sloughing,
resulting in patches of dried skin being left on the head,
ventral area and feet. These are practically impossible to
remove and often contribute to early death. We have found
that a small plastic freezer box loosely filled with damp
sphagnum moss (in the side of which a small entrance hole
has been cut) and placed in the enclosure will all but
eradicate the problem.
1988 ABIT 0.0.5 hatched during 1988.
1988 BUFN 0.0.34 hatched thru June 1988.
1988 FORT 0.0.8 hatched Mar 25 and April 22,1988.
1988 ZOOE 0.0.3 hatched during 1988.
1989 BUFN 0.0.9 hatched during 1989. 1 died.
1989 GRAC 0.0.5 hatched during 1989. 2 females produced 5 clutches
of two eggs each between March and June. 5 hatched. Incubated in
vermiculite at 28 degrees C. with 70% humidity.
1989 MEMT 0.6.0 hatched during 1989.
1989 PPGH 0.0.1 hatched during 1989.
1989 PPPWa bred during 1989.
1989 ZOOE 0.0.4 hatched during 1989.
1990 BUFN 0.0.10 hatched during 1990. 0.0.1 each hatched on 1 Jun,
19 Jul, 4 & 7 Aug, 0.0.2 each on 30 May, 5 Jul, and 12
Aug 90.
1990 FORT 0.0.5 hatched 23 Apr - 30 May 1990.
1990 MOSR 0.0.2 hatched during 1990.
1990 PPGH bred during 1990.
1990 SANT 0.0.9 hatched during 1990.
1990 STAB bred during 1990.
1990 STLM 0.0.4 hatched during 1990.
1990 ZOOE 0.0.4 hatched during 1990.
1991 STLM 0.0.4 hatched during 1991.
1991 ZOOE 0.0.1 hatched during 1991.
1992 ABIT 0.0.2 hatched during 1992.
1992 BUFN 0.0.4 hatched during 1992. One each on 17 May, 23 May,
26 May, and 2 Jun 1992.
1992 PPDS 0.0.15 hatched during 1992.
1992 PPRPb bred during 1992.
1992 PPZJ 0.0.5 hatched May - Jun 1992.
1992 SANT 0.1.2 hatched during 1992.
1993 BALM 0.0.2 hatched May 93.
1993 BUFN 0.0.2 hatched during 1993.
1993 LOSC 0.0.1 hatched during 1993.
1993 PPEP 0.0.41 hatched during 1993. 2 eggs laid, mean 25.2 X 14.0
mm, both hatched after 57 days at 30 degrees C. Mean TL 77.0 mm,
mean SVL 47.0mm, mean weight 2.4 grams. This breeding was
unintentional. It was assumed the female was too young to
breed and was housed with the male with that in mind. Female
was 21.6 grams just before eggs were deposited.
47 eggs were deposited 29 Jan - 7 June 93. Mean size
26.7 X 13.8 mm, Hatch rate 83%, mean days to hatch 57.6,
range 52 - 64. Mean TL 77.3 mm, mean SVL 49.1 mm, mean
weight 2.5 grams. 0.0.39 hatched. The above were obtained
from 6 females, 4 banded and 2 striped. Mean total of eggs
from one female, 8.5 range 6 - 11. Mean number of days
between egg deposits 26.2, range 12 - 41. Striped X striped
produced 58% striped. Banded X banded produced 100% banded.
1994 MEMT 0.0.2 hatched during 1994.
1994 PPEP 0.0.40 hatched from 51 eggs laid in 27 clutches by six
1994 PPPWa 0.0.8 hatched during 1994.
1995 PPEP 0.0.68 hatched during 1995 from 90 eggs laid in 44 clutches
1995 PPTGa 0.0.19 hatched during 1995.
1995 ROGR 0.0.2 hatched 14 May 1995.
1996 PPEP 0.0.48 hatched during 1996 from 90 eggs laid in 48
clutches by 8 females.
1996 PPLV bred during 1996.
Heteronotia binoei
Prickly Gecko
1986 MELA 0.0.1 hatched from brittle-shelled egg after unknown
incubation period. Egg approx. 8mm diameter and hatchling
35mm total length (16mm SVL). Egg incubated in tank
containing adults on dry gravel substrate and 25-32 degrees C.
1995 PPTA bred during 1995. 2 eggs per clutch.
Heteropholis gemmeus
Banks Peninsula Gecko
1992 OTON 0.1 born during 1992.
1993 NEZN 0.0.8 born during 1993.
Heteropholis manukanus
Marlborough Green Gecko
1993 NEZN 0.0.7 born during 1993.
1997 OTON 0.0.2 born during 1997.
Heteropholis rudis
Rough Gecko
1993 NEZN 0.0.3 born during 1993.
Heteropholis stellatus
Starred Gecko
1993 NEZN 0.0.19 born during 1993.
Homonota darwini
Homonota darwini ssp.
Brazilian Gecko
1989 CHII 0.0.10 + hatched during 1989.
Homonota gaudichaudi
Brazilian Gecko
1991 CHII 0.0.7 hatched during 1991.
Homopholis wahlbergi
Homopholis wahlbergi ssp.
1997 PPPTa 0.0.2 hatched during 1997.
Hoplodactylus sp.
1994 NEZN 0.0.2 born during 1994.
1995 NEZN 0.0.28 born during 1995.
Hoplodactylus chrysosireticus
Gold-striped Gecko
1993 NEZN 0.0.14 born during 1993.
1994 NEZN 0.0.23 born during 1994.
1995 NEZN 0.0.13 born during 1995.
1997 OTON 0.0.2 born during 1997.
Hoplodactylus duvauceli
Giant Gecko
1993 NEZN 0.0.11 born during 1993.
1994 NEZN 0.0.12 born during 1994.
1995 NEZN 0.0.10 born during 1995.
Hoplodactylus granulatus
Forest Gecko
1981 STLM 0.0.3 hatched during 1981.
1986 OTON 0.0.1 hatched during 1986.
1986 PPTTa 0.0.2 born during 1986.
1987 OTON 0.0.1 hatched during 1987.
1987 PPTTa 0.0.6 hatched during 1987.
1988 OTON 0.0.2 born during 1988.
1989 OTON 0.0.5 hatched during 1989.
1990 AUCN born during 1990. Breed freely in open enclosures on
display. Twins are generally born - all live born.
1990 OTON 0.0.5 born during 1990.
1991 CHEEa 0.2.0 hatched during 1991.
1993 NEZN 0.0.48 born during 1993.
1994 NEZN 0.0.82 born during 1994.
1995 NEZN 0.0.56 born during 1995.
1997 OTON 0.0.2 born during 1997.
Hoplodactylus maculatus
Gray Gecko
1989 OTON 0.0.4 hatched during 1989.
1990 OTON 0.0.4 born during 1990.
1992 OTON 0.0.1 born during 1992.
1993 NEZN 0.0.16 born during 1993.
1994 NEZN 0.0.23 born during 1994.
1994 OTON 0.0.2 born during 1994.
1995 NEZN 0.0.40 born during 1995.
1997 OTON 0.0.3 born during 1997.
1997 WELN 0.0.2 born 12 Feb 1997.
Hoplodactylus pacificus
Pacific Gecko
1992 OTON 0.0.1 born during 1992.
1993 NEZN 0.0.8 born during 1993.
1994 NEZN 0.0.10 born during 1994.
Lepidodactylus lugubris
Mourning Gecko
1977 HONH 0.0.5 hatched during 1977.
1978 HONH 0.0.9 hatched during 1978.
1979 HONH 0.0.14 hatched during 1979.
1979 PPMM 0.0.9 hatched during 1979. 2 eggs laid 19 Mar, 2 hatched
13 Jun; 2 eggs laid 7 Apr, 2 hatched 24 - 25 Jun; 2 eggs laid
23 Apr, 2 hatched 25 Sep; Wild caught female laid 2 eggs 4 Aug,
2 hatched 2 Nov 1979.
1981 PPMM bred during 1981.
1986 PPJGc Bred during 1986.
1987 PPJZ 0.0.2 hatched during 1987. 6 eggs laid (more than 1 clutch)
2 hatched, 52 days.
1989 PPJZ 0.0.2 hatched during 1989. 45 days incubation.
1992 PPJZ 0.0.4 hatched during 1992. (parthenogenic).
1993 PPJZ 0.0.1 hatched during 1993 after 42 days incubation.
1994 NATM 0.0.30 hatched during 1994.
1995 NATM 0.0.26 hatched during 1995.
Lygodactylus sp.
1988 PPJZ 6 eggs laid, 4 infertile, 2 died full term.
Lygodactylus picturatus
Lygodactylus picturatus ssp.
1993 PPJZ 0.0.3 hatched during 1993 after 38 days incubation.
Nactus serpensinsula
Serpent Island Gecko
1994 JERE 0.0.2 hatched during 1994.
Naultinus elegans
Naultinus elegans ssp.
Green Tree Gecko
1987 OTON 0.0.1 born during 1987.
1988 NATW 0.0.2 born during 1988.
1988 OTON 0.0.2 born during 1988. 1 did not survive.
1989 OTON 0.0.4 hatched during 1989.
1990 AUCN bred during 1990. breed freely in open enclosures on
display. Twins are generally born - all live born.
