Acanthosaura crucigera
Horn-headed Lizard
1992 PPMRb 0.0.20 hatched during 1992.
1993 PPMRb 0.0.3 hatched during 1993.
Agama atricollis
Agama atricollis ssp.
Plains Agama
1993 NATS 0.0.5 hatched during 1993.
1995 HONH 0.0.13 hatched during 1995.
Agama himalayana
Agama himalayana ssp.
Himalayan Lizard
1993 SLEC 0.0.1 hatched during 1993.
Agama hispida
Agama hispida ssp.
1987 TRAS 0.0.13 hatched during 1987. Wild caught gravid female.
Agama lehmanni
Mountain Agama
1991 HOGU 0.0.1 hatched during 1991.
Agama pallida
Agama pallida ssp.
1989 TELI bred during 1989.
Agama stellio
Agama stellio ssp.
1986 PPCD 0.0.5 hatched June 3rd & 29th from 2 adult females.
Incubation 59 days.
1989 TELI bred during 1989.
1990 PPBL 0.0.14 hatched during 1990.
1992 HONH 0.0.10 hatched during 1992.
1992 INDI 0.0.8 hatched during 1992. On 16 Apr a nest containing
14 eggs was found. Seven hatched after 52 - 59 days incubation.
Of the seven that didn't hatch, only one was fertile. Another
clutch was laid 24 Apr by another female, 6 were infertile
and 1 hatched after 51 days incubation. One clutch of 4
eggs was found 16 Jun. After 44 days 3 hatched. 15 Dec
another clutch of 9 eggs was laid. All appear to be fertile
and are currently being incubated. All clutches were incubated
at 85 degrees F. with high humidity. Incubation substrate
was either damp sand or 1:1 vermiculite: water.
1992 PPBL 0.0.61 hatched during 1992. 30 hatched during 1991,
and 14 during 1990.
1992 ROYS 0.0.2 hatched during 1992.
1992 TIEG 0.0.8 hatched during 1992.
1993 HONH 0.0.10 hatched during 1993.
1993 INDI 0.0.119 hatched during 1993. From Jan to April a total of
7 clutches were found. They contained either 7 or 8 eggs. All
of these were incubated at 85 degrees F. with high humidity.
The substrate used was either damp sand or vermiculite
(1:1 with water by weight),. Of 53, eggs 1 was infertile, 8
contained dead full-term embryos and 44 hatched after 43 -
62 days incubation. An unknown number of clutches were laid
on exhibit. Over 75 hatchlings were seen through the spring,
summer, and into late fall.
1994 HONH 0.0.4 hatched during 1994.
1994 INDI 0.0.75 + hatchlings were seen through spring, summer and
into late fall.
1994 ROYS 0.0.15 hatched during 1994.
1995 HONH 0.0.11 hatched during 1995.
1995 INDI 0.0.75 hatched during spring, summer, and fall.
1995 PPBL 0.0.(about)50 hatched during 1995.
1996 INDI 0.0.50+ hatched during 1996.
Agama stellio brachydactyla
1995 SEDK 0.0.16 hatched during 1995.
Agama stellio picea
1993 FRAG 0.0.13 hatched during 1993.
Chlamydosaurus kingi
Frilled Lizard
1991 MELA 0.0.1 hatched during 1991.
1992 MELA 0.0.6 hatched during 1992. 15 eggs laid by female 31
Oct. These averaged 3.1 g (2.9 - 3.4), average length was
26.6 mm ( 25.5 - 28.0) and 14.2 mm (13.5 - 15.0) wide.
The eggs were incubated in vermiculite at 29 - 31.5 degrees
C. and hatched at 78 - 80 days. Young averaged 3.5 g
(3.1 - 3.8). Snout-vent (44 - 48) average 47 mm. and
(120 - 132) average 127 mm total length. Female was
249 g. post-laying.
1993 PPMK 0.0.9 hatched during 1993. 1 egg hatched 2 Jan 94 after
85 days at 29 - 30 degrees C. Other two females laid 15 eggs
28 -29 Oct 93. 0.0.8 hatched 18 - 21 Jan after 82 - 85 days.
All eggs were incubated at 29 - 30 degrees C.
1994 PPMK 0.0.8 hatched during 1994. 1 egg hatched 2 Jan. Incubated
85 days at 29 - 30 degrees C. Other two females laid 15
eggs 28 - 29 Oct. 7 hatched 18 - 21 Jan 1994.
1996 FORT 0.0.7 hatched 5 Oct 1996.
1997 FORT 0.0.1 hatched during 1997.
Ctenophorus nuchalis
Central Netted Dragon
1995 TARA 0.0.9 hatched during 1995.
Draco sp.
1997 SADC 0.0.1 hatched during 1997.
Draco volans
Draco volans ssp.
Flying Dragon
1993 DALT 0.0.5 hatched during 1993.
Gonocephalus abbotti
Dragon Lizard
1993 PPMK 0.0.2 hatched 13-14 July 93 after 67-68 days incubation
at 29 degrees C.
Hydrosaurus sp.
1994 LOUK 0.0.4 hatched during 1994.
Hydrosaurus amboinensis
Malayan Sail-finned Lizard
1989 JERE 0.0.14 hatched during 1989. 5 did not survive.
1990 JERE 0.0.15 hatched during 1990. 5 did not survive.
1991 CHEEa 0.0.8 hatched during 1991.
1991 JERE 0.0.1 hatched during 1991.
1992 CHEEa 0.0.5 hatched during 1992.
1993 CHEEa 0.0.20 hatched during 1993.
1994 LOUK 0.0.7 hatched during 1994.
Hydrosaurus pustulatus
Philippine Sail-finned Lizard
1985 DALT 0.0.14 hatched in 1985.
1986 DALT 0.0.26 hatched during 1986.
1988 DALT 0.0.5 hatched during 1988, 0.0.16 hatched during 1987, and
0.0.26 hatched during 1986.
