#211 - Monkey, Cameroon.

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#211 - Monkey, Cameroon.

$ 95.00

Price includes shipping see TERMS


This piece measures 10" x 5-1/4" x 6" and weighs about 2 pounds without packaging.

#211 - Monkey, Cameroon. #211 - Monkey, Cameroon. #211 - Monkey, Cameroon. #211 - Monkey, Cameroon.

#211 - Monkey, Cameroon.

#211 - Monkey, Cameroon. #211 - Monkey, Cameroon. #211 - Monkey, Cameroon. #211 - Monkey, Cameroon.

#211 - #211 - Monkey, Cameroon.

click on photo for more detail.

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Frank & Kate Slavens
P.O. Box 645
Lyle, WA 98635

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Copyright © 2001, 2002 Frank L. Slavens
This page was last updated on Monday, June 8, 109.