1990 OTON 0.0.4 born during 1990.
1991 OTON 0.0.1 born during 1991.
Naultinus elegans elegans
Auckland Green Gecko
1992 OTON 0.0.5 born during 1992, did not survive.
1993 NEZN 0.0.48 born during 1993.
1993 OTON 0.0.4 born during 1993, 4 did not survive.
1994 NEZN 0.0.41 born during 1994.
1995 NEZN 0.0.54 born during 1995.
1997 OTON 0.0.3 born during 1997.
1997 WELN 0.0.3 born during 1997. 0.0.1 27 Aug, 0.0.1 28 Aug, and
0.0.1 31 Aug 1997.
Naultinus elegans punctatus
Wellington Green Gecko
1992 OTON 0.0.2 born during 1992.
1993 NEZN 0.0.15 born during 1993.
1993 OTON 2.0.0 born during 1993, 1 did not survive.
1994 NEZN 0.0.16 born during 1994.
1995 NEZN 0.0.13 born during 1995.
Naultinus gemmeus
Jewelled Gecko
1994 NEZN 0.0.13 born during 1994.
1995 NEZN 0.0.19 born during 1995.
Naultinus grayi
Northland Green Gecko
1981 ROEC 0.0.4 born during 1981. Two pairs of twins bor 7 Apr and
23 Sep 1981. The 2nd pair was from a captive copulation on
19 May 1981.
1986 ROEC 0.0.1 live born Nov 10, 1986.
1988 OTON 0.0.2 born during 1988. did not survive.
1989 AUCN 0.0.1 born during 1989.
1989 OTON 0.0.2 born during 1989.
1990 AUCN bred during 1990. Breed freely in open enclosures on
display. Twins are generally born - all live born.
1990 OTON 0.0.2 born during 1990.
1991 OTON 0.0.2 born during 1991.
1992 OTON 0.0.4 born during 1992.
1993 AUCN 0.0.5 born during 1993.
1993 NEZN 0.0.36 born during 1993.
1993 OTON 0.0.4 born during 1993, 1 did not survive.
1994 NEZN 0.0.50 born during 1994.
1994 OTON 0.0.3 born during 1994.
1995 NEZN 0.0.31 born during 1995.
1997 OTON 0.0.6 born during 1997.
Naultinus manukanus
Marlborough Green Gecko
1994 NEZN 0.0.7 born during 1994.
1995 NEZN 0.0.6 born during 1995.
Naultinus rudis
Rough Scale Gecko
1994 NEZN 0.0.13 born during 1994.
1995 NEZN 0.0.9 born during 1995.
Naultinus stellatus
1995 NEZN 0.0.23 born during 1995.
Naultinus stellatus
Nelson Lakes Form
1994 NEZN 0.0.5 born during 1994.
Naultinus stellatus
Metai Valley Form
1994 NEZN 0.0.6 born during 1994.
Nephrurus levis
Nephrurus levis ssp.
Knob-tailed Gecko
1995 AUSAa 1.3 hatched from two clutches of eggs during 1995.
1995 PPTA bred during 1995. 2 eggs per clutch.
Nephrurus levis levis
Knob-tailed Gecko
1996 PPPTa 0.0.1 hatched during 1996. Clutch one laid 23 Feb, Clutch
two laid 12 May, and three additional clutches were found on
17 Jul while breaking down the enclosure. Five eggs were
obviously infertile as they had moulded up. One egg proved to be
fertile and hatched 13 Sep 1996.
Oedura castelnaui
Castelnau's Velvet Gecko
1992 PPJZ 0.0.2 hatched 9 Jul 1992.
1993 PPJZ 0.0.0 hatched. 2 fertile eggs laid, embryos died full term.
1995 PPPTa 0.0.6 hatched during 1995. Clutch 1 was laid 28 Feb. One
egg went bad on 28 Mar. The other egg began to sweat on 5 May,
but failed to hatch. Clutch 2 was laid 30 Mar. 2 babies hatched
30 & 31 Jun. Clutch 3 was laid 30 Apr. 1 egg went bad and 1
hatched 5 Jul. Clutch 4 laid 13 Jun. 1 went bad and 1 hatched
20 Aug. Clutch 5 laid 7 Jul. 1 hatched 24 Sep. Clutch 6
was laid 9 Aug. 1 hatched 14 Oct 1995.
1996 PPPTa 0.0.2 hatched during 1996. Female 1a laid clutch one on
23 Feb, One egg was infertile and the other went full term and
died on 21 Apr. Clutch two was laid on 16 Mar and proved to be
infertile. Clutch three was laid 5 Sep and hatched on
10 Nov. Female 2b laid her first clutch on 27 Feb (infertile).
Clutch two laid 7 Apr and one fertile egg hatched 11 Jun 1996.
1997 PPPTa 0.0.6 hatched during 1997.
Oedura monilis
Ocellated Velvet Gecko
1986 REPC 0.0.2 hatched during 1986.
1989 REPC 0.0.0 hatched during 1989. 2 hatched in 1986.
1994 PPPTa 0.0.2 hatched during 1994. Female 1A laid one clutch on
4 Aug, all infertile. A second clutch was laid 27 Aug. On 16 &
18 Oct two hatched. Female 3C laid 2 infertile eggs 6 Dec 1994.
1995 PPPTa 0.0.24 hatched during 1995. Female 1a laid her first clutch
on 14 Feb. 2 hatched 3 & 4 Apr. 2nd clutch laid 5 Mar. One
infertile, one hatched 30 Apr. 3rd clutch laid 25 Mar. Two
hatched 17 & 18 May. 4th clutch laid 12 Apr. Two hatched
2 Jun. 5th clutch laid 1 May. One hatched 21 Jun and the
other began to sweat on 24 Jun and failed to hatch. Dead
full term. 6th clutch laid 25 May. Two hatched 14 & 15 Jul.
7th clutch laid 14 Jul. One dried up the other hatched 14
Aug. 8th clutch laid 3 Jul. Two hatched 29 Sep. 9th clutch
laid 25 Jul. One infertile, 1 hatched 22 Sep. 10th clutch
laid 19 Aug. Two hatched 13 Oct. 11th clutch laid 11 Sep.
Two hatched 7 Nov. Female 3c laid her first clutch 6 Dec
1994. Two hatched 29 Jan and 3 Feb. 2nd clutch laid 4 Jan,
infertile. 3rd clutch laid 7 Feb. On bad, 1 hatched 1 Apr.
4th clutch laid 3 Mar. 1 hatched 30 Apr the other died 1/2
term. 5th clutch laid 24 Mar. One hatched 19 May the other
died full term. 6th clutch laid 16 Apr. Both eggs full term
and died. 7th clutch (one egg) laid 7 May, hatched 28 Jun 1995.
1996 PPPTa 0.0.14 hatched during 1996. Female 1a laid clutch one on
27 Feb, hatched 29 Apr. Clutch two laid 19 Mar, hatched 20 May.
Clutch three laid 8 Apr, hatched 10 Jun. Clutch four laid 8 May,
hatched 12 & 13 Jul. Clutch five laid 26 Jun, hatched 12 & 13
Aug. Clutch six laid 26 Jun, hatched 1 Sep. Clutch seven laid
22 Jul, hatched 19 & 20 Sep. Clutch eight laid 16 Aug,
both eggs infertile. Female 3c laid clutches on 16 Feb, 4 Mar,
8 Apr, and 17 May 1996. All proved to be infertile.
1997 PPPTa 0.0.21 hatched during 1997.
Oedura tryoni
Southern Spotted Velvet Gecko
1995 ROYA 0.0.2 hatched during 1995.
Pachydactylus sp.
1985 REPC 0.0.7 hatched during 1985.
Pachydactylus bibroni
Bibron's Gecko
1977 TOLO 0.0.2 hatched during 1977.
1979 CHII 0.0.12+ hatched during 1979, multiple generations.
1979 DALT bred during 1979.
1980 CHII 0.0.12 + hatched during 1980. Multiple generations.
1980 DALT 0.0.4 hatched during 1980.
1981 CHII 0.0.12 hatched during 1981.
1981 FORT 0.0.1 hatched 31 Jul 1981.
1981 WOOW bred during 1981.
1985 CHII 0.0.12 + hatched during 1985 from a captive breeding.
1985 PPJBb 0.0.3 hatched during 1985.
1987 CHII 0.0.12 + hatched during 1987.
1987 PPJZ 0.0.2 hatched during 1987. several clutches totaling 6
eggs laid, 2 hatched, 75 days.
1988 PPJZ 2 hatchlings, 60 day incubation period.
1988 TRAS 0.0.2 hatched during 1988. Wild caught female.
1989 CHII 0.0.12 hatched during 1989.
1990 CHII 0.0.10 hatched during 1990.
1992 HONH 0.0.3 hatched during 1992.
1992 PPBL 0.0.4 hatched during 1992.
1993 HONH 0.0.2 hatched during 1993.
1993 PPKA 0.0.2 hatched during 1993.
1994 HONH 0.0.2 hatched during 1994.
1994 PPKA 0.0.1 hatched during 1994.
1995 HONH 0.0.1 hatched during 1995.
1996 CHIC 0.0.2 hatched during 1996.
1996 HONH 0.0.2 hatched during 1996.
1997 HONH 0.0.2 hatched during 1997. One on 17 May, one on 21 May.
Eggs incubated naturally in with the dam and sire at an
ambient temperature of 68 - 86 degrees F. Both survived.