1988 OKLO 0.0.2 hatched during 1988.
1989 ROYN 0.0.29 hatched during 1989.
1989 STLM 0.0.3 hatched during 1989.
1990 RION 0.0.2 hatched during 1990.
1990 ROYN 0.0.20 hatched during 1990.
1991 CHEEa 0.0.5 hatched during 1991.
1991 DALT 1.3.5 hatched during 1991.
1992 CHEEa 0.0.13 hatched during 1992.
1992 DALT 1.1.7 hatched during 1992.
1992 ROYN 0.0.14 hatched during 1992.
1993 ROYN 0.0.47 hatched during 1993.
1995 ROYN 0.0.18 hatched during 1995.
1996 DALT 0.0.4 hatched during 1996.
1996 ROYNa 1.4.6 hatched during 1996.
1997 DALT 0.0.3 hatched during 1997.
1997 ROYN 0.0.4 hatched during 1997.
Leiolepis belliana
Smooth-scaled Ground Agama
1988 CANE 0.0.4 hatched during 1988.
Lophognathus gilberti
Gilbert's Water Skink
1995 PERA 0.0.2 hatched during 1995.
Phymaturus palluma
1987 FORT 0.0.2 hatched Feb 19th, wild bred.
Physignathus cocincinus
Asian Water Dragon
1977 NATW 0.0.2 hatched druing 1977, did not survive.
1979 MILW bred during 1979.
1980 NATW 0.0.6 hatched during 1980.
1980 TOLO 0.0.11 hatched during 1980.
1981 TOLO 0.0.21 hatched during 1981. 14 eggs laid 30 Jan, 10
hatched 30 Mar thru 5 Apr. 12 eggs laid 17 May, 12 hatched 17 -
1985 JERE 0.0.13 hatched in 1985.
1985 NATW 0.0.15 hatched during 1985 from a captive breeding.
1985 ZOOE 0.0.8 hatched during 1985.
1986 ROYS 0.0.63 hatched during 1986.
1986 SENJ 0.0.6 hatched during 1986.
1987 ROYS 0.0.105 hatched during 1987.
1987 SADC 0.0.8 hatched during 1987.
1987 TWYE 0.0.29 hatched during 1987.
1988 METO 0.0.1 hatched during 1988.
1988 NATW 0.0.15 hatched during 1988.
1988 TWYE 0.0.5 hatched during 1988.
1989 CHII 0.0.6 hatched during 1989.
1989 METO 0.0.5 hatched during 1989.
1989 ROYS 0.0.17 hatched during 1989.
1989 SADC 0.0.7 hatched during 1989.
1989 WILG 0.0.3 hatched during 1989.
1990 METO 0.0.12 hatched during 1990. 2 clutches, eggs laid 28 Apr,
hatched 13 Jul. Eggs laid 23 Jan, hatched 19 Mar 90.
1990 PPBL 0.0.4 hatched during 1990.
1990 ROYS 0.0.32 hatched during 1990.
1990 WILG 0.0.50 hatched during 1990. 3 did not survive.
1991 ROYS 0.0.16 hatched during 1991.
1992 ROYS 0.0.18 hatched during 1992.
1992 TIEG 0.0.9 hatched during 1992.
1993 MUNG 0.0.17 hatched during 1993.
1993 PPMRb 0.0.20 hatched during 1993.
1993 PPSAa 0.0.7 hatched during 1993.
1994 BIRA 0.0.15 hatched during 1994.
1994 ROYS 0.0.37 hatched during 1994.
1995 PPBL 0.0.4 hatched during 1995.
1996 ROYS 0.0.12 hatched during 1996.
1997 ROYS 0.0.1 hatched during 1997. 3 clutches, 12 eggs,
Average 4.0 eggs per clutch.
1997 STLM 0.0.27 hatched during 1997.
Physignathus lesueuri
Physignathus lesueuri ssp.
Water Dragon
1985 ZOOE 0.0.3 hatched during 1985.
1989 WELN 0.0.4 hatched during Jan 1989.
1990 AUCN bred during 1990. Small colony of adults maintained on
display in approx 3m X 3m glass fronted enclosure - sand sub-
strate, fine mesh on roof and sides - facing north. No additional
heating required. Auckland's temperatures vary seasonally
between 27 degrees C to 8 degrees C (approx temperatures
only). Regarded as a temperate climate. Group consists of one
large male and several females.
Females appear noticeably gravid and begin digging nest
holes in warm spots during Nov. Up to 15 eggs are laid
and covered with sand. Eggs are removed and incubated.
Eggs are placed in plastic containers partially
buried in fine sand - ventilated plastic cover placed over
top. Containers are in a warm (80 - 85 degrees F) humidity
levels maintained at approx 95%. Hatching occurs after
approx 2 months.
1992 PPBL 0.0.9 hatched during 1992.
1993 AUCN 0.0.7 hatched during 1993.
1993 PPBL 0.0.290 hatched during 1993.
1994 PPBL 0.0.339 hatched during 1994.
1995 PERA 1.0.3 hatched during 1995.
1995 PPBL 0.0.394 hatched during 1995.
1996 PPBL 0.0.634 hatched during 1996.
1997 PPBL 0.0.1346 hatched during 1997.
Physignathus lesueuri lesueuri
Eastern Water Dragon
1995 AUSAa 0.0.6 hatched from one small clutch of eggs. 4 - 5 larger
clutches of eggs were sent to Sydney University for research
Pogona sp.
1990 MELA Listed as Pogona/Amphibolurus henrylawsoni (Northern Dwarf
Bearded Dragon - "rankini" has been used for this taxon).
0.0.11 hatched during 1990. 12 eggs laid 17 Aug 90. Averaged
1.6 gm. and 21.5 X 11.6mm at laying. Incubated at 28 - 31
degrees C. and 11 hatched after 47 - 50 days. Hatchlings
measured 35mm SVL and 71mm Total length.