Pachydactylus laevigatus
Pachydactylus laevigatus ssp.
Button-scaled Gecko
1990 TRAS 0.0.2 hatched during 1990.
1993 PPGCa bred during 1993. Clutches of 1 or 2 eggs were laid
every two weeks during late spring (March - May) and again
starting in November. Eggs are hard shelled and fragile.
They are usually buried over the heating tape. Incubation at
30 degrees C. on dry sand. Incubation time 51 - 56 days.
Hatchlings are peach or pinkish in color with slight bands
on the dorsum. All feed readily on 1/4 inch crickets
dusted with Osteoform.
1995 PPGCa 0.0.8 hatched during 1995. 4 clutches of 2 eggs each were
laid. Incubated at 84 degrees F. in dry sand for about two
months. All hatched.
Pachydactylus maculatus
1981 PPMM bred during 1981.
1988 PPJZ 7 eggs laid, 2 died full term, none hatched.
Pachydactylus rugosus
Pachydactylus rugosus ssp.
Rough-scaled Gecko
1992 SANT 1.0.2 hatched during 1992.
Pachydactylus tuberculosus
1995 PPGCa 0.0.20 hatched during 1995. 10 clutches of 2 eggs each
were laid, Eggs incubated in dry sand at 84 degrees F. Hatched
in about 2 months.
Palmatogecko rangei
Web-footed Gecko
1988 DALT 0.0.2 hatched during 1988.
1989 DALT 0.0.1 hatched during 1989.
1990 SANT 0.0.1 hatched during 1990.
1992 TOLO 0.0.8 hatched during 1992.
1996 PPPTa 0.0.9 hatched during 1996. Clutch one laid 26 Apr., one
egg infertile, one hatched 10 Jul. Clutch two laid 15 May, one
egg infertile, one accidently crushed. Clutch three laid 30 May,
infertile. Clutch four laid 15 Jun, hatched 25 & 26 Aug. Clutch
five laid 26 Jun, hatched 4 & 5 Sep. Clutch six laid 8 Jul,
hatched 16 Sep. Clutch seven laid 19 Jul, only one baby
hatched. Clutches eight and nine were accidently found and
all four eggs proved to be infertile in 1996.
1997 PPPTa 0.0.28 hatched during 1997.
Paroedura sp.
1996 PPPTa 0.0.2 hatched during 1996. Clutches laid 4 Nov, 19 Nov,
22 Nov, 8 Dec, 11 Dec, 28 Dec, and 29 Dec 1996.
1997 PPPTa 0.0.37 hatched during 1997.
Paroedura bastardi
Mocquard's Ground Gecko
1997 PPPTa 0.0.18 hatched during 1997.
Paroedura pictus
1991 PPPT 2.3.0 hatched during 1991. This species has a tendency to
be a living egg factory. Females which are in shape can and
will produce two to three eggs every 10 to 14 days. The geckos
are housed in 10 gallon aquariums with cork bark as a
substrate. Temperature ranges are 81 - 88 degrees F during the
day to 73 - 76 degrees F. at night. Incubation is 47 to 59
days. Juveniles are strikingly patterned. They reach sexual
maturity in about a year.
1992 PPJZ 0.0.1 hatched during 1992 after 45 days incubation.
1992 PPPTa 0.0.78 hatched during 1992. Females that are in top
condition can and will lay 1 to 3 eggs every 10 to 14 days.
Most females will stop laying eggs around the end of Mar and
will start up at the beginning of Aug. Hatchlings are
strikingly patterned and require high humidity, varied
diet of insects and calcium/vitamin mineral supplement
for proper growth. Young can be sexually active at 4
months of age! I have seen juveniles breed and produce
eggs at 4 1/2 months. Adults are housed in ten gallon
vivariums with cork bark as substrate. A very high calcium
diet is required for breeding females.
1992 PPRPb bred during 1992.
1993 PPGCa bred during 1993. Females lay clutches of 2 (occasionally
1) egg every two weeks essentially year round. "Breaks" in
egg laying occur for 2 - 4 weeks every 4 or 5 clutches.
Eggs are hard-shelled and fragile. They are buried in a nest
box filled 1 inch deep with dry sand. Incubation at 30 degrees
C. is 61 - 65 days on dry sand. Many hatchlings are small and
seem to have difficulty with the first shed. These animals
invariably die within 1 week having refused all food. Others
that are slightly larger have better success. They feed readily
on small meal worms and 1/4 inch (or smaller) crickets.
Hatchlings seem to be delicate.
1993 PPJZ 0.0.2 hatched during 1993 after 45 days incubation.
1994 STAF 0.0.2 hatched during 1994.
1995 PPLV bred during 1995.
1995 PPTGa 0.0.4 hatched during 1995.
1997 PPPTa 0.0.23 hatched during 1997.
Phelsuma abbotti
Phelsuma abbotti ssp.
1981 PPFS 0.0.4 hatched during 1981.
1992 PPJZ 0.0.2 hatched during 1992 after 40 days incubation.
1994 PPEV 0.0.10 hatched during 1994 of sumptio ssp.
1995 PPEV 0.0.12 hatched during 1995 of the sumptio ssp.
1996 PPSSc 0.0.1 hatched during 1996.
Phelsuma abbotti longinsulae
1980 PPFS 0.0.2 hatched during 1980.
Phelsuma abbotti pulchra
1981 PPDP bred during 1981.
1981 PPMHa 0.0.4 hatched during 1981.
Phelsuma andamanensis
Andaman Day Gecko
1997 WILG 0.0.2 hatched during 1997.
Phelsuma astriata
Phelsuma astriata astriata
Narrow-headed Day Gecko
1981 PPMM bred during 1981.
Phelsuma astriata carinata
Narrow-headed Day Gecko
1981 PPMM bred during 1981.
Phelsuma astriata semicarinata
Praslin Island Day Gecko
1997 PPPTa 0.0.8 hatched during 1997.
Phelsuma barbouri
1994 PPEV 0.0.8 hatched during 1994.
1995 PPEV 0.0.4 hatched during 1995.
Phelsuma borbonica
1994 PPEV 0.0.52 hatched during 1994, 45 borbonica and 6 agaleaga
1995 PPEV 0.0.65 hatched during 1995, 56 "borbonica", and 9
"agaleaga" subspecies.
Phelsuma cepediana
Phelsuma cepediana ssp.
1979 HONH 0.0.2 hatched 1 May form 2 eggs laid 9 Mar 1979.
1980 HONH 0.0.1 hatched during 1980.
1981 HONH 0.0.4 hatched during 1981.
1981 PPMHa 0.0.3 hatched during 1981.
1985 PPRGd 0.0.13 hatched during 1985. Lay dates 2/16 4 eggs (2
clutches), 3/31 2 eggs, 5/2 2 eggs, 5/12 2 eggs, 7/12 2 eggs.
Hatch dates 5/23 - 10/4.
1985 ZOOE 0.0.2 hatched during 1985.
1986 TRAS 0.0.1 hatched during 1986.
1988 HONH 0.0.7 hatched during 1987.
1989 PPJZ 0.0.1 hatched during 1989. 2 eggs laid, 1 fertile full term
embryo death.
Phelsuma cepediana cepediana
Mauritius Day Gecko
1992 HONH 0.0.3 hatched during 1992.
1994 HONH 0.0.4 hatched during 1994.
Phelsuma comorensis
Comoro Day Gecko
1981 PPMHa 0.0.3 hatched during 1981.
1981 PPMM bred during 1981.
Phelsuma dubia
1980 PPMM bred during 1980.
1981 PPMM bred during 1981.
1991 PPPT 1.2.1 hatched during 1991. Females produce eggs every 14
to 20 days. Incubation 42 - 53 days. Maturity is reached in
about one year.
Phelsuma flavigularis
Yellow-throated Day Gecko
1992 SADC 0.0.1 hatched during 1992.
1995 PPJKb 0.0.7 hatched during 1995. (all females).
Phelsuma guentheri
Round Island Day Gecko
1985 JERE 0.0.16 hatched in 1985.
1986 JERE 0.0.26 hatched during 1986, 9 did not survive.
1987 JERE 0.0.6 hatched during 1987, 2 did not survive.
1989 JERE 0.0.1 hatched during 1989.
1989 REPC 0.0.0 hatched during 1989. 1 hatched in 1987.
1990 JERE 0.0.1 hatched during 1990.
1991 JERE 0.0.3 hatched during 1991.
1991 RION 0.0.2 hatched during 1991.
1992 RION 0.0.1 hatched during 1992
Phelsuma guimbeaui
Phelsuma guimbeaui ssp.
1986 PPTTa 0.0.5 hatched during 1986.
1988 HONH 0.0.7 hatched during 1987.
1994 HONH 0.0.3 hatched during 1994.
1995 HONH 0.0.16 hatched during 1995.
1996 HONH 0.0.3 hatched during 1996.
Phelsuma guimbeaui guimbeaui
Mauritius Lowland Forest Day Gecko
1981 HONH 0.0.10 hatched during 1981.
1985 ROEC 0.6.6 hatched from seven clutches.
1986 ROEC 0.0.4 hatched during 1986. 1 egg hatched Oct 17th, (F-2).
2 eggs hatched Oct 22nd, (F-2). 1 egg hatched Nov 3rd, (F-3).