Pogona barbatus
Bearded Dragon
1987 MELA 0.0.10 hatched during 1987. 10 eggs laid by a female
which arrived gravid in October. Eggs laid November 1986 and
hatched after 67-68 days incubation at 28-29 degrees C. in
1987 OKLO 0.0.38 hatched during 1987.
1987 SADC 0.0.6 hatched during 1987.
1988 LINI 0.0.6 hatched during 1988.
1989 SADC 0.0.39 hatched during 1989.
1989 TIEG 0.0.8 hatched 4 April 89. During 1988 and 1989, the
Bearded Dragons produced several clutches of eggs which were
removed and placed in an incubator, but they did not hatch.
In the end of April 89, and on 1 May 89, eight
newly hatched little dragons were found one by one in the
terrarium and, of course, were separated to grow up under
controlled conditions. Neither unhatched eggs nor egg shells
could be found in the terrarium. The eight young dragons
survived and now live in the large terrarium together
with the adults.
1990 TIEG 0.0.9 hatched during 1990.
1992 TIEG 0.0.12 hatched during 1992. 0.0.12 also hatched in 1991.
1995 TARA 0.0.1 hatched during 1995.
Pogona microlepidoia
Drysdale River Bearded Dragon
1996 DICM 0.0.9 hatched during 1996.
Pogona minor
Dwarf ("rankin's") Bearded Dragon
1987 PPCD 0.0.39 hatched during 1987. 5 July 7 & 8th, 4 Aug 20th, 6
Sept 15th, 5 Oct 11th, and 6 Oct 13th.
1989 PPNH bred during 1989.
1990 WOOW 0.0.7 hatched during 1990. Female hatched in Jan 90 and
laid a clutch of 17 eggs in Jun 90. Though fertility was high,
all the eggs but one died just before hatching. One hatched Aug.
1991 WOOW 0.0.4 hatched during 1991.
1992 PPMRb 0.0.36 hatched during 1992.
1992 WOOW 0.0.6 hatched during 1992.
1993 PPMRb 0.0.44 hatched during 1993.
1994 WOOW 0.0.7 hatched during 1994.
1995 PERA 0.1.0 hatched during 1995.
1995 ROYA 0.0.8 hatched during 1995.
1995 ROYN 0.0.6 hatched during 1995.
1996 WOOW 0.0.1 hatched during 1996.
1997 ROYN 0.0.1 hatched during 1997.
Pogona vitticeps
Inland Bearded Dragon
1985 PPMK 0.0.15 hatched during 1985. Jan 1/85 18 eggs laid. 15
hatched March 20-27.
1985 ROYA 0.0.31 hatched. 82 eggs laid by 3 females (2 double
clutches). All incubated in vermiculite at 28-31 degrees C. and
hatched after 72-79 days. Young raised on live crickets dusted
with calcium carbonate and multivitanin powder.
1986 JIHC 0.0.9 hatched during 1986.
1986 MELA 0.0.14 young hatched after 76-78 days incubation at 26-28
degrees C. in vermiculite. Total clutch was 14 eggs. Young
are second generation Melbourne Zoo stock and female is
maintained in outside enclosure.
1988 DALT 0.0.33 hatched during 1987.
1988 DETM 0.0.7 hatched during 1988. 12 eggs laid May 10th, 0.0.7
hatched July 12-15,1988.
1988 ROEC 0.0.11 hatched April 29 - May 2,1987, from 21 eggs laid
Feb 19th. 18 were fertile, 11 hatched.
1988 ROYS 0.0.90 hatched during 1988.
1988 WOOW 0.0.31 hatched during 1988.
1989 AUDL 0.0.4 hatched during 1989.
1989 DALT 0.0.20 hatched during 1989.
1989 MELA 0.0.7 hatched during 1989.
1989 OKLO 0.0.1 hatched during 1989.
1989 WILG 0.0.2 hatched during 1989.
1989 ZOOE 0.0.21 hatched during 1989.
1990 DALT 0.0.15 hatched during 1990.
1990 MELA 0.0.5 hatched during 1990.
1990 OKLO 0.0.2 hatched during 1990.
1990 RION 0.0.7 hatched during 1990.
1990 ROYS 0.0.28 hatched during 1990.
1990 SADC 0.0.2 hatched during 1990.
1990 TOLO 0.0.28 hatched during 1990.
1991 COLO 0.0.17 hatched during 1991.
1991 MELA 0.0.16 hatched during 1991.
1991 ROYS 0.0.6 hatched during 1991.
1991 SADC 0.0.16 hatched during 1991.
1992 COLO 0.0.20 hatched during 1992.
1992 INDI 0.0.38 hatched during 1992. Both the male and female were
hibernated at 65 degrees F. from 1 Feb - 22 Mar. The pair
was put together one week after hibernation. On 25 Apr a clutch
of 18 eggs was laid. They were incubated at 85 degrees F.
with a high humidity on a 1:1 vermiculite and water substrate.
On 17 May a clutch of 20 eggs was laid. They were incubated
at 88 degrees F. with the same conditions as above. All eggs
in both clutches hatched after 60 - 68 days. The same female
laid a third clutch of 18 infertile eggs 17 Jun and she
passed 8 infertile eggs 9 Aug, 1 infertile egg 10 Aug, 2
infertile eggs 29 Aug, and 7 infertile eggs 30 Aug 92.
1992 PPBL 0.0.6 hatched during 1992.
1992 SADC 0.0.74 hatched during 1992.
1993 BALM 0.0.2 hatched 3 - 4 Dec 1993.
1993 COLO 0.5.60 hatched during 1993.
1993 INDI 0.0.39 hatched during 1993. An adult pair were hibernated
at 65 degrees F. from 5 Jan - 1 March 93. On 10 April a clutch
of 21 eggs was laid, 16 fertile, 1 contained a full term dead
embryo and 4 were infertile. Another clutch of 22 was laid
4 May, 21 fertile and 1 infertile. This female laid a third
clutch of 19 on 27 May, 2 fertile and 17 infertile, and a
fourth clutch of 19 on 23 June of which all were infertile.
The egg condition deteriorated with each clutch. All of the
eggs were incubated at 85 degrees F. with high humidity on
vermiculite (with water 1:1 by weight). Hatching occurred
55 - 68 days incubation.
1993 PPBL 0.0.5 hatched during 1993.
1993 PPRRc 0.0.55 hatched during 1993. First female laid 18 eggs
May 1. Incubated 83 degrees F. and 6 hatched July 14 - 25.
2nd clutch of 14 eggs laid 25 May. Incubated 79 - 81 degrees
F. and all 14 hatched 12 - 23 Aug. Third clutch of 18 eggs
laid 29 June. Incubated 79 - 81 degrees F. All 18 hatched
9 - 20 Sept. Second female laid 14 eggs 30 April. Incubated
80 - 84 degrees F. 11 hatched 22 - 25 July. Second clutch
of 10 eggs laid 27 May. Incubated 80 - 82 degrees F. 6
hatched 15 - 19 Aug 1993. Reduced moisture levels after
the first clutch for incubation and had much better results.
The first female was cooled slightly during Nov - Feb with
daytime temps at 70 - 105 degrees F. (hot spot) and night
temps at 60 - 65 degrees F. The photoperiod was also
reduced from a 12/12 to an 10/14 cycle. Eggs were incubated
in vermiculite/peat mixture at a 2:1 ratio with the substrate
just slightly moist and misted only twice during incubation.
The second female was young at time of laying. The babies were
noticeably smaller than those of the first female who was much
larger, 19". Used the same cooling period, photoperiod,
and incubation methods as above. The babies despite their
small size, proved to be very hardy and grew very quickly.
1993 ROYS 0.0.13 hatched during 1993.
1993 SADC 3.0.53 hatched during 1993.
1994 HOGU 0.0.14 hatched during 1994.
1994 PPBL 0.0.4 hatched during 1994.
1994 PPPTa 0.0.48 hatched during 1994. 1st clutch of 18 eggs was laid
on 28 Feb. 2nd clutch of 27 eggs was laid 17 Mar. 3rd clutch
of 28 eggs was laid 4 June. 4th clutch of 22 eggs was laid
on 27 Apr 1994.
1994 RIVS 0.0.27 hatched during 1994.
1994 SADC 0.0.67 hatched during 1994.
1995 AUSAa 5.5 hatched from a single clutch of eggs during 1995.
1995 BALM 0.0.41 hatched during 1995. Seven hatched 1 - 4 Feb 2
hatched 2 - 4 Mar, 5 hatched 21 - 23 May, 11 hatched 28 - 30 Jun,
4 hatched 11 - 15 Sep, 12 hatched 7 - 9 Dec 1995.
1995 COLO 0.0.15 hatched during 1995.
1995 HONH 0.0.21 hatched during 1995.
1995 PHIP 0.1.72 hatched during 1995.
1995 PPBL 0.0.90 hatched during 1995.
1995 PPPTa 0.0.40 hatched during 1995. Female 1a laid clutch 1 on
13 Feb. Eleven proved to be fertile and hatched 15 - 26 Apr.
2nd clutch of 21 eggs laid 14 Mar. Eighteen hatched out on
16 - 30 May. 3rd clutch of 3 eggs laid 3 Apr. All hatched 31
May 1995. Female 2b laid her first clutch of 17 eggs 7 Aug.
Eight hatched 2 - 12 Oct. 2nd clutch of 17 eggs was laid
30 Aug 1995. All were infertile.
1995 STLM 0.0.23 hatched during 1995.
1996 BALM 0.0.9 hatched 28 Feb 1996.
1996 DICM 0.0.9 hatched during 1996.
1996 PHIP 0.0.4 hatched during 1996.
1996 PPBL 0.0.144 hatched during 1996.
1996 PPPTa 0.0.93 hatched during 1996. Clutches were laid on 29 Jan,
13 Feb, 19 Feb, 23 Feb, 12 Mar, 29 Mar, 13 Apr, and 16 May 1996.
1996 RIVS 0.0.4 hatched during 1996.
1996 STLM 2.2.26 hatched during 1996.
1997 BALM 0.0.40 hatched during 1997. 0.0.14 hatched 19 Mar, 0.0.16
hatched 22 Apr, 0.0.3 hatched 30 Jun, 0.0.17 hatched 5 Aug,
and 0.0.18 hatched 3 Sep, 1997.
1997 METO 0.0.7 hatched during 1997.
1997 PHIP 0.0.46 hatched during 1997.
1997 PPBL 0.0.452 hatched during 1997.
1997 PPHC 0.0.143 hatched during 1997 from 3 females.
1997 ROGR 0.0.13 hatched from 1 Feb to 5 Feb 1997.
1997 SADC 1.4.168 hatched during 1997.
1997 STLM 0.0.1 hatched during 1997.
Stellio stellio
Rough-tailed Agama
1993 PPBL 0.0.33 hatched during 1993. Also 3 Stellio caucasia X S.
stoliseana hatched.
1994 PPBL 0.0.50 +- hatched during 1994.
Uromastyx acanthinurus
Dabb Spiny-tailed Lizard
1986 OKLO 0.0.8 hatched during 1986.
1987 OKLO 0.0.2 hatched during 1987.
1989 OKLO 0.0.17 hatched during 1989.
1990 FORT 0.0.8 hatched 13 - 17 Aug 1990.
1990 OKLO 0.0.14 hatched during 1990.
1990 ROYN 0.0.4 hatched during 1990.
1991 ROYN 0.0.20 hatched during 1991.
1992 ROYN 0.0.28 hatched during 1992.
1993 FRAG 0.0.6 hatched during 1993. 3 did not survive 30 days.
1993 ROYN 0.0.17 hatched during 1993.
1994 ROYN 0.0.4 hatched during 1994.
1995 ROYN 0.0.19 hatched during 1995.
1997 FORT 0.0.6 hatched during 1997.
Uromastyx aegypticus
Egyptian Spiny-tailed Lizard
1988 OKLO 0.0.1 hatched during 1988.
1990 OKLO 0.0.11 hatched during 1990.
1991 INDI 0.0.11 hatched during 1991. Copulation 16, 17, & 19
June. Eggs were naturally incubated in the sandy substrate
of a mixed species exhibit. The exhibit maintained a daytime
temperature of 85 degrees F. and a nightime temperature of
68 degrees F. The humidity remained around 40 %. Hatching
19 - 29 Sept.