Geckos are housed in a colony situation with one male and
several females. A twelve-hour light cycle is utilized through-
out the year. The temperature the eggs are incubated at
fluctuates daily between 80-86 degrees F. Eggs hatched in 47-51
days. Eggs laid on wood were covered in situ with a clear plastic
cover that contained a folded piece of paper towel at the bottom.
The towel in the plastic cover was misted with lukewarm water
through small airholes every other day. Eggs laid on live plants
were removed the same day. They were incubated on a plastic film
cannister top placed on 1 1/2 inches of slightly moist
vermiculite inside a covered plastic container.
1987 PPTTa 0.0.3 hatched during 1987.
1988 ROEC 0.0.38 hatched from 28 different clutches of eggs.
Hatchlings were recorded in every month except March.
In 1987, 39.10.0 hatched from 33 different clutches of
eggs. All were F-2 or F-3. There were at least three
hatchlings every month of the year except April.
1989 ROEC 0.0.17 hatched during 1989.
1990 ROEC 0.0.4 hatched during 1990. 1 each on 26 May, 1 Jul,
13 Jun, and 12 Sep.
1991 ROEC 0.0.4 hatched during 1991. 1 hatched 13 May, 2 hatched
30 Oct, and 1 hatched 8 Dec 91.
1992 PPJZ 0.0.1 hatched during 1992 after 76 days incubation.
1992 ROEC 0.0.8 hatched during 1992. 1 on 5 Jan; 1 on 7 Jan; 1 on
23 Jan; 1 on 25 Jan; 2 on 27 Jan; and 2 on 4 Apr 1992.
1996 HONH 0.0.1 hatched during 1996.
Phelsuma guimbeaui rosagularis
Day Gecko
1995 PPEV 0.0.4 hatched during 1995.
Phelsuma klemmeri
Day Gecko
1993 FRAG 0.0.13 hatched during 1993.
1994 PPEV 0.0.758 hatched during 1994.
1995 PPEV 0.0.938 hatched during 1995.
Phelsuma ladiguensis
Day Gecko
1985 PPJBb 0.0.9 hatched during 1985.
Phelsuma laticauda
Phelsuma laticauda ssp.
1979 WOOW 0.0.6 hatched during 1979.
1980 FORT 0.0.5 hatched during 1980.
1980 ROEC 0.0.6 hatched during 1980. Incubated 84 - 88 degrees F.
1980 WOOW 0.0.2 hatched during 1980.
1981 FORT 0.0.3 hatched between 6 Oct and 22 Nov 1981.
1981 MEMT 0.0.8 hatched during 1981.
1981 OKLO bred during 1981.
1981 PPDG bred during 1981.
1981 WOOW 0.0.1 hatched during 1981.
1986 PPCD 0.0.2 hatched Jan 24, 1986. 38 days incubation.
1986 PPJZ 0.0.3 hatched during 1986, 38-41 days incubation.
1988 PPJZ 3 hatchlings from 4 eggs. 35-40 day incubation period.
1989 PPJZ 0.0.12 hatched during 1989. 38-42 days incubation.
1989 ROYB 0.0.1 hatched during 1989.
1989 ROYN 0.0.2 hatched during 1989.
1990 HONH 0.0.4 hatched during 1990.
1991 HONH 0.0.4 hatched during 1991.
1992 HONH 2.2.1 hatched during 1992.
1993 PPJZ 0.0.3 hatched during 1993 after 40 days incubation.
1995 PPJKb many hatched during 1995.
1995 WILG 0.0.1 hatched during 1995.
Phelsuma laticauda laticauda
Gold Dust Day Gecko
1981 PPMM bred during 1981.
1985 KNOT 0.0.9 hatched during 1985.
1986 KNOT 0.0.1 hatched during 1986.
1991 MICC 0.0.1 hatched during 1991.
1992 HONH 0.0.1 hatched during 1992.
1992 SADC 0.0.2 hatched during 1992.
1993 HONH 0.0.2 hatched during 1993.
1994 LINI 2.0.0 hatched during 1994.
Phelsuma leiogaster
Phelsuma leiogaster ssp.
Day Gecko
1995 PPEV 0.0.4 hatched during 1995.
Phelsuma lineata
Phelsuma lineata ssp.
1990 CENN 0.0.2 hatched during 1990.
1991 CENN 0.0.4 bred during 1991.
1994 MEMT 0.0.2 hatched during 1994.
Phelsuma lineata chloroscelis
Lined Day Gecko
1979 PPMHa 0.0.2 hatched during 1979.
1980 PPMHa 0.0.2 hatched during 1980.
1981 PPMHa 0.0.1 hatched during 1981.
1981 PPMM 0.0.1 hatched during 1981.
1986 PPJZ 0.0.2 hatched during 1985, 40 days incubation.
1987 PPJZ 0.0.2 hatched during 1987. 2 eggs laid, 2 hatched, 40 days.
1988 PPJZ 2 hatchlings, 40 day incubation period.
Phelsuma madagascariensis
Phelsuma madagascariensis ssp.
Madagascar Giant Day Gecko
1980 NATW 0.0.1 hatched during 1980.
1981 NATW 0.0.11 hatched during 1981.
1981 SADC 0.0.2 hatched during 1981.
1986 SADC 0.0.1 hatched during 1986.
1987 SADC 0.0.1 hatched during 1987.
1990 BRIE bred during 1990.
1990 LITA 0.0.3 hatched during 1990.
1990 NATW 0.0.3 hatched during 1990.
1990 PPDK 0.0.5 hatched during 1990. 74 - 82 days incubation.
1990 WILA bred during 1990.
1991 NATW 0.0.4 hatched during 1991. (listed as P.m. martensi?).
1991 PPDK 0.0.6 hatched during 1991. 1 after 74 days incubation, 2
after 84 days, 2 after 74, and 1 after 53 days.
1992 PPBL 0.0.5 hatched during 1992, and 2 hatched during 1991.
1993 LITA 0.0.3 hatched during 1993.
1993 MIEPe 0.0.2 hatched during 1993.
1993 NEWN 0.0.2 hatched during 1993.
1993 REPS 0.0.2 hatched 27 Oct from eggs laid 25 Sept 1993.
1993 ZURS 0.0.9 hatched during 1993.
1994 BIRA 0.0.4 hatched during 1994.
Phelsuma madagascariensis boehmei
Giant Day Gecko
1995 PPKA 0.0.2 hatched during 1995.
1996 PPPTa One clutch laid 5 Aug, infertile.
1997 PPPTa 0.0.10 hatched during 1997.
Phelsuma madagascariensis grandis
Madagascar Giant Day Gecko
1977 NATW 0.0.10 hatched during 1977, one survived.
1978 NATW 0.0.8 hatched during 1978, 3 did not survive.
1979 ABIT bred during 1979.
1979 PPFS 0.0.7 hatched during 1979.
1980 OKLO bred during 1980.
1980 PPFS 0.0.25 hatched during 1980.
1981 FORT 0.0.11 hatched between 19 May and 18 Dec 1981.
1981 PPDP bred during 1981.
1981 PPFS 0.0.18 hatched during 1981.
1981 PPMHa 0.0.12 hatched during 1981.
1981 PPMM bred during 1981.
1985 NATW 0.0.2 did not survive.
1985 PPLRd 0.0.8 hatched in 1985.
1985 PPRW 0.0.2 hatched during 1985.
1985 PPTR 0.0.17 hatched during 1985. single female laid 27 eggs
in one season. Many of the eggs had full term embryos
which died near birth.
1985 ROEC 5.1.0 hatched from four clutches.
1985 TOLO 0.0.9 hatched during 1985 from a captive breeding.
1986 NATW 0.0.16 hatched during 1986.
1986 PPCD 0.0.1 hatched July 10, 1986. Food: crickets, waxworms, and
baby food - banana/applesauce with protein powder and sup-
plements mixed in. Baby food only once per week.
1986 PPJZ 0.0.6 hatched during 1986, 49-55 days incubation.
1986 PPLRd 0.0.2 hatched during 1986.
1986 PPTTa 0.0.12 hatched during 1986.
1986 STLM 0.0.7 hatched during 1986.
1986 TOLO 0.0.9 hatched during 1986.
1987 FORT 0.0.9 hatched April 7 - May 30th.
1987 KNOT 0.0.3 hatched during 1987.
1987 NATW 0.0.5 hatched during 1987.
1987 OKLO 0.0.16 hatched during 1987.
1987 PPCD 0.0.10 hatched during 1987. 2 June 15th, 2 July 7th, 2 Sept
1st, 2 Sept 7th, & 2 Nov 10th.
1987 PPHP 0.0.6 hatched during 1987.
1987 PPJZ 0.0.10 hatched during 1987. 10 eggs laid, 8 hatched
(several clutches), hatched 51 - 74 days.