1993 INDI 0.0.0 hatched during 1993. On 20 May 93 a clutch of 24
eggs was laid. The nest tunnel was 7 feet long. The nest chamber
was 17 inches deep and the temperature ranged from 91 to 99
degrees F. All the eggs were set up on a substrate of almost
dry sand, but 12 were incubated at 92 degrees F, and 12 were
incubated at 85 degrees F. All eggs were infertile and went
bad within eight days.
1994 ROYS 0.0.8 hatched during 1994.
Uromastyx benti
Spiny-tailed Lizard
1997 SADC 0.0.1 hatched during 1997.
Uromastyx ornatus
1997 PPDDa 0.0.10 hatched during 1997. Bred 21 Mar, 18 eggs laid 2
May, 8 hatched 19 Jul. Bred 25 Mar, 14 eggs laid 26 May, 2
hatched 16 Jul 1997. Incubated 88 degrees F.
1997 PPRU 0.0.10 hatched during 1997.
Anguis fragilis
Slow Worm
1987 RIGR bred during 1987.
1988 CANE 0.0.28 hatched during 1988.
1989 CANE 0.0.14 born during 1989.
1993 FUNP 0.0.14 born during 1993.
Diploglossus costatus
Common Galliwasp
1981 FORT 0.0.2 born 19 Jul 1981.
Diploglossus lessonae
Brazilian Galliwasp
1997 PPJSk 0.0.4 born during 1997.
Diploglossus warreni
Haitian Giant Galliwasp
1979 KNOT 0.0.35 born during 1979, 0.0.13 did not survive.
1979 METF 0.0.2 born during 1979.
1980 KNOT 0.0.64 born during 1980. 14 born 19 Jun, 10 did not
not survive. 14 born 19 Jun, 13 did not survive. 6 born 20
Jun, 0 survived. 2 born 21 Jun, did not survive. 24 born 5 Nov,
all survived. 4 born 3 Dec, all survived.
1981 KNOT bred during 1981.
1985 KNOT 0.0.38 in 1985.
1986 KNOT 0.0.35 born during 1986.
1986 PPHC 0.0.2 born during 1986. Aug 4-7th, 29 young born, only 7
were alive and only 2 of those survived.
1987 KNOT 0.0.25 born during 1987.
1987 PPHC 0.0.2 (1 did not survive, 13 slugs), July 22nd.
1988 MILW 0.0.5 born during 1988.
1988 PPHC 0.0.2 born during 1988. 8 live, 14 stillborn on July
17-24,1988. 6 did not survive.
Elgaria sp.
Western Alligator Lizard
1989 PPBTa bred during 1989. egg in May, hatched in July.
Elgaria coerulea
Elgaria coerulea ssp.
Northern Alligator Lizard
1990 PPBL 0.0.26 born during 1990.
1992 PPBL 0.0.0 born during 1992, but 10 were born in 1991, and
26 during 1990.
Elgaria coerulea principis
Northern Alligator Lizard
1990 VANB bred during 1990.
Elgaria multicarinata
Elgaria multicarinata ssp.
Southern Alligator Lizard
1987 PPBTa 0.0.10 hatched during 1987. 10 eggs laid during March, all
hatched during June.
1988 PPJZ 0.0.5 hatched from 6 eggs laid.
1992 PPBL 0.0.0 hatched during 1992, but 9 did hatch in 1991.
Elgaria multicarinata multicarinata
California Alligator Lizard
1981 DALT 0.0.1 hatched during 1981.
Elgaria multicarinata webbi
San Diego Alligator Lizard
1977 SADC 0.0.8 hatched during 1977.
1980 ROEC 0.0.9 hatched during 1980. Copulation 3 Mar, 12 eggs laid
18 Apr, 9 hatched after 45 - 47 days incubation.
Elgaria multicarinata scincicauda
Oregon Alligator Lizard
1979 PPWJ 0.0.11 hatched during 1979 from 11 eggs laid.
Gerrhonotus monticolus
Mountain Alligator Lizard
1993 NATM 0.0.2 born during 1993.
Mesaspis monticola
Mountain Alligator Lizard
1994 NATM 0.0.1 born during 1994.
1995 NATM 0.0.1 born during 1995.
Ophisaurus apodus
1988 ROBE 0.0.1 hatched during 1988.
1989 TELI bred during 1989.
1990 SEDK 0.0.1 hatched during 1990.
1993 BUFN 0.0.7 hatched during 1993, 0.0.5 did not survive.
1994 BUFN 0.0.8 hatched during 1994.
1994 TARA 0.0.3 hatched during 1994.
1995 BUFN 0.0.6 hatched during 1995. 2 hatched 4 Aug, 2 hatched
5 Aug, and 2 hatched 8 Aug.
1996 BUFN 0.0.5 hatched during 1996.
1997 SEDK 0.0.1 hatched 11 Aug 1997.
Ophisaurus attenuatus
Ophisaurus attenuatus attenuatus
Western Slender Glass Lizard
1981 PPAA 0.0.8 hatched after 35 days from 9 eggs laid by a wild
caught gravid female. Eggs incubated at 85 degrees F.
Ophisaurus ventralis
Eastern Glass Lizard
1979 PPRJ 0.0.4 hatched 4 Aug from 4 eggs laid 7 -15 Jul 1979 from
a wild caught gravid female.
1980 LINI 0.0.12 hatched during 1980.
Bradypodion damaranum
Knysna Dwarf Chameleon
1990 OKLO 0.0.16 hatched during 1990.
1995 PPBL 0.0.17 hatched during 1995.
Bradypodion dracomontanum
Drakensberg Dwarf Chameleon
1995 PPBL 0.0.8 hatched during 1995.
Bradypodion pumilum
1995 PPBL 0.0.29 hatched during 1995.
1996 PPBL 0.0.20 hatched during 1996.
Bradypodion thamnobates
1992 PPBL 0.0.106 hatched during 1992.
1993 PPBL 0.0.248 hatched during 1993.
1994 PPBL 0.0.185 hatched during 1994.
1995 PPBL 0.0.23 hatched during 1995.
Chamaeleo sp.
1981 ATLG 0.0.4 born/hatched during 1981.
1994 TENT 0.0.1 born during 1994.
1996 ROYNa 0.0.3 hatched during 1996.
Chamaeleo calyptratrus
Veiled Chameleon
1991 SADC 0.0.29 hatched during 1991.
1992 PPBL 0.0.28 hatched during 1992.
1993 BUFN 0.0.15 hatched during 1993.
1993 PPKA 3.6.0 hatched during 1993.
1993 RIVS 11.10.10 hatched during 1993.
1994 INDI 0.0.20 hatched during 1994. 7 March 94 45 eggs were laid.
44 were fertile and 20 hatched after 152 -185 days at 85 degrees
F. in damp vermiculite.
1994 LINI 7.6.1 hatched during 1994.
1994 PPBL 0.0.22 hatched during 1994.
1994 TULO 0.0.40 hatched during 1994.
1995 LOWF 0.0.2 hatched 27 May 1995, did not survive.
1995 PPBL 0.0.23 hatched during 1995.
1995 PPTGa 0.0.71 hatched during 1995.
1995 RIVS 27.47 hatched during 1995.
1995 TULO 0.0.69 hatched during 1995.
1995 WILG 0.0.2 hatched during 1995.
1996 PPBL 0.0.38 hatched during 1996.
1996 PPDDa 0.0.222 hatched during 1996.
1996 PPSSc 0.0.97 hatched during 1996. (2 clutches, different
1996 TULO 0.0.9 hatched during 1996.
1996 WILG 0.0.14 hatched during 1996.
1997 DENC 0.0.63 hatched during 1997.
1997 PPBL 0.0.108 hatched during 1997.
1997 PPDDa 0.0.77 hatched during 1997. 15 on 26 Jan, 19 on 26 May,
30 on 7 Jul, 11 in Jul, and 2 in Nov 1997. Incubation 82
degrees F.
1997 SEDK 0.0.4 hatched during 1997.
1997 WILG 0.0.14 hatched during 1997.
Chamaeleo chamaeleon
Chamaeleo chamaeleon ssp.
1993 DREF 0.0.2 hatched during 1993.
Chamaeleo dilepis
Flap-necked Chameleon
1987 OKLO 0.0.22 hatched during 1987.
1987 TWYE 0.0.1 hatched during 1987.
1988 TRAS 0.0.2 hatched during 1988. Wild bred female.
1989 OKLO 0.0.7 hatched during 1989.
1990 ZOOE 0.0.4 bred during 1990.
Chamaeleo jacksoni
Chamaeleo jacksoni ssp.
Jackson's Chameleon
1980 HONH 0.0.7 born during 1980.
1980 PPTL Five females mated from 4 Apr to 20 Jun 1979. Babies born
10 Dec - 28 Jan 1980. Average clutch 24.
1980 ROEC Wild breeding. ? young born 10 Jan, 14 grew to adult size
in twelve months.
1981 SADC 0.0.21 born during 1981.
1985 PPCD 10.11.0 born during 1985.
1986 PPCD 0.0.19 born May 15, 1986. All are kept outdoors in a 4' L x
5' H x 2' W screen cage. Juveniles kept in 3' sq cages. Temp.
range 40 - 80 degrees F. Cannot tolerate high heat. One
female has had three litters so far. 1st - 21, 2nd - 19, 3rd -
39. Food: snails, crickets, waxworms, mealworms, all misc
wild caught. Vitamins for all lizards 1/2 superpreem, 1/2
calcium carbonate or lactate.
1987 OKLO 0.0.30 born during 1987.
1987 PPCD 0.0.102 born during 1987. 39 Feb 1st, 19 April 26th, 25
Dec 25th & 19 Feb 27, 1988. One female acquired Jan 26/85
as a gravid adult at least 2 years old when purchased.
Has had 4 batches (21, 19, 39, & 25) totaling 105. I have had
4 generations of C. jacksoni.
1988 OKLO 13.10.62 born during 1988.
1989 OKLO 8.5.56 born during 1989.
1990 OKLO 0.0.17 born during 1990. 10 did not survive.
1991 MELA 0.0.10 born during 1991.
1992 SEDK 0.0.18 born during 1992.
1993 SADC 0.0.6 born during 1993.
1993 SEDK 2.3.12 born during 1993.
1994 PPRW 0.0.27 born during 1994.
1994 SEDK 1.0.28 born during 1994. (25 DNS).
1995 ROYA 0.3.51 born during 1995.
1995 TARA 4.4.8 born during 1995.
Chamaeleo lateralis
1985 PPMK May 3 - 20/85, 25 eggs laid. 12.5 - 15 x 9 mm. None
1989 BURN 4.4.0 hatched during 1989 from 8 eggs laid by a wild caught
female. Incubation of 191 - 197 days at 29 degrees C. with 64
day cool period (17-27 degrees C) from day 55 to 119.