1987 PPTTa 0.0.12 hatched during 1987.
1988 NATW 0.0.1 hatched during 1988.
1988 OKLO 3.3.1 hatched during 1988.
1988 PPJZ 0.0.8 hatched during 1988. 52-68 day incubation period.
1989 AUDL 0.0.3 hatched during 1989.
1989 BUFN 0.0.1 hatched during 1989.
1989 KNOT 0.0.1 hatched during 1989.
1989 LITA 0.0.11 hatched during 1989.
1989 MELA 0.0.9 hatched during 1989. 5 clutches.
1989 PPJZ 0.0.12 hatched during 1989. 50-68 days incubation.
1989 PPRHe bred during 1989.
1989 REPC 0.0.0 hatched during 1989. 1 hatched in 1987.
1989 ROYS 0.0.9 hatched during 1989.
1990 DALT 0.0.1 hatched during 1990.
1990 LOUK bred during 1990.
1990 MELA 0.0.1 hatched during 1990.
1990 ROYS 0.0.18 hatched during 1990.
1991 BRIE 0.0.4 hatched during 1991.
1991 DALT 0.0.3 hatched during 1991.
1991 KREG 0.0.6 hatched during 1991.
1991 LOUK 0.0.4 hatched during 1991.
1991 NATW 0.0.1 hatched during 1991.
1991 PPRD 0.1.0 hatched during 1991.
1991 ROYS 1.0.0 hatched during 1991.
1991 SACC 0.0.4 hatched during 1991.
1991 SEDK 0.0.2 hatched during 1991.
1991 ZOOE 0.0.1 hatched during 1991.
1992 DALT 0.1.2 hatched during 1992.
1992 FORT 2.0.2 hatched during 1992.
1992 KREG 0.0.2 hatched during 1992.
1992 LOUK 0.0.2 hatched during 1992.
1992 NATW 2.0.5 hatched during 1992.
1992 PPJZ 0.0.50 hatched during 1992. Incubation 50 - 70 days
averaging 58, at 83 - 85 degrees F.
1992 TULO 0.0.10 hatched during 1992.
1992 ZURS 0.0.4 hatched during 1992.
1993 FORT 0.0.2 hatched 26 Mar - 17 April 93.
1993 FRAG 0.0.8 hatched during 1993.
1993 NATW 0.0.6 hatched during 1993.
1993 PPAVa 0.0.6 hatched during 1993. Hatching after 70 - 71 days
(22 - 23 March), after 64 days (6 April), and after 54 - 55
days (10 - 11 May).
1993 PPDK 0.3.0 hatched during 1993.
1993 PPJZ 0.0.52 hatched during 1993 after 52 - 68 days incubation.
1993 RIVS 0.0.9 hatched during 1993.
1994 PPBL 0.0.21 hatched during 1994.
1994 RIVS 0.0.23 hatched during 1994.
1995 CITV 0.0.5 hatched during 1995.
1995 LITA 0.0.4 hatched during 1995.
1995 PPBL 0.0.55 hatched during 1995.
1995 PPJKb many hatched during 1995.
1995 PPTGa 0.0.13 hatched during 1995.
1995 RIVS 0.0.15 hatched during 1995.
1995 ROYA 0.0.1 hatched during 1995.
1996 BIRA 0.0.1 hatched 7 May 1996.
1996 CITV bred during 1996.
1996 PPBL 0.0.100 hatched during 1996.
1996 PPPTa 0.0.5 hatched during 1996. Clutch one laid 13 may, hatched
10 Jul. Clutch two along with clutch three was found 5 Jul,
all hatched 23 & 29 Aug 1996.
1996 RIVS 0.0.1 hatched during 1996.
1996 TENT 0.0.6 hatched during 1996.
1997 ABIT 0.0.1 hatched during 1997.
1997 CHEEa 0.0.3 hatched during 1997.
1997 MILW 0.0.5 hatched during 1997.
1997 PPBL 0.0.52 hatched during 1997.
1997 PPPTa 0.0.7 hatched during 1997.
1997 SADC 0.0.1 hatched during 1997.
Phelsuma madagascariensis kochi
Koch's Giant Day Gecko
1980 TULO bred during 1980.
1981 TULO 0.0.6 hatched during 1981.
1985 PPJBb Two females produced 23 eggs from January - June at 14 to
21 day intervals, 0.0.21 hatched. Incubated 48 - 63 days at 80-
85 degrees F. Males and females both hatched at 48 days.
Experimenting showed this subspecies is not thermal dependent
for the sexes of hatclings as with Eublepharis macularius.
1985 TULO 0.0.3 hatched during 1985.
1986 PPTTa 0.0.4 hatched during 1986.
1986 TULO 0.0.9 hatched during 1986.
1987 PPTTa 0.0.25 hatched during 1987.
1988 PPJZ 5 hatchlings, 42-48 day incubation period.
1988 TULO 0.0.7 hatched during 1988.
1989 PPJZ 0.0.20 hatched during 1989. 48-60 days incubation.
1989 TULO 0.0.16 hatched during 1989.
1991 PPRD 0.0.3 hatched during 1991. Also, there were two full term
embryo deaths.
1991 TULO 0.0.9 hatched during 1991.
1992 PPJZ 0.0.20 hatched during 1992.
1993 PPJZ 0.0.17 hatched during 1993 after 48 - 62 days incubation.
Phelsuma madagascariensis madagascariensis
Madagascar Giant Day Gecko
1986 PPTTa 0.0.9 hatched during 1986.
1987 PPTTa 0.0.17 hatched during 1987.
1989 PPJZ 0.0.15 hatched during 1989. 50-62 days incubation.
1991 PENE 0.0.3 hatched during 1991.
1991 TWYE 0.0.2 hatched during 1991.
1994 PPAS 0.0.5 hatched during 1994.
1994 PPEPa 0.0.6 hatched during 1994.
Phelsuma madagascariensis martensi
Madagascar Giant Day Gecko
1992 NATW 0.0.11 hatched during 1992.
Phelsuma mutabilis
Day Gecko
1995 PPEV 0.0.2 hatched during 1995.
Phelsuma nigistriata
Day Gecko
1994 PPEV 0.0.14 hatched during 1994.
1995 PPEV 0.0.15 hatched during 1995.
Phelsuma ornata
Phelsuma ornata ssp.
1979 HONH 0.0.1 hatched during 1979.
1986 REPC 0.0.5 hatched during 1986.
1989 REPC 0.0.0 hatched during 1989. 5 hatched in 1986, 2 hatched
in 1987.
Phelsuma ornata inexpectata
Day Gecko
1981 PPMHa 0.0.1 hatched during 1981.
1988 ROEC 0.0.1 hatched March 29, 1988. During 1987, 0.0.2 hatched.
One on Sept 3rd and one Sept 5th from egg laid July 15th.
Incubation 50 & 52 days.
1995 PPEV 0.0.12 hatched during 1995.
Phelsuma ornata ornata
Ornate Day Gecko
1981 HONH 0.0.1 hatched during 1981.
1981 PPMM bred during 1981.
1990 JERE 0.0.2 hatched during 1990. 1 did not survive.
1995 PPJKb 0.0.72 hatched during 1995.
1996 PPPTa 0.0.7 hatched during 1996.
1997 PPPTa 0.0.20 hatched during 1997.
Phelsuma quadriocellata
Four-spot Day Gecko
1986 PPJZ 0.0.1 hatched during 1986, 43 days incubation.
1987 PPJZ 0.0.4 hatched during 1987. 4 eggs laid, 2 hatched, 36 days.
1991 PPDK 0.0.2 hatched during 1991. 1 after 27 days incubation, and
1 after 36 days incubation. The second hatchling died after
3 weeks from unknown causes.
1992 ROYS 0.0.1 hatched during 1992.
Phelsuma quadriocellata ssp.
Four-spot Day Gecko
1981 PPMM bred during 1981.
1994 PPEPa 0.0.1 hatched during 1994.
Phelsuma robertmertensi
Merten's Day Gecko
1994 PPEV 0.0.34 hatched during 1994.
1995 PPEV 0.0.38 hatched during 1995.
Phelsuma seippi
Olafian Day Gecko
1992 PPPTa bred during 1992. Females can produce eggs every 23 - 27
days. Incubation is 49 - 56 days at 28 degrees C. Young are
brightly colored in shades of rose.
1995 PPEV 0.0.3 hatched during 1995.
Phelsuma serraticauda
1989 SANT 0.0.2 hatched during 1989.
1990 ROEC 0.0.4 hatched during 1990. 2 hatched 4 Jan from eggs laid
8 Nov 89. 1 hatched 19 Feb from eggs laid 27 Dec. 1 hatched
17 Jul.
1992 TOLO 0.0.2 hatched during 1992.
1994 DENC 0.0.2 hatched during 1994.
1995 DENC 0.0.10 hatched during 1995.
1995 PPJKb 0.0.4 hatched during 1995.
1995 PPJKb 0.0.6 hatched during 1995.
Phelsuma standingi
Standing's Day Gecko
1985 FORT 0.0.7 hatched 9 April - 22 Sept. 1985.
1986 PPTTa 0.0.1 hatched during 1986.
1987 FORT 0.0.1 hatched July 24th.
1987 PPTTa 0.0.3 hatched during 1987.
1988 FORT 0.0.1 hatched Jan. 13, 1988.
1989 HONH 0.0.5 hatched during 1989. 0.0.3 hatched during April,
0.0.2 hatched during May.
1989 PPJZ 0.0.1 hatched during 1989. 3 eggs laid, 1 hatched after 80
days incubation.
1989 SANT 0.0.1 hatched during 1989.
1990 FORT 0.0.7 hatched 25 Jun - 12 Dec 1990.
1990 NEWN 0.0.1 hatched during 1990.
1990 ROEC 0.0.2 hatched 22 May 90.
1991 BRIE 0.0.4 hatched during 1991.
1991 CENN 0.0.4 hatched during 1991.
1991 FORT 0.0.16 hatched during 1991. 1 hatched 15 Feb, 2 hatched
18 Mar, 1 hatched 23 Mar, 1 hatched 4 Apr, 2 hatched 30 Mar,
2 hatched 25 Apr, 1 hatched 4 May, 1 hatched 28 May, 1 hatched
11 Jun, 1 hatched 19 Jul, 1 hatched 7 Sep, and 2 hatched
30 Dec 91.
1991 OKLO 0.0.5 hatched during 1991.
1992 AUDL 0.0.1 hatched during 1992.
1992 BRIE 0.0.1 hatched during 1992.
1992 CENF 0.0.4 hatched during 1992. 28 Jun one hatched after 68
days, 8 Aug one hatched after 70 days, two hatched 1 - 2 Sep
after 69 & 70 days incubation.
1992 FORT 0.0.9 hatched during 1992.
1992 OKLO 0.0.2 hatched during 1992.
1992 PPJZ 0.0.23 hatched during 1992 from 3 females. Reproduced
this species for the 4th season in a row. Breeding season
ranges from late autumn-early winter to early mid-spring. Male
and female are housed together in a ten gallon aquarium. A
12 - 13 hr. light cycle is maintained with a hot spot of
100 degrees F. Adults are fed crickets, Zoophobias mealworms,
and peach baby food all generously "dusted" with calcium
supplements. Additional calcium is placed in a dish for
the female to take as needed. Only 2 infertile eggs were
laid, no embryo deaths.
1992 ROYS 0.0.13 hatched during 1992.
1992 SANT 1.1.0 hatched during 1992.
1993 AUDL 0.0.2 hatched during 1993.
1993 BRIE 0.0.2 hatched during 1993.
1993 CENF 0.0.2 hatched 18 - 19 May 1993.
1993 CENN 0.0.15 hatched during 1993.
1993 FORT 0.0.8 hatched 18 April - 16 Sept 93, 2 did not survive.
1993 OKLO 0.0.1 hatched during 1993.
1993 PPJFd 0.0.8 hatched during 1993.
1993 PPJZ 0.0.14 hatched during 1993 after 60 - 76 days incubation.
1993 REPS 0.0.4 hatched during 1993.
1993 RIVS 0.0.2 hatched during 1993.
1993 ROYS 0.0.4 hatched during 1993.
1993 SANT 0.0.13 bred during 1993.
1993 STAF 0.0.6 hatched during 1993.
1994 AUDL 0.0.4 hatched during 1994.
1994 FORT 0.0.14 hatched 14 Apr - 24 Aug 1994.
1994 NEWN 0.0.1 hatched during 1994.
1994 OKLO 0.0.3 hatched during 1994.
1994 PPAM bred during 1994.
1994 PPRW 0.1.0 hatched during 1994.
1994 ROYS 1.3.5 hatched during 1994.
1994 WOOW 0.0.2 hatched during 1994.
1995 CENN 1.9.3 hatched during 1995.
1995 CITV 0.0.2 hatched during 1995.
1995 DENC 0.0.4 hatched during 1995.
1995 FORT 0.0.5 hatched 15 May and 2 Jul 1995.
1995 KNOT 0.0.1 hatched during 1995.
1995 NEWN 0.0.4 hatched during 1995.
1995 PPAM 0.0.14 hatched during 1995 from 14 eggs laid.
1995 PPEV 0.0.8 hatched during 1995.
1995 PPJKb 0.0.4 hatched during 1995.
1995 PPJKb 0.0.2 hatched during 1995.
1995 PPTGa 0.0.2 hatched during 1995.
1995 RIVS 0.0.5 hatched during 1995.
1995 SEDK 0.0.2 hatched during 1995.
1995 TOLO 0.0.1 hatched during 1995.
1996 FORT 0.0.4 hatched during 1996. 1 - 6 May, 1 - 7 May, 1 - 7 Jun,
and 1 - 10 Jun 1996.
1996 MEMT 0.0.3 hatched during 1996.
1996 NEWN 0.0.2 hatched during 1996.
1996 PPEK 0.0.18 hatched during 1996. 6 clutches of two eggs each,
all hatched. A second pair produced 2 clutches of 2 eggs and 2
clutches of 1 egg each. All hatched.
1996 PPLV bred during 1996.
1996 ROYS 3.2.6 hatched during 1996.
1996 WOOW 0.0.1 hatched during 1996.
1997 CITV 0.0.2 hatched during 1997.
1997 DENC 0.0.4 hatched during 1997.
1997 FORT 0.0.6 hatched during 1997.
1997 KNOT 0.0.6 hatched during 1997.
1997 LINI 0.0.5 hatched during 1997. 1 on 9 Mar, 1 on 5 Jun, 2 on
3 Jul, 1 on 4 Aug 1997.
1997 MINM 0.0.3 hatched during 1997.
1997 PHIP 0.0.2 hatched during 1997.
1997 ROYS 3.2.5 hatched during 1997. 6 clutches, 11 eggs, Average
1.8 eggs per clutch.
1997 SACC 0.0.3 hatched during 1997.
Phelsuma sundbergi
Seychelles Giant Day Gecko
1980 OKLO bred during 1980.
1980 PPMM bred during 1980.
1981 MEMT 0.0.6 hatched during 1981.
1981 OKLO bred during 1981.
1981 PPMM bred during 1981.
1985 KNOT 0.0.3 hatched during 1985.
1985 PPLRd 0.0.6 hatched in 1985.
1985 SEDK 1.2.0 hatched during 1985. Clutches on 5/13, 6/9, 8/7,
9/11. Early clutches did not hatch. Latter two hatched after
71 and 59 day incubations.
1986 KNOT 0.0.1 hatched during 1986.
1986 PPTTa 0.0.4 hatched during 1986.
1986 SEDK 0.0.3 hatched during 1986.
1987 PPTTa 0.0.6 hatched during 1987.
1988 HONH 0.0.5 hatched during 1987.
1988 LINI 0.1.1 hatched during 1988.
1989 KNOT 0.0.1 hatched during 1989.
1989 LINI 0.0.1 hatched during 1989.
1989 MEMT 0.0.4 hatched during 1989.
1991 KNOT 0.0.1 hatched during 1991.
1994 KNOT 0.0.1 hatched during 1994.
Phelsuma v-nigra
Reunion Day Gecko
1981 PPMHa 0.0.7 hatched during 1981.
1981 PPMM bred during 1981.
1994 PPEV 0.0.28 hatched during 1994.
1995 PPEV 0.0.32 hatched during 1995.
Phyllodactylus homolepidurus
Phyllodactylus homolepidurus ssp.
Leaf-toed Gecko
1994 ARIA 0.0.1 hatched during 1994.
1997 ARIA 0.0.1 hatched during 1997.
Phyllodactylus marmoratus
Marbled Gecko
1986 SADC 0.0.2 hatched during 1986.
1987 SADC 0.0.2 hatched during 1987.
1991 SADC 0.0.1 hatched during 1991.
1992 SADC 0.0.2 hatched during 1992.
Phyllodactylus siamensis
Leaf-toed Gecko
1980 PPMM bredduring 1980.
1981 PPMM bred during 1981.
1985 PPJBb 0.0.5 hatched at 85 degrees F. in 40-43 days during 1985.
Phyllodactylus tuberculosus
Phyllodactylus tuberculosus ssp.
1979 PPMM 0.0.2 hatched 15 - 17 Jun from 2 eggs laid 11 Apr 1979.
1980 PPMM bred during 1980.
Phyllurus platurus
Southern Leaf-tailed Gecko
1977 SADC 0.0.1 hatched during 1977.
1978 PPMM 0.0.2+ hatched during 1978. Eggs laid 12 Jun, all hatched
6 Aug; 2 eggs laid 11 Apr, 2 hatched 17 - 18 Aug 1978.
1980 PPMM bred during 1980.
1986 SADC 0.0.2 hatched during 1986.
Ptychozoon sp.
Gliding Gecko
1985 FORT 0.0.2 hatched 6,7 Dec. 1985.
1988 PPEGc 0.0.1 hatched during 1988.
Ptychozoon kuhli
Gliding Gecko
1978 HONH 0.0.4 hatched during 1978.
1978 PPMM 0.0.6 hatched during 1978. 2 eggs laid 1 Feb, 2 hatched
7 - 9 May, 1 died at hatching; 2 eggs laid 13 Jun, 2 hatched
11 Sep, both died at birth; 2 eggs laid 19 Jul, 2 hatched
16 - 17 Sep 1978.
1979 HONH 0.0.2 hatched 28 Oct 1979.
1979 PPMM 0.0.2 hatched 1 - 2 Nov from 2 eggs laid 12 Aug 1979.
1980 HONH 0.0.1 hatched during 1980.
1980 KNOT 0.0.1 hatched 1 Mar from eggs laid 8 May 1980.
1985 PPCD 0.0.8 hatched during 1985.
1986 OKLO 0.0.2 hatched during 1986.
1988 MOSR 0.0.3 hatched during 1988.
1991 HENN bred during 1991.
1996 NEWN 1.0.0 hatched during 1996.
Ptychozoon lionatum
Gliding Gecko
1980 OKLO bred during 1980.
1980 PPMM bred during 1980.
1981 PPMM bred during 1981.
1985 NEWN 0.0.4 hatched during 1985.
1985 OKLO 0.0.1 hatched during 1985 from a captive breeding.
1986 JIHC 0.0.6 hatched during 1986.
1986 PPGCd 2 eggs laid April 30, 1986. 1 broke, the other was dead in
shell May 10th. 2 eggs laid Aug 2, 1986. 1 broke, the other
was dead in shell Aug 22nd.