1996 PPSSc 0.0.25 hatched during 1996. (3 clutches, 3 different
Chamaeleo montium
Cameroon Mountain Chameleon
1987 ABIT 0.0.11 born/hatched ? during 1097.
1987 FORT 0.0.6 hatched Aug 19 - Oct 29th.
1987 PPCD 0.0.11 hatched Dec 17, 1987.
1988 DALT 0.0.11 hatched during 1988.
1988 SADC 0.0.5 hatched during 1988.
1991 NEWN 0.0.18 hatched during 1991.
1992 OKLO 1.1.4 hatched during 1992.
1997 DETM 0.0.4 hatched during 1997.
1997 PPDDa 0.0.59 hatched during 1997. 7 on 22 Feb, 5 on 13 Apr, 7 on
13 Apr, 4 on 18 May, 9 on ? May, 2 on 6 Jul, 5 on 16 Aug, 7 on
31 Aug, 4 on 9 Sep, and 9 on 19 Sep 1997. Incubation 71 degrees F
Chamaeleo oustaleti
1989 OKLO 0.0.4 hatched during 1989.
1990 OKLO 0.0.4 hatched during 1990. Did not survive.
1991 OKLO 0.0.1 hatched during 1991.
1992 OKLO 0.0.5 hatched during 1992.
1994 OKLO 0.0.1 hatched during 1994.
1995 OKLO 0.0.9 hatched during 1995.
1996 SADC 0.0.10 hatched during 1996.
1997 SADC 0.2.28 hatched during 1997.
Chamaeleo pardalis
Reunion Island Chameleon
1985 PPMK June 3/85 20 eggs laid. 13 x 9 mm. None hatched.
1989 PPGFa bred during 1989. Original adult female has laid 8 clutches
of fertile eggs and one infertile clutch. Thirty hatchlings
have been produced from first two clutches. One fertile
clutch failed to hatch. Five clutches are incubating
still. Four females retained from first clutch hatchlings
have matured and each have produced one fertile clutch.
Three of four juveniles have matured and
reproduced. One female died egg-bound but contained a
clutch of fertile eggs. Over 200 eggs are currently
incubating. While eggs have failed to hatch, only one
of 38 juvenile, subadult, or adult animals has died
in captivity here.
1990 TULO 0.0.15 hatched during 1990.
1991 ROEC 0.0.21 hatched during 1991.
1991 TULO 0.0.2 hatched during 1991.
1992 FORT 0.0.3 hatched during 1992.
1992 PPBL 0.0.25 hatched during 1992.
1993 BIRA 0.0.5 hatched during 1993.
1993 FORT 0.0.18 hatched 1 Jan - 6 Feb 93.
1993 PPBL 0.0.163 hatched during 1993.
1994 CLEO 0.0.4 hatched during 1994.
1994 PPBL 0.0.47 hatched during 1994.
1995 PPBL 0.0.21 hatched during 1995.
1995 PPMK 0.0.8 hatched during 1995.
1996 FRAM 1.2.0 hatched during 1996.
1996 PPBL 0.0.3 hatched during 1996.
1996 PPSSc 0.0.21 hatched during 1996. Nosy Be (1 clutch).
1997 DALT 0.0.12 hatched during 1997.
1997 SADC 3.2.11 hatched during 1997.
Chamaeleo pfefferi
Pfeffer's Chameleon
1997 PPDDa 0.0.11 hatched during 1997. 6 found in tank in July, 5
on 14 Sep 1997. None survived past day 14.
Chamaeleo quadricornis
Four-horned Chameleon
1995 PPNHa 0.0.7 hatched during 1995 from 13 eggs laid by a wild
caught female.
1996 PPDDa 0.0.19 hatched during 1996. 12 hatched in Oct, 6 in Nov
1997 PPDDa 0.0.122 hatched during 1997. 5 on 25 Jan, 8 on 27 Jan,
7 in Feb, 6 on 24 Mar, 13 on 4 May, 10 on 15 May, 11 on 30 May,
8 on 26 Jun, 10 on 12 Aug, 11 on 29 Sep, 24 in Oct 1997.
Chamaeleo wiedersheimi
Mount Lefo Chameleon
1996 PPDDa 0.0.9 hatched 20 Dec 1996.
1997 PPDDa 0.0.24 hatched during 1997. 5 cut out 13 Apr, 6 on 4 Jun,
3 on 17 Sep, 6 found in soil - Oct, 4 on 15 Nov 1997. Incubation
71 degrees F.
Rhampholeon spectrum
Cameroon Stumptail Chameleon
1996 SADC 1.1.2 hatched during 1996.
Chamaesaura macrolepis
Chamaesaura macrolepis ssp.
Large-scaled Grass Lizard
1991 NATS 0.0.3 born during 1991.
Cordylus cataphractus
Armadillo Girdled Lizard
1990 SADC 0.0.3 born during 1990.
1991 DALT 0.0.1 born during 1991.
1992 DALT 0.0.1 hatched during 1992.
1993 PORS 0.0.5 born during 1993.
1993 SADC 0.0.1 born during 1993.
Cordylus jonesi
Jones' Girdled Lizard
1976 TOLO 0.0.3 born during 1976 from a wild bred female.
1977 TOLO 0.0.3 born during 1977 from a wild bred female.
1979 FORT bred during 1979.
1981 SEDK 0.0.1 born during 1981.
1993 LINI 0.0.3 born during 1993.
Cordylus rhodesianus
Zimbabwe Girdled Lizard
1993 LINI 0.0.1 born during 1993.
Cordylus tropidosternum
Cordylus tropidosternum ssp.
1993 ATLG 0.0.7 born during 1993, 0.0.7 did not survive.
1993 AUDL 0.0.3 born during 1993.
1993 CENF 0.0.5 born during 1993. 25 Feb 1 neonate born, weight
1.9 gr. 26 Feb 4 neonates born, weights 1.7, 1.9, 1.6, and
1.4 grams. Did not survive.
1993 RIVS 0.0.3 born during 1993.
1993 SADC 2.0.9 born during 1993.
1994 AUDL 0.0.4 born during 1994.
1994 SADC 0.0.2 born during 1994.
1994 STAF 0.0.1 born during 1994.
1996 ATLG 0.0.1 born 29 Jul 1996.
1996 MEMT 0.0.3 born during 1996.
1997 ATLG 0.0.2 born during 1997.
Cordylus ukingensis
Usumbara Girdled Lizard
1992 ABIT 0.0.4 born during 1992.
Cordylus vandami
Van Dam's Girdle-tailed Lizard
1981 SADC 0.0.2 born.
Cordylus vittifer
Cordylus vittifer ssp.