1986 PPJZ 0.0.1 hatched during 1986, 80 days incubation.
1987 PPABa 0.0.2 hatched during 1987.
1988 PPAWa 0.0.7 hatched during 1988. No copulation observed from
female obtained June 1th. Eggs laid in pairs attached to
vertical surfaces, 2 pair Aug 24th, 1 pair each on Sept 9th
Oct 5th, Oct 10th, Oct 31st, Nov 11th, and Nov 29th. Some
parental protection of last set laid, (female remained near
eggs and attempted to bite fingers moved into the area).
Adults had been fed crickets and waxworms dusted with Vitalife
vitamins and crushed eggshell. Cage temperature approx.
75-80 degrees F.
Hatchlings on Oct 25th (1), Nov 17th (1), Nov 19th (1), and
Dec 16th (4). Young feeding on wingless fruit flies,
pinhead crickets, and tiny mealworms dusted with Vitalife
powder. Stimulap vitamin B-12 drops are also occasionally
made available. Overripe fruit offered but does not appear
to be taken. Incubation appears to be 60 + days. Vitalife
and Stimulap are Terrafauna products.
1989 CENN 0.0.1 hatched during 1989.
1989 PPAWa 0.0.13 (Several clutches) hatched during 1989 from an
adult pair.
1993 PPJFd 0.0.2 hatched during 1993.
Ptyodactylus hasselquisti
Ptyodactylus hasselquisti ssp.
1992 CALA 0.0.1 hatched during 1992.
1993 CALA 0.0.1 hatched during 1993.
Ptyodactylus hasselquisti puiseuxi
1989 TELI bred during 1989.
Rhacodactylus auriculatus
1985 RHUG 0.0.2 hatched during 1985.
1987 OKLO 0.0.4 hatched during 1987.
1988 OKLO 0.0.15 hatched during 1988.
1989 OKLO 0.0.13 hatched during 1989.
1990 PPBL 0.0.2 hatched during 1990.
1990 ROEC 0.0.1 hatched 5 Jul 90.
1991 OKLO 0.0.12 hatched during 1991.
1992 OKLO 0.0.3 hatched during 1992.
1992 PPBL 0.0.2 hatched during 1992. 1 hatched during 1991, and
1 hatched during 1990.
1992 PPPTa bred during 1992. Females will prefer to lay their eggs
in the roots of live potted plants. Eggs are 6 - 7 mm long and
hatch in about 70 days. Young are whitish to gray in color.
1994 OKLO 0.0.6 hatched during 1994.
1994 PPPTa bred during 1994.
1995 OKLO 0.0.1 hatched during 1995.
1995 PPPTa 0.0.16 hatched during 1995. Female 1a laid her 1st clutch
24 Mar, infertile. Clutch #2 was laid 9 Apr, one went full term
and died the other hatched 26 May. Clutch #3 laid 13 May,
Clutch #4 laid 12 Jun, clutch #5 laid 19 Jul, clutch #6
laid 13 & 14 Aug, clutch #7 laid 9 Sep. These last five
clutches all proved to be infertile. Female 2b laid her
1st clutch 27 Feb. 2nd clutch 30 Mar, 3rd clutch 3 May, 4th
clutch laid 6 Jun, 5th clutch laid 12 Jul, 6th clutch laid
7 Aug, 7th clutch laid 11 Sep. Each clutch was fertile and
two babies hatched out. Clutch #8 was laid on 28 Oct and
one hatched 10 Dec 1995. The other egg dented up, but failed
to hatch. On 15 Dec it was slit open. A live embryo was
found. The egg was left alone and a day later, it was dead.
1996 OKLO 0.0.2 hatched during 1996.
1996 PPPTa 0.0.7 hatched during 1996. Female 1a laid clutch one on
19 Feb, one hatched 17 Apr. Clutch two laid 27 Mar, hatched
5 Jun. Female 2b laid clutch one on 8 Jan, hatched 16 & 18 Mar.
Clutch two laid 10 Feb, hatched 3 Apr. Clutch three laid
27 Mar, one hatched 1 Jun 1996. Female 5e laid one clutch
on 20 Nov, still incubating.
1997 PPPTa 0.0.16 hatched during 1997.
1997 STLM 0.0.1 hatched during 1997.
Rhacodactylus ciliatus
Guichenot's Giant Gecko
1995 PPEV 0.0.4 hatched during 1995.
1996 RIVS 3.1.0 hatched during 1996.
1997 PPPTa 0.0.9 hatched during 1997.
1997 SADC 0.0.1 hatched during 1997.
Rhacodactylus leachianus
New Caledonia Giant Gecko
1989 DALT 0.0.2 hatched during 1989.
1990 DALT 1.0.3 hatched during 1990.
1991 DALT 2.0.2 hatched during 1991.
1992 DALT 0.0.2 hatched during 1992.
1993 DALT 2.0.6 hatched during 1993.
1993 FORT 0.0.3 hatched 25 May - 9 July 93, 1 did not survive.
1994 PPEV 0.0.1 hatched during 1994.
1994 PPPTa bred during 1994.
1995 PPEV 0.0.5 hatched during 1995.
1996 DALT 2.0.6 hatched during 1996.
1996 PPPTa 0.0.1 hatched during 1996. One clutch was laid24 Feb, only
one baby hatched 12 Jun. Eggs measured 22mm X 40mm.
1997 PPPTa 0.0.1 hatched during 1997.
Rhacodactylus sarasinorum
1989 SADC 0.0.1 hatched during 1989.
1995 PPAM 0.0.4 hatched from 6 eggs laid during 1995.
Sphaerodactylus cinereus
Ashy Gecko
1985 PPJBb One female laid five single eggs from October to February
at 30 day intervals. 0.0.4 hatched at 84 degrees F.
in 40-45 days.
Stenodactylus petri
1989 TELI bred during 1989.
1990 INDI 0.0.4 hatched during 1990. Between 9 Feb and 5 Jun a total
of 12 eggs were found. They were set up on a sand substrate and
at 83 degrees F., After 68 days 1 hatched. 3 other hatchlings
found in parent's tank from eggs laid on unknown dates.
1994 PPAS 0.0.5 hatched during 1994. Egg shells were very thin.
1997 SADC 0.0.1 hatched during 1997.
Tarentola annularis
Tarentola annularis ssp.
1985 PPJBb 2 eggs laid attached in rock crevice, still incubating.
1986 PPJZ 0.0.2 hatched during 1986, 54-71 days.
1987 PPJZ 0.0.8 hatched during 1987. several clutches totaling 11
eggs laid, 8 hatched, 61 - 86 days.
1988 PPJZ 10 hatchlings from 10 eggs. 70-109 day incubation period.
All eggs from one female.
1989 PPJZ 0.0.10 hatched during 1989. 65-120 days incubation.
1997 STLM 0.0.2 hatched during 1997.
Tarentola delalandi
Tarentola delalandi ssp.
1986 PPJZ 0.0.1 hatched during 1986, 55 days incubation.
Tarentola delalandi boettgeri
1987 PPJZ 0.0.1 hatched during 1987. 3 eggs laid, 1 hatched after
52 days incubation.
Tarentola mauritanica
Moorish Gecko
1986 PPJZ 0.0.1 hatched during 1986, 57 days incubation.
1987 PPJU 0.0.5 hatched during 1987. 15 year old female laid 2 eggs
June 10th and then clutches of 2 every 14 days for 4 clutches.
Eggs measured 13.2mm x 10.2mm. 7 hatched after 40 to 60 days
but only 5 survived.
1987 PPJZ 0.0.2 hatched during 1987. 4 eggs laid (more than 1 clutch)
2 hatched, 62 days.
1989 PPJZ 0.0.2 hatched during 1989. 56 days incubation.
Tarentola mauritanica ssp.
Moorish Gecko
1995 RION 0.0.8 hatched during 1995.
1996 RION 0.0.8 hatched during 1996.
Teratoscincus sp.
1995 PPPTa Listed as Teratoscincus roborowski. 0.0.1 hatched during
1995. Female 1a laid her first clutch 7 Aug. Both eggs were badly
smashed. 2nd clutch laid 30 Aug. One egg infertile, 1 hatched
6 Nov. 3rd clutch laid 29 Oct, both infertile.
Teratoscincus bedriagai
Bedraiga's Wonder Gecko
1996 PPPTa 0.0.1 hatched during 1996. Female 1a laid one clutch 1 Jan,
she ate both eggs. Clutch two laid 6 Jun, only one hatched. An
unexpected clutch was laid 2 Oct, infertile. Female 2b laid
one infertile clutch 21 Jan 1996.