1994 PPBL 0.0.3 born during 1994.
1995 PPBL 0.0.7 born during 1995.
Cordylus warreni
Cordylus warreni ssp.
1990 PPBL 0.0.2 born during 1990.
Cordylus warreni barbertonensis
Barberton Girdle-tailed Lizard
1992 ABIT 0.0.1 born during 1992.
Cordylus warreni depressus
Spotted Girdle-tailed Lizard
1976 TOLO 0.0.3 born during 1976 from a wild caught female.
1981 STLM 0.0.4 born during 1981.
1989 ROYN 0.0.4 born during 1989.
1990 ROYN 0.0.4 born during 1990.
1990 TOLO 0.0.2 born during 1990.
1993 HOUT 0.0.1 born during 1993.
Gerrhosaurus sp.
1989 GRAC 0.0.2 hatched during 1989. 2 eggs laid 17 Aug, 2
hatched 9-10 Nov 89. Incubated in vermiculite at 28 degrees
C with 70% humidity.
Gerrhosaurus flavigularis
Gerrhosaurus flavigularis ssp.
Yellow-throated Plated Lizard
1995 HONH 0.0.47 hatched during 1995.
Gerrhosaurus major
Gerrhosaurus major ssp.
Round-nosed Plated Lizard
1986 ZOOE 0.0.1 during 1986.
1987 MANS 0.0.3 hatched during 1987. 2.2.0 adults are housed in a
room 4m X 3m with natural photoperiod through fiberglass roof.
Natural photoperiod and temperatures. No copulation observed.
One obviously gravid female was removed and on Dec 20th she laid
3 eggs. (Southern hemisphere). Incubated at 27 degrees C. on damp
vermiculite. All three eggs hatched in 80 - 81 days. Largest
young measured 173mm and weighed 17.6 g. All are currently
thriving on pink mice and vegetable diet.
1988 WELE 0.0.5 hatched during 1988.
1989 REPC 0.0.0 hatched during 1989. 2 hatched in 1987, 1 hatched
in 1988.
1989 RION 0.0.1 hatched during 1989.
1990 LOUK bred during 1990.
1990 RION 0.0.10 hatched during 1990.
1991 LOUK 0.0.11 hatched during 1991.
1991 RION 0.0.8 hatched during 1991.
1992 AUDL 0.0.2 hatched during 1992.
1992 LOUK 0.0.6 hatched during 1992.
1992 RION 0.0.3 hatched during 1992.
1993 AUDL 0.0.2 hatched during 1993.
1993 INDI 0.0.1 hatched during 1993. Two eggs were laid 13 May. They
were incubated on a dry sand substrate at 80 degrees F. with a
low humidity. One hatched after 73 days.
1993 RION 0.0.3 hatched during 1993.
1994 AUDL 0.0.5 hatched during 1994.
1994 RION 0.0.2 born during 1994.
1994 ZOOE 0.0.1 hatched during 1994.
1996 HONH 0.0.2 hatched during 1996.
1996 RION 0.0.3 hatched during 1996.
1997 HONH 0.0.2 hatched 8 - 9 Oct from eggs laid 2 Jul 1997. Eggs
were laid under a rock and were still moist when found in the
early AM. The dam was sitting with the eggs and circled the
eggs twice before running away. The eggs were glued together
and were weighed as one (58.9 gr.) Egg 1 was
55.5 mm. long and 30.3 mm wide. Egg 2 was 48.8 mm long and 32
mm wide. Both were incubated in Perlite at varying high humidity
around 83 degrees F. The eggs separated during incubation. One
egg was found emitting a blackish ooze on 27 Sep. No smell was
detected so the egg remained incubating. This egg hatched after
98 days. The infant was 98.9 gr., 18.8 cm. TL, and 8.3 cm SVL.
The blackish ooze contained in the egg was connected to a piece
of placenta-like tissue, which was attached to a small yolk
separate from the hatched infant. The following day egg #2
hatched (99 days). This infant was 17.8 gr., 17.6 TL, and 8.0
cm. SVL. Both survived.
1997 RION 0.0.3 hatched during 1997. f1.
Gerrhosaurus nigrolineatus
Black Plated Lizard
1979 HONH 0.0.2 hatched 27 - 28 Aug 1979.
Gerrhosaurus validus
Gerrhosaurus validus ssp.
1989 REPC 0.0.3 hatched during 1989. 4 hatched in 1987, 10 hatched
during 1988.
1990 TRAS 0.0.2 hatched during 1990.
1991 NATW 0.0.2 hatched during 1991.
1992 NATW 0.0.3 hatched during 1992.
1993 NATW 0.0.3 hatched during 1993.
Gerrhosaurus validus validus
African Plated Lizard
1986 TRAS 0.0.3 hatched during 1986.
1989 TRAS 0.0.1 hatched during 1989.
Platysaurus sp.
1996 OKLO 0.0.1 hatched during 1996.
Pseudocordylus melanotus
Pseudocordylus melanotus ssp.
Drakensberg Crag Lizard
1993 PPBL 0.0.6 born during 1993.
1995 PPBL 0.0.4 born during 1995.
1996 PPBL 0.0.15 hatched during 1996.
Pseudocordylus melanotus melanotus
Drakensberg Crag Lizard
1988 INDI 0.0.1 born Jan 23,1988.
Pseudocordylus melanotus subviridis
Drakensberg Crag Lizard
1992 PPBL 0.0.6 born during 1992, and 6 during 1991.
1994 PPBL 0.0.11 born during 1994.
1997 PPBL 0.0.12 born during 1997.
Pseudocordylus microlepidotus
Pseudocordylus microlepidotus microlepidotus
Cape Craig Lizard
1993 PORS 0.0.2 born during 1993.
Zonosaurus ornatus
Ornated Plated Lizard
1997 PHIP 0.0.8 hatched during 1997, did not survive.
Zonosaurus quadrilineatus
1994 PPJGc 0.0.1 hatched 11 Oct from 2 eggs laid 4 May 1994.
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Copyright © 1996, 1997, 1998,1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003 Frank Slavens