Teratoscincus microlepis
1994 PPEV 0.0.2 hatched during 1994.
1994 PPPTa 0.0.6 hatched during 1994. Female 1A laid her first clutch
on 27 Feb, 2nd clutch 26 Mar, 3rd clutch 26 Apr. and on 22
Jun one infertile egg was found. Female 2B laid her first
clutch on 27 Mar, both eggs broken. 2nd clutch laid
18 Apr. Female 3C laid her 1st clutch 22 Jun 1994.
One egg infertile, the other was crushed.
1995 PPEV 0.0.4 hatched during 1995.
1996 PPPTa 0.0.4 hatched during 1996. Female 2b laid clutch one 23
Feb, infertile. Clutch two laid 16 Apr, infertile. Female 3c
laid one infertile clutch. Female 5e laid 2 eggs 11 Apr,
infertile. Clutch two laid 13 May, one infertile, on smashed.
On 28 Jun 4 more eggs were found, two infertile, two hatched
4 & 11 Aug 1996. Another six eggs were discovered 17 Aug. Two
eggs molded and were infertile, one egg accidently smashed,
one egg infertile, two eggs hatched 24 Oct 1996.
1997 PPPTa 0.0.1 hatched during 1997.
Teratoscincus przewalski
Przewalski's Gecko
1985 REPC 0.0.2 hatched during 1985.
1986 REPC 0.0.5 hatched during 1986.
1989 REPC 0.0.0 hatched during 1989. 2 hatched in 1985, 5 hatched in
1986, 2 hatched in 1987, 1 hatched in 1988.
Teratoscincus scincus
Teratoscincus scincus ssp.
Frog-eyed Sand Gecko
1981 PPMM bred during 1981.
1985 REPC 0.0.34 hatched during 1985.
1986 CALA 0.0.5 hatched during 1986.
1986 MOVR Bred during 1986.
1986 REPC 0.0.20 hatched during 1986. 34 were hatched during 1985.
1986 RIGR Bred during 1986.
1988 CALA 0.0.0 hatched during 1988. 0.0.6 hatched during 1987.
Several clutches, four took 73 days to hatch, one 77 days,
and one 79 days.
1988 NATW 0.0.1 hatched during 1988.
1989 REPC 0.0.3 hatched during 1989. 34 hatched in 1985, 20 hatched
in 1986, 20 hatched in 1987, 8 hatched in 1988.
1990 NATW 0.0.1 hatched during 1990.
1990 ROYN 0.0.1 hatched during 1990.
1991 PPKM 1991 ppkm
1991 PPMK 0.0.2 hatched during 1991. 2 eggs laid 16 Aug 91, 2
hatched 6 & 8 Nov 91.
1991 ROYN 0.0.13 hatched during 1991.
1991 WIEP 0.0.3 hatched during 1991.
1992 CALA 1.0.0 hatched during 1992.
1992 PPMK 0.0.5 hatched 1 Jul - 12 Aug 1992.
1992 WIEP 0.0.17 hatched during 1992.
1993 PPMK 0.0.5 hatched during 1993 after 90 days at 29 degrees C.
1993 WIEP 0.0.7 hatched during 1993.
1994 PPEV 0.0.12 hatched during 1994.
1994 PPPTa 0.0.5 hatched during 1994. 1st clutch was laid on 8 Jun.
2nd clutch was laid 13 Jul, one broken. 3rd clutch was laid
12 Aug.
1994 ROYN 0.0.2 hatched during 1994.
1995 PPEV 0.0.8 hatched during 1995.
Teratoscincus scincus keyserlingi
Frog-eyed Sand Gecko
1988 PPJZ 0.0.1 hatched from 4 eggs laid. 1st clutch laid May 18th,
infertile. 2nd clutch laid Jul 23rd, one hatchling on
Sept 10th. 69 day incubation period.
1989 REPC 0.0.5 hatched during 1989.
1993 SANT 0.0.3 hatched during 1993.
1994 PPEV 0.0.8 hatched during 1994.
1994 SANT 0.0.1 hatched during 1994.
1995 PPEV 0.0.14 hatched during 1995.
1995 PPPTa 0.0.4 hatched during 1995. Female 1a laid her first clutch
1 Mar. Two hatched 20 & 24 May. Clutch 2, which consisted of
only one egg, was laid 29 Mar, hatched 11 Jun. Clutch 3 was
laid 24 Apr, one infertile, one hatched 12 Jul 1995.
1996 PPPTa 0.0.3 hatched during 1996. Female 1a laid clutch one 19
Feb, only one hatched 19 May. Clutch laid 23 Mar, both eggs
infertile. Clutch three laid 6 May, infertile. Clutch four
laid 25 Jun, hatched 21 & 22 Sep 1996.
1996 ROYNa 0.0.1 hatched during 1996.
1997 PPPTa 0.0.5 hatched during 1997.
Teratoscincus scincus scincus
Frog-eyed Sand Gecko
1989 PPPWa bred during 1989.
1996 PPPTa 0.0.1 hatched during 1996. Female 2b laid clutch one 4
Feb and was accidently smashed. Clutch two laid 1 May, one egg
infertile, one hatched 23 Apr 1996. Clutch three laid 16 Apr,
both were infertile.
1997 PPPTa 0.0.2 hatched during 1997
Thecadactylus rapicauda
Turnip-tailed Gecko
1981 FORT 0.0.2 hatched 14 Jun and 4 Jul 1981.
1985 REPC 0.0.1 hatched during 1985.
1986 REPC 0.0.1 hatched during 1986. 1 also hatched during 1985.
1989 REPC 0.0.0 hatched during 1989. 1 hatched in 1985, 1 hatched
in 1986, 3 hatched in 1987.
1990 JACF 0.0.1 hatched during 1990.
Underwoodisaurus mili
Thick-tailed Gecko
1987 MELA 0.0.1 hatched during 1987. 2 eggs laid 31 Oct 1986. One
hatched after 62 days at 27-29 degrees C. in vermiculite.
Other egg infertile. Young was 2.0g weight, 39mm snout-
vent length and 64mm total length at hatching.
1995 AUSAa 0.0.2 hatchlings from one clutch of eggs during 1995. 57
days incubation at 27.5 - 29 degrees C. Hatching weight 1.72 and
1.52 gr.
1995 PPTA bred during 1995. 2 eggs per clutch.
Uroplatus fimbriatus
Malagasy Leaf-tailed Gecko
1988 SADC 0.0.12 hatched during 1988.
1989 DALT 0.0.2 hatched during 1989.
1989 SADC 0.0.9 hatched during 1989.
1990 DALT 0.0.1 hatched during 1990.
1990 FORT 0.0.1 hatched 29 Jul 1990.
1990 LOUK bred during 1990.
1991 FORT 0.0.5 hatched during 1991. 1 hatched 11 Jul, 2 hatched
28 Aug, 2 hatched 3 Oct 91.
1992 FORT 0.0.4 hatched during 1992.
1993 DALT 0.0.1 hatched during 1993.
1993 FORT 0.0.1 hatched 3 March 93.
1993 RIVS 0.2.3 hatched during 1993.
1993 SADC 1.0.7 hatched during 1993.
1994 FORT 0.0.1 hatched 22 Oct 1994.
1994 PPMK 0.0.1 hatched 9 Dec from 2 eggs laid 15 Sep 1994.
1994 RIVS 0.0.2 hatched during 1994.
1994 SADC 0.0.2 hatched during 1994.
1995 FORT 0.0.1 hatched 12 Apr 1995.
1995 PPMK 0.0.5 hatched from 8 eggs laid by 4 females during 1995.
69 - 105 days incubation at room temperature.
1996 RIVS 1.1.6 hatched during 1996.
1997 RIVS 0.0.13 hatched during 1997.
Uroplatus henkeli
Henkle's Leaf-tailed Gecko
1993 FORT 0.0.29 hatched 2 Jan - 27 Dec 93.
1993 PPRPb 0.0.12 hatched during 1993.
1994 FORT 0.0.1 hatched 1 May 1994.
1994 RIVS 1.0.1 hatched during 1994.
1995 RIVS 0.0.2 hatched during 1995.
1996 RIVS 0.0.7 hatched during 1996.
1996 SADC 0.0.1 hatched during 1996.
1997 ABIT 0.0.8 hatched during 1997.
1997 CITV 0.0.6 hatched during 1997.
1997 DALT o.o.5 hatched during 1997.
1997 RIVS 7.6.31 hatched during 1997.
1997 SADC 1.0.1 hatched during 1997.
1998 HENN 0.0.1 hatched during 1998.
Uroplatus lineatus
Lined Leaf-tailed Gecko
1996 SADC 0.0.2 hatched during 1996.
Uroplatus phantasticus
Fantastic Leaf-tailed Gecko
1996 RIVS 0.0.1 hatched during 1996.
1997 ABIT 0.0.2 hatched during 1997.
1997 DALT 0.0.4 hatched during 1997.
1997 SADC 0.0.4 hatched during 1997.
Uroplatus sikorae
Lichenose Leaf-tailed Gecko
1993 FORT 0.0.24 hatched during 1993, 2 did not survive.
1993 SANT 0.0.1 hatched during 1993.
1994 FORT 0.0.9 hatched 1 Jan - 12 May 1994.
1995 FORT 0.0.1 hatched during 1995.
1996 FORT 0.0.3 hatched during 1996. 1 3 May, 1 - 4 May, 1 - 18
Jun 1996.
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Copyright © 1996, 1997, 1998,1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003 Frank Slavens